Antebellum II

"I wasn't gonna say anything but it's been forever now, why the fuck are you holding" Regal said as he looked back.

"Shhh, we'll get to that in a bit. Just continue watching this wonderful performance, the other stars are about to appear. For now let their final war play out, from start to finish" the black entity said.

[16 hours later, 10 miles from the eastern pier]

"We should be there in less than 30 minutes" One of the soldiers on a ship shouted.

"Increasing speed on all ships and as King Drausa said, once we see the pier, me and the other leaders are going to attack. BE PREPARED" King Elkove said.

The four nation leaders stood at the front of the ship's deck, waiting for the moment the eastern pier come into their sights. Suddenly a large structure rose from the ocean behind and resembled the goddess Gaia with skin that resembled the ocean floor and a cloak with the same color as the ocean, the structure remained floating just 6 feet above the ocean and behind the armada. Then to the left majority of the armada, the ocean started floating into the air forming into another structure of a god with a golden crown and blue scaly armor, he had a golden trident in one of his hands as the other stayed as a fist. At the right majority of the armada, the clouds started forming into another structure which turned the clouds into thunder clouds. This structure resembled another god who had a hammer with gauge that was held in the hammer's head. Then in the front potion of the armada, wind began to form into one more structure. The structure was of a half naked god with four halos above his head. From top to bottom, the halos progressively got smaller, each being only about 8 centimeters apart.

[Aemoura, New York's eastern pier]

"Oh my- their ships are pretty fast and it looks like they're getting faster too. They're about 30 miles away. It looks like the leaders have the mana embodiment of their contracted gods" Violetta said as her eyes continued to glow.

"So she was spotted, probably by King Drausa. Alright, everyone besides General Zero Lin, Second General Jean, Third General Ivan, and Sixth General Ariel step back. The called generals are countering the four leader's attacks. General Wyatt be ready to raise the soldiers once I give this signal *snap*" Fredrick said before he snapped his finger.

"They're nearly 15 minutes away and it looks like their getting ready to attack" Violetta said as she moved back.

"I'll connect my mana to all of you before it's too late" Fredrick said as he headed towards the back of the faction.

When Fredrick was behind the faction, he turned to faced the front and saw all of the ships which seemed to be less than 10 miles away. He immediately clasped his hands together "Dear Goddess of healing, Ninti, please let our cords of remedies reach my allies and protect them in battle. Dear Goddess Ninti, allow me, your strength and aid in my enemies defeat" then from his back sprouted multiple blue cords that connected, flew into the ground, and then into the generals. The only ones it didn't connect to being the ones in the front. Generals 0-8.

"You mother fuckers better not fuck up and get us all killed" Wyatt said as they got ready to stop the leader's attack.

"Us?" Lin said as she saw the structures slightly moving.

King Elkove raised his hand to the other leaders, asking if they were ready and they raised hands in response signaling that they were getting ready to attack.

"Primordial God Aether, may you please hand me your strength in wiping away my foes, help me turn them to dust, and clean the air of their existence" King Elkove said after he faced the structure. Aether's structure pulled it's hands to the side with it's palms facing upwards, then the four halos above it's head moved and lined up with two halos above each hand.

"God Thor, lord of the clouds lend me your strength in striking my foes and leave neither bone nor ash behind" Emperor Trom said as he as slammed the shoe of his spear on the floor. Once he slammed his spear, Thor's structure's hammer flew into the clouds above which turned them black as well as summoned more of them that reached all the way to the pier.

"Lord of the ocean, Poseidon give me strength to drown my enemies and wash away their sins" Empress Daldra said as she held her long sword to the ocean. And Poseidon's structure raised it's trident to the sky, the ocean started creating rough waves which rocked the armada around slightly but after the waves passed them, they formed into one large wave that continued to grow until it formed into a tsunami, it didn't stop there though, and continued to grow. It then made its way towards the pier.

"Lady Gaia, Mother of all give me the strength to bury those who sully your beautiful child and torment them for all of eternity" King Drausa said as he rose his sword to the sky. Gaia's structure faced it's palms downwards, suddenly the armada felt their ships rocking around again then multiple boulders that were the size of their ships rose from in between each ship. After, they rose pass the ships, and towards the structures head. The structure immediately put both it's thumb and index finger together as if it was pinching something. And in return all of the boulders were immediately formed into spikes.

The ships were now less than 5 miles away, neither side has yet to throw the first attack. Just a tense feeling between the two sides where neither moved a muscle, not even the structure moved an inch.

"The fuck is going on?! They were supposed to attack long before they got this close. What the fuck are they doing?" Fredrick thought as he made the blue cords transparent.

As Fredrick looked to the ships, he heard a faint yell coming from one of the ships. The second the voice was heard, a short burst of lightning was about to strike down on Jean, but he took in the lightning and shot it towards one of the boats. As the lightning flew towards the ships, King Trom started rushing to the boat the lightning was targeted to. As the lightning travelled towards one of the ships, it flew through the tsunami. He was able to make it to the ship before the lightning and deflect it into ocean.

"He made it stronger!?" King Trom said as he looked towards the pier.

As he looked towards the pier, multiple sword made of wind, shot towards the pier. Although he couldn't see it through since the large tsunami was now towering over it, the spikes immediately pierced through the tsunami without breaking its form. But suddenly the tsunami, which was now the size of a skyscraper, was immediately stopped and dispersed into multiple water droplets. And before the water droplets could fall and just as the spikes stopped progressing towards the generals, the swords made of wind pushed the water away, which made the water scatter more as the spikes were sent back.

"Psychokinesis? looks like she's more than adept in it as well, especially if she was able to push that much strength away and like that…I feel like a mad man getting excited" King Drausa thought as he pushed all of the spikes into the water and the ships stopped moving.

Fredrick and the four leaders made eye contact with each other. King Drausa created planks that connected the ship to the pier. Fredrick walked to the front of the faction while signaling for all of the generals to move back. The four leaders and Fredrick stood face to face without showing any signs of attacking each other.

"Welcome, I hope you are comfortable in my home land and I hope the welcome party was to your best likings as well" Fredrick said in a sarcastic tone.

"In future visits- if there is one, you should definitely up your game a little. But that's just coming from someone with higher expectations so no need to fret" King Drausa replied as he tapped the ground.

"Well then, if thats all, it's best if we get started already. I mean we have such a big and barren space, gifted by yours truly" Fredrick said as he started walking away.

"Yes, I believe so aswell" King Drausa said as stepped away.

As Fredrick was walking away, the soldiers in the alliance started rushing off the ships but as they were rushing pass the four leaders, the generals only moved to the side to allow Fredrick clear passage.

"From that point on, the space is being occupied by someone else's mana, but it seems like it isn't an offensive mana. Meaning that there's probably people hiding underground. There shouldn't be so much though, since that would probably waste up too much mana, which also means they're probably underestimating us" King Drausa explained to the other leaders.

"Your magic is more than handy, isn't it. But they- well- he probably already prepared for your over analyzing. So we shouldn't count on something as them underestimating us" King Elkove added.

"…. Exactly. Thats why they might be underestimating us, especially with those generals of theirs, they could've destroyed our armada already but they didn't…. They could be waiting for something" King Drausa said.

"Are you insisting that we hang back as our soldiers fight?" Emperor Trom asked.

"That would be better than us attacking blindly as we are the vital organs of the alliance. If that's what you're implying Drausa than I agree as well, I'm sure our soldiers would be happy to fight for us until we can risk less when we attack them" Empress Daldra said.

"Then that just leaves you two. With all said and done, what do you think of this?" King Drausa asked the other two leaders.

"I can't think of a reason to decline this logic so I'll agree" King Elkove said before he looked to Emperor Trom.

"…. I agree as well but if our soldiers are on the down end than I'm jumping in regardless of what you do" Emperor Trom said.

"That's fine, I'll do the sa-" "AHHH" the soldiers yelled, cutting off whatever King Drausa was going to say.

"What the hell!!-" Emperor Trom said as he looked towards the yells of his men.

When he looked to them, he saw Fredrick's soldiers covered in dirt and above, his soldiers striking downwards on them with blood flying in the sky as well. Emperor Trom immediately felt the need to jump in but he quickly saw General Orval jump to one of them and pulled him to the ground. Suddenly multiple strings that were made of mud wrapped around the necks of the enemy soldiers and immediately hardened. Then another one of their soldiers grabbed one of the soldier's with his hand and brought him down.

"There's no point in worrying about them. They seem like they could handle their own for now" King Elkove said.

"…. Right" Emperor Trom said.

As the soldiers from each side were fighting, the generals watched as one by one, the soldiers fell from each other showing no signs of joining the fight.

"I bet they already discussed this, but just as they are on their side, I am the heart on your side. They moment I 'die' is the moment we lose. If the heart is destroyed, then the human body can no longer operate. So just as you do with your heart, protect me. Oh, and all of you besides generals 0-8, feel free to join in." Fredrick said.

"Huh! What aren't they allowed to join? What the hell was the point in them coming here if they aren't gonna fight?!" General Walis said in a irritated voice.

"They're weapons or more specifically they're our trump cards. That temper of yours needs working on" Fredrick explained.

"If they're weapons why don't you use them now and end this war already" Walis said as he began to calm down.

"I thought I explained this earlier. Weren't you listening? There's two people missing from this war and that's the people responsible for making this place look like ancient ruins. No offense Jean" Fredrick said as he pointed to the ground.

"None taken" Jean said as he looked at the soldiers.

"The people who destroyed this place? So you know what they look like?" General Walis asked.

"Of course because the people who destroyed this state are the same people who are related to the second and fourth generals" Fredrick explained.

"What do you mean by related to them?" Another General said as she stepped up.

"Good question, why don't you ask them" Fredrick said as he pointed to Jean and Scarlett.

As all of the generals looked at Jean and Scarlett, a small sense of nervousness overcame them while they allowed one to answer. "Like Jean told you before there was two devils with light and dark magic who caused the explosion. One of those devils happened to be my twin sister" Scarlett said as she stared at the soldiers fighting.

"The other devil was my twin brother but keep in mind. That 'twin brother' destroyed one of things I've sworn to protect, so I'll deal with him on my own. If any one of you try to interfere, I won't hesitate in putting you out of commission" Jean said as he looked back at the generals.