Armageddon X (Heaven)


"I'm only an inch away, there's no reason to yell" Azure said as she created numerous rods behind her.

As Father God watched the lights fly towards him, he quickly removed his armor and sliced his arm off and started jumping back while dodging the rods of light. As he was jumping back, he had his arm heal in less than a nanosecond. And just as the rods stopped, Azure already caught up to him with her daggers already swinging down on him. He tried to equip his armor before the blades could touch his shoulders but her arms immediately sped up, reaching a speed faster than he could equip his armor. As her blades ripped through his shoulders, his armor finally equipped. Then Father God immediately disappeared leaving no traces of his blood.

"Son of a-" Just before Azure could finish that thought, she felt the light mana in the atmosphere move back.

Father God reappeared approximately 44 meters away from her. He started releasing light mana into the atmosphere out of his his armor. Azure tried stepping forward towards him but she immediately jumped back. As soon as Father God pushed all of the armor's mana out, he replaced it with his own mana which made the color change from gold to pure white, matching his eyes. Once all was done, He suddenly disappeared.

Azure immediately followed after him just before sparks flew up from the ground just where she was standing, signalling he missed his attack. Then she reappeared meters away from her recent spot. although it was just for a second it was apparent she had her arms up but she immediately disappeared and sparks were left in the spot where her daggers were. It happened again and sparks were left in the air. It happened one more time before she reappeared and started jumping backwards as Father God suddenly reappeared in the spot Azure was backing away from.

And as soon as she stopped moving, light mana started flowing towards her body. Father God already knew what she was doing and leapt towards her. He was able to catch up in less than a second. Although as he caught up to her, he was already performing his attack but as his blade was only 3 inches away from his neck. It was immediately blown away. Allowing her to back away from him again while still attracting the light mana in the atmosphere to her body. Then Father God disappeared and reappeared behind Azure with his attack already progressing towards her head. She pulled her body down as fast as she could while creating a small ball of light near her hip. As soon as she dodged Father God's attack, she detonated the ball which pushed her further away from him. At this point Azure just finished gathering the light mana.

Father God used a faster way to get to her which was similar to the way she moved before but much faster. Father God dispersed into small particles of light and reformed just in front of her with his blade away just 5 inches from her neck. Azure was barely caught off guard by the position he attacked from. As his attack was now barely an inch away,

white tattoos appeared directly on the spot Father God's blade was targeting. The white tattoos started to spread throughout her almost instantly with only a .002 speed difference compared the advancement of his blade. And as his blade finally made impact with her skin, it passed through her as if she was a ghost.

He immediately disappeared again and within about five minutes, there was a small explosion about fifteen meters from his previous spot. There was another explosion about twenty meters from last, then a third one 13 meters from the second. Suddenly numerous explosions were made in different spots simultaneously. Father God finally reappeared and he immediately braced his shield. A second later another explosion occurred which was on top of his shield. Then Azure finally reappeared.

[In this form his iris was broken up]

"I know why your here but I don't get why they would send a human for the job. What god do you pray to?" Father God asked as he moved his shield.

"None of them" Azure said as she put her daggers away and pulled out her pistols.

Azure aimed both of her pistols at him while loading the small balls of light into the chamber. Azure tried to disappear but just as she moved a couple meters to the left, Father God immediately appeared in front of her with his attack already going for her neck.

"I see everything" Father God said.

Although he was surprised, Azure was still able to move fast enough and immediately pull back, even so Father God pushed forward with a downward slash aimed for the crown of her head. She quickly pulled back again but Father God pushed forward, punching with his shield. She pushed back again but this time it finally registered and the white tattoos flowed up towards her face and into her iris.

She stared at one of the particles at light and it immediately started staring at her. As soon as she landed and Father God appeared in front of her she created a a large box. Then she immediately disappeared.

All of the light mana that was inside the box but wasn't apart of the box itself, joined the structure as supports beams.

"Everything in here is now apart of my eyesight. From the ceiling to the floor" Azure said as she reappeared on the ceiling.

"I could see the outside" Father God said as he put his sword on his thigh and his shield pulled up to his forearm.

raised his sword to the ceiling as he did this, Azure peeled outside of the box using the light mana outside of the box. She saw hundreds of spikes pointed at the top of it. Azure flattened the support beams and raised the past the ceiling to act as a shield. Then she started creating spears and billhooks which were aimed the directly at Father God. Suddenly she felt the pressure of the box's shield getting heavier and immediately shot the spears and billhooks at him.

Azure felt the box's shield break and immediately felt the roof of the box's pressure get heavier. She disappeared a couple meters away from the box and started shrinking it. As the box was getting smaller and smaller, the spikes started missing their target. When she reappeared she was on top of one the defeated angels.

"The hell?" Azure said as she stepped off of him.

As she was distracted by the angel, Father God started trying to resist inside the walls by forming a wall around and pushing it outwards but it was immediately absorbed by the box and turned into spikes.

"What the hell is he doing? Why won't he just teleport out of there?" Azure questioned as she walked away from the bodies.

As Azure was walking away from them, she felt like something was glaring at her and immediately looked to the left of her, where one of the particles of light was less than a inch from her left eye. As the particle of light was staring into her eye, it seemed like it was expressing some kind of anger. It suddenly shaped itself into a small but incredibly sharp spike and flew into Azure's eye. The small spike flew straight through her eye and made it's way out the back her head. It immediately turned around and went through her heart, then it targeted all of her "vital" organs.

After the small spike pierced all of her "vital" organs and she lost consciousness and began to fall…. Well it seemed like it as Father God ball of light with heavily concentrated mana, he still kept an eye on her as he got ready escape the box. He noticed it wasn't being absorbed and tried to shoot it but just as the ball of light started moving forward Azure balanced herself and made the box absorb the ball.

As Azure stood up straight Father God noticed that she didn't heal her wounds. The floor and angels were covered in blood as well as Azure who had holes all over her body. She looked over at the box and immediately compressed it until it touched his armor. She peeked inside of the box and noticed there was only a few scratches on Father God as he protected his flesh by covering his head with his gauntlets.

"Just as I thought it was pointless trying to kill him like that. But it gave me enough time to think" Azure said before she noticed the door near Father God's throne.

She brushed it off as another exit out of Father God's home and disappeared. She immediately reappeared in front of the box while in a offensive position. Father God noticed her and also got into an offensive position. Azure started absorbing the box of light into her tattoos, as soon as it was fully absorbed and they had a clear view of each other. They were just glaring at each other.

As soon as Azure tightened her grip around her daggers, he disappeared and just as his blade appeared a couple inches away from her head, she pivoted to the right, pushed his short sword down with her left dagger and immediately targeted his neck with her right dagger. As his body finally reappeared, he blocked Azure's attack with his shield and tried pushing his sword upwards but Azure stepped on his hand and used her left dagger to stab him in the neck. Father God tried to use his shield to block the attack but he couldn't unless he wanted Azure to attack with her right dagger to land an attack.

As her left dagger pierced his throat a small ball of light started forming in front of Father God's stomach. Azure pushed her blade further into his throat and moved it to the right, making it act as a hook to keep him from getting away. As soon as the ball of light moved a centimeter towards Father God, he immediately made a similar sized spike and shot it in direction of the ball.

"I'll show you just how fast you humans can die" Father God said as just as the spike and ball made impact.

"I can't wait-" Azure said as the spike and ball exploded.

The explosion pushed Father God towards the door with his head destroyed while Azure's body was completely destroyed. All that was left of her was splattered blood but her body quickly regenerated as his head was still in the process of healing from the base of his neck.

As soon as Azure fully regenerated she noticed Father God hasn't fully healed his head, she stood up and began creating a light rod in the middle of her hand. Father God was almost done healing his head, all that was left was brain, without it he couldn't process what was happening but he was still able to watch Azure's movements via the light in the atmosphere. The light rod was taking much longer longer to form as Azure's tattoos started reappearing all over her body again, making the light rod form faster. As soon as the light rod finished forming and tattoos finally spread throughout her body, she disappeared.

As Father God's head has finally healed, he thought Azure was finally dead but he immediately disregarded that thought as he saw her blur passed by his eyes. He sprouted his wings to stable himself to block Azure's attack but as he was getting a good footing, Azure reappeared swinging the light rod into his neck. As the light rod sunk into his neck, Azure tapped the top of the light rod and pushed half of it into his neck and used her legs to launch herself away from him. The force from the launch pushed Father God about 12 feet from the door. Just before Azure landed she pulled out her desert eagles and loaded a more powerful/condensed ball of mana into the chamber. And as she landed, she aimed for Father God's neck and pulled the trigger. Although he blocked the bullets with his shield he was pushed back and the force from the bullets pushed him through the door.

As Azure got closer to the door, she felt two familiar, one more than the other and peeked the through to the other side of the door via the light rod. She immediately noticed it was a completely different space.

"Don't leave even a single speck of dust" Azure said as she started pulling a large ball of light out of her stomach.

After Azure fully pulled the ball of light of her stomach, she walked through the door while trying to watch Father God's movements via the light rod in his neck but as she peeked through again, he was already pulling the light rod from his neck with his hands wrapped around blocking her view.

Azure walked through with her guard up but when she made it through, Father God was much further from the door than she thought. He didn't seem to be waiting for her neither did he seem to be paying any attention to the door she walked through, instead he had his focus on the other as he pulled the light rod out of his neck. That's when Azure noticed that she couldn't even control her own m.e and she realized Father God wasn't controlling his either. Which was his m.e felt from the other side but as Azure turned her head to the direction Father God was staring at, she also noticed another door which was emanating with two One of them she immediately recognized as it was Jean's but the other was unfamiliar.


Suddenly the unfamiliar m.e started growing and growing until she saw someone fly out of the door.

"Who the hell is that?" Azure said before she felt an immense m.e enter the area.

"Fina- how is he so battered?!" Father God said as he held his hand over his bloody neck.

As the person landed, Azure got a good look at him and noticed that he was the complete opposite of Father God and immediately figured out he was Lucifer; Jean's final opponent.

But Azure immediately felt Jean's m.e grow larger and larger until it reached it's max and Jean walked through the door. She noticed he seemed a bit confused and Lucifer was already healed by the time he walked through the door.

As Jean, Azure, Lucifer, and Father God stood quiet in the area processing the amount of power each other, there was a large circular grey door with engravings of four symbols while a cross separated them. The first symbol was a skull with a scythe going through it, the second was two swords clashing, the third was a podium, and the fourth was an empty bowl. The area itself seemed unending, similar to Heaven and the floors of Hell. But it was barren, as empty as a desert. It seemed as if it was designed not for aesthetic but war. No fight would ruin the landscape, and the sealed door seemed like it was the signal for such battle.