The Figure

His name was Mac who in due time, the name would be known to all. Mac wanted to scream, shout, cry, but nothing came out. It had been a hard day; today was the day where he had lost it all. He walked and walked and walked, hoping to find shelter.

"Why and what did this?" Mac sobbed to himself. It was not as if he didn't know what had destroyed his home, eaten his friends, destroyed his country; he did not want to believe what happened was true. Mac had seen them; he wanted to wake up from this nightmare and forget it all. Mac used the little bit of energy he had to look up and to his surprise, he spotted a roof of a house.

Dopamine and adrenaline filled his body and he attempted to run towards what he had seen, he couldn't believe his eyes, Mac thought that the beaming Arizona sunshine made him hallucinate.

After getting closer, to his surprise it was really a house; it looked rather old but it seemed as if it wasn't destroyed by them. Out of pure happiness, Mac opened the door straight away.

Mac looked inside the house, he was filled with glee as he saw food and freshwater, and he rubbed his eyes to make sure what he saw was real. When Mac opened his eyes again, what he saw wasn't what he expected.

A barrel, his two naked eyes were looking down the barrel of a double-barrel shotgun. "Don't move!" The figure screamed. Mac was terrified, he thought to himself; 'What is going on? Is this person going to kill me?' A wondering thought passed, 'Maybe that wouldn't be so bad.'

The terrified Mac was unable to move anyway due to a lack of energy and the amount of fear running through his body. The person screamed yet again,

"Are you one of them?!"

Mac quickly replied "N-no! Of course not! I have no wounds; I haven't been in contact with them!"

The person could see the fear in Mac; whose hands shook unbearably and stuttered on every single word he said, so the person lowered their weapon.

"Jack." He said;

Mac was very confused and still very scared of what this person was, or could do. He reattempted to confirm who he was to Mac; "The names Jack and you are?"

"M-mac," Mac said, still stuttering.

Mac looked Jack up and down, he was a quite tall man, while Mac was about five-foot-eleven Jack was about six-foot-two, all of which made him even more intimidating, not only that but he looked like he was powerful. Jack also looked Mac up and down; his clothes were scruffy, covered in sweat. Mac had droopy eyes and his posture wasn't good either.

"What have you been doing, boy?" Jack questioned,

"I-I've been trying to escape the city, they're everywhere, I have no clue what is going on... it's really weird though, I haven't seen a single one since the sun came up."

After a couple of days, Mac and Jack had gotten to know each other quite well, Mac was only seventeen whilst Jack was twenty-five, they had created a strong bond in the times, Mac rested in the same home as Jack had and trusted each other enough to sleep with their backs facing each other, Jack understood that there was something Mac wasn't telling him, what had happened before Mac had arrived at Jack's home?

Jack was fine with that though, for he had some secrets too. One week after they had first met, the duo was on extremely friendly terms and decided it was a good idea to clock off for the night, but on that night but… one of them had appeared.