Final War VII

"Selyn, as in the former champion Regal Selyn!" The king said in excitement, then he quickly gained his composure "It must run in the family" The king jokingly said " I enjoyed watching his fights. They were…. Majestic, the way he died was also heroic. A wonderful friend and I'm sure he would've been a wonderful father as well" The king said in a genuine tone.

"…Excuse me but what did you call me here for?" Jean (White) said in a evasive tone.

"Of course, it nearly slipped my mind…. Actually I need you to tell me what you think about your father's death before I continue" The king said.

"This part isn't from my memory" Jean (White) thought to himself as if he was answering someone else.

"Yes it was but how would you know, it's not like you remembered what happened that day" Ezreal's echoed before she let out a subtle chuckle.

"What are y-" Jean (White) said before he was cut off.

"It's stupid to play stupid. You don't even remember what grandpa looks like, you don't even remember how he died or how he acted. Actually he was never in your life to begin with" Ezreal said while it sounded like she flipped through pages of a large book in his head.

"What are you talking about? He was the one who taught me how to fight" Jean (White) thought in a perplexed tone.

"No it was a bunch gladiators after grandma sold you to the arena after your grandpa 'ran away'. These memories were buried" Evelyn readily responded after.

"Wh- because none of that happened. He raised me along with my mo-" before he could finish, The king spoke up again.

"We'll let me clear up a couple things for you. Your father didn't run away" The king took a paused but his words left Jean (White) confused and speechless, all he was to do was listen as The king continued "He disappeared in the middle of my room. Well he fell into a black. The witnesses of that moment say a demon took him down as the mightiest warrior. While some say he was condemned for making a deal with the devil. We tried contacting the pope but he agrees that the former champion made a deal with the devil, the pope said to execute the rest of his family as well since you also have the skill he possessed. We don't really no what happened but I can assure you he wasn't a coward to run away from his newborn son. I'm asking you to be her slave instead of her lover is to keep my people and family safe not only yours" The king said before loud knocking was heard on the door.

"This is Lucius Mareritt-" before he could finish Jean's vision was immediately warped.

As his vision was warping, the arms of the black creature that was sitting on his chest fell off and it's body started flattening as if something was crushing until a black bubble formed around it, allowing it to regain its arms and reform it's body.

"Whose emanating that much?! Did you forget one?" Lord Rlun asked as he felt a large amount of unfamiliar m.e.

"I don't know about this one but he clearly does" Lord Zeus said as he saw Jean (Black)'s expression changed.

As Jean (Black)'s expression changed, he became a blur in Lord Zeus's eyes as his foot pushed into Lord Zeus's stomach. The kick was strong enough to push him back but he was barely able to resist the force as his feet slid across the ground, he felt an unbearable amount of pain fill up in his stomach and a warm liquid of what he could assume is blood dribbling from his mouth. When Lord Zeus looked back at Jean (Black), he zapped away but Lord Zeus brought him back by slamming one of his lightning bolts on the ground, creating a lightning bolt that seemed to go out of control just a millisecond before Jean (Black) could create his lightning.

"This just keeps getting better! I'm not done with you yet!" Lord Zeus said in excitement as Jean (Black) appeared in front of him.

"STOP GETTING IN MY FUCKING WAY!" Jean (Black) said in agitated tone as he attacked Lord Zeus.

"Don't ruin the fun just because of some random third party, let's finish this-" Just as Lord Zeus finish that unfamiliar m.e suddenly made his body feel like it was being crushed underneath thousands of worlds.

As that weight suddenly appeared Lord Zeus along with Lord Rlun and Jean (Black) fell to their knees. Unable to stand as their knees and hands were digging into the ground. Although it was different for the black creature sitting on top of Jean (White) as it was completely crushed and absorbed into his body. Suddenly that weight went away leaving them all shocked.

"That wasn't power any being on this planet could muster…. It's far too strong to hide without any of the world counsel members noticing-" Lord Rlun said before he heard a large thud coming from Jean (White)'s body.

"That was far from a Mareritt, you piece of shit" Jean (White) said as all of his eyes were completely focused on Lord Rlun.

"Well mines are little more realistic depending on the person, instead of creating them from your deepest fears, it's created from your worst memory" Lord Rlun explained before the ground suddenly began to quake.

As the quaking suddenly began, Lord Rlun left knee buckled causing his body to tilt downwards and as his body tilted, something grazed his head. As he looked up, Jean (White) was standing in front of him with his arm pulling as he missed his previous attack.

Trying to get space between Jean (White) and himself, Lord Rlun jumped back, however Jean (White)'s blade was suddenly milliseconds away from his neck. Knowing he wouldn't be able to dodge, he pushed his arm towards it, as his arm was pushing towards the blade, black scales scales appeared on his arm. Raising from his shoulder to the top of his fingers. He was fast enough to block it and as the blade collided with the scales on his arm, it bounced back. Pulling Jean (White)'s arm back in the process.

Lord Rlun immediately went for an attack himself. Aiming for Jean (White)'s stomach, he landed it with his fist going through Jean (White)'s body. As he tried to pull it out, he turned his head to look at Jean (White)'s face but the moment he turned his head. He was staring down two barrels and just before Jean (White) pulled the trigger, scales appeared covering Lord Rlun's face while a protective film covers his eyes right after. Once Jean (White) pulled the trigger and the bullets made impact with Lord Rlun's face, the bullets exploded, pushing both of them back.

Once Jean (White) had his foot planted and body steadily standing, he saw Lord Rlun suddenly fly out of the goo with an attack already aimed for his head. Although Jean (White) was able to block it, he felt someone push up against his back, once he felt someone touch his back, he swung his towards them. Though it was more of a shocked attack as he didn't realize that person got so close to him Jean (White)'s attack was blocked. As his attack was blocked Jean (White) that it was Jean (Black) who had blocked with his ice covered fist. It was clear that Jean (White) simply panicked out of shock and attacked Jean (Black), as the attack was easily blocked but it was also clear that Jean (Black) wasn't prepared for the attack himself, as the blade cut halfway through his forearm.

"….Where's your weapon?" Jean (White) asked as he noticed his sword was missing.

"Don't play stupid, you know exactly where it is" Jean (Black) said as he threw a punch towards Jean (White) with his other hand.

"You've been accusing me of everything ever since I met you, are you okay?" Jean (White) said as he let go of his sword.

The moment he let go of his sword, Jean (White) caught Jean (Black)'s fist as his sword was still stuck in his forearm. As he caught his forearm, chains shot from the sword's handle and started breaking itself away from him while following after Jean (White), who moved to Jean (Black)'s side just a she was about to throw an attack, water began falling on them as if it was raining. Though they didn't pay attention to it as Jean (White) landed a punch on Jean (Black)'s side.

Jean (Black) immediately tried to throw an attack but as he moved his hand, he covered his arms in ice and went in for precise attack so he wouldn't touch any of the chains.

"Change of plans Lord Rlun, as long as we can keep them down here indefinitely, the job is completed" Lord Zeus said as he tried to land a kick on Jean (White).

"He finally realized that we won't be able to kill them easily and wants to seal them down here" Lord Rlun thought to himself as he looked at the goo. "Very well. I won't let them escape" Lord Rlun said as he began rushing towards Jean.

[Above the gap]

"Who the hell is this guy?! He looks awfully familiar, did Zeus mention him in the council?" Lord Poseidon asked as he wiped blood from his face.

"Even if he did, we would've known beforehand with the amount of m.e this man possesses it's impossible. Starting from here we must proceed with upmost caution, make sure every attack is your strongest no matter what it is" God1 said as a small portal appeared in front of him.

"He can't be that strong, he's against the strongest being in this planet there's no way, he can defeat all of us. Besides that he doesn't seem to be attacking those humans, he could be a summoned" the Fire progenitor said as a wheel of flames appeared in front of him.

"We know about all summons. For one to just randomly appear like this it's-!" Just before god1 could finish, his portal abruptly disappeared.

"Odin, the wisest war god on this planet. This is my only warning" the man said as he appeared standing in front of Odin.

"He's already-!" As Lord Poseidon tried to attack him, he heard a loud crash in the pier's pillings.

"Come on, I know you gods have more than that. This whole ocean is our battlefield! Go full strength! Don't hold back!" The man mocked them as he looked around.

The moment the man turned his head, the fire progenitor charged him like a rocket with flames thrusting out from his feet, he tried to slam his knee into the man's head. But seemingly effortlessly, he blocked the attack with the back of his hand.

"I told you not to hold back. I create flames like that on the toilet…. If I ever wanted to use it. Also you should've listened to old man Odin" the man said as he tapped the fire progenitor's knee.

"….What?! He didn't even put any mana into that?" The fire progenitor questioned as his leg fell off.

He tried to back away from him but it was as if he had no control of his body or flames, as the man struggled to feel any part of his body, he realized there was no escape as he struggled needlessly. He finally felt something but it wasn't what he expected, instead he felt a gentle hand placed upon his stomach. As he noticed the man's features, something clicked in his head.

"The first one to go was mildly disappointing, you guys can totally do better" The man said as the fire progenitor's flames went out.

As the fire progenitor flames went out, his body turned black and broke down into ash which was quickly picked up and carried away by the wind.

"Pretty disappointing for the progenitor of fire, hopefully the god of is more stronger" The man said as if he was talking to Lord Poseidon.

"I've been trying to wrap my head around this, the moment I saw your face but I finally know why you look so familiar" Lord Poseidon said as he readied his weapon.

"Oh! You didn't figure this out already? Well than yes, I believe if you've gotten a good look than it wouldn't be so hard to tell but if you don't already know then let me tell you" The man said as he teleported to the middle of the goo.

As he teleported to the middle of the goo, a microphone formed in his hand. And as he held it up, Jean (White), Jean (Black), Lord Zeus, and Lord Rlun were raised above ground and they appeared to be having a face off.

"I am Regal, some may know me as the former gladiator champion, father to Jean Selyn. Others may know me as the Cursed Emperor, father to Jean Nyles. But I must introduce myself properly, I am Regal, the end of the world" Regal said as he bowed his head.