Armageddon VII

"There you go" Azure said as she dispersed into fragments of light and disappeared.

"Be careful, she can teleport as well" Father God said.

"What?" Archangel Selephiel said as he saw Archangel Raguel rushed towards him.

When the fragments of light appeared behind Selaphiel, Ragule was in front of him reaching towards the fragments of light. He was able to grab one of the fragments, hoping it was her throat.

"By Father's will, Rewind" Raguel said.

*Click* a sound was made as the left side started reforming. When only her upper body was formed, she aimed her gun at Selaphiel and tried to pull the trigger but he quickly turned around and pushed her hand up, suddenly Raguel started feeling like he should let go but he was too late as it came faster than before and both of his arms were destroyed. Jegudiel appeared in front of Raguel to let him retreat and get healed, as his hands were fully healed, he made all of his attacks faster.

"With my Father's power, Stay" Archangel Selaphiel said as he raised his palm to Azure.

Jegudiel landed ten consecutive punches on Azure's upper body. With each punch a hole that nearly covered her hole upper body was created, but as soon as each hole was created Azure quickly healed them but as he was going for the eleventh punch, Azure's arms broke down into much, much smaller pieces of light that were Imperceivable even to the Archangels. (Whose eyesight were millions of times stronger than humans).

Her arms reformed with her guns aiming at the middle of his head, and started firing at him but his head kept healing over and over again no matter how many times she shot him, his head just kept healing, the same thing was happening with Jegudiel with each punch Azure kept healing her body.

Raguel came back and tried to attack Azure from behind while Jegudiel was also in the middle of his attack but as they were just an inch away, she quickly changed her pistols to daggers and teleported.

"Does anyone have eyes on her!?" Jegudiel said as he started looking around before he heard a *thump* sound.

The sound came from where Selaphiel was standing. Azure was piercing him and his severed head with the rods of light.

"Well this son of a bitch down, the next is the one who can heal… or can they all do that?" Azure asked herself as she switched her daggers to her pistols.

"Archangels fall back!!" Father God said as he snapped his fingers.

When God snapped his fingers all of the lower angels simultaneously started glowing glowing yellow.

"Attack" Father God ordered.

"Why the fuck isn't he fighting with them? He's just hiding behind them" Azure thought to herself.

The first lower angel's attack caught her by surprise as it was much more faster and heavier than before but she still dodged it and shot the lower angel in his jaw.

Lower angel3 tried to land an attack on her side but she stopped his blade with the bottom part of her barrel, his jaw dropped in surprise, allowing Azure to stick her gun down his throat to fire six bullets. His arms dropped as another angel tried to attack her but Azure deflected it and forced her gun into the angels mouth, then fired three shots into the angels head before she turned around to shoot another angel in the head.

"Ugh" Azure said as she jumped back.


"Finally" Jean said as the handle of Leviathan's hammer lowered into his club.

After the mouth of the club closed, he stood up and looked around, searching for the entrance to the floor below. Until he remembered the Entrances to the floors below was always near each lord of the floors bed.

"Fourth floor is under control. Next is the fifth one and I have to use the nasty fifth step as well. It's so- I forgot what the word was" Jean said as he change his weapon from the club to the two handed version.

When he made it to the lord's bed, he saw a metal looking hatch behind it.

"Dark Impulse, Step five: Lust" Jean said before he opened the hatch and entered the floor.

As he entered the hatch, his shadow started to wrap around his body. Starting from his legs and traveling to his head. Jean's shadow was coursing through his skin while creating thick distorted but attractive lines that were glowing with a transparent red but when his shadow reached his waist, it began to strategically move alongside his muscles, giving them a beautiful glow. And as his shadow reached his back, it formed into black featherless wings. Next, his shadow created to separate line to branch off into the arm, they wrapped around his arm muscles as they travelled to the his fingers. They formed two thick hearts that had one smaller heart in the center of the larger one. After his shadow proceeded to make it's way to his chin, then turning into a straight line to continue until it reached his lower eyelid. His shadow made his body more attractive as well as his face, it also gave him more glow than before.

"Demon of sin: Lust. Real name: unknown" Jean thought as he stood up.

What he saw was millions of demons, bowing to a woman (Lust) sitting on a blood red throne with black bones as the arm rest and three demons on her side. Her skin was a smooth red color, she had two horns on her forehead that was just as smooth, her hair was pitch black that reached her waist. There was 2 .357 Magnum revolvers that was pitch black with sloppy engravings. She was staring at the demons with a dissatisfied look on her face.

"All of you are pathetic. Your very existence is the reason why you're bowing down like that. Completely weak. Disgusting. How weak have you all gotten? You can't even bring me pleasure. I bet that human would've last longer than you. A mere 400 years" Lust said in disgust before something landed on the ground.

The thing that landed on the ground was Jean's two handed sword, and it dug a couple inches into the ground.

"Isn't that Satan's?" Lust said before someone landed on the left guard.

"No, it's mine" Jean said.

They were completely terrified but they were also feeling pleasant as if they have accepted their fate of being a slave to Lust.

"Is this really a time for your faces to be stuck in that dirt. Someone is gonna take your dazzling queen. The first one to take him down will receive… something… something" Lust said as she winked at them before changing her position.

Her words made the demons stand immediately though they were still trembling, they hurdled around Jean. Their backs were hunched over a bit, staring straight into Jean's blade. The first demon to looked up and stared into Jean's eyes.

"Do you wish to leave hell?" Jean spoke with a gentle tone as he placed his hand on the demon's cheek.

When Jean's hands were completely planted on Demon1's cheek, a black liquid secreted from his fingertips and flowed into demon's ear. The black liquid made it way into the demon's

"….Y-yes… I want to see my family, I would do anything to see them" Demon1 said.

"I could get you to them if I wanted" Jean said.

"You mean… you could get me out of here?! Then please… take me to them" Demon1 said as he grabbed his hand.

"Be patient I need you to do favors in return" Jean said as he moved his hand away.

"What is it?! I'll do anything" Demon1 said as he tried reaching him.

"The first is to make me a path so I can reach her" Jean said as he jumped to the top of the handle.

"L-lord Asmodeus? I'll do it but… I don't think you should go against Lord Amosdeus… unless you plan to stay here, how are you gonna win? But even if you do get that close, how would you even be able to get past her personal guard" Demon1 asked.

"Don't worry about it, just get to making the path now. I'll take care of everything" Jean said as he saw Asmodeus move her hand from the corner of his eye.

The demons that were 6 feet or closer to him reluctantly sided with him and tried to push the demons back but while they were distracted by the slow demons, three figures ran past them. Although Jean knew they were there, he kept his eyes on Asmodeus, watching every move she made.

The dark figures were the three demons that were besides Asmodeus. The three of them began to surround him while trying to get in his blind spot. Jean waited for them to attack.

"Fucking traitors. Lord Asmodeus must be even more furious with them" Demon-A said as he rushed Jean.

The other two demons rushed with him. They tried to go for a simultaneous attack while it seemed like Jean wasn't paying attention to them, making them believe he was entranced in her beauty. But as their attacks were only less than an inch away from his body, he teleported and left his sword.

"Where did he-" Demon-A said before Jean's sword flew out of the ground.

Jean teleported himself to Asmodeus but she was unexpectedly already aiming both of her pistols at his head. His sword finally flew into his hand, he tried to attack her quickly however she already fired the bullets into him. The three demons are already caught up to him, the first demon landed a kick on his thigh, the second landed a roundhouse kick on his stomach, and the third landed a jab on his jaw. Her bullets only ripped through his head, neither attacks stopped him, except Asmodeus's throne which halted his sword's progression in it's body.

With the surprise of Jean's head leaving the demons silent, Jean pulled his weapon out from the throne and switched it to the club version. He stood up straight, raised his club and pulled it to his lower back. As Jean's eyes were regenerating, he focused them on Asmodeus while asking her a question but she wasn't even listening to him until he was done with the sentence.

"This place for?" This was all Asmodeus heard from Jean as he looked at her with a disgusted expression.

"Wha-" Asmodeus said as she saw Jean swing his club towards her.

Asmodeus raised herself a couple inches above the seat and kicked herself away from the throne. As soon as she landed, Jean's club made impact with her throne. The impact sent out a large shockwave that knocked all of the demons away except Asmodeus as she raised her hand. Her hand was still covering the majority her eyesight after the shockwave dispersed. Although after her hand lowered, Jean was in front of her propelling his katana by it's kashira but she raised her revolvers and caught the tip of his blade.

"How long have I been in this place for?" Jean asked as she clasped her revolvers on it and tried to pull it away but spikes shot out of the kashira, pierced through and wrapped around his hands.

He pulled his katana back, gripped it in both of his hands, placed it sideways, and aimed directly for her neck. Asmodeus tried to shoot him ,even though Jean's blade was just inches away from her neck, he immediately redirecting his sword and sliced both of her arms off. Jean aimed for her neck again although Asmodeus tried to push herself back, Jean pushed his sword forward and as soon as he swung, she ducked making Jean miss his attack. She pulled her body up and tried to push back some more but as she pushed herself away, her leg collapsed on itself.

"Ho-" Asmodeus said before Jean's blade pierced her throat.

As he pulled his katana back, the three demons caught up and tried to attack him but he quickly switch his weapon from it's katana to it's two handed sword version and swung from his right shoulder to his left shoulder. He simultaneously cut through the three demons and Asmodeus and quickly wrap them in the black liquid. The other demons stood quiet for a minute before demon1 spoke up.

"You got to her, that means you take me to them right!!" Demon1 said desperately.

"TAKE ME OUT OF THIS PLACE TOO!!!" another demon shouted.

"I WANNA SEE MY FAMILY AS WELL!!!" Demon2 shouted.

More demons started shouting, asking if he could take them out this place but they all went quiet after he stood, waiting for his answer.

"…No" Jean said as he picked up Asmodeus's weapon.