Rank 1 Middle Gu Master

In the aperture, waves of primeval essence ebb and flow, rushing towards the surrounding aperture walls.

The sea was jade green, crashing continuously, it was rank 1 initial stage primeval essence.

Rank 1 Gu masters have green copper primeval essence, the initial stage being jade, the middle stage is pale green, the upper stage is dark green and the peak stage is black-green.

The surrounding aperture walls were shining brightly; under the attack of the jade green waves, his foundation was slowly built up.

Afterward, the white light burst, and dimmed. White light condensed with each other, forming a water-ish light ripple.

At this point, the aperture light wall turned into a water wall.

"Finally, from rank 1 initial stage to the middle stage." A light excitement emerged in Li Shang's heart.

Initial stage aperture walls are light walls, the middle stage is water walls.

Once the water walls are created, it means Li Shang is rank 1 middle stage.

"It has been over 1 week since I secluded myself. During this period, I've been cultivating non-stop, not wasting a single minute. Li Shang slowly opened his eyes.

Li Shang grin, he is in a good place, he has 4 gu, lots of money, a high position in the clan, and his only "rank 1 middle

Li Shang with a joyful smile "the Liquor worm gu is extraordinary" With him having 94% primeval essence, The effects will be more amazing. It took more than 2 weeks to hit rank 1 middle

(Liquor worm can cause a Gu master's primeval essence to be refined into one small realm higher. Using it to assist in cultivation, can achieve a greater result with less effort.)

'Hm for now let's keep my cultivation a secret, they would be too suspicious, I will wait a couple more days."

This past week, Li Shang has refined the Liquor worm gu and fire drill gu. With Li Shang hitting rank 1 middle. He also achieved a 65% strength of the black boar gu.

The sun shone intensely in the afternoon, hanging right over everyone's head.

The caravan left and the inn's business fell again.

Li Shang stepped into the cafeteria, immediately attracting the attention of the shop assistants.

A familiar face rushed over and gave him a flattering smile. "Oh, young master, you're here! Please take a seat!"

"Give me a jar of wine and cut me 800g of beef, and serve a few side dishes." Li Shang strode through the cafeteria and approached the window seat that he always sat at.

The shop assistant showed a pleasant expression, "Young master, I will get right away."

Li Shang nodded, "get me the most quality one, I am pre-ordering a hundred jars. As for how much the advance payment will be, you can count first and report to me."

All right, I will convey your words! Please be at ease young master." The shop assistant patted his chest, sounding confident.

Soon, the dishes were served.

Li Shang drank and ate while staring out of the window.

In such hot weather, especially during meal times, there were few people on the streets, but everybody was looking at Li Shang

Li Shang looked with a distracted gaze in his eyes, as part of his mind was already focused on his aperture.

Within the aperture, the water wall continued to flow as his green copper primeval sea rose with raging waves.

The Liquor worm was playing around in his primeval sea, at times comfortably rolling a

around, and at times curling into a ball.

The Windwhirl Gu was running around.

The Fire Drill Gu with vitality was jumping up and down.

The round body of the Black Boar Gu spread its wings and drew circles in the sky.

Li Shang was slightly happy over this.

He was in a very good position.

Li Shang had 4 ranks 1 Gu's, which were very easy to feed and had about 1900 primeval stones, with his talent hitting rank 3 in 5 years, would be amazing for other people, but for Li Shang that would take too long, he needs to hit Rank 3 in 2 years.

If anyone heard him say that they would call him crazy, but they don't know Li Shang was transmigrated, Li Shang didn't care about what they said. With the information, Li Shang has in the Gu world. He can hit rank 8 steadily, but Li Shang has goals, he needs to destroy fate Gu or his plans to be immortal will be harder to achieve. As of right now, Li Shang is very limited, his only rank 1, so he needs to get stronger quickly. But to get stronger quickly Li Shang is missing one thing- Resources.

Li Shang needs to cultivate, thus he needs resources. But the clan's resources are limited, so if he wants more, he needs to fight for it.

Not only fighting for resources, but he also has to be victorious.

To him, the more he fights and the more victories he obtained, the more he would reveal more of his trump cards and make others warier.

Wariness when accumulated to an extent, would turn into suppression and hurdles blocking his path. Since Li Shang was adopted, the Li clan elders were furious, but once Li Shang showed he was an A talent. They were more furious, "why an outsider ah why not one of our Li clan members". After a while, Li Luong proved he was an A talent too. This made the internal conflict more chaotic because there were two potential clan heads one was an outsider while the other was a Li clan member the Li elders decided to split into two groups Li Shang had fewer elders on his side since he was an outsider to this clan which made it very difficult to get good resources so he has to play smart

Moreover, he had another problem, and that was the Black boar Gu's feeding.

The Black Boar Gu's food was pork.

Boar referred to pigs. The Boar Gu series' food was all pork.

Black and White Boar Gu had huge appetites. Every five days they would need to eat around one fully grown pig's amount of meat.

Pork in this world was not cheap, and mortals could only afford to slaughter one during the New Year celebration and enjoy themselves. Without the large scale cultivation technique of Earth, the price of pork and beef was not something mortals could eat often. At the same time the topography of the Mao Li Mountain was precipitous, the area of residence narrow, how much space could be allocated just for rearing livestock?

You eat what you can procure where you live, the villagers were able to eat pork occasionally because of the hunters hunting wild boars in the mountains.

It seems that I have to go hunting myself from now on, for pork." Li Shang's eyes shone with a glint.

He needed real-life combat so this was perfect for Li Shang. He decided, "first thing tomorrow I'll go hunting"

Shop assistant, bill!" Thinking of this, Li Shang hesitated no more, and after footing the bill, he left the inn.