Chapter 22

I had the flyer as in form of letter from the Leigh , it was like a relaxation from somewhere , which I thought may be carry me to my breathing period.

Moving to the greenhouse I was going to head, that's plain and like a Modesto for me...I foot down towards the muddy lanes of lapwing , it was never connected, it was as usual the dancing coldness , not teetering and other thing, I cancelled my plan to greenhouse , because I had only five minutes left for attending Murphy's class. Which was again a headache,

First thought which crossed my mind, was , his indolent behaviour, I m walking ....type...second his love toward blackness....walking again..comma, and third being very fair like a milky way .....he was a black lover,

Douglas Murphy and his way toward loving the black, even I thought why he is a quirkyalone, but I guess that men of his type are made to be single celled, a monotone harp without a string, I wouldn't dare to look at him ...just because ....I know his treats...many boulders are aging across his face , which held no emotions, sometimes his scary features made me stumble upon ...the amount of his brewing comments , which was again impossible for me to handle ....class seems like it was an old swooping dungeons ,

he never allowed sunbeams to dance in front of that optimal allowing window planes ...which had become rude like a prudent bodyguards who like to show their building abs but in a glazed form, these bodyguards here in class of Murphy were of no soul, just a faded translucent material which had been strictly prohibited to allow the mass amount of light, in the dungeon like class of Murphy .

Today , there was no late moments, I was in my right time, but Juana was

Again. Nowhere to be found in class, as usual our Favorite charmer K ! Was also Not present in the class, just for one class he had seated nearby me ...which was again beside the window, at that time , I don't know how but the last row window wasn't closed, instead the other days, where the curtains hide their plasticity ....

Class strength was like an opera studio, no chatting, no side talks, only the opened books , Murphy was everything which a really Satan can be ...but again he doesn't follow racism , this thing was good in Douglas Murphy , so there was Nina Seth , another studious girl of Lapwing .... I hadn't scribbled a single word over the two weeks before , the drama of that Shakespeare....

I can't be a humdrum bibliophile , not yet ...when my class test were of zero level , and my mind got a flu of love distraction, I hate when ...I had to do internship and people over smartly flag themselves over my priorities ....they are just outsiders ....just who should be of negate existence, This literature is killing my inside renunciations ....the vibes , which I m getting right now is

Only Murphy- Insomnia....

Nina Seth can withstand my problem, she can hopefully corelate me, but she was in her Gamma green toppled top, a normal one ...and she was very much focused into whatever stuff, she was reading , her fingers followed her moves .....and that David Westley was a bribe to her solace, he was much accused person , leaving his chipmunk footprint trailed behind his over confident fake grammars,

I stood up and followed myself to her bench which was again in the second middle row, next to the teacher's desk and near Nina, a boy Caleb used to seat, they were best friends and Nina was again a Forensic scholar, I placed my over sweating hands to her chair, and cleared my throat, to grab and break her ice like attention, a determined, pale yellowish textured girl.....she was a Irish blue girl , her eyes ! I mean .....very much oblivious to her numbness, One track played inside my memory ...

Was "The One less lonely girl ".

She was chewing her bottom lip, which was already in her pink luscious state, although I was not a single ounce homosexual , either I would be hitting on this girl, she was something .....very much focused like an epicenter for a resulting disaster.

" er...Nina? " I m too bad as an initiator , anybody from any corner can state the stark difference between a stammerer and me ....Er...Nina, well blame is not a game here ?

Do we are springing the mind of chastised thinking?? ....I don't think , So .Nina Seth, a class 2nd bachelor of forensics science, may be I m not that much globe of a knowledge , but still ...something may be left untouched, we should loose our compact flash for our multi fold interim peace.

"Hello Valentina, what brings you here towards me ?" She said , without lifting her head for once towards me, because again , she had submerged herself to be a polyglot . Do I look like an anti jocund??

Strange . Though I must try with her .

"I was actually ...getting to..." I was trying to convey my words, but then Murphy made his vicious entry , his timing was always this Ill. He is always a son of a bitch, Today he had put on a charcoal black cloak on his lenient body and inside it , was paired with a v neck dark navy blue sweater , regular like flat comb, and a clean shaved face, wobble and a sharp nose, over boring eyes with a fame of terror, must withhold the unnecessary wild arrogance . you are not respected anymore . with due respect Mr. Murphy .

Without even looking at the class , he perched upon the podium made only for such orator Owly like teachers.

Clearing his throat and pulling out the attendance register from the drawer attached beneath the podium , he took his famous pen from his all time favorite brand, Carmen D' Arch ....

His snake like Forky tongue begun uttering names of student, Myra bellbird , Osmund coaster , Roy Bethany, Klaus mackintosh and Acilia Cleveland ...This had become a forgotten routine of this class, and I had gotten used of this things now,

And here his smooth tongue screeched in the Underwood of my name, and finally his cold and empty eyes made a contact with my melted brownies one.....they melted because of the unbearable heat of aggression coming direct from the Murphy's presence , a presence with a dirty creep.

"Welcome back Miss Valentina Lockhart ? Attention !!! Attention and Attention !! Class, see our new celeb" is attending us , the Lockhart trivia !! Well does the throwback sounds to you Miss Lockhart ?

Any ensnaring bubbles tickling you inside your stomach, no! I guess taking 1 month break and then again taking another break after I month , is becoming a series, pardon to those bunch of fools, who think that a Literature person can't counts on finger !! I really would cut this judgement because , I can count as much pretty as I can create stanzas, so never estimate my mathematical knowledge ....anyways !.

Miss Valentina Lockhart is here ? After a long ! And Long break .....she is poster girl of our college ? Isn't this the news, miss Lockhart ? " Not again .. Mr. Murphy, how can he bring my personal issues like this in front of others..every and each student brought their plastic minds towards me and that hubris cum Douglas was smirking while screeching the paper of attendance.

This things like what everyone is doing, is again a long pause for me to breath, seriously a poster girl ? .

What did they think of me ? Well. I don't want their sapping comments on me. Do I look like a rambler in this class.

I was going to defend myself, just about to leave my seat and facing that sniffy Murphy in my own style , but again , someone's tautologies were enough to eradicate my level of confidence, again it was him,

"Ryan Vaughan" .

His long legs are following the pace of his long strides , today He was not in a hoodie, why so? I wondered, this is our second counteraction ,

yes! A counteraction ! Not an interaction , because he can never dwell in a form of truth, instead he was my lie, I won't call him as my distraction . As he was my apotropaic to turn the evil eyes down, because he himself was a biggest sin of my life, and like they say, Diamond cuts Diamond likewise, An evil Chancellor is best for recruiting the evil propagandas.

instead he had puton an abs fitted frontal button down shirt in a pitch Navy lapel blackberry with some small grids , as usual the sleeves were folded and his hazel eyes were dancing on my lens of eyes and this time this is not any poetic devices , no hyperbaric , no metaphor ....just him and me and between us was this propane mixed tension,

And he was walking like a slow motion picture with the blurred features, everything was hazy and my eyes focused on his arrival, a long shabby but very intrigued man walking from the coagulated chit -chats of the class, and everything fell into a doleful silence, the trees outside the closed sturdy windows seemed to direct their leafy attention to his bellow, he seemed relentlessly auto trope, and behind him was a long heighten, girl seemed like a strict model with a contemporary diet plans...the public sort of student were gawking at them , they are bound to stare .....their staring are at point the color of ink , a dark ink with black streak which changed into blue after a month of new scribbled words.

He came with his Latin style of walking, as if he is not walking for a certain pleasure or getting into a compassionate feat, just for dull moment in my life, coming nearer and nearer like an approaching train to its final station, his walking around the new dimensions of my vibrations,

And as usual , he took a seat near me, as if I m his latest conquer, and again Murphy didn't took his behavior which was a law break, rude and discrete , Murphy cremated his tactfulness and diverted his actions of tongue pulling at me.

" Excuse is a misuse to my vocabulary, professor ! " a voice pierce into my ears, and there stood the statue of my valorous friend Juana Graves, in her Biker Dark Panther leather jacket Crinkled and Half belt Epaulettes Snaps hanging sidewise,  fastening tabs with Zipped cuffs pockets , Asymmetric with zip fastening through front side. Fully lined and None part was stretchy fabric, except her black jeans .

Looking a perfect specimen of a rustic biker, she held her globe size helmet in her left hand with much pride and her short pixie like hair was gloating in between the air, her eyes shows the red self restraints mode of anger, which could surpass any time, her right hand clenched in a tight upsurge to beat anyone, and her long black buckled boots had the sawdust of dirty tinge , that were the evidence of her hard practice in the muddy meadow fields , I know that we were not related anything with blood but she was my kinsman .

"Oh - ho , ho ! Who had stepped in  doorsteps of my lectures, after a long time, No see,  our sincere female Biker of university ? Biker ....or  should I tag you as the roadside walker Miss Graves?, I think Mr. Pontino Graves would not like the idea of her single daughter being exiled from college, attendance of both these so called best friends, had dropped to 20 ℅ ....and they are creating this bloody phrases, excuse - misuse. !"

Murphy hopping from his desk went near the Juana's corner and she without having a second thought faced the Douglas, and this time her anger was ready to explode at any time.

"Professor, humiliating students in mob is a type of torture you should know, and our country gives us a freedom of speech yeah I can and I will create stanzas whenever , whatever and wherever I would like and one more request please Don't involve the name of my Dad , yeah you can send him the letter of complaint against me but bringing his name in such a audacious way is the least thing I would keep quiet Professor, better for you , becuase I do have some respect otherwise...the chapter would be of other writer like Chekhov "

More silent and reticent the flow of air become through their little argument and Ryan was now watching me , with more burning frame, why he is angry with me ? I didn't cause it. He is bipolar . half of his parts are without controlled functions.

"Your scum cum friend is a total piss Valentina. " he said with his heavier voice much heavier and gritting teeth as if this was the biggest crime and I was the accused , looking directly into my inferior eyes, the eyes which didn't know that this brilliant man is actually making him hate but they being very scorching are afraid, afraid if they would be carried away with the breeze of his intimacy, while the students were chattering but in low  very low rasp voice.

"Your brain needs some  detoxification Mr. Vaughan , because I m no one to cause these melodrama and my friend is just speaking for herself, I don't see anything wrong in this .!" I told him in very dismissed way, and tried to look either side.

"My brain is healthier and stealthier. Miss Lockhart , unless someone who tried to seclude the person by seduce. Note the difference between this two words, only an alpha of L is missing , and unfortunately the letter L is beginning of your last name, like you are the one ! Who used to segregate these two making them short from seclude to seduce...interchanging and changing the few letters ....isn't it the fact ?"  Ryan is really not ready to fix his silent attacking stings ,in my body, his fuming shimmers are really bewitching my mind. And again his killing eye contacts with a hazel blood.

I m not engaging with him, even if his presence is making my vibration to cool down with a victorious canopy and my heart is being carried by the aura of his gazing like a life giving sun, and being a black coffee lover and with latte version ,

my sweetness is being judged by his games which he is playing to trick me to be befooled again through his eyes, those damn eyes , which are not pure and are not that much innocent to be provide with mercy . but I m diving into the deeper depth of his warmth, which he doesn't even know himself. And I hate being that much attracted to his affection, rather of diving into his charismatic pool of eyes ...I want to die ....long lost.

"Your essence is that creepy liquid which walks like a nightcrawler in anybody's mind . they are technically fighting and you ? Ryan Vaughan ...what are you planning !! Smirking. Pushing . hurting and leaving people and abandoning them at midnight alone and unsafe....isn't this are the things in which you are expert at . trespassing in someone's privacy and ....." He cut me off by stepping over my foot , causing my feet to hurt with his dozen of heavy leg....I was wincing in pain and he was maintaining his complex look , as if  he hadn't to do anything with me.

Just ....shut the thing !

Ryan Vaughan

Murphy and Juana

And the class

Everything is a toxic infusion for me to handle .....I think or I should hope at least Leigh's coffee would compensate some.....

            Just a foul hope , old vine .and a brew Italian coffee, but Ryan had to remove his heavy feet ....from me