Final War IV

[Just before the 8 generals surrounded the two devils]

"A world council meeting regarding the 11 humans on the Aemoura continent has been called for, the primordial are here and are expecting your arrival immediately" A hologram of a humanoid form said before disappearing.

"Only a matter of time before they got involved after she visited us" Sir Odin said as he swiped his hand across the table.

"It can't be helped especially after those incidents" God1 said before he swiped his hand across the table.

One by one the gods swiped across the table, and once the last god swiped their hand across the table, they were teleported outside to a round table surrounded by flowers and brightened by the sunny sky. Sitting at the round table was 20 primordials each having humanoid forms exuding an intense pressure only balanced out by the serene landscape. Amongst the primordials sitting a couple seats from one of the ends of the table was the daughter of the former ice primordial.

The gods sat randomly in each seat, only leaving one open at the end for whoever was more reasonable to converse with the primordial at the other end.

"Greetings Lord Eqya, the primordial faction. I speak on behalf of the gods and myself of course when I say it's a pleasure to see you all again" God1 started once the rest were seated.

"Greetings Lord Zeus, and of course the feeling mutual on my side but enough with that, as my assistant told you before we have a problem regarding the humans" Lord Eqya said with a soft voice.

"Yes, which problems would you like to address, the ones responsible for multiple god related deaths or the fact that they are just as strong or probably stronger than us and/ or everyone at this round table?" Lord Zeus asked.

"Both. Not only was former Ice primordial Crywl killed but multiple primordials who were said to be next in line, were also killed. The ones who weren't killed were my son- the one next in line to be the Light primordial dragon and Lord Rlun's son who is also next in line to be the Dark primordial dragon" Lord Eqya said.

"Were the deaths all by the same group of kids that came here decades ago?" Lord Zeus asked.

"Yes, and to my understanding the 'father' of those 9 kids is contracted to one of your allies" Lord Eqya said.

"I see where you're going with this but we can't get them under control. It's like trying to force another god to come to our side and it'll only end in one of our deaths. On top of that the 'father' of those kids who are contracted to that god isn't one of our allies. In fact that god is a part of neither side, We've only been able to confirm at this point that she isn't apart of our neutral side" Lord Zeus said.

"So you are aware of which god it is" Lord Eqya said.

"Are you aware of the ancient goddess Ninti" Lord Zeus asked.

"Of course. She was banished for committing an atrocity. I was present at the time, how could I forget?" Lord Eqya said.

"The only god to be banished and stripped of their primordial title. The strongest healing god amongst all others, was found by a single human who happened to stumble upon her. Slowly siphoning enough energy to keep under the radar and in time, create an equals contract that started at 50/50 but eventually became 100/100. Do you know which human was able to do that?" Lord Zeus asked.

"I assume it was the 'father' of those nine kids" Lord Eqya said.

"Yes and that 'father' came here the same way they did. But he's been alive for more centuries than you can count on a humans hand" Lord Zeus said.

"You're telling me a human was able to survive for centuries after finding, the goddess Ninti's banished site?" Lord Eqya asked.

"No it took him centuries to do it" Lord Zeus corrected him.

"How long have you known about this?" Lord Eqya asked.

"Since the start, I've been monitoring all of them, just to keep things in order" Lord Zeus said before the gods turned their heads towards him in surprise.

"Judging by your allies reaction, I doubt they knew anything about this. So tell me. Why have you kept quiet? Do you know how many problems there are because of what you decided to do" Lord Eqya said as he contained his anger.

"Well everything got out of control the moment I stopped which was approximately 7 years ago. And everything that happened after was completely unprecedented, I didn't expect any gods or primordials to get hurt" Lord Zeus said.

"…. 7 years ago? What made you stop then?" Lord Eqya asked.

"aware of the state of Aemoura? That explosion wiped away all of my clouds, and were replaced with different ones I had no control over" Lord Zeus said.

"What was the reason for such a strong explosion?" Lord Eqya asked.

"Two more kids showed up and they had no prior knowledge of magic and everything on this planet" Lord Zeus said.

"And what do they have to do with this?" Lord Eqya said.

"They defeated and devoured heaven, hell, and it's residents including the gods governing the realms" Lord Zeus said.

"They devoured the primordial gods of dark and light magic? And their realms? How? Why?" Lord Eqya asked in confusion.

"Well they did it because they were messing up the order amongst us gods. However, they did go too far in taking out the realms. And how they did it…. Let's see…. I'm honestly not sure" Lord Zeus said.

"They have the overwhelming power of the primordial gods of dark and light. Presumably a threat, and you let them walk away? No shackles? You just let them walk scotch free??" Lord Eqya asked in a perplexed tone.

"Well I did hire them to do it so there's not much I can do about it. It'll be unfair no matter if I'm a primordial or not" Lord Zeus said.

Everyone at the table felt a sudden change in pressure as Lord Eqya heard the answer Lord Zeus said. But the pressure was quickly balanced out by the serene landscape and he immediately calmed down.

As Lord Eqya calmed down he raised a question to Lord Zeus "Zeus. It may have not have been directly, but your decision led to multiple gods and primordials deaths. Higher than the ancient god Ninti. Now neither of us wouldn't want to see you banished. So out of favor of us all here at this world council meeting, why shouldn't we banish you?" Lord Eqya said.

"We've lived a long life. Some of us were here since the start of it. As we grew peaceful with each other, the only fun we had was contracting and helping humans in wars, but they've also begun to grow peaceful with each other leaving us with nothing to do but monitor their diplomatic lives. They started to grow dull and we became friendly, war between us was also and we became friendly. War between us was also illusive. For the past thousands of years, there was no war between us, and we've grown bored of it. The wars between humans are dying out. There was nothing for me, you, and everyone else here. Until a couple centuries ago where the 'Father' of those kids came to this world and I begun to monitor him hoping that something…. Fun would come out of it. And sure enough, it did. Gradually he worked his way to the position he has now and is about to grant us the fight of our life. Unfortunately, we lost some along the way." Lord Zeus explained.

"Continue" Lord Eqya said.

"The father of those kids- Fredrick, gave those nine kids a home and a reason, he made them as strong as us. Then decades later another two came and the king of the Drausa continent- Tru Drausa, gave them a home and a path. Eventually he made them as strong as us. They've been out of control for a couple years and now their making noise on the aemoura continent. I've did all I did to give us some fun, now it's going above my expectations and now we're able to get some real fun. A battle we haven't had in ages. Something to send us off perfectly. I did all of this for us to have the only fun we'll have until the next age" Lord Zeus explained.

"What makes you think they'll be able to put up a fight against us?" Lord Eqya asked.

"Come on, they've taken people just as strong as us already, even realms. Don't tell me you aren't at least curious as to how far their power goes. The atonement for the crimes they've committed against us will also be recognized" Lord Zeus said.

"…. I see. You definitely got some of us excited, but I wonder if they'll be as glad to let you stay. Those who want see the end result to Lord Zeus's plan raid your hand" Lord Eqya said.

[Aemoura continent (present)]

Jean (White) and Scarlett tried to rush the generals first, but as they attempted to move their legs, it was like something pulled them back. As they tried to move again, neither part of their bodies would move. It was as if they were paralyzed. Although they were still standing, their body wouldn't move as they told it to. All they could do was breath.

Though the moment Jean (White) exhaled, Jean (Black) rushed him with his blade already reaching for Jean (White)'s neck. He tried to use one of his tentacles, but before it could touch Jean (Black), Wyatt grabbed it, attempting to stop it. The tentacle kept heading for Jean (Black), although slower, until Jonathan slammed his war hammer on it.

As Jean (Black)'s blade was stretch towards Azure's neck, he hesitated but was still able cut both of their heads off. The moment blood spurt out from their necks and heads, a large flame erupted from the ground beneath them, burning both their bodies and heads to ashes, leaving Jean (White)'s weapon motionless on the ground. Only leaving a few droplets of blood in the ground. Though they only hoped that would've ended them, they waited and watched the ashes.

"He couldn't have been telling the truth, I don't believe this guy is me" Jean (Black) lost himself in thought as he continued to think about what he remembered.

As Jean (Black) was spaced out, he didn't realize Jean (White)'s weapon flew away to the side of him. He continued to stare at the ashes, spaced out, until Wyatt suddenly sped past his eye. When Wyatt sped past him, he saw Azure get sent in the same direction with a strong gust of wind following up behind her

"You can confirm that thought when we meet that guy. Until then though, just focus on trying to kill this one" Wyatt said before large splash was heard from the ocean.

The moment Jean (White) landed in the water, strings started piercing and carrying him into the sky. As it was carrying him, Wyatt started pulling iron from the ground and forming it into an entrapment above Jean (White). The entrapment that Wyatt built with the iron he created was a iron maiden with longer spikes than normal, so the moment Jean (White) was pushed in, he was stabbed, and it closed shut. It then floated into the air with blood continuously dripping from it.

"Oh wow! That brings back some distasteful memories" Azure thought as she looked at the iron maiden.

As Azure looked at the iron maiden, she saw Lin attacking her through the eyes on her hands and immediately blocked the attack. Although Azure blocked Lin's attack, she felt as if her body was paralyzed the moment Lin's hand touched her.

As soon as that feeling went away, Azure tried to attack her but Lin dodged it and slipped in closer to her. As Lin got closer, she elbowed Azure in the stomach, then pushed her palm into Azure's chin, and forced her fingers into her mouth. Lin flipped Azure over her shoulder but as she was flipping her over, she caught glimpse of Azure staring into her eyes. And just a second after Lin slammed Azure's head into the ground, a large hole appeared in her arms, severing her forearms from her elbows. Azure stood up and backed away from Lin while ripping her forearms off of her.

"Fucking hell. You guys just make it more better for me to rip y'all apart" Azure said as blood stopped leaking from her head.

"I can't help but think you lost a couple screws. I feel like your still holding back" Lin said as her arms regenerated.

"Who wouldn't at this point. But don't worry, I promise to get as serious as I can for you" Azure said as she winked at Lin.