Final War V

"You better do your best because you only get one chance" The Black Entity said.

"Your sending me down now? Just wait a moment, I want to see what happens next" Regal said.

"This is your punishment. Have fun, last long~!" The Black entity said as he dropped Regal into a black hole.

"What about me? I committed the same crime he did, why not send me with him?" Kog2 asked.

"Although it was the same crime, he's done much worse. He messed with the universe guardians as well. I saw the outcome of making so much roles now I get to have fun with it before it's gone. The next king and queen will have new ones since this one is already ruined. Once his punishment is over. Your punishments will begin" The Black entity said.

[Final War]

"You've said that be-" Just before Lin could finish, she felt something ram into her neck.

"It only works if her skin registers contact. No, if that were the case, then I would've never been paralyzed. My attacks were too slow for something else-" Azure thought as she pulled her foot away from Lin. She felt the side of her face start melting.

As the eyes on her hands looked to the side, she saw a pole of fire extending towards her. "That's what it is. What a complicated strategy!" Azure thought as her body broke down into smaller fragments of light.

Once the fire disappeared and she rebuilt her body, Azure immediately landed a kick on Lin's chest which propelled her towards the ocean. But as Azure was pulling her leg back, Scarlett stepped in front of her with her blades pushing towards her neck.

Azure was able to react to her attack immediately. Azure moved her body downwards and towards her. She quickly pushed Scarlett's hand away and began to push her palm towards her face with a ball of light sitting in the middle of it. Although it was only for a second Azure felt as if her hand was charred when she touched Scarlett's hand. But she didn't care for it as she continued to attack.

As Azure continued with her attack, Scarlett swiftly pulled her head back, only scarcely dodging Azure attack's as it took a lump of flesh out of the middle of her face. Without any reaction to the attack, Scarlett immediately pushed her knee into Azure's chin but it was blocked. Scarlett quickly retaliated with another attack as she ignited her other leg in flames and almost instantly sent it into the side of Azure's head.

Azure tried to block this attack with her daggers but upon impact with Scarlett's ignited leg, she felt something else pushing up against the other side of her body. A sudden weakness overcame Azure's legs as whoever attacked her landed an attack strong enough to completely shatter her hips upon impact, causing her hands to buckle in surprise, allowing Scarlett to break through her defense and crush her skull while also melting through her head. The force of the kick that landed on her hips shoved her body towards the ocean, following Lin.

"She got past Lin's barrier without being restricted" Scarlett said before she started rushing towards Azure.

"Really?" Just as Crystal finished, a large banging noise was heard.

The banging was coming from the the iron maiden. Second after second, loud *bangs* were heard as a dent was being made. From the inside Jean (White) kept on punching the walls, even though they kept piercing through his knuckles. Every time he pulled his fist back, they regenerated but even though the wound was gone, pain never went away. Instead, it kept building and building. But he stopped with his last punch and a small, thin tentacle began to crawl up his body. As it reached his head, it was like a cloak, completely covering his body, protecting him from the spikes inside. The tentacles began rapidly growing in size, and from the outside the iron maiden seemed to be expanding with cracks forming all around it.

"I won't be able to hold it for much longer. He'll break out in a couple of seconds" Wyatt said as both of his hands were facing the iron maiden.

"Don't worry about him getting out. None of us would've been able to hold it for long" Jean (Black) said before he zapped away.

The second he zapped away, large lightning struck the water as Jean (Black) appeared in the sky levitating above the iron maiden with electricity appearing around his body, and a large pole of ice began to form which exceeded his hand. The pole of ice immediately grew to be approximately 600x bigger than the iron maiden, and reached past the clouds, it seemed as if it almost reached the atmosphere. But just as it was it was created, the iron maiden exploded and Jean (White) was set free.

"What the he-!" Just as Jean (White) broke free of the entrapment, he saw the large pole of ice.

Jean (Black) dug his fingers into the ice and propelled it towards him. As Jean (White) tried to get away, he realized his only option was falling into the ocean as the pole of ice was too large to try and escape to land. But as he tried to get to the ocean, a hand made of stone the same size as the pole of ice appeared. As he landed on the hand, he began to surge his mana through his muscles and reinforced his arms and legs with as much chains and tentacles as he could've just before the ice made impact with him. And as it did, Jean (White) was able to keep it from crushing him but as Jean (Black) felt the resistance, he added more pressure to it until the resistance he felt was gone.

[In the Drausa Kingdom, just as the pole of ice reached hundreds of miles above the clouds past the clouds]

"You highness, the mages have strengthened the barrier as much as they can" General Tes said as she was kneeling.

"Were you able confirm which way it was?" Queen Drausa said as she stared at the large pole of ice through a telescope.

"Yes Milady, It's coming from the Aemoura continent, just a couple feet off shore" General Tes read off a sheet of paper.

"…. Have you confirmed who the light and dark mana is emanating from" Queen Drausa said as she pulled the telescope down.

"Yes Ma'am, it's the young lords Prince Jean and Princess Azure. They seem to be in a battle with who we can assume are the top eight generals from the rumors and what we have of them. But there is also another one that we have nothing on, fighting against the young lords as well" General Tes said as she read over the other paper before hearing something.

As General Tes looked up to Queen Drausa, he saw the telescope rolling on the floor, while she was biting her finger with a concerned look on her face, as she continued staring at the pole of ice.

[The world council meeting]

"All we do now is just wait" Lord Zeus said as he leaned in his chair.

"What do you mean wait? What are we waiting for?" Lord Eqya asked in a perplexed tone.

"Lord Poseidon can you share the eyes of the ocean with us?" Lord Zeus asked.

"…Of course" Lord Poseidon said as he raised his hand.

As Poseidon raised his hand, a large ball of water rises above the table and began showing the fight between the 9 generals and 2 devils.

"If you keep looking awa-" Before Ariel could finish, Azure cut her off.

"Shut the fuck up, you're not my priority" Azure said as she blocked Ariel's attack.

As Azure blocked the attack, a hole appeared in Ariel's forearms, severing them from her elbows. Once they were severed Azure tried to land a kick on her chest. However before her foot could reach Ariel, Violetta caught up to them and attacked her. Azure tried to break down into small fragments of light but before the process even began Violeta's attack was able to reach her and completely break her ribcage, the attack also sent pieces of her ribs shooting all over her, puncturing multiple organs while being pushed away as well.

As Azure was about 3 meters away, her wings spread and stopped herself from going any further. She immediately began to zip towards Jean (White), hoping to break what was trapping him. Just as Azure was at a halfway point, Crystal appeared at her side, trying to attack her. Though Azure fluently dodged it and continued towards Jean (White) but as she made her way towards him, multiple sticks made of water shot out from the ocean trying to pierce her. Although she was able to dodge some of them, one of the sticks pierced her shin and began to wrap around it and pull her.

"Son of a bitch" Azure said before she felt something pushed her body down a bit.

"Your hopeless, you don't need to save such a worthless person" Ivan said as he crouched in her back.

As Ivan was crouched on her back, he inconspicuously put both of his sickles under Azure neck. She only noticed they were there when she felt the blades press into her skin. She immediately turned her body and pushed her desert eagles against his chin. And the time of their attacks were concurrent as they bother took each other's head off.

Before Azure's head fell into the ocean, her body regenerated and she began flying towards Jean (White) again. As she was less than a a couple meters away from him, flames started spiraling from the side, towards her. Azure broke herself down into fragments of light and made it to the joining point, where a pole of of ice met with her hand. But before she could reform, the flames reached her. This time they were much more intense as they burnt most of Azure's fragments to ashes leaving only a few scraps. Such as her leg and pieces of her face. Those parts were able to reform and regenerate as they began to descend. Although just before her descent began, she saw A string of thin, black goo on the side of the pole of ice

Azure's body was able to completely regenerate just before she reached the water. She spread her wings and attempted to head back up to the joining point, but just as she took off, something slammed into her, and like a baseball she flung across the ocean. As she was a couple meters away, Crystal was there with her blood covered fist flying towards Azure's face. Just before it connected, Azure had the barrel facing Crystal, and once it landed, she pulled the trigger, spilling Crystal's brains into the ocean as she rips Azure's head off of her shoulders.

Azure's body flew like a rag doll but she immediately regained control as her head regenerated. She once again spread her wings and slowed herself down. Once she turned to face the structure entrapping Jean (White), the 9 generals were all attacking her. She immediately pulled up both of her guns and only aimed them at Lin and Ivan. But as she pulled the trigger and the bullets left the barrel, hundreds of particles of light were detached from them as the main bullets destroyed half of Ivan and Lin's body, while the particles of light were shot towards the other 7 generals, only destroying a large portion of their body.

Azure tried going for Jean (White) again. She was able to get approximately 7 inches away from the structure before Jean (Black) appeared on the large hand's wrists. He lept towards her, and in an instant, he appeared in front of her with the blade of his sword just inches away from her neck. Just as he appeared in front of her, portion of the large structure Jean (White) was squished between was suddenly surrounded by a black sphere. Only growing big enough to swallow half of the large ice pole and half of the large stone hand.

As Azure's eyes diverted to the black sphere, Jean (White) flew past her eyes with his body covered in a black goo. As he flew past her, Jean (White) grabbed Jean (Black) and started pushing him into the ocean, though he still tried to cut Azure, he was only able to scratch her neck. As Jean (White) crashed Jean (Black) into the ocean, the black sphere began to melt into the same black goo that was covering Jean (White)'s body but it didn't sink, it landed on top of the water like a blanket and slowly turning the ocean black and expanding. As the black sphere was melting, the large pole of ice began to fall.

Queen Drausa noticed the descent from the Drausa Kingdom, and realized the momentum of its descent was too much for the mages alone.

"Take me to the roof!" Queen Drausa said as she urgently rushed to General Tes.

"Wha- Y-Yes Milady" General Tes said as she grabbed Queen Drausa's hand.

When General Tes grabbed Queen Drausa's hand, they teleported to the highest point on the roof. As soon as they were teleported Queen Drausa began slowly releasing her m.e while holding her hands up.

The moment Queen Drausa held her hands up, Jean (White) was still dragging Jean (Black) into the ocean but as he was dragging him down, Jean (White) abruptly stopped, as Jean (Black) noticed he was distracted by something he tried to attack but he suddenly noticed someone other than Jean (White) was glaring right at him. And as Jean (Black) looked in the same direction as him, he saw a faint image of multiple people watching from inside of one of the bubbles.

As they were just staring into the bubble, the deities at the world council had a vibrant image of Jean (Black) and what they can assume is Jean (White) as he is covered in black goo as if it were his skin and his mouth going ear to ear with black goo dripping from perfectly white teeth, big and white beady eyes and no nose. As the deities realized they could see them, two of them stood up.

"Where are going? It's not time yet" Lord Zeus said as he looked around the table.

"I can't sit and watch as they're poisoning my ocean. I'm going ahead" Poseidon said as he started covering his body in water.

"Agreed, I won't tear my contract for something like this. I need to protect the Drausa kingdom. When im done, I might join you." Lady Gaia said as she walked into the hole in the floor.

As Jean (White) and Jean (Black) were staring at the bubble, it popped. And as it popped, the water started to distort before Poseidon appeared in front of them. The moment Poseidon appeared in front of them, he thrusted his trident towards them. Unfortunately they weren't able to dodge as he pierced the both of them in their gut. They both knew they stood no chance underwater. Jean (White's) body melted into goo that laid on the tooth of it while Jean (Black) zapped away, electrocuting water around Poseidon, doing no damage to him though.

"Who the hell was that?" Jean (White) thought as climbed out of the black goo laying on the ocean.

[Drausa Kingdom just a second after Poseidon teleported to the ocean]

As the mages and Queen Drausa were prompting the barrier, the pole of ice slammed against it, immediately adding unexpected amounts of weight. The mages and Queen Drausa were barely able to hold against it as multiple cracks began to appear on the barrier before it cracked a couple seconds later.

"Oh good!, I almost didn't make it" Lady Gaia said as a stone was raising her towards the pole of ice.

As the pole of ice was meters away from crashing into the city, it abruptly stopped just before it touched the castle, and suddenly a large burgundy tree grew, circling around the pole of ice and attaching itself to the barrier before being pulled away from the city. The tree started growing smaller branches all over the barrier fixing/reinforcing it.

"For an attack like this, most of the weight comes from his mana" Lady Gaia said before she walked into the tree.

As Lady Gaia walked through the tree, she came out of the broken stone hand. As she walked through the broken stone hand, she created smaller platforms to walk across the ocean. While she walked across the ocean, she began to walk past the battle. Leaving the 9 Generals and the 2 Devils shocked as they watch her walk past without feeling her m.e.

"Doesn't she look familiar? like one of the statues in the capital?" Azure asked as Lady Gaia walked to the pier.

As Lady Gaia made it to the pier, wind started circling around the floor before dispersing, leaving the deities from the council standing there facing towards them. Then just above the ocean, water started forming into a human figure.

"Under the world council Judgment- you 11 creatures fighting will be executed for killing multiple council members, gods, and causing irreparable damages to the balance between species. You will be executed by the world council themselves. This is a world order. No matter what, you will comply." Poseidon said.