Armageddon VIII

"W-what?" Demon1 asked.

"You didn't hear me? I said 'no' I'll just immobilized all of you right now and devour you later" Jean said as the club's mouth opened.

"B-but you said you take us out of here" Demon1 said.

"I said I'll take you to see your family but only on the condition that you make a path to Asmodeus for me" Jean explain as he dropped the revolver's into it's mouth.

"We d-" before the demon could finish his sentence Jean spoke up again.

"No you didn't. You only crowder the place and started fighting each other but I guess I can give you points for the power because the majority of you stopped lusting over her and started obsessing over me… or the idea of me taking you to where ever you wanted to go. The power distribution went from 100-0 to 40-60 but I would've still got her without the distribution, so there wasn't much help to begin with" Jean explained.

With the demons completely pissed off about what he did to them and his lack of care for what he did, they started rushing. Hearing their footsteps speed towards him, he stood up with a new version of his weapon in his hands with a different design pointed his two revolvers at horde of demons charging him.

"Target is down. Team annihilation in progress" Jean said as black bullets filled the chambers.


Azure pulled a lower angel into another one and shot them in the chest with the bullet piercing through both of the angel's. Lower angel4 tried attacking her from behind but as his blade touched the very tip of her hair a hole was made in the middle of his head.

All of the angels circled around her and tried to go for a simultaneous attack. As they started the attack, she just stood there waiting for the tip of the blades to get within a close enough range. One of the angels tried to pull his weapon away but it was already too late as not only the bodies of the angel's but even their weapons were gone in an instant. Although not all of the angel's disappeared but the ones within a 8 feet radius of her were only left with half a head and feet.

"I still haven't figured out how she does it" Archangel Michael said as he brushed his chin.

"Father have you?" Archangel Gabriel asked as he looked at God.

As all of the archangels looked at him, they saw an expression they have never seen. Thinking it was just anger towards the human's blasphemous actions, they understood why he looked as he did but when he spoke up it was clear to any non believer he wasn't only mad as his had a tremble to it.

"It's the light in the atmosphere. She makes the light in the atmosphere explodes but before she does it, she has a bunch of the stick to a piece of your body and then she makes them all explode. The process itself takes far less than a millisecond but the time at which she detonates them, depends on when she wants to do it" Father God said.

"So she can control light itself to some degree" Archangel Michael said.

"She isn't even human. The only information we have about her power is what she has shown us. And if she can control light like this than she's definitely on par with the Archangels but she's probably holding back, she isn't even in "Bond" mode and she is this strong" Father god thought to himself before an idea came to his him.

"Alright than it's settled. We won't give her enough to go for a counterattack but we'll have to wait until immediately after she attacks" Archangel Gabriel said.

"Wait" Father God said as his eyes started glowing pure white and signaled for them to stand in front of him, bow their heads, and closed their eyes. He placed his hand over each of their heads. As light started emanating from his hands before disappearing.

"Alright, open your eyes" Father God said.

When they opened their eyes they saw minuscule fragments of light just floating around in the air and as they looked up they saw they saw a different face, one that did seem like their father but they recognized him immediately. His face made them feel a new safety and warmth, that they hadn't felt before. But that short feeling of ecstasy they had felt disappeared after they heard an explosion from behind them.

"We're about to attack her. Don't hold back at all" Archangel Michael said.

"Right" The archangels said.

"I have absolute faith in you…. Just in case I will release them, although I need him for that if he's still alive" Father God thought to himself.


"They really weren't a challenge… more like a nuisance, I guess" Jean said as he opened a hatch behind Asmodeus's throne.

As Jean walked down the stairs he noticed that it seemed different from the others but ignored it and glance at the bottom floor. He saw absolutely no one down there but the air coming from the floor below seemed visible and dense as if heat was secreting from down the there. There was not a single soul on the floor but as he walked down the stairs it felt as if his body was telling him to stop. He ignored the warning kept going.

About two minutes later he saw something flying towards him in the corner of his eye and was able to dodge it allowing it to fly straight into the wall. Now that it was in front of him he was able to tell what it was but soon after, he saw someone flying towards him.

"Dark Impulse, Step Two: Greed" Jean said as he switched to his sword.

As the demon got closer he was able to make out who was flying towards him but of course, he didn't know who he was but he could tell it wasn't one of the seven demon lords. The demon who was flying at him had his two axes pulled to his back, ready to swing down vertically on Jean. But it was almost as if the demon teleported because the space between him and Jean was oddly smaller than before.

"Got you just in time" The demon said as he was flying towards Jean.

Jean wondered what he meant by it but brushed it off as the demon was in a perfect range to strike him. As the demon strike downwards on him with both of his axes. He was able to blocked it but it pushed his body down a bit and suddenly it was as if something clicked in his head, a smirk started appearing on his face as the stairs cracked.

"What the fuck?" The demon said as he saw Jean's smirk.

Once the stairs broke and they were both outside of the bubble, eight more demons appeared and attacked him in mid air with the previous demon. Adding more weight to him, allowing him to descend to the floor faster.

Although they were in mid air throwing continuous attacks at Jean, he was still able block and dodge them. Until he reached the ground where it felt softer than the other floors. The demons went for a stronger, stabilized, and simultaneous attack. With the combination of the softened ground they were able to push Jean through it.

While he was pushed through he attached the black liquid to the floor, then he noticed the change in the air and pushed them all away before stabilizing himself to land on his feet.

But he was still hundreds of meters above the ground. A red chain was flying towards him. He only noticed it when it was about an inch away. Although he was able to dodge it, the chain still grazed his cheek. The chain made a sharp turn, aiming for his waist but Jean was able to make himself flip under the chain and plant his feet on it, also allowing him to push himself further down.

"I figured they were both here. This is honestly just a pain in the ass" Jean said before he saw the demon from before flying towards him.

"Master said 'since the other lords didn't kill you than regular means won't work' but your only a human, everything up until now was just luck" The demon said as he tried to attack him.

"You should've listen to your master" Jean said as he blocked the attack.

The demon smirked back at Jean and tried to kick himself away from him but Jean pushed his axe back a bit and attempted to cut his legs off, but the chain peirced right through his waist, then his stomach, lastly his chest. The chain tightened itself in the holes it made in Jean's body and pulled him to the ground. The demon grabbed on to the chain so he could get to the ground faster.

"The other lords didn't win against him and he was probably double teamed at some point so there isn't a reason for you to hold back" Demon lord1 said as he saw someone crash into the floor.

As Jean stood up, the demon started following the chain as it retracted back to it owner. After he stood up, he was able to get a look around him. And again everything clicked in his head.

"I see now.... I guess I should use all of them" Jean said with a small smile on his face.

[Nov 24, 2145. Aemoura]

"Okay, that's the end of the last round of the M.I training/punishment, let Mr. Fredrick know" Ms. Soumes said into a microphone.

"What was his last opponent?" Trainee1 asked.

"Just a ice dragon" Ms. Soumes said with a smirk on her face.

"Is he still alive?" Trainee1 asked.

"....Of course, bring yourself a jacket. That storm will kill you if you don't" Ms. Soumes said before she heard something ring.

Approximately 600 meters away from them laid nearly a billion ripped apart humanoid figures, approximately 400 million dragon shaped creatures, and over 900 million giants. About 40 meters further was a snow storm. Inside of the storm was the body of a headless dragon that seemed to be approximately over 800 feet in length, and a wingspan approximately over 1000 feet.

Jean (Black) was standing in front of the dragon's corpse with half of his head gone and the left side of his upper body was torn off, while his right arm was holding up the dragon's head which seemed to be the same size as a semi-truck. The head froze up and quickly turned to dust.


"It never ends" Jean said as he brushed his hair back.

After a couple minutes passed Jean started hearing the sound of a engine getting closer, he thought it was more opponents coming for him. He reached for a sword on his back but stopped once he remembered it broke in his earlier fight. But as the sound of the engine got closer, he realized who it was.

"We've come in peace" Ms. Soumes said as she stuck her head out of the window.

"Please don't take too-" Trainee1 said before he saw the corpse of the dragon.

It was obvious that it wasn't just an ice dragon as he stared upon it's corpse. It was above anything that can be measured. It's size was that of the biggest continent, it's width was immeasurable. Although he never seen it himself he knew what it was immediately.

"I thought you said it was 'just a dragon'"Trainee1 said as he immediately got back into the car.

"It is now but I get to brag to the other trainers that my pupil was able to take out one of the progenitors of ice magic. Also Jean about those devils from before. According to Mr. Ryoa's mission in two months time, they should have the strength to be the progenitors of light and dark magic, actually they probably already are" Ms. Soumes said as Jean sat in the car.

"Say that again, I didn't hear you" Jean said as he rubbed his ears.

"It was nothing important" Ms. Soumes said.