Armageddon VI

"Oooh! I can't wait to have your body" Leviathan said as his tentacles flew towards Jean.

"Fucking freak" Jean said as ran towards Leviathan.

As the tentacles were speeding towards him, he was running at them aswell, and as soon as they were close enough he jumped in between the center of them. He twisted his whole body and at the same time, he cut all of the tentacles that surrounded him in half, and tried proceeding towards Leviathan even though his tentacles healed. He made a U-turn to try and attack Jean but he used his own shadow tentacles to protect him.

As he got closer and closer to Leviathan, the space between tentacles began to shrink. Jean placed his foot in a space in between the tentacles on the flat steady ground so he could push himself further and faster to Leviathan. As the space was getting tight, he laid still in the air, dodging all of Leviathan's tentacles while his own shadow tentacles were busy distracting him.

Leviathan was using one arm to control his tentacles. Because of this, it became clear to him that the tighter the space, the closer he is to his opponent. When the space in front of him was too tight, he spun around and smoothly sliced all of the tentacles in half. Jean stopped himself from getting any closer while changing his weapon into the two handed version, surprising Leviathan. He tried to quickly heal his arms, although Jean already began to attack, Leviathan arms weren't healing fast enough as the space between his neck and Jean's blade grew closer by less than a millisecond. Until demon4 kicked Jean's side making his attack slower and weak enough to not fully cut through Leviathan's neck.

When he was kicked, the grip on his weapon loosened and demon4 raised her leg and tried to attack Jean again but his shadow tentacles rose from the ground and pierced her chest and head, it disconnected itself from his shadow, than it turned into the black liquid as it wrapped around her body. While Jean was distracted, Leviathan's tentacles flew towards him but Jean's own tentacles acted as spears and formed a wall which pierced his tentacles, while also holding them in place.

"This shit has been dragging on for too long… honestly" Jean said as he jumped over the tentacles and rushed Leviathan.

More tentacles sprouted from his back as he tried to attack Jean but he missed over and over again as Jean kept dodging while running on his tentacles. Although he kept growing tentacles through his suction cups, Jean was still able to dodge all of his attacks. The demons noticed he was struggling against Jean, so they ignored his recent order and rushed into help him.

Jean noticed them moving forward so he sped up. He put all of his power into his next step. Leviathan felt like he knew what was about to happen as Jean changed his weapon into it Katana version with the strongest grip he could muster, his veins began to pop up on the surface of his skin, and he took a deep breathe in… and exhaled. Although he was still quite far from him, it felt like as if Jean was right beside him, and his breathe sent chills down his spine. It felt as if everything froze for him as Jean pushed himself forward, his body immediately became blur.

*gasp* "ATTACK!" Leviathan ordered as he came to realization with that gasp.

The demons were only 15 feet away but unfortunately for them they were too late as Jean was already behind Leviathan. His veins then disappeared and his body was relaxed. It seem like he was done with Leviathan as he stared at the demons. They all stopped in confusion as neither him or Leviathan was moving. But suddenly quickly he turned around.

"What are you!" Before Leviathan could speak his body fell into small pieces.

As the black liquid wrapped around the small pieces of Leviathan's body, Jean lifted his hand towards the horde of demons and waved at them to come at him with a mocking smile upon his face. But with Leviathan dead, they were scared stiff, they wouldn't move until the demon in front of them spoke up.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE WE JUST STANDING HERE!? LET'S FREE PAPA!!" Demon5 said as she started running towards him.

"RAHHH!!!" The demons shouted as they followed behind her.

"What the fuck?" Jean thought to himself.

[Meanwhile in Heaven]

"Like I said before I'll take all the exhaustion from the steps so I'll just stay in your shadow" Celes said.

There was not a single Angel outside of God's home. All that was left for Azure and Celes was for them to head inside of the home.

*Knock Knock*

Azure knocked on the large door that led into the heart of Heaven: God's home. It was obvious even to her no one was gonna answer when she had knocked, so she opened the door.

"I'm coming in" Azure said as she walked into God's home.

Millions of angels were standing approximately 50 meters away from the entrance with their weapon pointing up right, they were completely silent, as all of the Archangels were flying in place directly above them, except Michael, Gabriel, and one more Archangel who were standing besides God.

"There's a lot… I wonder where God is?" Azure asked as she tried peeking over them before she heard a man's voice echoing from behind the army of angels.


"God's Will: I am God" Azure said as small patches of light started covering her.

Michael raised both of his hands quickly.

[ God's Will: I am God- Combines all of Azure steps. Small pieces of light mana in atmosphere comes together and formed average sized patches around her skin to give her pure angel features.]

"By thy father's will, may thy corrupted light cease betrayal" Archangel Michael said as he pulled his hands apart.

As the last part of her body was covered in a patch of light but it suddenly dispersed and left Azure with a bewildered look on her face. The lower angels lowered the blades of their weapons to face Azure.

"Attack! NOW!" Archangel Michael shouted as he glanced at Archangel Gabriel.

The lower angels immediately started charging towards Azure. The archangels above them seemed like they were going to attack as well but they pulled themselves back and just watched as they heard Gabriel.

"Stay back, I'll give you the signal to attack" Archangel Gabriel said in the archangel's head.

"I'm guessing it was Micheal who cancelled it"

Lower angel1 aimed for Azure's head and attacked but she dodged it and stabbed him in his head, before cutting his head off. Another Lower angel tried to attack but Azure blocked it and sliced his head off, Lower angel2 also tried to attack her but she deflected it and sliced half of his head off. Multiple Lower angels attacked her but she deflected one the attack and made it slide into the angel right beside him, after she started jumping away.

"God's Will: I am God" Azure tried again as the patches of light started forming.

Azure created tall and slim rectangular box and created it around herself hoping for it to stop Micheal from forcefully canceling the step.

"By thy will of Father, may thy corrupted light cease betrayal" Archangel Michael said as he pulled his hands apart.

As soon as the patches were completely covering her whole body, it began to glow for a second before it stopped and the box around her started to disintegrate. Azure step was already activated, and as the box was disintegrating she was gradually being revealed but she quickly made what was left of the box disappear.

"Sorry I messed up but it's already completed, I can't cancel it anymore" Archangel Michael said.

"It's fine, she built up a wall to block you" Archangel1 said.

"Selaphiel, I need you to pin her down, once she's pinned I want Jegudiel and Raguel to use heavy attacks on her head. Ariel will provide the healing so don't worry and go all out" Archangel Gabriel explained.

[Selaphiel had large wings, and a gold headband while he kept his eye closed, he clasped his hands together. Jegudiel was a large and muscular angel with his hand wrapped in a pure white cloth that's been dipped in God's blood and holy water. Raguel was dressed head to toe, (excluding arms) in a white robe. Raguel face was completely covered in a scarf.]

Archangel Ariel immediately clasped her hands together.

Azure had a white dress and two pure white wings that were glowing transparently white, she was holding two pistols shaped like the pistol from her old world-Desert Eagle, she also had 10 white magazines that was engraved with a picture painted leading from the barrel to the handle, the magazines held yellow bullets. She had a golden yellow halo above her head which seemed like a portal as it had a swirling white portal filling the inside. All of the angels started rushing her as she breathe slowly.

"ARGH!!" The lower angel said as he attacked Her.

Azure tapped the lower angel's blade away and pushed her pistol up his mouth, she lifted the back to aim the barrel down his throat but he was able to see what was painted on the gun.

On the barrel of the gun there was two female figures staring at the bottom of the handle where it seemed to be two male figures standing standing on the bottom of the handle with severed head sitting upright.

As she pulled the trigger and the gun jumped back from the recoil, the angel's head was blown off, she spun the gun in circular motion as she pulled her gun out of his head. She had a disgusted look on her face as she stared at the lower angels bloodless torn apart head. Another Lower angel pulled up to the side of her and tried to attack her while she was distracted but she aimed her other pistol and shot him in the head.

Then she lifted both of her arms, aiming them at the lower on either side. Although they noticed what the weapon could and realized that she was aiming at them, the lower angels still rushed her but as expected of her, she started firing her weapons although after each one died they were still dodging the bullets a little bit.

As Azure was shooting all of the lower angels, her gun stopped shooting and without realizing she kept shooting until she heard the fourth click, she dropped the magazine that was in her fun, and reloaded. But as she was reloading two of the and she killed before stood up and went for another, Azure was surprised and tried to jump back.

"By Father's will, Stay" Archangel Selaphiel said as he pulled his hands apart and faced one palm to her.

Before she could even push herself away, her body completely stopped. As the two lower angels blades get closer, the two archangels were also about to land their attack but when they were just about 2 inches away, Azure's body dispersed into small pieces of light, although she were small pieces of light Raguel reached out to grab one of them but Azure got away in time, and reformed when she was about twenty feet away.

"I couldn't catch her" Raguel said.

"In the presence of Father Kneel, and show some respect" Archangel Selaphiel said as he pointed his thumb downwards.

"Son of a bitch, who the f-" Azure said as her left knee collapsed into the ground.

Azure's left fist crashed into the ground which resulted in the bones to break and pierced through her skin. While her right arm slammed into her right thigh, her head was forced to face the ground.

Jegudiel and Raguel were standing right in front of her getting ready to attack. As their weapons were approximately an inch away she dispersed into light but Raguel's hand moved faster than Azure's fragments of light could and caught one of the pieces.

"By my Father's will, Cancel" Archangel Raguel said before the small pieces of light quickly reformed.

When she reformed, Raguel's hand was wrapped around half of her face, with her eyes staring at him, although she couldn't see his eyes, she could feel his gaze fixated on her eyes. The surprise in her eyes begin to fade the rest of her face express what she's feeling.

"What's so amusing to you?" Archangel Raguel asked.

"Your order was to not make a mistake but that was the first thing you did…" Azure said as her cheeks turned red.

Raguel moved out of the way as Jegudiel appeared standing over her, as he threw a punch, the three Archangels that stay behind had a bad feeling about letting Jegudiel fist get closer to her.

"Let me make a sound effect" Azure said.

"Huh?" Archangel Raguel questioned before he saw two white figures rush in front of him.

"Boom" Azure said.

Michael tried pushing Jegudiel's fist away from her, but his fist disappeared and Azure was just standing approximately 30 feet away from them.

"By my Father's will, Sit" Archangel Selaphiel said as he pointed downwards.

"There you go" Azure said as she dispersed into fragments of light and disappeared.