Armageddon IX

"Those bastards are just waiting up there" Azure said as she blasted one of the Lower angel's head off.

"AARGH" a Lower angel yelled as he swung his spear down on her.

Azure pulled her hand back and pulled the trigger on his left knee, causing him to fall onto his right, making it seem like he was kneeling to her but that image was burned as she fired a bullet into his forehead.

"Fucking bastards are just staring" Azure said as she pivoted to the right, out of the way of an attack and blown another angel's head off.

100 Lower angels sprouted a pair of wings, flew back a bit, readied their weapons, and flew towards her.

"We'll back up for now but on my signal we're going for a simultaneous strike with as much speed as we can muster in that short amount of time we have" Archangel Michael recited into the Archangel's head.

As the Lower angels got closer, Azure payed no mind to the Archangels. And just as they were about 4 feet away from her, it happened. The moment the Archangels were waiting for. Although it pained them to use their comrades as bait, they couldn't ponder it as they needed to make their strongest attempt in exterminate Azure, anyway they can, as fast as they can.

"Stand back" Archangel Michael's voice echoed in the remaining Lower angel's heads.

Father God quickly looked towards Azure although the Lower angels were crowding a clear view of her, he still glared at her as a bright vertical line appeared behind his chair.

He noticed it. As all of the Lower angels stopped their attack, Azure's eyes went directly to the Archangels original spot but as she couldn't spot them there, her eyes quickly followed any irregular movement between the light in the atmosphere. But it was too late for him to give them any warning as they already appeared. Surrounding her with their weapons ready for an immediate strike. Archangels thought they had her. They thought that they'd finally gotten rid of her. They were so sure of this attack being successful but of course the strange "human" that invaded their home and brought down some of the strongest wasn't going to be killed so easily. As their blades were only 12 inches away, the light in the atmosphere crowded their chest. An abnormally large amount on each of them.

"Forgive me Father for I have failed" The Archangels recited in their heads as they were ready to accept defeat although they proceeded with the attack.

Before the light could detonate, Father God stood up and quickly equipped golden armor and vanished. The Archangels were gone from that spot and left behind were the bunches of light. Azure face had a small smile on it as she saw who appeared in front of her. Father God stood directly in front of her with a short sword and shield on his forearm. The Archangels stood in front of the Lower angels confused as to what happened.

"You've finally got your lazy ass out of that chair" Azure said as she put her guns away and pulled out her daggers.

"Lazy? Me not wanting to harm my creation with my own hands is lazy? I can't even imagine how you thought of that" Father God said as he glared into her eyes.

"Is that what you think I am? Don't worry I wasn't created by neither god or man on this planet" Azure said as she went for a simple but quick attack on his head.

Father God blocked it with his shield as he was confused by her words.

"She was able to make Father fight. We have definitely failed" Archangel Gabriel said.

"Worry not. You haven't failed me. Not once have either of you failed to live up to my expectations" Father God said as he kept eye contact with her.

"But-" Before Archangel Ariel could finish her sentence Azure spoke up.

"If nearly blowing up your precious all of your Archangels is what convinced you to be here than I should've done it sooner" Azure said as she jumped back.

"Wait" Father God said as he looked towards the angels.

Light in the atmosphere started wrapping itself around the necks of all the angels including the Archangels. Father God tried dispersing them but Azure kept it locked around the angels.

"Unfortunately I know what it feels like to have you kids die right in front of you as well. One by one and each time you couldn't do a damn thing about it. Although it's too late now and I don't feel sympathetic especially for you" Azure said as she snapped her fingers.

"YOU FOOL!!!" Father God yelled as he seen their heads explode.

[In Hell just before Azure killed the angel with the spear]

"Dark Impulse: Devilment" Jean said.

[Dark Impulse: Devilment- Just as Azure's "I am God" it combines all of Jean's steps. A pair of blood red feathered wings sprouted from his back as his shadow turned into tentacles and two 8inch horns grew on his forehead, he had two new set of eyes- one under his original set of eyes that remained opened but they only had an iris and sclera which. The iris was red and sclera was pitch black. His teeth were sharper and more dense as his lateral commissure was further back- more closer to the middle of his cheek. It acted as an gate so he could eat things twice his size. ]

"For this Mammon, I'll go full strength from start to finish" Demon lord2 said as he walked down stairs.

As he walked towards Jean, the demons moved out of his way and bowed their heads to him. Although there was enemy right in arms reach, they still bowed to him. Jean waited for the Demon lord to get closer. As the demon lord was just 3 feet away from Jean, he raised his hand.

"I'll allow you to shake my hand once. Be grateful I see you as a worthy opponent. My name is Lucifer" He said as he grew impatient with holding his hand up.

The demons were shocked by the words that came out of his mouth. But they stood quiet, not questioning his statement.

"Your my number 1 target" Jean said as he shook his hand.

"You best be prepared for the consequences of invading my kingdom" Lucifer said as he let go.

"I'll only be reaping the rewards and your souls" Jean said as he pulled out his katana.

"Okay, well than you better keep up with all that talking" Lucifer said as he equipped his sacred treasure.

[Lucifer's sacred treasure was armor. Similar to Father God's armor except his armor was garnet red and smooth with engraving on his chest-plate. But just like Father God's armor it covered him from shoulders to feet. On the shoulders of this armor was black fur and on the cuffs were skin of any being he has killed. The tip of his fingers were sharpened into claws which were just as sharp as the blades on the other sacred treasures. On his back sprouted four feathered pitch black wings 'though the color faded as it got lower. It still rivals the beauty of Father God's wings]

[Azure and Jean's current form is their true power]

"What about your friend. Don't tell me you think you could win without him although even if you did team up, you wouldn't be able win in the first place" Jean said as pointed towards Mammon.

Mammon walked towards him as well and stood besides Lucifer, in front of Jean. The chains surrounded his feet and his sacred treasure was two katars that were on his hip.

They were all quiet. Even the demons were anticipating their next move, they still held their down. But than suddenly they heard a loud explosion. When they looked up only Lucifer and Mammon were standing in a defensive stance.

"Tch, wasn't even worth my time" Lucifer ordered the demons as he started walking back to his throne.

The first ten demons closest to him were pierced by one of his tentacles. Five more tentacles rose up from his shadow and started piercing the other demons as they pierced every demon in a 10 feet radius of Jean, but the tentacles started creating branches of more tentacles which would increase the radius of which it could travel in order to pierce through all of the demons.

"Son of bitch really brushed me off after getting a lucky hit" Jean said as he sat up before the demon from earlier tried to attack him. "Don't think your so luck as well" Jean finished as he pointed upwards and a tentacle flew into the demon's head.

Jean stood up and started walking towards Lucifer and Mammon while dusting himself off. As he was walking, his tentacles started swallowing over the demons they pierced.

Mammon and Lucifer sat on a cushion on top of a elevated platform. The different sizes of the platform also acted as stairs for them to climb to the top or bottom. Inside of the platform was hollow and at the bottom where it was most spacious was a door standing on it's own.

"I guess it was on me I tried to use a simple attack on them…" Jean said as he was spinning his sword.

When Jean attacked them earlier, he went for a simple but quick slash aiming for Lucifer's neck but he easily blocked the attack with his armor and allowed Mammon to land a hit on the middle of his chest with his chains wrapped around his knuckles which Jean was able to block with his left arm but the force was simply too strong for him to withstand at the moment and it ended up pushing him away. This all happened within a split second.

"He's took all of them out" Mammon said as he walked back down the stairs.

"He's only one lowly human, hurry up and destroy him" Lucifer said in agitation.

Mammon's chains started levitating around him as he walked towards Jean. The tentacles recognized he was an enemy and tried to attack him but the chains deflected the tentacles and made them dig into floor. After one of the chains deflected the tentacle, another chain zipped towards Jean.

Jean pulled his sword from his back to distract the chain. As the chain ripped through his wrist, he quickly regenerated his hand, grabbed the severed hand gripping his sword and threw it at Mammon. Mammon tried to block it by forming a wall of chains but his hands were too fast and in order to stop the blade from touching his chest, he immediately hid behind a smaller wall in front of him.


As Jean's severed arm turned cold, his sword noticed that it was no longer apart of his body and twitched as wire started pour out. As Mammon noticed the sword was about to return to it's master, and felt the resistance weaken, let go of the wall. But as the gaps were made he noticed the sword wasn't moving and as the gaps were widened, it revealed to him that Jean caught up to his sword. He gripped it swiftly and pushed it into Mammon's throat. Jean was quickly able to stab Mammon's throat. His katana instantly changed into it's two handed sword and quickly sliced his head off. His tentacles wrapped around his body and severed head. It quickly turned to the black liquid from earlier.

"Come on, all of your soldiers are dead and I didn't even break a sweat" Jean said as he switched back to his katana.

"Are you bragging?" Lucifer said as the door below him started to open.

"I let you waste my time, now come down here. Now" Jean said as pointed down.

"Who the hell do you think your talking to" Lucifer said as he sucked his teeth.

"Hurry up" Jean said as he sent tentacles flying into the platform.

His tentacles ripped through the foundation of the platform, miraculously missing the door completely. Lucifer was still sitting on top of it just glaring at Jean as his throne collapsed and smoke filled his surroundings making him momentarily invisible. Jean's second pair eyes (spe) targeted him immediately. He quickly pulled his sword up in the moment he reacted sight of him and blocked Lucifer's attack.

Lucifer threw three more attacks that were blocked by Jean before trying to hit him with a kick, although Jean dodged that attack and tried to slice his leg off. The armor was too strong to strong to even put a scratch on it. His sword recoiled from the impact as Lucifer quickly pulled his leg down and tried to kick Jean with the other. Jean dodged it, pivoted back to the front of Lucifer, and landed a kick on his chest which pushed him back.

"If it weren't for that armor, you would've lost that leg" Jean said as he got into a stance.

"It weren't for this armor, this fight would've been over with me victorious" Lucifer said as he got ready for another attack.

"Is that so?" Jean asked.