Chapter Three: Shit

The next class we have is PE. Honestly, I don't like it, I don't like to perform sports at all. I can bear to watch other people play, but it just ain't my cup of tea.

As we are walking towards the sports field Sandy asks me; "So Bunny, how do you like being back here? Would you rather have stayed in Florida?"

"Honestly Sandy, I'm happy that we moved back her. My mom was so excited to go back and now I get to spend time with you again. But you know, I do miss Florida."

"Well, it'll take time to get settled in again I guess. But I'm sure this year is going to be a freaking blast cause we are together again!" Sandy shouts enthusiastically. And I join her with a laugh.

As we approach the sports fields I can already see students messing around with balls and stuff. Seriously, how do these people have the energy for that? We go into the locker rooms and change into our always so amazingly attractive sports uniforms... not. When we walk onto the field I see Mr. Black, our PE teacher for this year. I'm obviously not checking him out or anything, he is my teacher after all, but he is handsome as hell. He's got the body of a professional athlete with his six-five height and his heavily muscled chest, damn fine abs and a jaw line that can cut through glass. Every girl in my class absolutely swoons over him. Nothing has changed about that since freshman year...

Ignoring all the drooling looks of the girls he orders us to stand in a line and shut up. Sandy and I quickly join.

"So class, because it's the first day of school we're gonna take it easy today," Mr. Black says. You can hear everyone sighing with relief.

"All I'm asking from y'all is to run ten laps around the track," he adds with a smirk. Is he kidding us? Ten laps? No way in a hell I'm going to run that much, not with my super bad summer vacation endurance. And with me most of my class because I can hear everyone groaning and complaining.

Mr. Black acts all surprised at our reaction, although he obviously isn't. He rolls his eyes and says; "Okay, Okay, take it easy. Since y'all are such weaklings I make it six laps okay? But no less or there will be consequences. Now move!"

I obviously start out way too fast so now I'm only on my third lap and I'm already out of breath. As I'm sweating and puffing Sandy appears next to me, not even looking slightly tired.

"Still lacking in the PE department I see," she jokes.

"Well, you know my lazy ass," I respond wheezily as I'm doing my best to keep up with her.

"It's unfair how in shape you look considering your lack of physical activity."

"Ha, that's all natural babe! I'm blessed," I somehow manage to get out while flipping my hair with sass. I really got to focus on my running now or I won't make it in time, or at all.

As I'm graciously falling over the finish line for the final time I spot Eric Richardson. First I thank all the gods for helping me make it to the end. Then I take a better look at Eric cause boy, does he look mad. His face is all scrunched up in an angry scowl, murderous almost. He looks like he's about to explode and kill each and every one of us. I hope I don't have to run for my live cause I don't think I can do that anymore. I see Mr. Black walking up to him, brave guy.

"Mr. Richardson!" He shouts, "Thank you for deciding to bless us with your presence." Sarcasm is dripping from his tone. "Would you care to enlighten me as to why you are so late?"

"I was in the principal's office," Eric snaps bitterly at him, clenching his jaw tightly. I can see that he's making fists so hard his knuckles have turned to white.

"Okay, very well. You can join the students who are still running. I want six laps and you better start now because class is almost over. Dismissed!"

Eric's gives Mr. Black a death stare and walks away to start his laps. His hands are still clenched into tight fists. I quickly turn away. I don't want to give him the impression I was listening in on his conversation. That doesn't really sound like a good idea.

I walk over to the bleachers where Sandy has been sitting for the past ten minutes, she has way better endurance than me. I think about Eric and what could have happened to him, why was he so angry? But it's none of my business anyway. Remember Arielle; "Curiosity killed the cat" So I shake my head and sit down next to Sandy. She hands me a bottle of water which I gladly devour. Maybe a little bit too fast, I'll probably feel that one later.

We sit around enjoying the sun for a while when I see Eric has stopped running. He is standing on the tracks with Carter, he looks a little bit less angry but still pissed. How the heck did he get his laps done so fast?! Is his name actually Barry Allen or something?

I was staring at him so intensely that I didn't even notice everyone was already running off to the showers. I can't help it, this guy is just so damn mesmerizing.

"Let's go Arielle, we need to go get changed!" Sandy pulls me of the bench and pushes me in the direction of the locker rooms. A little bit too hard though, I almost fall over. I take a last glance at Eric and let Sandy drag me off of the bleachers and into the building.

"Ugh, don't be so freaking lazy girl," she nags.

"I'm tired and I'm hungry, what do you expect? I pout. And just like speaking of the devil, the lunch bell rings. That gives me energy, hope. We speed to the locker rooms and quickly shower, get dressed and hurry to the cafeteria.

The Cafeteria is already packed with students. We join the line to get some food, which I see is still as delicious and nutritious as before I left, not. Warriors High might be an excellent school but they can really make some improvements when it comes to food. I put some green mush and toast on my platter and look around.

"Where are we going to sit? It's completely packed in here,"

"My friends are waiting for us over there," Sandy says as she points towards a table with three people who are waving at us. As we approach the table she is immediately greeted with screams and hugs. These people are apparently very happy to see Sandy again. When everyone has calmed down a bit Sandy introduces me.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to my very best friend- "

"Arielle Young," I finish her sentence as I awkwardly do a mini wave and take place on one of the empty chairs. Sandy takes place next to me. A chubby girl with big brown Bambi-eyes, a brown ponytail and a cute pink dress starts to talk.

"Well Hi Arielle, I'm Carol. It's so nice to finally meet you! Cassie has told us so much about you. I was dying to meet you," she says with a kind smile on her face. I can immediately sense she is a very nice and bubbly person. She pokes the guy next to her in his side. He has a look on his face like he has just seen something unbelievable.

"I'm sorry but are so beautiful. I mean no I'm... I'm not saying sorry that you are beautiful but wow, you look hot you know and I don't know where I'm going with this so... sorry and I think I should shut up now..." he stammers out.

Oh God, the poor boy, this is so awkward. And I can feel my face turning red. Luckily the last guy at the table to speak decides to breaks off the uncomfortable silence.

"Hi, I'm Cameron and this idiot here is my twin, Zach. He gets a little nervous around pretty girls so don't mind him, he'll come around," he says as he slaps on the back of the awkward boy, Zach. He says they're twins but they're definitely not identical twins. Zach has kind brown eyes and he looks really cute with his dirty-blond bed-hair and dimples in his cheeks. Cameron on the other hand looks tough and strong, and maybe even a little bit cocky. He has grey eyes and neatly styled dark-brown hair.

"You didn't tell us she was back from Florida and coming to our school, Cassie?" Carol asks while taking a bite from her sandwich.

"I didn't even know she was coming. I was surprised by her this morning!" Sandy answered cheerily.

"So what brings you back to the North-West Arielle?" Zach asks nervously. He finally has regained himself, poor thing.

"My dad got the opportunity to get transferred back here so we took it," I shrug.

"Well thank God you did Arielle. I was getting kinda bored with all of these jokers here. I can definitely appreciate some beautiful company like yourself," Cameron winks at me.

He was corrected with a hard slap on the shoulder by Carol and a slightly less powerful punch from Zach.

"Oh come on Cam, she's totally out of your league," Sandy snarls at him

"Oh really?" He looks at Sandy with a conceited look and gives me a once-over, "Challenge accepted."

"Boy you are charming and all but you're so not my type so take my advice and drop it," I reply as I lean over and intensely stare at him, "cause it's never gonna work sweetheart,"

I'm not the relationship kind of person. I've had one boyfriend in my entire life and we were only together for like two months. The reason I was with him was that I had just moved to Florida and I felt kind of alone. He was a great listener plus he was quite hot so that helped. I figured I'd give it a shot. And it was all a great lot of fun until he started to act like a jerk. For example he wanted to start kissing me and be way to intimate in public. Now it's not like I have a problem with a little PDA but he was just too touchy and made me feel uncomfortable. Also he tried to control my life. He wanted to control what I was doing, who I talked to, he wanted to know where I was at all times. This is not normal behaviour and super frustrating! Conclusion; he was a complete douchebag. It was just my attraction towards him that kept us together for two months, stupid hormones... But I figured I wasn't looking for that kind of trash in my life so I dumped him. Then the stalking and manhandling started. He wasn't going to leave me alone so I told James and asked him for help. He and his friends beat the shit out of him. And he deserved it!

So I learned my lesson about love. It is not for me. Love and men are two different things and I don't think I could ever feel for someone in a romantic way.

"Major burn man!" Zach laughs at Cameron.

"Yeah totally dude!" Carol and Sandy say and they too start to laugh. Cameron scowls at them. By the look of him I don't think he ever got rejected by any girl. But I'm not like any girl who just wants attention from every random bloke.

"You are amazing. I don't think anyone has ever shut Cameron up before!" Zach says to me.

"Yeah, it's going to be cool to have someone who can shut that pie-hole of his," Carol says eyeing Cameron suggestively. I can see in their intense glares that there is something going on between these two.

"You really did change a lot Arielle. I guess Florida really has gotten into you," Sandy looks at me as she takes the last bite of her food.

"Yeah, I guess it has,"

The rest of the break we eat and discuss our summer breaks. There is obviously not enough time in one lunchbreak cause everybody has a lot to talk about. When the bell rings indicating that lunchbreak is over we get up, get our platters and walk to the bins to throw away our trash. I'm laughing hard at a story Zach is telling us about something that happened to Cameron while they were on vacation. I'm way too distracted and not looking where I'm going. Suddenly I collide with something hard as a wall. Only it isn't a wall, it's the chest of a person. A person who's t-shirt is now covered with left-over mush and ketchup from my platter. When I look up to see who it is I freeze. Everyone around me goes silent. "Oh dear God I'm in danger." I think as I see who it is. It's Eric!

Why, of all the people in the school, do I have to run into the literal bad boy of the school? The look on his face indicates that if I were a dude I would have been punched in the gut. But thankfully because I'm a girl he is holding his anger in, I hope. He isn't saying anything, just furiously staring at me with his deep-blue eyes. God he is gorgeous, even when he wants to kill me. When I open my mouth to apologize he grabs his water bottle and without breaking eye contact he pours it empty over my head. And all I can do is stand there, completely frozen.

When he's done he throws the bottle on the ground and without saying a word he just walks away. He goes out of the cafeteria and slams the door shut behind him with an extremely loud bang.

I am losing my shit trying to wrap my mind around what has just happened. I must look like a freaking fish, dripping with water, gaping and blinking a thousand times to clear my eyes.

I'm completely and utterly screwed...