Chapter 4

After, the valiant encounter of what happened back to the class room , my minds mount me neither but to that Hoodie man, I even didn't get a chance to know his name, and why every one behave as a silent whistle towards his entry and his exist, no one !

No single person talked about him, who was he ! Even Mr. Murphy was so insouciant with his extremely enigmatical presence, as if the whole class was baffling but it somehow doesn't digest in my system , then I saw Casper and his gang walking the down street,

"Hey Casper !" I shout towards him, and with his fast strides, he came towards me.

"Valen....what's up, it's like I m getting a bread without some peanut's?" He quirked his eyebrows and waved his hands into his pocket ,

"Do you know some delusional guy at the college campus?" Grown of suspicious manner, I made a question to him, at which his paired of brown eyes leaked some unknown tint ,

"Well , when you were not at college for 1 month, many things gotta change here at Lapwing ?" And nonchalantly he shrugged his shoulder, while his packs were exchanging words to themselves,

In which one of them was Leon,

"Hey, I think you are trying to find about that Hoodie ? Aren't ya?" Leon interrupted and everyone's eye focused on him.

"Well , yes! The one who possess the Ducati Diavel ....." Giving him a hint of his bike, I made a sudden urge to know his Name.

"He's a senator's son! And had some privileged over the commoners, and yet we ourselves didn't know his name, just We call him K." Leon threw his arm over Casper to which Casper, gave him a skeptical view.

"That Asshole, so he had a Ducati ? I guess, Valen are wasting your time on good for nothing but a dick person!" Casper gave me a warily look, to which the whole pack of his burst into laughter, I was disgust, Casper was acting like a slimy leech and Roger the middle hair boy with grey eyes peeved, while Leon just was scrolling through his I phone,

"So ! He had been subjected to K, no name ! Nothing ! Just K?" I sardonically mocked at his flock.

"What you had to do with his name, either is should be K, or K dash or Kerplunk! Does it even matter! By the way you look ! Umm....just a dog swipe ! " He commented, and all of in front of his flock , how dare he! I kicked him through his ball, and he winced in pain, while the whole flock looked at me in shock, it was ooh! Moment.

"Casper Davidson! Just check your trash of mouth , and ya ! One more thing ! It's none of your business ! If I m interested in whoever , just stay the fuck out of it. " and I turned my heels, I admit it , that I was looking like a asswipe, but it was due to such hurricane speed the things evolved around me ,

but he had no right to tell me in front of his flocks, it doesn't suit him, I had to go and meet Juana, who was in a pain, Casper is sometimes very strange, just a childish buttock ! I can't even squeeze his deceitful meaning , every thing is like a play and fool' thing to him, and in very far near future , I don't even see that he would be riding a horse, he is such a jackass ! That he would be on a big big ! Donkey.

"So he is K, and no one wants to discuss about his agility ! Or I must add , they love to but they are refrain from having his name! I need to find him! At least , I could initiate a proper talk with him, he is so complex, a brood ! Bogeyman who scares every children with a hoodie ?" With these thoughts, I was marching through the lobby but was stopped by the sight of his speeding figure, he had just exit from the principal's room, what's there in the room, I cornered myself to the nearby wall and wore my glasses, take some part of my hair to front to not be recognized,

I was grimacing and was acting like ! I was skimming through articles of the pallet board , this chance of spying him shouldn't be escaped, suddenly I hear the closeness of some foot step, and found two strong pair of hands caging me, my back was colliding with a hard stone like thing,

a pleasant mild cologne filled my nostrils, and i drowned my self in it, until a hissing voice slapped my ears, at that time my heart was throbbing and its pumping become 10 times bigger than its usual, my hands were vomiting a large amount of sweat while there were enough sweat on my forehead, I was heaving with tightened eyes, my Bob was escalating up side down, and then his mystical voice croaked into silent manner,

"It's not a spy game, I guess Miss Lockhart! Is it? No!!! And yes ! My Christianity sobriquet wouldn't be a disclosure, so don't even bother to eaves me ! Consequences you know! Wouldn't be favorable then ! " with this he dragged me to the dark room and kept one hand on my mouth,

Forcefully made me to look into his eyes, the beautiful eyes yet captivating, if eyes can be used as an assassinated tools, K's eyes would be probable one, k! Killer ! And his killings!

He was at that much proximity , that if I would move a semi half inch, our lusciousness would touch each other, and I was just battling to him, to which he was just glaring me, his piercing looks with sharp face, every time his eyes took me to an coiling trauma, I don't know ! What is his problem, what is my problem to his fidelity? And in first place, why I m dozen about of acting like a FBI agent, but till the event took place today on chemistry lab to Lit. Class! I had seen a set of rubrical set of cube, There is a thick tension, of him in glaring me, and I m yet observing his angular face, the handsome face, till then I realised, he squeezed my fragile hands so cruelly that my sleeveless dress, began to grow scarlet shades of tinge.

"Your route will be destroyed Miss Lockhart, stay as much as away from me, just a matter of light distance and dark princess is waiting to devour you ! " with these connoting words , he left the dark room , leaving me with a big open mouth! My mouth just hang and my mind just twisted ! The earth shrank and the door closed in very thundering ! Voice, I m totally wordless! If I would say ! That his aura didn't charm me, I m fooling myself, if i would say that it charmed me, it really charmed me in a very big manner, in a very very big manner, than I m fooling myself twice, although the place is dark and is having enmity with light's photon entry in his palace of darkness, but still I can see a bundle of hope with light , the more high a fly can fly , the more distant is a distance to be disclosed.

It's almost the evening , when we return to our tenant ! I and Juana , while Juana complained me about leaving her for long time, but I hadn't enough strength after the stunt I pulled in the class, than to Casper and again to him!

I headed for the kitchen , to make some beetroot soup mixed with carrot , for Juana ! It would help to heal her wounds! My mind was again and again drifting towards his words, his everlasting words,

"The dark princess will devour you !"what does it even mean, by the prolific and his impeccable answering skills, one thing was must understood that he was a literary soul, even Mr. Murphy was stunned by his answer ! Although I was eventually dead for him, and wait a second how does he knew my name !

"Your route will be destroyed Miss Lockhart, stay as much as away from me"

He basically addressed me by my last name, the last name and it affected me to my every cell and every fibre of my body, even my back hair of neck stood all in salute position, what he is doing to me? Love is not the answer in this case,

I m not a lover girl. Was never and I m not like an usual weak female protagonist if it is a novel although ! Who follows a guy or follows a vampire or all of the much follows a sadist and in return beg for his attention to her, and as every male protagonist do usually ! They try to distance themselves at first and then attached strings and then they made love , they kiss and finally broke up and again are met at last !

Neither it is a trilogy between two males one girl, it is reality and I m real , may be it is my infatuation, towards him because I m a grown up teenager and my hormones are running a wild marathon inside me,

I m an average student ! Who had been activists as a journalist ! My final year are approaching and I will be having my things move to Scotland ! After November, so it's not a big deal, and if I m even following him, I know the reason! But please it shouldn't be categorized with a love sick girl, and not I m a crazy sexmaniac, I have my physical need and I m not a virgin ! I lost it to someone ! Who was not worthy ! But again ! It's not a fairy tale, if I would mention,

Till then, I see the boiling bubbles were over flooding, 'Oh ! Shit!" , I muttered a curse and turn off the knob of the gas stove, while the smell was not delicious, not because I m a bad cook, it's because it's a soothing herb , you know what

"it 's a human tendency to hate the good things, he can't fall in love with good things, no matter how good the thing is , how effective it can be, he would always go for bad things, bad people to copulate his love, bad things and people can't be ignored, even we hate to admit, love of purity always got a defeat over love of hatredness !"

So is in the case of beetroot, I know she likes a double cheesy sweet corn, no matter it would definitely harm her health, she would take all her courage mustered up and would eat a full bowl of it, even if she would be tired , her body would be in pain, due to the rigorous workout she needed after having a bowl full of sweet corn , but in altered case , if beetroot is about to serve to her and even not that much gyming is required for beetroot , she would be avoiding it like a pee.

"Ju ! You had to drink the soup, no matter ! If it favoured by you or not ! And don't even think to flush it in the basin!" I gave her a warning after pulling off my apron and hanging it to the kitchen's wardrobe, although our kitchen is neither too big , nor too small it's perfect open and airy !

"You know that ! My appetite dies after seeing the beetroot, and again you had to made this grumpy diss !" She whined like a four year child , oh Christ ! She and her overbearing tantrums,

"Don't you dare to call it a diss, you don't know ! How much labor I had to put in it , to make it look like all nutritious , adding pepper, cloves and everything needs a scientific measure and amount, so better don't insult it ! Cause , insulting the dish ! You are insulting my culinary skills !" And she let out a groan and drank it without taking teaspoons, fine for me! I just raised my hands and she made a puking face.

Like I care ! It just a daily basis routine for me to watch her like this, so it's nothing new ! But One question , bugged me how , she got a packet of cocaine and how in the first place she knew that K ! Will be hiding at chemistry ?

"Ju !" I tilted my head towards her and she just hummed in process, while stick to t.v,

"How did you know that he would be hiding there in chemistry lab and also about the cocaine pack ?" And as the words launched from my mouth, she turned her face and gave me her full attention.