The Generals message

"The four biggest powers on the battlefield is the four nations leaders. They have contracts with some serious God's. Can you got take 'em out?" Fredrick asked as he dodged an attack.

"I'll take the one with the beasts by his side" Jean (Black) said before lightning struck him and disappeared.

"I'll go after the shiny one" Ivan said as his body turned into water.

"I'll kill the one with the long beard" Scarlett said as she turned into a pillar of fire.

"They answered too fast, I couldn't take one" Wyatt said as he covered a soldier's body in dirt.

A large lightning strike landed in front of King Drausa, which immediately made him grip his two handed sword. As he stared into the lightning he saw a body move and almost instantly he swung his sword towards the lightning. His blade went through it as if it was a ghost, then the lightning disappeared which showed Jean (Black) swing his katana down on his head. Sefra and Celes tried to stop the attack themselves but they couldn't move as their feet was frozen in ice.

King Drausa couldn't stop the momentum of his attack as he tried to pull away, Jean (black's) blade was already inches away from his head but suddenly something blocked Jean (Black's) attack. Jean (Black) immediately pushed himself back just before three balls of light smashed into the ground.

"What is this? Why are you at war with them?" Azure asked as she landed beside him.

"Head back to the kingdo-" King Drausa said before a insurmountable amount of m.e was released from Jean (Black).

"Your not going anyhere, you'll be used as soil to put my state back on it's feet" Jean (Black) said in a rough tone.

"Lay a single finger on his head and I'll torture everyone you know, you fucking mutt" Jean (White) said as he released his m.e.

[Minutes before Azure and Jean went through the ripple]

"As our armies go through the training regiments, we will share our experiences with Ryoa's army in this room but we all have to share. If one of you isn't willing to then none of us will" King Elkove said as he leaned his sword on the table.

"Our experiences with them? For what? We already shared that" Emperor Trom asked as he leaned his spear on the table.

"Oh please, you don't expect me to believe all of you weren't terse in your explanations. If we are going to help each other we need complete trust in each other as allying armies as well as nations. Although you don't have to go into further explanation if you don't want to but those who agree to do it won't do it unless everyone in this room agrees" King Elkove explained.

"How will we know whether or not we are lying to each other?" Emperor Trom asked.

"That will only be revealed once everyone agrees" King Elkove said.

"I have nothing to hide. I'll accept" Empress Daldra said.

"Alright than, I'm in as well" Emperor Trom said.

"Great, as am I. King Drausa, what about you? Are you in?" King Trom asked.

"…. Fine, I'm in there's nothing for me to hide either" King Drausa said.

"Great. Well now that we all agreed let me explain how we'll do it. It's actually simple since the only thing we're gonna do is go under a temp blood oath and recite the words 'I vow to tell everyone at this table what happened when and where I encountered Ryoa's army and what led to that moment.' Or something along those lines, of course we all know what that means" King Elkove said as he slit his left thumb.

After King Elkove slit his left thumb, he made a straight line in the middle of the table. Next Emperor Daldra crossed the line with her blood. After her, Emperor Trom crossed the middle with his blood. And lastly King Drausa who crossed it with blood, opposite of Emperor Trom. As soon as they put their blood trails on the table, they began to load their mana into their blood and as it reached the end of their blood trail, the middle resembled a star. A similar thought appeared in all of their heads "I vow to tell everyone at this table what happened how I encountered Ryoa's faction" The leaders said as they held their right hand to their heart.

"I'll go first" Empress Daldra said.

[less than 40 days ago, Daldra's Empire]

"Empress, the bandits that captured Reviwn city are beginning to gather the civilians to start a rebellion" Soldier1 reported as he knelt.

"Damn it, I didn't want a fight with them in the city but so be it. Send the 13th division and eliminate the bandits, make sure the civilians are safe" Empress Daldra said.

"What about the civilians who join them? Would you like them to be eliminated as well?" Soldiers1 asked.

"No the civilians who attacked are to be subdued and brought into custody but if they fight after that then consider it betrayal to the empire and eliminate them" Empress Daldra said.

"Of course, Empress" Soldier1 said as he kept kneeling.

"Is there anything else?" Empress Daldra asked as she looked up.

"The Toldro Empire sent a letter, one of your attendants handed it on my way here earlier. Would like me to read it out loud?" Soldier1 asked as he pulled a letter from his back pocket.

"Yes, go ahead" Empress Daldra said in a slightly concerned tone as she looked to the soldier.

"Is something wrong, Empress? Your tone changed drastically" Soldier1 asked as he stood up.

"I thought I felt something enter the capital city but I must be imagining things. Continue" Empress Daldra said before she saw a speck of dust fall from the ceiling.

"Milady the Emperor of the Toldro Empire asks that-" Before the soldier could finish pillar of ice flew through the top half of his body.

The ice pillar broke through the palace ceiling and floor. The size of it was incomparable to anything Empress Daldra had seen before. She was left speechless as no sound was made from the pillar descending until it went through the palace.

"Sorry if I interrupted your Empress duties but I'm Jean, the second general in Fredricks faction, I'm only here to send a message for now" Jean (black) said as he step onto the soldier's body.

"Only a message?! Do you know what you've just do-?!" An ice sickle flew into Empress Daldra's thigh as she tried to stand.

"Sit and listen. I only came to deliver a message" Jean (black) said as he lowered his hand.

"Only a message, why send a general to only deliver a message" Empress Daldra asked as she tried pulling the ice sickle out.

"I'm getting to that now" Jean (black) said as he pulled paper…. "Hmm I started like this I might as well just start now… I wouldn't want to get in trouble again though…. Okay Lord Fredrick? Oh I see now" Jean whispered to himself before someone started knocking on the door behind.

"EMPRESS ARE YOU OKAY!? LET US IN!" Soldiers at the door yelled.

"HURRY UP AND GET THE DOOR OPEN. MOTHER MIGHT BE IN DANGER WHAT ARE DAWDLING FOR!" Someone on the other side of the door yelled impatiently.

"Lord Fredrick says 'you have two days to assemble your army because you will be attacked by us'" Jean (black) read out loud.

"What? Why would he start a wa-" Before Empress Daldra could finish Jean spoke up again.

"I'll give you a warning unless you want your whole empire gone…. You better prepare because I alone will come with the intention of wiping out your home and subjects alike" Jean (black) said as his pillar of ice disappeared along with a large bolt of lightning striking which also made him disappear.

"Empress are you-" The soldiers only stood at the door as they were able to open it.

They were all left speechless as the floor leading up to the Empress's throne was completely destroyed with the Empress having a hole in her thigh.

[Nation leader's table]

"And just like he said…. It took one person to decimate my empire, his power was unbelievable, he had complete control over both ice and lightning my army barely withstood their ground. All I was able to do at the time was watch as my soldiers fought as I was forced to wait till my wounds healed" Empress Daldra said.

"Wasn't there a healing spell, you could've used?" Emperor Trom asked.

"We tried but the ice he used left lasting effects to halt any healing in the wound" Empress Daldra explained.

"I see that makes him worse somehow…. Anyway I'll go next" Emperor Trom said.

[Less than 40 days ago, Trom's Empire]

"He wouldn't want to join an alliance unless he plans on completely controlling it. Deny it, there's no point in allowing him to join. I'm gonna write a letter and send it to Empress Daldra" Emperor Trom said.

"Sir about Empress Daldra. Her palace was said to be attacked yesterda-" Before the attendant could finish his sentence, the ceiling came crashing down.

"Shit was I supposed to say" Wyatt said as he dropped from the ceiling.

As Wyatt landed on the floor four guards immediately started to surround him.

"This is an act of violation against the Tyero Empire in the presence of Emperor Trom, you are to surrender yourself instantly" Guard1 said as pushed the spear against his neck.

"I remember now. Lord Fredrick says you only have two days before you are attacked. Before those two days are up you are allowed to gather your army to prepare" Wyatt said as he scratched his hand.

"You speak so arrogantly like you aren't seconds away from death. Execute him. Now" Emperor Trom ordered the guards.

As the guards pushed their blades further towards Wyatt's neck, the blades snapped and Immediately after, the guards body exploded.

"I'm sure you heard of gods before right?" Wyatt asked as he shook the blood off his hands.

"Who are you" Emperor Trom said.

"I am practically a god, well I'm also the first general of Fredrick's faction. You could say the first nine generals are all practically gods…. Oh I'm here to send a message and a warning which I already did so I'll leave now" Wyatt said as he swung his fist across the three guards heads.

"What do you mean gods. That's impossible. Where do you think your g-" Before Emperor Trom could stand, he felt something push him down.

"Listen, personally I'm against destroying innocent people if it can be helped, none of us wants to actually but a leader who won't protect his people in times of need is no leader at all. Then if that's so, the whole empire shall vanish" Wyatt said as he lifted his hands from Emperor Trom's shoulders.

[Nation Leader's table]

"He proclaimed himself a god and proved himself to be one as well" Emperor Trom stated as he rubbed his elbow.

"These generals have quite the character. The second general isn't anything like my son" King Drausa thought to himself.

"What happened to the Toldro Empire" King Elkove asked.

"It was burned to dust, leaving only a group of people who became bandits. Traveling the empirical continent" Emperor Trom said.

"Even the small towns were burned. It was said to be the fourth general Scarlett who left nothing and no one alive… purposefully. It looks like a deserted place now" Empress Daldra said.

"The Emperor was quite arrogant himself, I doubt he even tried to gather his army up. Leaving her to destroy it completely. Anyway let's continue" Emperor Trom said.

"Alright then, I'm next" King Elkove said.

[Less than 10 days ago, King Elkove's Kingdom]

"I'm ready, allow the people entry" King Elkove said to the guard near the door.

"Of course, your Majesty" Guard1 said as he pulled the door open.

As the guard began to pull open the door, a large gust of wind pushed it open from the other side. Then a small trail of wind flowed into the room and only stopped when it was 2 meter's away from King Elkove. The wind started forming into a human figure which soon revealed to be a woman.

"?!HEY GET BACK NOW" Guard1 said as he started rushing.

As the guard was rushing, he bumped into something which pushed him back. As he looked up there was nothing there but he couldn't hear whatever the King was saying to the woman. He quickly got back up and tried running towards her again but this time he wasn't pushed, instead he felt wind pass by his body. Immediately after the guard's body was cut up into small pieces.

"I am the 6th general of Lord Fredrick's Faction Ariel, I am only here to deliver a message, I don't intend to kill anymore of your guards yet…. He was just annoying" Ariel said as she scratched the side of her head.

"Wha-" Before King Elkove could ask his question, the woman cut him off.

"Lord Fredrick says you have 10 days before you are attacked. In those 10 days you are allowed to gather your army to fight off the attack" Ariel said.

"Why would he want to start a war?" King Elkove asked.

"A war? This ain't no war. Your Majesty this is simply going to be a massacre" Ariel said before her body dispersed into wind.

[Nation Leader's table]

"It's been 7 days since then and I don't know why they gave me more time than the rest of you" King Elkove said.

"It was smart not to perform any hostile actions while in her presence, she was probably the most advantageous person there at that moment" King Drausa said.

"I agree. At that moment I felt an unfamiliar aura around me, the moment I would've chosen to move would've been detrimental" King Elkove said.

"…I guess I should go now" King Drausa said.