Chapter 14- We Meet Again

Elven Forest

Gamel had just returned home and was in the dungeon happily torturing the thieves. From hanging to dissection, she never runs out of ideas. She was about to reach the climax when Gimel entered.

" You seen to be enjoying yourself sister."

" Don't disturb me now brother. Can't you see I'm busy?"

The thieves can't believe in what their seeing. The king of elves himself was standing before them and a Supreme mage was arguing with him. Moreover, their siblings!

" I'll finish them off. Give me about five minutes and I assure you I will head back."

" Don't take too long or the others might go looking for you. We don't want the others to find out about your sadistic side."

Just as Gimel was about to leave, a thief shouted for help.

" Help me your Majesty! This woman is out of control she-"

Before he could finish speaking, Gamel slashed his throat, putting an end to his mortal life.

(Note: I put "putting an end to his mortal life" because elves lives are eternal. Except when they are killed, their bodies never age.)


Crux Supreme Mage's Office

Magnus had just finished his strategy in taking over the Dragon's Republic when the door banged and Brim rushed in. His face was as white as his shirt which worried Magnus.

" Brim my friend! We meet again. It's been so long."

" Oh spare me the pleasantries Magnus. Why don't you tell me about the newly awakened hero?"

Magnus' joyful smile cramped. He thought they had the upper hand because their soldiers are more compared to the Holy Kingdom and Dragon's Republic combined. He was also expecting reinforcements from the Dark territory because they promised to send a few thousand troops but, when the hero fully awakens, his sword shall establish a kingdom of it's own.

(Note: The sword "Order" is surrounded by mysteries. There was a rumour that the sword itself once had a kingdom who contains the fewest but strongest troops in all the land.)

Just when things are bad, a messenger barged into the room.

" Sir! Our spy from the Holy Capital sent us a warning."

" What did he say?"

Magnus was worried because of the messenger's expression. He knew that another bad news was coming his way.

" The Holy Kingdom and the Dragon's Republic are planning to ally with the hero. Same goes for Elven Forest. In fact, the Holy Kingdom is celebrating the hero's return as we speak.

Magnus' eyes burst into flames. Just as he was about to conquer the continent, a hero shows up. That is indeed unacceptable.

" Has the hero arrived at the Holy Capital?"

" No sir. According to our information, he's on a journey going to the capital."

" Tell the king to send 10,000 troops to stop the hero's arrival. He may be a hero but he just awoken. Don't expect him to be strong."