The Lord

It was Mac. Usually, Jack would have seen Mac as a knight in shining armor right now but… it didn't seem like Mac. The demon and Jack were speechless, Mac had an emotionless face, and he stared down at the two on the ground in pure pity. Next to Mac's foot there lay a gun, he slowly bent over and picked it up.

The demon and Jack were in a pure trance of fear, unable to move… but the demon finally snapped out of it. He saw a teenage boy holding a gun and pointing it directly at his face.

The demon realized the situation he was in, he couldn't jump towards Mac because there was a gun directly at his face and he couldn't try and go for Jack because Mac was still pointing the gun, his only choice was… to run!

The demon dashed away as fast as he could, he didn't know what this feeling was, and ever since his birth, he's never felt this way. The demon got about 2 meters away from Jack and Mac until he felt a very sharp pain in both of his legs. Before the demon realized it, he was on the floor and screaming in pain yet again, straight afterward he felt a very sharp pain in his head, he had been shot again.

The demon had no choice but to spin around and beg for his life.

"Please! Please let me live! I'll never bother you again!" Bloody tears escaped from his eyes as he begged for his life.

On the other hand, Mac's eyes were cold and dead. Jack was so unsure of what was going on, the Mac he knew was joyful and more of a wimp, whoever this was, this wasn't Mac, this wasn't the Mac he knew. Both the demon and Jack hesitated as Mac opened his mouth and said

"Hate brings sadness, sadness brings hate, fear brings war and war brings hate, but… fear and hate bow down to me."

The moment Mac closed his mouth, there was already another bullet in the demon's skull, he was dead.

"M-mac…? Is that you" Jack spoke quietly, after Jack spoke, it almost seemed as if light appeared in Mac's eyes again as he collapsed.

"Mac!" Jack shouted, he checked Mac's pulse and breathing, Mac was asleep. Asleep like a baby.

"What was that…?" Jack pondered in his head. Jack carried Mac upstairs and laid him in his bed.

Mac woke up about eight hours later and saw Jack lying in his bed. Mac's ears and eyes hurt slightly but he just ignored it. He walked downstairs and saw… a great big breakfast waiting for him. Mac was so hungry, but he knew that its good manners to wait for Jack to wait up. Almost as if Mac were telepathic, Jack came walking downstairs,

"Good morning, you have a good sleep?" Jack spoke quietly.

"Yeah! I'm super hungry though…" Mac replied. They then dug into their food, Jack looked up at Mac and he looked like he was a starving dog when they saw food.

"Do you remember anything that happened last night?" Jack inquired,

"Last night? What do you mean?" Mac replied confusedly.

"Oh, never mind," Jack mumbled. "It seems we're running out of food, we're going to have to go to a shop," Jack said,

"A shop…" Mac mumbled as he reminisced of the past. They got ready, everything they had. They were ready, they left the house for the first time since… the start.