Chapter 43- Incident in the Arena

Just as the tip of Alfred's sword was about to hit Kazuki's back, a golden translucent shield blocked the attack. Just by the appearance, one could tell that it was light magic but no one knows what tier it belongs to for it was not seen anywhere. Some everyone thought it was a newly invented spell while the paladins rendered Alfred immobile.

The gold light then took form and Azrael came out. Everyone didn't expect an angel to show up and protect Kazuki. Since angels are creatures that are rarely seen, everyone was mesmerized to see one up close.

"Are you okay master?" Azrael asked.

The crowed bewildered after hearing him say that. A mere student was saved by an angel and what's more is that he called him master.

Even Griffin was surprised since Kazuki didn't tell him anything about his familiar. He only told him that he had successfully summoned and bonded with a familiar but he didn't say what kind.

Azrael then tried to decapitate Alfred but as he was about to stab his sword, Azazel stopped him.

"You dare stop me from avenging our master?" he said while still holding both of Alfred's hands.

The crowd was again stunned. A demon Lord who is an angels worst enemy just appeared right before them. Many were confused and others didn't know how to react. Griffin on the other hand somehow expected this to happen because he made 2 summoning crystals for Kazuki and if one of his familiar is an angel, the other one must be of the same level. That fact alone made it clear to him that Azazel was Kazuki's other familiar.

At the same time, Griffin also casted a sound proof barrier so that only him, Stella and the paladins could hear what the familiars were talking.

"Stay away you demon!" Azrael demanded.

Azazel could not control his temper and immediately pulled out his sword. Though they cannot fight each other directly, the could use indirect ways to harm their opponent. He then threw it to the roof and it fell towards Azrael. As the sword was about to hit his helmet, a black armored hand stopped it. When they turned to see who it was, they saw Yozuko standing beside Kazuki. The high paladins that are present then charged and rendered both Azrael and Azazel immobile.

Kazuki then reactivated their bond spell and altered their friendship. From now on, they can't kill each other even if it was an accident.

Both their faces stiffened when they saw Kazuki's modifications to the spell. They regretted fighting in front of their master.

Suddenly, Achlys flew to the center of the arena and bowed down at Azazel.

"The supreme mage of the dark territory offers respect to the demon Lord" he said politely.

(Note: The Dark territory is a nation of undead so to them, Azazel is like a protector. They are also willing to serve under him if he wishes it.)

Azazel gave a faint smile and said, "So you're the supreme mage who controls the dead? Prove to me that you are worthy."