
[Day after the leader's meeting, Aemoura, Fredrick's Faction]

"They've just boarded their ships and are on route to New York's eastern pier. With their speed it should take them approximately 24 hours to get to the pier depending on the time it takes for them to deal with the oceanic beast" Ariel said as she was hidden in the clouds while watching the alliance climb aboard four ships from.

The clouds she hid in were similar to a dense wad of smoke, although the air itself didn't change much it was the cloud itself was much more dense than the ones back on her home planet as she had to use her wind magic to create two peep holes. As Ariel was staring at the alliance, she saw one of the leaders staring at her and from the color of his clothes she immediately knew who it was.

"I think I've been spotted by King Drausa" Ariel said as she started created spears of wind.

"That's fine, don't attack. hurry on back so you could position your men" Fredrick said as his voice echoed into her ear.

Just as Ariel disappeared, the spears of wind deformed which distorted the cloud. Making King Drausa, the one staring at the clouds suspicious.

"These never leave your si- Is there something wrong? You've been staring at the sky for quite some time now" Empress Daldra said as she walked up to him.

"We have to change plans" King Drausa said as he looked at the other ships with a circle floating in front of his mouth.

"For what?" Emperor Trom asked from the other ship as he also had a circle floating in front of mouth.

"We were being watched, it's best if we attack once the pier is in sight. They most likely already anticipated that we'll invade from there and had set up an ambush already" King Drausa explained.

"It was probably the 6th general. Where was she?" King Elkove asked.

"She was hidden in one of the clouds but it seems like she left already. I can't detect any other m.e besides the ones on the ship" King Drausa said.

[Aemoura, Fredrick's faction's hq]

"Alright everyone we'll get positioned at New York's pier" Fredrick said to nearly a million soldiers.

"Yessir!" The members of the faction said simultaneously.

"Go on without me, I want to talk to Fredrick alone" Jean (black) said to Lieutenant Michael.

"Yes sir, we'll meet you there" Lieutenant Michael said as he saluted him.

As the faction soldiers and generals began to leave the large room they were in, Jean stood in front of Fredrick with a dead expression on his face.

"Is something wrong? I was planning on following behind you guys after I gather division 0, if that's what you were worried about" Fredrick said as he tried to collect his documents off of his stand.

"You know I don't care about what the hell you were planning to do while we prep for the invasion" Jean (black) said as he pushed the documents back down to the stand.

As Jean pushed the documents down, three men in black suits suddenly dropped from the ceiling with their weapons pointed to his throat.

"Any hostility shown-" Just before one of the men could finish what they were saying, he felt something sharp pushing up against the back of his neck.

"What are you doing? Stand down, he isn't going to attack me or anything. You too Jean" Fredrick said.

"…." Jean didn't say anything as he just stared at Fredrick with the blade of his scythe wrapped around all three of the mens neck.

As the men pulled their weapons down, they waited for Jean to put his down as well but instead he pushed it closer into their neck until it nicked their skin and a little blood started dripping from their neck.

"Jean what are you-" Before Fredrick could finish Jean spoke up.

"If I don't think your telling the truth then I'll slice their heads off all together. Now answer my question Fredrick, I haven't been to New York ever since I was demoted. So in that 7 year time frame have you rebuilt my state" Jean (black) said with a vexed expression.

"No for those seven years that you and your division have been training, I had division 0 keep an eye on it and never rebuilt it. Although Lin herself tried to convince me into doing it and not saying that I've never given it any thought but with the plans I've had already planned having New York-"

Before Fredrick could finish his explanation Jean sIppokYoe up again.

"I see, so New York being destroyed was just a convenient plot for you to use it as a battled and from what I've heard from your conversation with Ariel, the Drausa was also a small chance. Well I've got what I wanted from you at the moment so I'll go meet up with my men now" Jean said as his scythe disappeared.

As Jean walked away, Fredrick called the three men over to him.

"I should be sure to remind you all later that just because you're apart of zero division doesn't mean you are stronger or you have more power in the faction. You should be more careful and read the room better when it comes to things like these. What you did just would've ended worse if a different general was here. What you did just now was nothing less of treason and death could of been your punishment right there but since I know what happened it'll be overlooked" Fredrick said as he began to heal the cuts in their neck.

"Thank you so much, sir" One of the men said as he spoke for the other two, while they saluted.

"Alright, now let's get the rest of the zero division here. This war is bound to be the best one I've been in. Well the best in a while at least" Fredrick said as he hovered his hand over his ear.

[In a dim office (Aemoura)]

"General Lin, will our division join the war as well?" Division 0 lieutenant asked as she sat on one of the sofas.

"Uhhh-" Before Lin could answer she heard Fredrick's voice in her ear.

"Hello Lin can you and your division head to New York's pier. If you do a headcount I already got three of your men with me" Fredrick said.

"Yeah, we'll be down in a minute or an hour" Lin said as she swiped her hand across her ear.

"Was that Faction Leader Fredrick?" Division O lieutenant asked as she stood.

"Yeah, we are joining the war. Round up everyone and meet me at the exit" Lin said.

"Yes ma'am" Divison 0 lieutenant said as she saluted before exiting the room.

"I wonder how their mana mixed together like that, if the two kinds deeply oppose each other…. I mean it would've made sense if they rejected each other after but they didn't" Lin said before her ear started glowing.

"General Lin, we're all here waiting for you to arrive" Division 0 lieutenant's said in Lin's ear.

"Thanks Lieutenant Desra, I'll be down in a second" Lin said as she stood up after swiping her hand across her ear. "I'll figure it out later but for now I'll just attend this freaking war" Lin said as she created a portal.

[New York's eastern pier]

"Didn't the faction have a run in with the Drausa Kingdom before? Wouldn't he be prepared for something like this?" General1 asked.

"Yes but Rick has already thought of that. Probably" Jonathan said.

"I don't think I've ever asked you this, but how are you guys so close?" General1 asked before she felt her body get heavy.

The generals stood in 5 rows of ten. And standing a couple feet away from Jonathan was Jean, he was staring at the desolate ground rubbing his foot against it. Pushing the dirt onto itself as if he was looking for something. As if he was looking for something buried beneath it all. Beneath the dry and rocky dirt. As he kept pushing, he didn't find what he was looking for, although he didn't stop even as he knew it was useless. He kept getting more and more angry. his anger became visible through the look on his face aswell as through his mana, as he slowly started to lose focus of his aura. The aura which was also angry, copying it's master, began to completely overwhelm the generals he was standing near. Then Jean felt someone pat his back, comforting him as if they knew they weren't the one to relieve him of his regret.

"Calm down, it was completely out of your control. All of us tried to stop it from happening but we still couldn't stop it" Scarlett said as she lifted his head.

"This spot that everyone is standing on and hiding in, nearly three miles of it was covered in beautiful grass and flowers, the peaceful laughs and voices of the people who were visiting. It was all beautiful, they all relied on me to keep them safe but I failed miserably. I failed their hopes and ruined millions of futures, no amount of years of demotion would make up for that. This dried and rough soil makes that clear" Jean said as his eyes darted to the ground.

"Two devils with uncontrollable and powerful magic randomly appeared somewhere in the sky and impacted the ground. The ground was coated in rough earth mana so the mana being knocked out of them isn't our fault. The only thing we needed-" Scarlett was cutoff as she felt Jean's head turn.

"That's the shit you keep forgetting, there's no 'we' in this. This state was under my protection and mines only, all of you being there was just to assist me. All of this falls solely on me" Jean said as his eyes darted to Scarlett's.

"….Then would you like to take care of those two 'nukes' since they were the ones who destroyed the state you were in charge of protecting?" Scarlett asked as her expression slightly changed.

"I can handle White but I won't feel comfortable attacking Blue so you can deal with her" Jean said.

"But that's if they come right, it's not a guarantee they would. So what would you wanna do if they don't?" Scarlett asked as she heard a portal open behind them.

"I don't know, I never really thought about that. I'm just hoping they do come" Jean said as he looked back.

Coming through the portal first was Fredrick and Lin, after them was the rest of division 0. Once all of them walked through the portal, Wyatt created three long rows with thousands of deep holes in each one.

"As I told you guys before wait in the pits, 6th general Ariel will supply you with air bubbles, there are also holes just in case she runs out of mana" Fredrick said as he pointed to the deep holes.

It took about 10 minutes for the whole division to get into position. But after they got into position, Fredrick stepped in front of all the generals as Lin stood at the beginning of the first row.

"In approximately 24 hours, an enemy alliance will be here to seek revenge on us destroying their empires or to stop us from destroying their kingdom. Of course among that alliance is none other than the very man whose father to the 'devil' that destroyed one of our states, King Drausa. Of course we butted heads with three of his teams on multiple occasions about two decades ago but each time we suffered major casualties. Personally I wouldn't want to go up against him again. Instead I would have liked to form a truce. Unfortunately with the way things are now, that's nothing more than a pipe dream. Anyway I'm assuming King Drausa is contracted with one of the earth gods. Based on our fights with him, he seems to have an inhuman magic sufficiency. He's one of the major problems we will be facing. Now on to the next one which is King Elkove. We only had one run in with him over 20 years ago and based on our reports on that king, we will be going up against someone who may or may not be contracted with the one of the gods of creation. Now Empress Daldra, we've also had a run in with them, though it was quite a small one, she was involved in it regardless. She seems to have been contracted with one the gods of the ocean. The only one we don't have is on Emperor Trom, we actually never had an encounter with him. I thought he was gonna be cocky but it was the other emperor that was. But that's all I know about those 4 leaders. The only people allowed to fight those four are the generals. They have reached the same amount of strength as the one with a contract. And info I have on them so far. Now we wait for them to come" Fredrick explained before he turned to the water.