Armageddon V 2/2 (Hell)

"Your physical strength is able to push me this far! The fat one wasn't even able to do that… fine than I'll use some more of my physical strength as well" Leviathan said as his muscles grew a bit bigger.

When his muscles grew it seemed like they were going to rip from his skin, to grow more limbs but they remained attached as he darted towards Jean.

His speed clearly increase as it seemed like he disappeared, the only traces he left was when he kicked up dust as he ran towards Jean. In less than a half a millisecond Jean instinctively lifted his arms to protect his chest but Leviathan's punch broke through his arms and crushed all the bones in his chest.

As he went for another attack, Jean regenerated his arms and chest as fast as he can so he can dodge the attack although as soon as he did, there wasn't enough time for him to move, he quickly raised his sword to block Leviathan's hammer, the force of the impact immediately turned every bone in both of Jean's arms to dust but the pieces of the three sacred treasures that were injected into Jean formed into a string inside of his body and acted as substitutes for his destroyed bones as his own bones quickly regenerated and added on to his own strength. Although it wasn't enough and Leviathan was still pushing Jean's body into the ground, he decided to use his tentacles to help push Leviathan off of him.

"Your mana is original dark mana as well, your body is so perfect, it isn't fair" Leviathan said as he felt his body slowly lifting up.

Leviathan fixed his footing and lifted his hammer. As soon as he lifted his hammer far enough, Jean rolled back onto his arms and pushed himself up and away from Leviathan.

"Original… dark mana?…." Jean asked while tryna catch his breath.

"Original mana is something only gods have, I'm guessing you've only gained from the three Demon lords you ate" Leviathan explained.

"I'm surprised you actually told me this" Jean said.

"I mean why wouldn't I, since your gonna be my soldier it's only given that I told you the obvious" Leviathan said as he rushed Jean.

"Who the hell said I was gonna be your soldier?" Jean said.

As soon as Leviathan's hammer was falling on Jean, he jumped back but Leviathan stopped his attack and pushed himself towards Jean. He picked Jean up by his neck and held him there. Jean put both of his feet on his chest and started pushing as he tried to pry Leviathan's hand open, but Leviathan's other hand grabbed Jean's left arm. Jean's arm wouldn't budge so Leviathan broke his wrist and fingers.

Leviathan started pulling his left arm and as soon as Jean heard his muscles ripping apart, he lifted his sword and quickly slit Leviathan's throat, as his blood poured on Jean, he ripped his arm completely off of his shoulder and threw him to the ground. Leviathan's throat quickly healed and he went to slam his hammer on him although Jean tried to roll back onto his arm, Leviathan noticed stopped his hammer so he could kick Jean in his face as soon as he lifted his head. The kick sent him flying but Leviathan kept up with him as he jumped towards him and landed on his upper body. Leaving a large hole in his chest. He saw Jean's arm regenerating and slammed his hammer on his arm before jumping away.

Leviathan thought he finally killed him but Jean jumped up and away from him and started catching his breath.

"I want you as my soldier, your strength, body, hair, and face. Everything is perfect. You even beat two demon lords all at once by yourself, I'm not even able to do that. I want your strength. You're wasting it. It isn't fair that you have that strength and I don't, it isn't fair that you have that body and I don't, it isn't fair that You have that face and I don't, it isn't fair that you have that hair and I don't. It's all so perfect, it isn't fair" The Demon said.

"Leviathan… this is weird.. I'm supposed to feel envious of you. That's what normally happen when I use this step but for some reason your the only person I don't feel envy for. There is nothing for me to envy" Jean said as he looked at his arm.

Jean was covered in blood, his left arm was ripped off, and there was a large hole in his chest. Leviathan was surprise that he was able to take this much damage and still be alive and what surprised him even more was that Jean was still able to heal his body.

"It isn't fair…" Leviathan said one more time.

"Are you fucking stupid?" Ezreal asked.

"What are you talking about?" Jean asked as he jumped back.

"You could blitz through this fucker if you just think…all you need is to feel envy right, look around at the demons, remember what they referred to him as?" Ezreal asked in a relaxed tone.

"…No I don't remember" Jean said.

"Papa, can we go at him now?" Demon4 said.

"Dad, can we?" Demon5 said.

When he did hear what the demon called him, he was surprised and he felt a weird anger swell inside of him. All of the demons gathered around Leviathan calling him the same thing "daddy" or "dad" or "papa". Jean's throat felt tight as he saw Leviathan's face brighten up while the demons gathered around. Jean couldn't imagine himself with spending time with his own kids, he could only wish for it.

"Don't tell me you think it's fair that he gets to have all of these kids and you can't even have one. Do you think it's fair that an actual devil can experience the bliss you can't even dream of experiencing-" Before Ezreal could finish Jean spoke up.

"That's enough" Jean said as he gripped his sword while his face had a pissed/disgusted tone to it.

As if Jean was about to attack he held his sword up to his side and got his foot into a stance that'll allow him to push himself as as hard/fast as he can. He lowered his weight/body onto his left leg while he gripped the sword as hard as he could. Jean's jealousy turned into anger, in his head all he could think was "it isn't fair" repeatedly. He was still in control of his anger so he wasn't able to pathetically lash out but veins began pop up and his face seemed like it was turning beet red as he was gritting his teeth.

Leviathan wasn't paying any attention to him, thinking he was weak but all of those thoughts quickly disappeared when he blinked and Jean wasn't there anymore. Suddenly all of the demons in front were tossed into the sky and Jean was standing in front of him with his two handed sword so close to his face Leviathan could feel his breath bouncing from the sword to his face, without anytime to block Jean's attack Leviathan bent his knees, pulled his body back until half of his hair laid perfectly on the floor, and in a quick succession, he shifted the balance of his body to the right and tried to land a kick on Jean's jaw with his left leg but Jean changed the trajectory of his sword to cut Leviathan's left leg. As Jean was about to cut his leg off. The sound of something tearing appeared although he ignored the sound but immediately after he looked up and stopped moving his arms altogether before jumping back. Leviathan wondered why before he saw someone fly past him. When he stood straight up he realized who it was.

Demon1 tried to land a kick on Jean's chest to prevent him from cutting Leviathan's leg off but she underestimated Jean by attacking him and the result was her leg being caught by Jean.

"Hey Leviathan…" Jean said as he lift Demon1 up.

"I told you not to interfere and put him down" Leviathan said as he picked up his hammer before two other demons rushed Jean.

"How would you fee if you lost your kid? Let's find out!" Jean said as Demon2&3 were right in front of him.

Jean slammed Demon1 on the floor at the same time as his hand touched the floor he shifted his weight to his arm, held himself up, and kicked both of the demons directly into the ground. Demon1's head was splattered all over the floor as her head made impact with the ground, while Demon2&3's head were smashed in half as Jean kicked them. Jean made sure the black liquid covered them quickly after.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT!! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU-" Leviathan stopped and just rushed him.

Jean kicked the demon's body out of his way, and in a blink of his eye Leviathan was in front of him pulling his hammer towards the side of his head. As his hammer was just an inch away from Jean's head, he disappeared and reappeared at Leviathan's side, and landed a kick that broke half of his ribs and sent him flying. He immediately tried to attack him again but Leviathan quickly rolled on to his arms and waited until Jean was swinging down on him so he could push himself into the sky.

Jean's blade dug into the ground as Leviathan was jumping back. Just before he landed, two more demons rushed Jean. Since he knew he didn't need to use his sword, he waited for them to throw their attack, and when they did Jean let go of his sword as one of them threw a punch and the other attack with a kick, knocked them both to the ground before he grabbed his sword and sliced both of their heads off.

"SON OF A BITCH!" Leviathan said as his arms appeared to be ripping apart.

Jean changed his sword back to the katana version as he heard the sound of something tearing in the direction Leviathan was and when Jean looked towards his direction and saw Leviathan's arms falling to pieces as deep red tentacles were revealed, tentacles were unwrapped from the human looking skin on his arms, his body and face turned deep red and a slimy, soft, and tender skin was shown. His chin grew a couple small tentacles, his nose disappeared, and his hair was gone.

"Look, look, daddy showed the thing his real form" Demon6 said.

"This is how you look? I can't believe I was jealous-… I can't believe I'm still jealous of you" Jean said.

"I will take you whole and wear your perfect skin for eternity, now that you ruined my old body I have no choice but to take yours" Leviathan said.

"Is that right? Well BRING IT ON YOU UGLY BITCH!!" Jean said with smirk on his face.