Final War VI

"I'm not sure they know who we are" Lord Zeus said.

"One of them should know" Lord Poseidon said before he tapped his trident onto the ocean.

As Lord Poseidon tapped his trident, two large ripples in the ocean were slowly sent out. Each ripple grew until they reached the black goo, which covered the water like a large and round solid platform that's roughly 15 feet wide. The water separated from the goo leaving it like a stage. The water wasn't only separated from the top as it traveled to the bottom trying to stop the goo from reaching the ocean floor. Although it couldn't make it in time it was still able to separate the goo from the ocean completely. Leaving a 6 meter gap going all around the goo.

"What is that?" Lord Zeus asked as he stared at the goo.

"It's where dark mana users with the demon trait keep all of their devoured, similar to a light mana user with the angel trait, being able to bless any land they touch and make it their own. This one is more like a vomit version though" Lord Rlun explained as a portal appeared above his head.

"What the hell are gods-" Just before Jean (White) could finish he felt something wrapped around his neck.

Lord Rlun, who suddenly appeared was forcing him towards the gap. Azure tried to cut Lord Rlun's hand off to stop him but a sudden beam of light blinded her. Less than a second later Lord Eqya emerged from the light and blocked her attack, allowing Lord Rlun to lift Jean (White) and plunge into the gap with him.

"Where the fuck is he going?" Jean (Black) thought as he covered his body in electricity and raced towards the gap.

As Jean (Black) jumped down the gap, he felt as if something blunt had hit his back which sent him directly into the goo.

"Are you out of your mind? Why would try to fight them in their territory" Lord Zeus said as he floated down to him on a cloud.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Jean (Black) said as he tried to pull his hand out of the goo.

"Didn't you hear Poseidon?You and your friends killed gods and progenitors. You guys didn't stop at one either, you killed hundreds of them from different regions. So we came to punish you for that. Your group and the two people your fighting are condemned for disrupting the human to god power balance" Lord Zeus said as watched Jean (Black) struggle with the goo.

"….You pussies are scared of 9 humans when there's thousands of you?" Jean (Black) asked before goo fell into his mouth.

"You guys are hardly human, your like us. The only difference is unlike you, we can keep our territory safe from annihilation" Lord Zeus said as he pointed towards Aemoura while locking eyes with him.

As Lord Zeus was looking into Jean (Black)'s eyes, he realized what he said pissed him off. Jean (Black) tried to freeze the goo so he break away from it but the goo kept swallowing the ice, making him more and more irritated.

"I wonder how you took them all out with this little skill, you don't even know how to use all of your traits" Lord Rlun said as he pushed his head back.

"Who the fuck are you?" Jean (White) asked as he grabbed his arm.

"You didn't hear Lord Poseidon? I'm one of your executioners" Lord Rlun said as a black stripe appeared on his arm and goo and pieces of ice fell past them.

"Lord Poseidon? The god should've came instead of his fucking lackey" Jean (White) said as the gap began to get darker and strings from his goo shot towards Lord Rlun.

"His lackey? YOU IGNORANT SHIT" Lord Rlun shouted as the goo made contact with his body as if it was droplets of water falling into the sea.

"What the hell" Jean (White) said as he tried to push his sword into Lord Rlun neck.

"You took them all out even though you are your dark treasure's pet. Lord Zeus better be-" Before Lord Rlun could finish two strikes of lightning past by them.

Seconds after the lightning flashed past them a vague sound of crash was heard thousands of miles below them.

"Your a kid with dark mana, you don't even know how to use the Mareritt trait" Lord Rlun said as black smoke erupted from his body.

As the smoke erupted from Lord Rlun's body and it flowed into Jean (White)'s nose which slowly started to distort his vision as everything around started to form into a setting much different and familiar as he was descending to the bottom. Then seconds later in Jean (White)'s eyes he was suddenly standing on a pile of corpses overlooking the scorched desert.

"This place is…. That son of a bitch wants to play with my head. Using this shitty trait, all I have to do is break out of it" Jean (White)'s thought as the memories of where he's at.

Suddenly the sounds of a trotting horse seem to get closer and closer, his starts recollect all the memories of this day. And as he remembered one of the worst thing that happened in this era. Sounds of multiple horses trotting towards him.

As the horse stopped, Jean (White) heard someone step off of it and begin walking towards him.

"Was all of this your doing?" The man said as he dressed in a lorica segmentata.

"I don't want to deal with this shit again" Jean (White) thought to himself as he looked back at the man while he hopped off the horse.

"What are you a slave? Answer me. And where's the champion at, he was sent out here as well" The man said as Jean (White) walked down to him.

"It's me sir. I'm the champion, the other gladiators attacked me after we killed the invaders" Jean (White) said as he stepped in front of him. "I can't move any part of my body besides my lips, but I can't say what's on my mind. It only allows me to say what this illusion wants me to say. Coincidentally it's an exact replica of how it started…. How we started anyway" Jean (White) thought to himself as if he was talking to someone.

"You were attacked by the invaders and our gladiators. No apparent wounds" The man said as he stared into Jean (White)'s eyes.

"I've been blessed by the gods, sir" Jean (White) said as he looked at his arms.

A moment of silence was erected as the man seemed to be, in a way suspicious of Jean (White) but the feeling seem to have disappeared from the man as he hopped back on his horse "Well you are the champion for a reason! Get on, the king would love to speak with you as the champion and hero of the kingdom!" The man said in a gleeful tone.

"I should've known something was up when he said this but at the time I was only a gladiator with champion status" Jean (White) thought to himself.

[Bottom of the gap]

"Did you kill him?" Lord Zeus said as he landed after he jumped back.

"Not yet. Physical damage doesn't seem to matter to his body so I put my Mareritt trait on him to remove his mana" Lord Rlun said as he pointed to a small black creature sitting on Jean (White).

The small black creature on Jean (White)'s was the same size as a rat but more humanoid with pointy ears and a long tail.

"That's how you wanna kill him? I thought you wanted revenge-" Lord Zeus said as he pushed Jean (Black)'s hand away.

"I don't have any hostility towards him personally, he isn't the person who killed my kid. It was someone else" Lord Rlun said as he glared at Lord Zeus.

As he pushed Jean (Black)'s hand away, he rotated his hand to grab Jean (Black)'s arm, used his other hand to create a lightning bolt and tried to push it forward into his chest. But before it was able to reach, Jean (Black) was able to disperse the lightning bolt with his hand, as he dispersed it, he grabbed Lord Zeus's hand and pushed his head into Lord Zeus's face. Completely breaking his nasal bones, while also pushing his head back and losing both his balance and his grip on Jean (Black).

"YES!! YES THIS IS WHAT I NEED FROM YOU" Lord Zeus said as he dodged an attack.

As he dodged the attack, he threw one of his own, aiming directly for his ribs. Which he managed to land as Jean (Black) tried to block, broke two of his ribs. "COME ON!! I KNOW YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS" Lord Zeus said as he landed a punch on Jean (White)'s face.

When his lunch landed, something clicked in his and almost instantly he slid his foot back and immediately threw a punch that was aimed for his stomach. Which he was able to land and went for more attacks but as he was attacking him, his attacks were barely touching Lord Zeus. Jean (Black) felt as if he was being played and jumped back from him.

"You had me excited at first. At this point your just playing with me" Lord Zeus said as he jumped back as well.

"I was going to say the same thing…." Jean (Black) said as he looked at Lord Rlun, who was standing beside him and in front of Jean (White)'s unconscious body.

After Jean (Black) locked eyes with Lord Rlun, he glanced at Jean (White) laying unconscious on the floor, and quickly attacked Lord Rlun. Although he was able to easily dodge, Lord Zeus rushed up to him and tried to land an attack on him but all he was able do was push him back a bit as he blocked the attack.

"Your fighting me, forget about him" Lord Zeus said as he created bolts of lightning in his hands.

"That was my opponent first, if I wanted help killing him than it would've happened when he was conscious" Jean (Black) said as he pointed to Jean (White).

"I'm only doing my job, you've all committed crimes and this is the criminal I'm supposed to execute. If you want him alive then you would have to destroy that creature. But once you do that your case gets worse and we'll have to resort to much worse methods rather than death. If you can get to it of course. I won't interfere" Lord Rlun said as he pointed to Jean (White)'s chest.

"That bastard better wake up soon, I'm tired of protecting his ass" Jean (Black) said as he rushed towards Jean (White).

As Jean (Black) rushed towards him, Lord Zeus zipped in front of him with one of his lightning bolts going straight towards his neck but just as it was only inches away, Jean (Black) disappeared from Lord Zeus's sight. Then in a split second, he felt something slam into his neck, which knocked across the floor. Jean (Black) landed and immediately rushed towards the creature on Jean (White)'s chest but as he was nearly within arms reach of it, eyes opened on the back of it's head. Jean (Black) wasn't able to look into it's eyes for long as something crushed his face, pushing him back.

As he was pushed back, he almost landed on his back but was able to catch him and jump onto his feet, though once he landed he felt something fuzzy slide against his face. He immediately recognized the feeling and disappeared. When he disappeared, Lord Zeus landed in the same Jean (Black) was once standing with his left arm across his chest as if he missed an attack.

As Jean (Black)'s feet slid across the ocean floor, the electricity around his body began to fade and he started to realize how deep and dark it is. As his only light source was his lightning.

[Jean (White)'s vision]

"I'm already in front of the king and I still haven't broken out of it" Jean (White) thought as he tried to gather his mana into one spot.

"I want everyone besides the champion to leave. I wish to speak with him alone" The King said as he drunk from a golden bejeweled cup.

The guest were eager to leave the room as they appeared to be frightened and disgusted with The champion, who was put in shackles before being in an enclosed space with the king. Though the guards seemed to be a bit hesitant about leaving The king in the same room as The champion alone and stayed inside.

"Did you not hear me?! I said I wish to speak with the champion alone! That is an order!" The King said completely disregarded their apparent concerns.

As the guards finally left, The king was left in the room alone with The champion: Jean (White). He knelt in front of The king, with shackles around his ankles and wrist. His head aimed to the ground as The king sat on a throne across from him.

"You know I've come down to watch the gladiator games often but only when the champion is present, that's the only entertainment I have when I'm there. The champion's fights are all amazing, he's always avoided serious injuries and whenever he does get injured it's nothing serious and he recovers from it in the coming days. Did I forget to mention my family watches it too, and my first born daughter, me eldest has fallen for the champion. The strong and probably invincible gladiator, who hasn't lost a single fight since he started. Do you know where I'm heading with this?" The king asked as he leaned back into his throne.

"I'm assuming you'd want The champion to marry your daughter" Jean (White) said as he stared at the ground.

"You see, I want the absolute world for my eldest daughter but I lack the power to do that. So I must give her everything she wants" The king paused for a second before he continued "Champion, you seem like someone I can trust so I wish to tell you something before I continue but first lift your head and tell me your real name" The king said.

"My name is Jean Selyn, current gladiator champion, your majesty" Jean (White) said as he looked up at the king.