Armageddon X (hell)

Lucifer reappeared behind Jean as he was already in the middle of his attack, which he aimed for the crown of Lucifer's head but with as much strength he was able to stop the momentum of this and changed his sword to deflect Lucifer's attack. Once it was deflected, he pivoted to the right side of him but unknowingly, Lucifer already recovered from the deflect and blocked the attack by swinging his arm at Jean's blade. And surprisingly to Jean, he wasn't able to cut through Lucifer's armor and his katana took no damage from the blunt force of the attack, it was only recoiled.

"If your tryna find a way to get through my armor than give up. The sacred treasures are ineradicable even to their kin" Lucifer said as he disappeared.

"Oh" Jean said as his "spe" looked to the right.

Lucifer watched Jean's "spe" track him as he reappeared, he waited until he saw Jean go for a counter attack. As Jean was halfway through his counter, Lucifer disappeared again but he reappeared before Jean could react and landed a punch on his back just over his heart. He struck with enough force to completely rip through his back and chest while also pushing his heart out. He pulled his arm out and with his claws he sliced Jean's head off.

"…" Lucifer stood quiet as he inspected Jean's body from a distance.

As his head fell to the all four of his eyes were rolled to the back of his head. And as soon as it dropped to the floor Lucifer immediately put up his guard. Thinking Jean was gonna move although he didn't move, Lucifer still didn't put his guard down.

They stood like this for minutes, although Lucifer only kept his guard up because Jean's body still hadn't fall. Even with his head severed and his heart detached from his body but it was still beating.

Approximately 7 more seconds past and all fours of Jean's eyes rolled down and he started staring at Lucifer. He raised his arm as his weapon quickly switched to it's revolver version, blood vessels started connecting themselves to his head and heart.

Just as Jean pulled the trigger, Lucifer disappeared thinking his "spe" wouldn't follow him so far but as his second left eye closed itself and opened itself on his temple as he reappeared in the air, Jean's immediate reaction was to send out 5 tentacles which was flying towards him with a speed a little over mach 100. One of the tentacles were aimed for his head although he grabbed it covered the tip to stop it from moving forward while he knocked the other ones away, but he forgot that they can just grow more from the sides, he was only paying attention to the ones he knocked. For a split second he saw the tentacles fly pass him but before he could react they already pierced his wings and started dragging him down, Jean's head and heart was already reattached.

As he was being pulled down he felt his wings tearing off and to prevent them from being ripped off, he tried cutting them but he was slammed into the ground before he could even raise his arms. As soon as he was slammed into the ground, then as if they were homing missiles over a hundred tentacles started raining down on Lucifer and all he could do was block them from hitting his face. While he was distracted by the barrage of tentacles, Jean used the force from the barrage to hold him still as he wrapped different tentacles around the root of his wings.

As Lucifer felt a tug on his wings, it reminded him that Jean never let go of them. Luckily for him the barrage of tentacles simultaneously for a nanosecond were only an inch away and the moment he noticed the opening he teleported away. As soon as Lucifer teleported Jean's "spe" quickly targeted him and was quickly about to attack him again but he abruptly stopped his attack as he felt Azure's and one other m.e coming from behind him.

"The hell is that?" Jean asked as he turn to the door while his "spe" open on his neck.

"DON'T YOU DARE LOOK AWAY FROM ME" Lucifer said as he appeared behind Jean.

As Jean slowly turned around, bluntly showing he didn't want to look away from the door. He finally faced him and he noticed how close they were to each other.

"Where did that door come from?" Jean asked as he pointed at the door.

"I've let you go for too long. Do you think you can question me" Lucifer said as his gauntlets and sabatons turned jet black.

"Whatever hierarchy you had is gone and so is all of your worthless followers. Have you even taken a good look around us, there isn't a single soul here. Neither the floors above us will have any souls for you to rule everything here will be gone and you'll have nothing left. So you should just give up" Jean said as his "spe" opened under his eyes.

"Hierarchy? There is none in hell every demon and demon lord that you took out was under me. I am Lucifer- The fallen angel of hell- The first and only creation of God to rival his power indefinitely. I am and will always will be absolute in hell, I am the progenitor of dark magic, the first and the strongest being to ever use it. A hierarchy is not needed to identify me or where I stand. Do you understand, I am the righteous as epitome of hell" Lucifer said as his armor began to gradually get darker.

"Is that s-" Before Jean could finish his sentence Lucifer threw a punch.

Jean noticed his punch was much faster and heavier than his previous ones, he tried to block the attack or at least direct it into one side but he was too late as Lucifer's fist already blew half of his head off just seconds before the tip of Jean's blade touched him. Although it kept the same momentum and pushed his arm up, Lucifer immediately landed a roundhouse kick on Jean's chest which blew him towards the door.

As his head quickly regenerated, he used his tentacles to wrap around his waist and pull him to the ground.

"You just keep coming back. Just stay dead" Lucifer said as he reappeared.

"I would if you'd kill me" Jean said as his shadow wrapped around his body while he blocked Lucifer's attack.

As Jean was blocking his attacks, he began to realize the power behind each attack was rapidly increasing and with each block he kept getting pushed closer and closer to the door.

"I don't think I've landed a successful hit on this bastard since the fight started" Jean thought to himself.

As Lucifer threw another attack, Jean once again noticed that the feeling from before was stronger, he immediately stomped his left leg on the ground and switched to his two handed sword. Jean blocked the attack with the sword and then switched to his revolvers and disappeared. As Jean disappeared, he increased the fire power of his revolvers with his mana.

Lucifer already knew where he was going to appear and waited for the split second where Jean does appear. As he appeared, Lucifer immediately tried to punch him but Jean fired both of his revolvers directly at his fist. As the bullets and his gauntlets came into contact, Lucifer's arm started to push back. As Lucifer pushed back, Jean shot two more bullets precisely on top of the previous bullets but these shots were much more stronger. As they made impact with the resistant force from Lucifer, the bullets were able to put up more of a fight against Lucifer's arm although the collective force couldn't break through the armor just as he stated earlier but it was able to make him push his arm stiff just before the force traveled through the armor. The force slammed on Lucifer's arm as if it was a blunt weapon, the bone in his arm tried pushing out of his shoulder but his armor stopped it, causing the bones from his right shoulder to the tips of his hand break into large pieces. But as he lost all feeling in his arm, the bullets pushed further until his arm was no longer in their way and disappeared.

"Four enhanced bullets for successful damage" Jean thought as he watched blood fall out of Lucifer's gauntlets.

Jean switched to his war hammer and immediately disappeared to land another attack on Lucifer before he could have time to fully heal his arm. Lucifer noticed Jean disappeared a second to late and realized all he could do was block the attack with one arm. As Jean reappeared, he immediately went for the attack. The attack was much stronger than before which was easily noticable by Lucifer, so he immediately braced his body to tank the attack while holding one of his arms up against his chest but just before Jean's war hammer made impact with Lucifer, in less than a second he stopped his attack and pulled it back, black tattoos appeared around both of his arms which also spread throughout his body. He immediately swung back. Lucifer was caught off guard by it and tried to brace himself even more but his war hammer already made impact with him. Just before Jean began following him, he dropped black liquid onto the ground.

As Lucifer felt the force from Jean's attack, he felt the same pain, he felt in his arm travel throughout his body. And in the next moment he noticed that he was already sent flying through the door.

"Who the hell is that?" Azure said before she felt an immense m.e enter the area.

"Fina- how is he so battered?!" Father God said as he held his hand over his bloody neck.

Lucifer's body started healing quickly but as he stood up, he quickly noticed two other immense m.e in the area. As he stood up completely he felt someone else's immense m.e enter the area. As Jean walked through the door he was welcomed with three immensely large, only one he was familiar.

"I can't hide mines" Jean thought as he looked around.

"Of course, I should've guessed there was another one that was just as strong as her" Father God thought to himself.

His armor wasn't golden instead it was as white as his eyes, corresponding to the color of his beautifully wings. Pure white, not even his blood ruined the color of the armor and the fight didn't even dirty his armor.

As Jean, Azure, Lucifer, and Father God stood quiet in the area processing the amount of power each other held, there was a large circular grey door with engravings of four symbols while a cross separated them. The first symbol was a skull with a scythe going through it, the second was two swords clashing, the third was a podium, and the fourth was an empty bowl. The area itself seemed unending, similar to Heaven and the floors of Hell. But it was barren, as empty as a desert. It seemed as if it was designed not for aesthetic but war. No fight would ruin the landscape, and the sealed door seemed like it was the signal for such battle.

[Before Azure and Father God entered the area]

"YOU FOOL!!!" Father God yelled as he seen their heads explode.

"Where does that lead to?" Azure asked as she disappeared.

"Don't worry-" Just before he could finish, Azure tried to attack him.

But as he was barely able to dodge it as the blade grazed his cheek and a droplet of blood trickled down his face, he saw Azure's mouth curve into a smile. She didn't even try to hide it, her eyes were solely on the blood scarcely leaking from a flesh wound.

"He's been a physical being from the start, lucky me" Azure thought to herself as she attacked again.

Father God blocked the attack with his blade and tried to throw one himself with his shield but Azure dodged it and attempted to land a kick on his temple. He waited for Azure's attack to get closer to him. When it was close enough, Father God pivoted to Azure's right, although she immediately pulled her foot down as she saw his short sword rise to the air. As she thought he was gonna attack with his short sword, she raised both of her arms to block his blade but he his arms just stood up there and she realized only a nanosecond too late that it was the wrong weapon she was focusing on. As he was able to land a hit directly on her right side which broke Azure's rib cage, causing the right half of her rib cage to shatter and puncture her right liver.

As Father God tried to pull back Azure wrapped her right arm around his arm and quickly squeezed it tightly which ended up pushing all of her broken shards of bones all over the inside of her body and puncture her other organs. As she squeezed his arm, she began pushing his elbow upwards. Father God raised his blade to attack her but she immediately looked up at him with blood spewing out of her mouth. He felt it was as if she was waiting for him attack with his blade so he punched her in the face over and over again until he saw her eyes fading while her head was started falling back with her grip loosening. He felt her heart stop. As Father God tried pulled his arm back, a thought popped into his mind "Is she dead?" But that thought quickly vanished as she pulled her head back and tightened the grip. He saw there was no damage done to her face but there was still blood spewing from mouth and eyes. As her eyes brightened a large smile appeared on her face. With her bloody eyes and mouth.

"You- what?!" Father God said in surprise.

"Luck you, I can't die" Azure said in a joyous tone which sent chills down Father God's spine.