
Mac and Jack slept like babies, it had been a very long day but... they did not know of what was about to happen. Jack trusted Mac, but he was still very on edge… Mac asked him about this at one point but he didn't respond. All of a sudden there was a creak of a floorboard.

Jack sat up straight away, grabbed his gun and three items to his right and looked around. Jack glanced at Mac, he got up and saw Mac was still sleeping and a sigh of relief left Jack's body.

This house was quite old; almost every single step on the floorboards creaked on step, but Jack had prepared for this after… that day. With a flashlight and a Colt M1911, he traversed past many of the floorboards without making a sound. Jack knew which floorboards creaked and which ones didn't. Jack peeked down below the handrail, all he could see was a pitch black room, and a wide open door with a beautiful moonlight, his heart pumped faster.

Jack tip-toed down the staircase, on each stair he went down, his heart pumped even faster. At this point in time, Jack had turned off the flashlight and was holding something else in his hand.

From his back pocket, Jack took out two things, his ear-buds he had in his back pocket and some glasses. Jack couldn't see anything, but there was something in the same room as him that could.

It saw Jack pulling out weird things and waited for a chance to pounce on Jack, once Jack was ready; a quite click was made and something round rolled across the floor, slowly, slowly…. BOOM! A noise so loud it could wake a dragon and a light so bright it almost seemed as if you turned on light mode at midnight.

A very loud screech was heard in that room, followed by 'my eyes… my eyes!' Jack wasn't affected by this in the slightest, the two things that he brought out were enough to block out the horrifying sound and enough to block out the massively bright light. In this single second, he had spotted the thing in the dark because of the bright flash, so he shot.

Jack understood these beings, not completely but enough, two shots in the head or heart with a pistol was enough to kill one of these. He aimed for where he remembered the things head to be and shot, hoping to hear roars of pain instead he heard a sound of a bullet hitting wood.

"Just kidding…"

Sweat was roaring through Jacks body in profuse amounts, he had underestimated how long it actually took him to shoot, by the time he even risen his gun to where the voice came from, there was already something on top of him, Jack dropped the gun before he even realised it.

"Argh… demon!" Jack screeched,

"That's right." The demon said while bringing his sharp teeth towards Jack's face,

"It's time to meet your maker." Jack closed his eyes as he had no strength left to try and get the demon off of him, but just at that moment, something that surprised Jack and the demon happened.