Final War II

"When those two got forced into that black hole, time changed for them. Everything that happened and is going to happen inside here will be under 15 minutes. As for here, it will take 6 to 7 hours, and if they didn't go there it would've been 4-5 hours. But for us it would count as a second to them" The Black Entity explained as he pointed to another screen.

"Nobody cares. Just let me go" Regal said.

"No" The Black Entity replied.

[Aemoura, Final War]

"Element: Ice Titan" Areia said as she blocked General Klas.

Just as Areia blocked her attack, General Vewrn was able to get behind her and throw an attack, but before his blade could touch her, she hardened her body with ice. The ice was hard enough to make General Vewrn's blade bounce off as she pushed General Klas's blade back. Areia pushed her hand closer to the blade and tried to push her blade into General Klas's neck. Although it was only for a second Areia's body was suddenly heavier but it was enough to slow her down so General Klas could dodge fast enough, so all the blade did was graze her neck. But as it only grazed General Klas's neck, it began to freeze over her skin slowly. Then Areia pulled her spear back, which ended up pushing the shaft into General Vewrn's stomach, feeling as if someone had punched him in the gut. As Areia Areia pulled her spear in front of her and, with both hands, gripped the spear and lifted it towards the sky. Both General Klas and General Vewrn backed away from her.

"Element: Ice, External Titan" Areia said as she slammed her spear on the ground.

The moment Areia slammed her spear, multiple spikes grew around her, but just like before, she couldn't actually land a complete hit on them as they were able to just barely dodge. The ice spikes only chipped off a piece of her cheek as they took General Vewrn's left ear off. The ice spikes grew as big as a stadium, only surrounding Areia.

"This woman is something else, she has passive attack as well" General Klas said as the right side of her face is completely frozen.

"We'll be able to get her before the ice spreads all over our body, just BELIEVE!" General Vewrn said as the left side of his face was frozen.

"Hello~ in another 20 minutes, your bodies will be completely frozen. Before that happens, I'll tell you what type of magic I have. Honestly…. If you can't even take out the 10th what makes you think you can get the 8th and so on? You guys really suck." Areia said as she was looking down on them from one of the ice spikes.

"Telekinesis?!" General Vewrn thought in disbelief.

"~Yup~ Anyway I can copy anybody's "Trick" and learn just as much as they learned of it. For instance. Element and World: Gravity, Drop. Wind, Mist" Areia said as all of the ice spikes began to collapse.

[Further away from this battle, the four nation leaders began to enter the fight]

"It seems like we were able to take the lower ranked generals, but we are having some trouble with the higher ranked ones like the 26 and below except for the generals 8 and below who are rumored to have yet to leave Fredrick's side. But it seems we still have a couple more generals then they do" A soldier said as he moved his hand to his back.

"It seems like he doesn't plan on sending them out unless we join. We'll push through them and then continue straight towards Fredrick, that should stop his soldiers from fighting" King Elkove said just before one of the spikes of ice collapsed.

As the four nation leaders walked towards the battlefield. The other soldier ran ahead of them. As the soldier enter the battlefield, the four nation leaders immediately lost sign of him as he zoomed past everyone with something melting off his arm.

"Was it smart to let him off like that?" Empress Daldra asked.

"If it gets us closer to killing those generals than it doesn't matter" Emperor Trom said.

Seconds later, the four nation leaders finally entered the battle. The first to attack them were enemy soldiers who were teaming up on allied soldiers. But as they all surrounded the leaders, a black portal opened up beneath them, paralyzing the soldier quickly after. Then a large and black dog head shot out of the ground, and wrapped its mouth around the soldiers.

"AGHHH" the soldiers screamed as the dog chewed on them before pulling back into the portal.

"What the hell was that?!" King Elkove said in a shocked tone.

*Crunch crunch* Sefra's mouth was dripping with blood as he eating something. On his tongue, the four leaders saw a scalp with patches of blonde hair that resembled one of the soldiers.

"Sorry. My big version didn't have enough time to swallow all of them" Sefra said as he felt the stares piercing through his chin.

"Beautiful demon dog behavior. Thank you" Empress Daldra said in a cheerful tone.

[On the other side of the battlefield.]

"He's back! What did you learn?" Fredrick said as the soldier came running towards him.

"They finally decided to attack and seem to have a Gryphon and a Hellhound as familiars" The Soldier said reported.

"Does that mean we get to join now? Or are we still waiting for it?" Wyatt asked before he felt something heavy for a second.

"What the hell? Did you guys feel that too?" Ariel said before she heard a *thud*.

"That felt like dark mana. I don't know if it was the type from before but it was enough to knock one of our Zero soldiers" Fredrick said as he placed his hand over the soldier's chest.

"They've finally came then" Jean (Black) said as he began.

"I could heal him, but it'll take a while. And wait, that doesn't mean they're back" Fredrick said as he stopped Jean (Black).

"Then what do you want us to do?" Jean (Black) asked.

"The four biggest powers on the battlefield is the four nations leaders. They have contracts with some serious God's. Can you go take 'em out?" Fredrick asked as he dodged an attack.

"I'll take the one with the beasts by his side" Jean (Black) said before lightning struck him and disappeared.

"I'll go after the shiny one" Ivan said as his body turned into water.

"I'll kill the one with the long beard" Scarlett said as she turned into a pillar of fire.

"They answered too fast, I couldn't take one" Wyatt said as he covered a soldier's body in dirt.

A large lightning strike landed in front of King Drausa, which immediately made him grip his two handed sword. As he stared into the lightning he saw a body move and almost instantly he swung his sword towards the lightning. His blade went through it as if it was a ghost, then the lightning disappeared which showed Jean (Black) swing his katana down on his head. Sefra and Celes tried to stop the attack themselves but they couldn't move as their feet were frozen in ice.

King Drausa couldn't stop the momentum of his attack as he tried to pull away, Jean (black's) blade was already inches away from his head, when suddenly, something blocked Jean (Black's) attack. Jean (Black) immediately pushed himself back just before three balls of light smashed into the ground.

"What is this? Why are you at war with them?" Azure asked as she landed beside him.

"Head back to the kingdo-" King Drausa said before a insurmountable amount of m.e was released from Jean (Black).

"Your not going anyhere, you'll be used as soil to put my state back on it's feet" Jean (Black) said in a rough tone.

"Lay a single finger on his head and I'll torture everyone you know, you fucking mutt" Jean (White) said as he released his m.e.

Jean (Black) covered his blade in ice mana just before disappearing. Although he turned into lightning, Jean (White)'s "SPE" was able to follow wherever Jean (Black) was going. Just before he got there Jean (White)'s blade was already in motion at peak momentum. To all those watching it, he seemed like he was just aimlessly attacking until they saw sparks flying and large shockwave was sent out as Jean (Black) finally reappeared blocking Jean (White)'s attack.

As Jean (Black)'s blade was blocked, he saw a red light flash pass Jean (White)'s head. Seconds after that flash, there was a loud crash. Just barely able to distract Jean (Black), Jean (White) pushed his blade back and landed a kick on his stomach, which pushed him past the collapsed ice spikes.

Jean (White) rushed him right after, pushing through and killing every soldier in his way (besides the ones he recognized).

"12 minutes left and you guys still haven't even touched me yet" Areia gloated before something flew past her.

"….Keep believing…. There's still hope…. Left" General Vewrn said before he heard a large stomp.

Jean (White) landed just a couple feet away, looking around the area. General Klas looked to where the noise came from and to her surprise she saw Jean (White) looking around.

"Prince Jean! What are you doing here?!" General Klas asked in a surprised tone.

"Huh? What happened to your face?" Jean (White) asked before he looked at the women across from her.

The moment Jean (White) looked at Areia. He disappeared. Suddenly someone's leg wrapped around her face. *CRASH* A loud sound came from one the spike ice.

"I told you stay out of it" Jean (Black) said as he pulled his leg away from Areia.

"I did. He just attacked m-" Before Areia could finish, Jean (Black) pulled her away.

As Jean (Black) pulled her away, he lowered both of their bodies as he deflected Jean (White)'s attack with his leg. In the position Jean (White) and Jean (Black) was in, they were able to get a good look at each other.

Jean (White) spinner around as he pulled his arm back, lowered his body and tried to cut Jean (Black) in half. But he suddenly felt someone's foot crush his face. As his was being crushed by the force of the kick, his eyeballs started popping out of its sockets as it pushed with so much strength back over towards one of the ice spikes. Jean ended up flying straight through the large ice spike.

As Jean (White) finally landed, he stood up and began walking back towards Jean (Black) and Wyatt while his face regenerated. As his eyeballs were pulled back into their sockets, Jean (White)'s foot bumped into something heavy. As he looked down and noticed who his foot bumped into, his face was fully regenerated and his expression seemed more upset than before.

"PRINCE!!" General Klas said in shock as she heard Jean (White) crash into something.

"I told you to stay out of it!" Jean (Black) said in a aggravated tone.

"Shut up. if I had, both of you would've benn killed" Wyatt said as he pulled his leg down.

"We were gonna survive. I was getting ready to attack him myself" Jean (Black) said as he let Areia go.

"Oh my!… It was so fast I couldn't even see what was happening" Areia said as she wiped her hand across her forehead.

"That motherfucker is strong as hell too" Jean (Black) said.

"I think we should team up on this-" Before Wyatt could finish his sentence, he was sent flying north.

Then after Wyatt, Jean (Black) was sent flying west. Just after they were both sent away, Areia finally saw who had attacked. Jean (White) only appeared after he stopped moving which was when he was attacking Areia. As if he wanted her to see his face before he kills her. Although his blade was just 5 centimeters away from her, his blade stopped as Ivan blocked it with his sickles. The force of Jean (White)'s attack was able to overpower Ivan, but just before his blade pushed through, Jonathan's sledgehammer slammed against his face.

"Areia head back. We can't protect you and fight him at the same time" Ivan said before a large lightning struck the ground a couple feet away from them.

"Your back!" Jonathan said sarcastically before someone else landed next to him.

"I didn't expect that to be honest. That son of a bitch hit hard" Wyatt said as his jaw regenerated while he stomped on the ground.

Once Wyatt stomped on the ground, multiple spikes rose up from the ground. But just as the last one rose, Jean (White) landed on the last spike and jumped from it causing it to break in half. Then he jumped and landed 2 spikes away from the last broken one, and meters away from the four generals. The moment Jean (White) landed on another spike, he disappeared and broke the spike seconds after he jumped.

"In this dirty and shitty place you call New York. I don't need to worry about your attack" Jean (White) said as he sliced Wyatt's arm off.

In less than a second after Jean (White) cut Wyatt's arm off, he immediately landed a kick on his head which sent him flying again. And with Jean (White)'s "SPE", he saw Jean (Black) rushing towards him. Just as he landed, Jean (Black) was already attacking him, but before just before it hit, Jean (White) kicked himself from the ground. Dodging Jean (Black)'s attack, and landing a kick on his head. The strength of Jean (White)'s kick, made Jean (Black)'s head crash into the ground. And he landed beside him.

Just as Jean (White) landed, he looked behind him and saw Jonathan pulling his war hammer down on his head. Jean (White) was able to quickly react and switched his sword to his hammer. He blocked the attack and pushed Jonathan's war hammer away. Jean (White) pulled his hammer back and slammed the hammer on Jonathan's side.

Jean (White) looked around to see if there was anyone left, but just as he laid his eyes on Ivan, he was wrapped in a large ball water. As Jean (White) tried to get out of it, he was suddenly electrocuted. The electrocution was too strong for his body as it began to melt his skin, destroy all of his eyes, and boil his blood until they melted through his veins. But once the ball of water was normal again, Ivan jumped into it.

"You cause a lot of unnecessary problems. Have you ever questioned why you keep yourself alive?.... You probably can't hear me. Do your ears still work?" Ivan said as he cut both of Jean (White) arms off. After Ivan cut his arms, he immediately wrapped one of his sickles around Jean (White)'s neck and pulled it down which easily sliced through his neck. Ivan destroyed the ball and landed right next to where Jean (White)'s body landed.

"He was beating our ass…. I didn't think he was strong" Jean (Black) said as he stood up.

"He isn't dead" Ivan said as he saw the skin on his face regenerating.

"…You guy's can't die or something? That's good…. I don't need to worry about getting some blood from you guys then. Bond" Jean (White) said as a large black portal appeared below and a large black ball appeared above him.