Chapter 4.1-Eric's POV

Eric's POV

Like every other normal human being I just want to live my life. I want to spend my days arguing with my friends over stupid, childish shit. I want to spend my evening meals at the dinner table with my family. I want to spend my holidays with my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and cherish every moment with them. But I know these are just dreams. I know my life is never going to be that way.

My life fucking sucks…

I have seen and experienced so much in my relatively short time on this earth that I don't believe I'll ever have a normal life. Mostly because of that one day, that one person that ruined my life. I wish I had the power to just change that one day.

"We have to accompany the boss on some business in another town," Carter tells me as he enters the living room holding a pack of skittles.

"When?" I grunt as I stretch out on the sofa.

"Tomorrow night. There's a 'meeting' with a gang that is causing him a headache. He wants us to do something about it," He tells me while smacking on his skittles.

Suddenly Travis bursts into the room yelling, "Your dad is bombarding my phone with calls! For God's sake! Pick up your damn phone when he calls!"

He throws his phone into my lap. I look at his call history and there are ten to twenty missed calls from my dad. I've had my phone on silent since last night because he was trying to reach me and I wasn't in the mood hence he called Travis. But he can't just go around harassing my mates with his calls to get to me. Can't he pick up a hint? I don't want to listen to what he has to say!

I take my phone out of my pocket and see that it is loaded with voicemails and texts from him.

"At least listen to him once. I want him to stop bothering me with his calls," Travis sighs, taking a seat in front of the television.

I don't want to, but I guess I have to. I dial his number and it only has to ring twice before someone picks up.

"Mr. Richardson's phone, how can I help you?" It's the voice of a woman, Amy Wells, my dad's personal assistant. If she answers the phone it means that he's already in his office.

"Give him the phone," I sternly demand her. I know she is not at fault but I'm already quite pissed right now and I'm not in the mood for this bullshit.

"Who is this? He is busy with some work but perhaps I can take a message from you?" She sounds irritated. I don't blame her but this questioning of hers is only firing up my anger and I change my mind. I don't need to talk to that asshole.

"You know what, don't give him the phone! Just tell him to stop blowing up my boy's phones!" I scream at her and I hang up the phone. If he wanted to talk with me so badly then why is he not there when I'm finally ready?

He could talk with me at dinner or after dinner like a proper family. But unfortunate Mr. Richardson is too busy working and whoring around. Honestly, I don't need that douchebag in my life but my heart breaks for Lucy, my little sister. She is the sweetest person in the world and I would literally kill anyone for her. She needs her father, she doesn't know what kind of person he is, yet.

"You alright there buddy?" Carter asks raising an eyebrow.

"Well, you know. The usual," I say as I rub my forehead. I don't have to explain anything to them. They know all about the situation with my dad and they know I don't like talking about it.

"Alright, let's go. I believe we are expected to make our appearance at school," Travis says changing the subject. I'm grateful because I'm in desperate need of some distraction.

As we are heading to the door my phone start ringing. I can already guess who it is. Doesn't the fucker understand anything?

"You get that call, we'll wait for you outside," Travis says, giving me the space to talk with my lovely father…

I sit down and pick up the phone. "What!" I spit out,

"Hello to you too son," He says in his strict father voice, like he can fucking use that on me. I don't say anything back because I'm trying to keep my temper. I don't want to start fighting right know. My dad takes my lack of response as a sign to move on.

"What are you doing with your life, Eric? Seriously, principle Brown has called me twice already this week to check if you're not going to be any trouble this year? To see if you've changed over the summer. He's not talking any good about you, you know that right?" He mumbles, realizing he doesn't have any right to talk to me in an authoritative tone.

"Do you seriously think I care about that," I reply, trying to sounds as bored as I can.

"Well you should, Eric. How many times you think you can use my name to get out of being expelled!?" He snaps angrily. He shouldn't have said that because now I'm really pissed.

"You don't have any right to talk to me like that! And don't flatter yourself. I never use your name to get out of suspension. If they want to expel me then they should!" I shout, "And one last thing; next time they call don't bother answering. I know you don't give a shit about me anyway, you only care about yourself!"

"You know what Eric? I'm tired of trying to make things right between us," he sighs, "you're not going to listen to me anyway. But if I hear one more complaint about you…" he pauses, "I will cut your every contact with her. You will not be able to see her again!" He has found his strict fatherly voice again. Who does he think he is?!

"You can't do that! If you try to do that I swear to you old man I will make your life a miserable hell! You can't keep me away from her!" I growl loudly.

"I don't want to do this son but I have no choice. You're out of control and if you're not willing to listen to me then I will do it. You are very aware that I can do as I please and I won't be bullied into submission. So, think about that, Eric," With saying that he hangs up the phone.

Where does he get the nerve to threaten me with something like that? I hate him! I bloody hate his guts! I'm not going to play his little game. I won't be bullied into submission either. Let's see how he can stop me from seeing her. Does he even care about her? I won't fall for it!

I take my car keys and walk outside. Carter and Travis are waiting for me by my car. Without saying a thing I step inside and start to ride towards Warrior High. I'm so angry that I ignore all the speed limits and probably get flashed a couple of times. Like I care, I got enough money anyway.

I'm so lost in thought that I don't even notice the road. I'm just driving on auto pilot.

Does my dad even really care about any of us? I don't think he ever went to see her since that day. And now he is suddenly blackmailing me with her. He is really pushing my limits. I want to beat the living crap out of him! But he is my father and he is Lucy's father, although she doesn't know shit about him. I have to control my rage towards him.

We reach the school and I slow down a little. I drive up to the parking lot and park my car in the usual place. It's always empty because the well behaved people of Warrior High now this is my spot. I get out of the car and I feel so angry that I just have to hit something. Apparently it's very obvious because Travis appears besides me and says;

"I guess the talk with your father didn't go well, did it?"

"Drop it Travis! I don't want to talk about it, got it?" I hiss back at him. He should know better than to ask me about these things, especially when we're at school.

"Okay, okay, take it easy dude. I just want to say I'm here to talk, if you ever feel the need. You know that right?" He asks with a sympathetic look on his face. I shoot an angry look at him.

"Sure thing bud. And maybe afterwards we van braid each other's hair?" I snap back at him and I see his facial expression shift to neutral. I know he means well but he can't say shit like this when we're at school. We have an image to keep up.

"Hey, I heard today's race is going to be pretty awesome. They're using the Riverside track so most of the nearby racers are coming over to test their luck," Carter breaks the awkward moment, sounding excited.

"Ohw yeah, I've heard about it. Sounds cool," Travis agrees with him, giving a high-five. I think it will be good for me to go as well. It'll probably get my mind of things a bit.

"I'm going to get rich yo! All my money is on you Eric!" Carter says giving me a slap on the back. I arch my eyebrows at him.

"If I remember correctly most of the time you put your money on someone else?"

He makes his puppy-dog eyes, "Ohw, you know. I always have full hope on you brother but sometimes there're bigger fish to fry."

"Is that so?" I tease him. Travis is grinning at us. He already knows that I'm pulling his leg. Carter sees this and gives in;

"Okay, fine! You already know the reason behind that." He scowls at us.

"Hey, stop being such a crybaby, Cart," Travis loses it and he starts to laugh. Carter is just glaring at him.

"I was just kidding ya, alright? It's your money and it's up to you how you spend it. I don't hold a grudge against that," I clear out. Carter is always so easily worked up.

"So, Eric, what are you gonna do? Car or bike?" Travis asks me, still snickering.

"I don't know, still got a day to figure it out," I shrug.

As we enter the hallway I can see all the students freeze. Everyone is staring at us and no, this is not something new. They do this every freaking time we enter a room together. It's actually getting kind of boring to watch the same thing every goddamn day.

Some people are staring at us with respect. They have seen our good side or are our mates from racing or football. But most people are staring at us like we are about to go on a killing spree. I glance over the same heads I see every day. There are no freshman's lockers in this hallway so I don't expect a new face. But suddenly my eyes catch some new, chocolate-brown eyes staring intensely at me. I've never seen this girl before. I hold our stare for a second and break contact. The bell rings and I have to get to class.

First class of the day is English. Carter isn't in our class so we part with him and Travis and I head towards the classroom. We take our regular seats in the back. They are always free because people know this is where we sit. Mr. Green, our English teacher and the teddy bear of the school, walks into the room. Everybody calls him 'The Teddy Bear'. I guess because he is chubby, old, smells like moth-balls and always dresses in brown plaid, just like an old, forgotten teddy bear. Almost every teacher in our school has one of these ridiculous nicknames, some less appropiate then others. I don't know why you would bother coming up with these foolish names when you can just use someone's original name but I guess that's what teenagers like to do. I'm a teenager as well but I don't have time to concern myself with such childish crap.

He holds a short welcome speech and then start to teach. It's about some writer and the bullshit literature said writer wrote. In less than five minutes I'm already bored to death. I feel my eyelids getting heavy and my vision getting blurry as I slowly drift off to sleep.

I hear someone calling my name and feel a kick to my chair.

"What the fuck!" I yell loudly as I jolt up. Who the hell has the nerve to wake me up!? I notice the whole class is staring at me in shock.

"I am-m sorry Mr. Richard-d-son b-but principal Brown w-wants y-you in hi-s office," Mr. Green stutters.

I slowly stand up from my chair, grab my bag and slide my chair under the table. I do this while maintaining eye contact with Green who looks absolutely terrified, the stupid idiot. I have to do my best to control my anger and not punch him in his big-fat gut. No one, and I mean no-fucking-one, disturbs me when I'm sleeping. I walk out of the classroom and slam the door shut behind me, leaving those idiots silent behind me. I walk through the empty hallways and go into the bathroom. I splash some water into my face and look in the mirror. I look like shit, but I better get it together for this talk with Principal Brown. I take a few deep breaths and head to the office.

I knock on the door and hear a faint "come in" so I let myself in.

"Take a seat, Eric" Mr. Brown gestures towards the chairs. I pick the one right in front of him and sit down.

"Do you know why you're here?" He asks slowly, like he is talking to a retard or something.

"Yes," I answer, "the only reason you ever call me in here is to scold the shit out of me," I shrug because this is not a new thing for me. This basically happens daily.

Mr. Brown sighs, "Eric, I know you are the billionaire's son so you think that it doesn't matter how you do in school. You think your future is fixed because you're going to inherit your father's company. But because you think this way doesn't mean you can just behave as you please. This school is not your personal playground, Eric. At this school we teach discipline. We educate and we give our students a chance to explore their talents. I know you are talented Eric. I want to advise you to not waste your time like this. I believe you can do so much more than just be a pain in all of our asses. I have talked to your father and he is really disappointed in you. I think you know why I'm not expelling you. This is your last chance, Eric. If you don't start behaving within the standards I will be forced to call your father and he will take the necessary repercussions," he finishes his humorless lecture.

I'm clenching my fists so hard I can feel my nails dig into my flesh. I'm fuming with rage but I have to keep a neutral expression. I know he knows what my father is going to do if he calls him and he loves it. I won't play along with their stupid game.

What does this asshole know about my father besides that he is a successful businessman, has a great image and appears to the media as a saint, because he donates a lot of money to charity. It's all a façade. He doesn't fucking know the real face of my father. I can't stand to be here anymore. I have to leave this room before I punch a hole in the wall, or worse…

"Are you finished?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady and my face blank. He nods and that is my cue to get the hell away. I jump of my chair and hurry out of the office. Slamming the door shut loudly behind me.