Chapter 5 - order@0.01

"How did you know that he would be hiding there in chemistry lab and also about the cocaine pack ?" And as the words launched from my mouth, she turned her face and gave me her full attention.

"Everybody at Lapwing knows that Hoodie is a druggist , just because he is a son of the so called new senator , Mr. Benjamin Roosevelt, he had been summoned to privileges, my ass! " Juana handed me her empty bowl and I just rolled my eyes to her,

she is literally a lazy lad, when comes to work ! And I moved to the sink, well it's very portable for small doobries, My hands grab the dishwasher and I asked her again,

"And How come I Didn't knew about him, infact ! It was the first day! I had even saw him, what is he A boggle ? "

She again submerged herself into Television, and overly obsessed with a wild hunt show,

She is seriously a haggard when comes to living, Nothing is a girly material , really ! No girl virus, can ever bite her, because she is not immune to any kind of girly pathogens,

"Ju, ! I am talking to you ? Don't start sulking again ! Damn girl !" The bowl and the pot had been washed by the time and I again discharged my self from the apron, our rent room is a miniature version for a cute newly weds, but here we two pricks live,

"Don't be that Murphy! That Doggy Murphy , Sometimes you smell just like him, when you ask very nonsense questions !" Juana was square back to Juana , and I just raised my hands in air,

"Oh ! Hell with Mr. Murphy, he is a swine with flu, but at least , when did this dramatic man came to soul ?" I again approached her by throwing myself in the sofa,

"Because his name had appeared 1 month later you came from Santa Fe, from your mom's fourth wedding , seriously Valen, your Mom is a quenchless Bitch ." Juana had made this comment thrice, since we know each other from 2 years,

but Juana really feels pathetic about my Mom's turnover , switching husbands from one to two and next to next, since My father died, when I was just 1 years old, Mr. Timothy Lockhart, was a solicitor at Canada supreme court, I don't know ,

what kind of the relation did my mom had with my father, because she had only told me once , that when was just 18 years old , she got impregnated by my father at a hotel , where she used to work as a bar dancer, and as abided by law my father had to marry my mom. Even when, father was 10 years old than my mom, and god knows! How did they even lived together, and then when my father died due to lung carcinoma, my mother started whoring out, I was always sent to my Uncle 's house, well ! My uncle was a bachelor , so he kindly became my keeper,

"But Mr. Murphy had eat out my brain today , Jesus His terror is like a three headed snake, seriously when he puffs out at great extend!" I nodded my head in negative feedback and reflected my disappointment towards Mr. Murphy's toughness.

"Not ! Again, I know he can only give blowjobs from his garbage like mouth, Bet it! He had again flushed the potties of my envying onto you, is that the thing?" She searched into my brown eyes and she got her answer when I hung my head .

"He literally exposed your attendance sheet in front of whole class and said that you yourself are a terrible incident!" I raked my hands callously in my hairs, they were all wary chestnut ! And they are falling! Again a hair fall problem.

"He is a motherfucker , douchebag ! My reputation is debilitated by him, oh ! God , this is too much ! I mean , doesn't he is some nightcrawler, he is just disgust, but he didn't know that , My sport performance in rugby, is counting up my attendance, so even if I would not attend his hutch, then also I would have a good attendance !" Juana made herself look like a witty woman, she is so love with herself and keeps boys under her heels, that I wonder who would be her man,

"But he is a vice Chancellor of lapwing, can cut your Sport filament, Note it down Miss graves, "

"Ah-ha! He can do nothing, he is just a bullshit Pig! He and that druggist are of same category, both are asswipes,

Hey! Did you met Nolan today?" By the time she was fishing through her cellphone, and while peeping inside her cellphone, she turned to me.

"Nolan! No! He is just kinda , I don't know where did he seemed busy these days, May be he is deep rooted for his scholarship ? I don't know !" I yawned by dismissing the Nolan's whereabout, Nolan Hades, my ex boyfriend , a studious delegate and a charming boy roll, practically He was my second boyfriend, until I dated one Harold stoners back to my middle high school but we keep to remain as a friend, because relationship didn't fascinated us much and this was the sign that its midnight o' clock.

"I m going uptown to bed ! Tomorrow is again that college!" I cried out in frustration, while Juana was again surfing through her phone, god ! No one ! Could believe that Juana graves is any kind of sport disciple, cause she had a late sleeping habit, and practically she was starting looking like a ghoul because of that black holes forming in her galaxy of black eyes.

I popped into my bed , and switch off the table lamp, its incandescent intensity pricks into my eyes, I covered my whole body with the sheets, but I again drifted to imagine his tower figure, when he gave the answer and the way he lowered down the tequila atmospheric tension, at Mr. Murphy's class, Juana should better don't know it, it would be a chaotic situations, I hate to admit but I had developed some kind of loose strands of attracted strings toward him, and the worst thing was that he could read them scripted into my brownies, his deep manly voice,

"Dark princess will devour you" , my core of heart formed a crevice , and I just begged for his attention, who is he ? This three letter word , "W-H-O ", always brings his persona as a chambers filled with secrets , his hood was his dungeon and his eyes were his masquerade behind what he contains,

Every night cost my tired ness with sleep , I sleep with ambiguity , with chronics of my hidden past pains, which should be remained locked under the locker of my chest!

It had been the ages of hours, but my incessant attempts of awaken sleeping was no aid to my trauma, I decided to sneak out into murky lands of Rougesage, Juana had been asleep and her snores were earsplitting, I grabbed my track jacket with a hood ! And my pair of sport shoes , tucked my hands with digital watch, and escaped through the mist air,

it was dense and damping , filling my nose muffs with weedy scent, we practically lived near a dense wood of valley Barnabas , here trees are like size of a cathedral ! Tall with monstrous gangling height, i was jogging down the stony alley ,

which leads to marts and vends and groceries, there had been house with small doors and windows with British designed shelter, practically I stopped, my feet glued the placed where they stand, my heart had no white in it, my blood left their vesicles ,the moisture was so thick that my sweat was pouring drops of water,

my eyes propelled because I just saw a black dodge caravan, from there a girl came into sight, she was leggy and had black long straight hairs reaching up to her waist, she had been all wrapped in a long knee length blazer in peach color, her face was all caked with makeup and she hold a grudge, after dropping the girl, the van speedily drove off, and now only that girl and myself had been left in peddle, she removed her black goggles and rang the bell of that incorporate building like house, and a man in black , may be he was a kind of bodyguard or may be bouncer greeted her in, There was all fishy going down there ,

I was hiding over a small shop 's shelter, it was named, "Richie's delicious", may be it could be one of the food counter,I ignore the fact and searched for my phone, I had to know as what was going on there, because I m an intern of investigative journalism,

I searched for my phone and found that I could somehow record the data, but the floor needs an elevator while it itself was inside, and I lost my precious half an hour, I was searching the way! But I heard the voice of a bullet, that bullet was shot in the floor, for three times, and a sonorous gangling sound came of a girl probably , the same girl and then of an old aged man ! Just a milliseconds difference and everything was done! It was a murder scene, and definitely it was a big rare one to hold, the house lit up like a lantern! Because the lights were on ! All the neighbours and people came out from their houses and there was a grapevine whispering among the mob! One man came shrieking ,

" Mr. Hislop Coleman is dead , he had been murdered !" A man squealed to the whole crowd, and many suspect ions, and accused were discussed people practically rushed to the crime scene but cops had been grounded out there, and do not cross the line ! Like yellow long running strip was bounded ,

But there were two corpse, one was of that black haired girl and other was of that middle aged man ! And their position was out of horrible ness they both had been nude, and Mr. Hislop's manhood had been injected to the woman core of the black haired girl, cops immediately covers them with blanket and the bullet had been shot just a headshot, while the girl had been shot in stomach! Until the shots were picked up from the bullet and it was discovered that , this bullet had been of different shape like a square flared and pointed,

A note was left over there , Order@0.01- Sampura.

What was that so called details no one knows ! Was it a code language, or someone had hired serial killer to kill Mr. Hislop because he find out about his whores, what exactly was the motive ? While killing a person while he was doing sex,

I mean the man had been continued to death while penetrating himself to the naked woman , and the head shot was at such perfect point that no one and one can say but the idioms, was true, "one Arrow, two hunt!" , that bodyguard who had previously opened the door for that black haired girl was talking to the police and he was saying,

"Her name was Agatha Miller , yes she was boss hot listed mistress she was, "

Police continued to interrogate him and I had been cornered out of the house,

so that black haired girl name was Agatha, Miller

even when I was struggling deep to get more information but they said, they don't allow the journalism interns, and I had to return back,

I was just about to turn, and had left the Coleman's Mansion, I heard the intimidating voice from the nearby woods, I had previously told that it was a woody residence, a deep tangled roots habitat the most powerful Associates to this Emerald Conclave, the name of this Alley,

"Humans had circuits and circuits have circumstances , eventually dies !" Where I found acquainted pair of eyes, but the man was having a bowler's hat . and he even puffed cigar, he came like a lunatic to me , very very warily steps and in ear he hissed, " I had massacred the Hislop and his prostitute, Miss. Lockhart !"

he couldn't be that Hoodie, was he? Was K. my heart clutched , my phone dropped, a rotten feeling housed in my cremated soul, fucking fact! Was he the murderer, because his autotune matched with the same voice of K. When he warned me back to class, I was lost in the thought while the Hat man, disappeared in the deep foggy smoke with a bike seemed to Harley chopper framed back to 1986,