Chapter 15- 10,000's a Small Number

Yin Yang Canyon

Since Gamel left, Kazuki and his team could only follow a map. On the map, it was written that they must pass through the Yin Yang Canyon in order to reach the Holy Capital.

" Hey Pegasus! You lived long, so why is it named the Yin Yang canyon?"

" The name Yin Yang was derived from the Dark territory, as well as from the Holy Kingdom. In the past, the two kingdoms went to war and the canyon was named from their unity."

(Note: Until now, both the Holy Capital and the Dark territory still hold a grudge in each other. The two kingdoms only acquired peace when the Supreme Mages were formed.)

The time they entered, Sakura felt like someone's watching them. Maggie also felt it and aimed her stone bullets above the canyon. When she released the bullets, sounds of rocks crashing with iron was heard.

" This is bad. Let's run!"

Pegasus pulled the wagon as fast as he could but, knights were already stationed at the exit. Their tents had flags with Crux's symbol.

" Young hero! We number 10,000 and there's only five of you. Come with us quietly and we'll no harm."

The knight tried to warn them but Kazuki was not listening. He felt the power of the legendary sword leaking and gabed it from his back.

" Can't you hear what I said? Drop your sword or fight all of us together!"

The knight warned them again but Kazuki still continued to draw out his sword. The knights knew that there was no was they could stop him so they charged towards them.

The moment he successfully drawn the swords, gold mist enveloped the whole canyon and a white dragon appeared above them.

" The hero has drawn the sword order near where his fallen soldiers died. Now, they will be revived with his kingdom!" The dragon declared joyfully. After that, he disappeared into the clouds. The moment the dragon disappeared, paladins were marching towards the knights from behind Kazuki.

" I thought it was just a myth? "

" We have to retreat! I heard their invincible."

The knights began to panic and broke their formation. The others even ran away.

(Note: Paladins, also known as the guardians of Order are mini golems with the height of 2 meters and is holding a huge sword in one hand and a shield on the other. They are wearing full white heavy armor and some wear full light armor and holds a crossbow.)

" Sir there are a hundred of us paladins here and we are under your command."

The paladins knelt down to show respect to Kazuki.

" You see....these soldiers are blocking our way and they Number 10,000. Could you please get rid of them for me?"

" Your will."

The paladins marched towards the knights and slaughtered all of them leaving only dead bodies.

" Incredible."

Kazuki and his team could only watch the paladins in amazement.

" Good job paladins. You defeated a large army with only 100 of you."

" Hmph. 10,000's still a small number. Each of us paladins can slaughter 1000 soldiers alone."


Crux Supreme Mage's Office

Magnus was waiting for the good news when the spy returned.

" Ah! Finally. Give me my good news."

" Actually....its the opposite of what your expecting sir."

His joyful smile twisted and his eyes turned to fire.

" Tell me! What happened?!"

" All knights deployed to capture the hero are all dead. The spies that are trailing them also died. I was the only one to survive."

" How did this happen? I thought he just awakened."

" He had paladins helping him sir."

Magnus could believe in what he heard. He thought that if he captured Kazuki, he would win the war but, the opposite happened. The rise of the paladins could only mean that the kingdom of Order is starting to revive.

Magnus could no longer contain his anger and released all his wrath. That night, Crux felt the strongest earthquake in the world.