Beast tide


Big, heavy raindrops fell to the earth, battering the roof of the verdant bamboo house, making brittle sounds.

The surface of the pond in front of the building was full of ripples as the rain fell, the fish in the water swimming lively around, the aquatic plants swaying about at the bottom of the pond. The sky was overcast; a thick rain curtain obscured the field of vision as far as the eye could see.

Li Shang sighed, " the weather is really bad. " as Li Shang stepped out to go hunting, he noticed something strange. Every villager was panicking and had a worried face. Li Shang is confused. The stores were closed the sky was red, he decided to ask a Li Clan member, but he didn't know.

Li Shang decided to go to his grandpa while going everybody else was panicking. Once Li Shang arrived at his grandfather's house. He went straight to his grandfather's room when he rushed in. Li Shang saw that his grandpa was stressed.

Li Shang knew something bad was going to happen. Li Pao noticed Li Shang and tells him to flee hid in the base.

"Grandpa, what is happening?" Su Chen said confused

My grandson is a wolf tide with a rank 4 middle stage blood forest wolf. It would be dangerous for you to say here.

Su Chen was shocked "a beast tide at this time", but realized this could be a great opportunity. He can get can perform well and get points to get gu's, but I'm I have will die if I face a rank 1 peak wolf.

Grandpa, I will fight. I am a master too.

Li Pao saw his grandson's determination and told him I was saving this for the future but follow me. Su Chen followed Li Pao. Li Pao took him to his room, but inside of it was a secret passage.

Li Pao opens the door and told Su Chen that our faction was the main descendants of the first clan leader, our clan's immortal, and this room is where he put his treasures for his descendants. Time has passed but their plenty of resources left. Su Chen was surprised and thought to himself "is this plot armor?" Su Chen noticed that there were relics In the corner and there were Gu's in here too.

Li Pao told Su Chen he would gift him relics in the future but we are facing a major crisis so I have no choice to give to you now.

The resources in here will be enough for you to hit rank 2 middle gu master. Su Chen quickly thanked his grandfather. Also, don't touch the gu. It was told by my ancestors to not touch the gu.

Su Chen agreed quickly. Once you hit rank 2 came out to me immediately.

Su Chen nodded his head and grandfather left.

Su Chen sat down to recollect his thoughts."A beast tide has already happened this quickly, but I have benefitted from this. I can hit rank 2 middle gu master this fast. Su Chen used the green copper relic with the liquor worm. 5 days later, I have become rank 1 peak gu master. He felt his power surge, but he wasn't done. There were two red steel relics that he still had. He quickly cultivated the red steel relic gu and he finished after 5 days. He officially became a rank 2 middle gu master. He felt different. He felt his body become more powerful. He realized that he needs better gu he only has rank 1 gu's. Su Chen stared at the middle of the base he saw the gu his grandfather told not to touch the gu. He realized it help him find the Li immortal land or it might be an inheritance. Su Chen knew life is filled with risks and he decided to touch it. He blacked out for a second and he opened his eyes he saw a gu in aperture. It was a rank 1 map gu. He actives it and it told him the location of the immortal land. It was on the mountain behind the clan headquarters. Su Chen was grinning very hard, he has farmed lots of benefits. He left the base and went to see the Li Clan. It was very chaotic everybody was running around. He went to the headquarters and saw his grandfather with the clan leader and the other elders. Li Pao who felt stressed calmed down after he saw his grandson he knew he hit rank 2 middle gu master. He thanked the heavens. All the elders were bewildered" how did he hit rank 2 middle gu master this fast!" The clan leader smiled and told him good job. Li Pao gave him the details about what happened. The Li Clan put up a good fight 1 of our elders Is severely injured, but we backed off the rank 4 wolves for now. He will come back soon. Su Chen nodded and told his grandfather his ready for the battlefield. His grandfather agreed and told him let's upgrade your gu. Li Pao gave him 7 thousand primeval stones. Su Chen went to the Market bought a rank 2 wolf enslavement gu, rank 2 fire drill gu, rank 2 jade wind wheel gu, rank 2 lightning movement gu, and rank 2 earth communication amplifier gu. Later at night, the clan leader called him. The clan leader told him to pick a rank 2 gu for the room. Su Chen picked up jade skin gu. With this, I'll be set to go fight. The clan leader nodded his head In approval. He also gave him a lot of primeval stones. "Don't forget cultivating will get harder the higher you go Li Shang." Yes Clan leader I won't forget have a good night. Su Chen went back to his room and tried to refine the gu's.