Final War III

"Your time is almost up!" The black entity said as he swung his arm around like an excited child.


"Why the hell did it do that?" Jean (White) thought as he dodged an attack.

"It was registering the large shift in dark mana" Sefra said in Jean (White)'s head.

"Why does it need to register?" Jean (White) thought as he blocked an attack.

As Jean (White) blocked the attack, ice started appearing on his hammer. Then it quickly began to disintegrate but the disintegration didn't stop the ice as it raced towards his hand. As it went over the hand guard and reached his left hand, it traveled under and reached his right. The ice disintegrated off the hilt immediately after as it began freezing Jean (White)'s arm.

As Jean (Black) pushed Jean (White)'s arm away, a memory suddenly flashed in their head. A memory of the both of them in a black room. As the memory flashed in their minds, it made both of them halt their attacks.

"What the fuck are they stopping for?" Ivan said as he started rushing towards them.

As Ivan was less than a couple feet away from them, Wyatt flew towards Jean (White) with both of his legs aimed at him. He landed his attack on his ribs and pushed him.

"What the fuck were you just standing there for?" Wyatt said as Jonathan ran passed him.

As Jonathan ran passed Wyatt, he jumped towards where Jean (White) landed with his war hammer hanging above his head.

"…BULLSHIT. NO WAY THIS PIECE OF SHIT IS ME!" Jean (White) said as more m.e shot out of his body.

"What?!" Ivan said in surprise as a strong shockwave was sent on from Jonathan's attack.

As Jonathan's attack smashed Jean (White)'s head and a large portion of his chest. He pulled his war hammer away from him, Jean (White)'s body immediately started regenerating. And the speed of it increased from before, as in less than a second his body already regenerated.

"Is this guy really his brother or something?" Jonathan said as he pulled his war hammer down towards Jean (White)'s head.

As soon as the head of his hammer was less than two inches away from him, Jonathan's war hammer began to slow down, before stopping completely.

"NO WAY THAT FUCKING PUSSY IS ME?!" Jean said as tentacles shot out from ground.

As Jonathan pulled back from the tentacles, Jean (White) stood and tried to attack Jonathan, but as Jean (White) was pulling his sword down him, in an instant it was stopped and pushed back. Then Jean (White) felt something push into his body with strength he's never felt before, which jolted him south. Just as Jonathan went after him, Jean (Black) sped past him.

"I don't think he even used his magic yet-" Jean (White) said as he slowed himself down by pushing his katana into the ground.

As Jean (White) finally slowed down and was able to get a stable footing, He saw Jean (Black) move behind him through the corner of his "SPE". As Jean (Black) made it behind him, he immediately attacked, aiming for his for his neck, but Jean (White) was able to pull his katana out of the ground and block the attack. Although Jean (White) was able to block the attack, his katana was pushed away from the force of Jean (Black)'s attack.

As Jean (White)'s katana was pushed away, he saw Jonathan standing to the side with his war hammer already pushing against his chin. Jonathan's war hammer ended up pushing him into the air after completely crushing his jaw. As he was in the air, he felt someone's hand grip his face and suddenly slam his head back down to the ground. As soon as he felt the hand move from his face, he rolled onto his hands and pushed himself onto his feet. Just as he landed, he began to quickly lose his balance as he saw his left leg severed and laying a couple feet away from him. Jean (White) started to fall back, he saw Jean (Black) move behind him again. As he turned his head to look at him. Jean (Black) saw the creepy smile on his face.

"I'm finally getting overwhelmed…. So malicious, so aggressive…. Are they going to kill me?" Jean (White) thought as his left leg and jaw regenerated.

Just as Jean (White)'s body finally regenerated, he immediately lost all feeling in his lower body as he flew over Jean (Black). As Jean (White)'s upper body landed flat on the ground behind Jean (Black), his lower body quickly regenerated and he slowly stood up.

"I have to take you guys seriously.... I'm trembling now as well. I haven't felt this way in years and it's more pleasant than what I remember" Jean (White) said as he switched to his two handed sword.

"He looks more like a devil than anything else" Jean (Black) thought as he turned around and started rushing him.

Once Jean (Black) got close enough, he tried aiming for Jean (White)'s neck but there was an abrupt stop in his attack, as Jean (White)'s two handed sword clashed against Jean (Black)'s sword, it began to slowly push his sword down. While it was being pushed down, Jean (Black) noticed something like a chain crawling down both of Jean (White)'s arms under the sleeves of his jacket, and the lower the chain got, the harder it was for him to push it away. Jean (Black) lowered his blade causing Jean (White)'s two handed sword to slide off as he pulled his sword back and thrusted it towards his throat. But just as it was less than a couple inches away, this sword suddenly forced upwards, which made it graze Jean (White)'s cheek. Jean (White) lifted his hand and pushed it towards his face but just as his hand was less than a couple centimeters away from his face, Jean (Black) saw his "SPE" look away from him. Staring at Wyatt as he was standing to the side of Jean (White) with his fist rushing towards his face.

Almost instantly Jean (White) pulled his arm back with enough speed and force to flip his body leading with his left shoulder. As Jean (White)'s body flipped, he landed a kick on Wyatt's shoulder which pushed him straight into the ground. Then just before he landed, Jean (Black) tried to attack him again but Jean (White) immediately used the weight of his two handed sword to spin himself around, similar to a little tornado, to counter Jean (Black)'s attack. As he was forced to push back, Jean (White) quickly stopped and pushed himself away.

"….That…. That was embarrassing. I feel like I'm desperately trying to kill them and I don't feel uncomfortable about it at all…. I don't really feel comfortable about it either though. I should sharpen up my attacks" Jean (White) thought as his sleeves disintegrated.

The moment Jean (White)'s sleeves disintegrated, he disappeared which made the four generals a bit jittery and less than a second after reappeared in front of Wyatt as he was getting. And landed a kick strong enough to completely break Wyatt's ribcage and push him back to the battlefield. Jean (Black) immediately jolted towards him, thrusting his blade towards Jean (White)'s neck. But he tilted his head back and landed a spinning elbow on Jean (Black) which pushed him further away from the battlefield. After he attacked Jean (Black), he tried to go after Wyatt, but he was only able to move a singular step forward, because then Jonathan appeared to the side of Jean (White) and immediately swung his war hammer towards him. Although Jean (White) was able to block it, the attack pushed towards Ivan, who tried to attack him as well, but chains flew from Jean (White)'s shoulder and pierced through Ivan's hip and shoulders.

The moment Jean (White) got a stable footing, Jonathan tried to attack him again, but Jean (White) was able to dodge it and slice through his body with his two handed sword. Then he quickly continued after Wyatt as he covered himself in mana and began to fall into the shadows under the clouds.

Just as Jean (White) completely entered the shadows, he saw a large pillar of fire which slowly faded away as it reached the clouds.


"Are they getting overpowered by him?" Scarlett said as her eyes looked to where Wyatt landed.

As soon as Scarlett's were diverted from Azure, her head exploded, then a large whole in her right shoulder appeared before another appeared in her left knee.

"What the hell?!" Crystal thought before she suddenly pivoted to the right.

The moment Crystal pivoted to the right, a small bright blur flashed past her eyes. As she turned her head to where it came from, Azure appeared in front of Crystal with the blade of her dagger less than an inch away from her eyes. But a red glow flashed around her arms just before she pushed Azure's forearm up.

As Crystal pushed her forearm up, she kicked Azure's stomach which sunk into her skin and crushed some of her intestines. The force from the kick also pushed Azure a couple feet away, and just before she could land, she felt someone's hand wrap around her face.

Azure immediately stomped her feet into the ground, forcing her body to stop moving as she tried to move the hand, but she felt something rip through her arms. Azure immediately created rods of light just before her lungs exploded.

Although she was able to shoot the rods towards Ariel, Violetta was able to kick the first one away. As she tried to kick another one though, a black figure suddenly kicked her in the head and forced her away.

"What the fuck are you doing? These motherfuckers aren't like those other pussies we've killed" Jean (White) said as his head was slowly uncovered.

"Where the hell did he come from?! I couldn't even-" Before Ariel could finish Azure gripped her wrist.

Azure ripped Ariel's hand off of her face as she regenerated her lungs, slipped in closer to Ariel, elbowed her in the stomach, and flipped her over her shoulder. Just as Azure slammed Ariel on the ground, she twisted and ripped Ariel's arm off. Azure attempted to stomp on her head quickly after but Scarlett attacked Azure as she pushed her blade into her neck. When Scarlett's blade penetrated Azure's neck, she immediately made the blade rip through her flesh as she bent her body forward and kicked her leg back into Scarlett's chin. She was barely able to dodge it as she pulled her head back, causing the attack to graze her chin, and almost instantly Azure pulled it back down, raised her body, and flipped backwards with the tip of her foot aimed for the top of Scarlett's head. Unfortunately just as it was less than an inch away from her head, Crystal was able to punch her with blood wrapped around her brass knuckles which forced her a couple feet away. Just before Azure could land on her body, she caught herself with her arms and pushed herself onto her feet. As she landed, Wyatt was beside her with his fist already pressing towards her face.

"I'm aware of that. I just couldn't find the right time to activate it" Azure said as Jean (White) sped past her.

"Don't worry about that, I'll protect you while you activate it" Jean (White) said as he immediately sliced Wyatt in half.

"Oh yeah~ Saying it like that is nostalgic to me" Azure said as Violetta appeared to the side of her.

"…." Although Jean (White) was too distracted to reply to Azure, he glanced at her as he moved towards Violetta.

As he move towards Violetta, he blocked whatever attack she was about to throw and kicked her in the stomach.

"Bond" Azure said as her body was wrapped in light.

Scarlett tried rushing them but the light that wrapped around Azure suddenly erupted, passing through Jean (White) and all of the generals that were currently near her.

"What the hell was that?" Azure said before lightning struck the ground behind her.

"Something weird like that happened to me too" Jean (White) said as he pulled Azure closer to himself and away from the lightning strike.

"thought that was one of your moves, but it's probably because of the…. Beings we devoured" Azure said as she looked at Jean (White) as if she was going to ask a question.

"They're having a whole conversation in front of us. It's like they've forgotten about us" Jonathan said as he walked up to Wyatt.

"I can't hear a single thing they're saying, how do you feel about this Jean?" Ivan asked as he walked up to Jean (Black).

"I know they're two different people, but seeing someone who looks like me talk to her just pisses me off more. But at the same time...." Jean (Black) stopped talking as he looked around them.

"Understandable… I guess. But how long are we going to let them keep talking like this?" Wyatt asked as he sat up.

"It's not like their discussing some type of strategy or something. We could wait" Violetta said as she continued to watch them.

"I agree, it seems more like their discussing something more personal than this" Lin said as she walked up to Scarlett.

"It's like that bitch has a fucking problem with arms" Ariel said as she was rubbing her shoulder.

"You could've just sped up the healing process" Scarlett said as she heated up her blades.

As Jean (White) and Azure were talking, the nine generals sat down just three feet away completely surrounding them. While waiting, they noticed neither of the soldiers or generals on the battlefield were interfering with them. Instead they were watching from a distance. Even the leaders. They were bewildered until they realized that each of them had accidentally released their while fighting those two devils. So the soldiers and generals were probably too afraid to even try to get close to their battle, as a collective they've decided to watch from afar.

To the soldiers it was like they were watching gods fighting each other, with their seemingly immortal bodies, they've realized they had no chance against them. And getting in between them is like killing your self.

"Looks like their finally finished" Crystal said as she stood.

"Thank you for waiting, there was a little problem we had to settle" Azure said as she walked a couple inches behind Jean (White).

"…." Jean (White) nodded his head as he walked a couple inches behind Azure while glaring at Jean (Black).

"Of course, we wouldn't want to fight if you were distracted by anything other than us" Lin said politely with a smirk on her face.

"That's understandable but I think a better word for that is kill. I mean it always taste better when the vessel is dead" Azure said as she covered her mouth.

The anger that marinated for nearly a decade would finally be recognized as they face off against the two devils who are oblivious and carefree of their actions.