“Starting today you are a hostess and host!”

*Hiro~chan's p.o.v*

Hi, my name's Kokoa Hiro, but you can call me Hiro-chan. I live with my mum and I am an only child. Ever since my dad died, it has been tough for both of us, but my mum was so glad that I was able to go to Ouran academy. I was one of the students picked as an honour student. Before my dad died, he taught me how to play the piano, guitar and sing. Now the reason I still do it is because it would make my dad happy.

Enough with the backstory though. Today is my first day at Ouran academy and already I am displeased with the uniform. Why do I have to wear this?

"Mum, can I wear the dress instead of the suit?" I ask my Mum, looking at her in the reflection of the mirror.

"I don't see why not, after all it's what makes you comfortable."

My mum understands me because she is a cross-dresser like me and I don't really enjoy wearing boy clothing. I put my clothes on and look in the mirror, my long hair waving. I like my hair long as it makes me feel more pretty and comfortable.

I look at the time and see that I had 20 minutes to be at school. Shit.

I rush eating an apple and hop on my bike. Did I mention I had to cycle to school and it takes me at least 20 minutes on bike? I wasn't able to get driven because my Mum has work in the opposite direction, but I don't mind cycling. I makes me feel refreshed in the morning as I listen to music while I cycle.

I arrive at a bright pink school and it was huge. I stare in awe at how cute it looks. I realised that I had been staring for quite a while so I quickly rush through the gate as they were closing and ran through the entrance of the school. I look around for the place where I get my time-table and I find it. The sign on the door states,

"Mrs Minori

School Administrator/ Counselor"

After a moment of hesitation, I tap lightly on the door with my knuckle.

"Come in!" A jovial voice says.

"I'm Kokoa Hiro. I hope i'm not late" I pant.

"Don't worry dear, you are right on time. Here's you're timetable. Also, I thought it would be better for you to have a map as well, seeing as you don't know your way around the school. I hope you enjoy it here!" A jolly woman says to me.

"Thank you very much" I say as I bow and blush at the same time.

"Oh, and don't hesitate to come to me if you have any problems!"

I nod back and thank her again.

I then quickly scuttle out of the room and close the door gently behind me. I find out I'm in class 1-a. I am so glad I got a map because this school is so big. As I wonder around, I come across a girl dressed as a boy.

"I-u-mm, ar-r-re y-you n-new as w-well?" I stutter to the girl.

"Oh yes I was having a bit of trouble finding my class" she says as she scratches her head.

I lose a bit of my stutter as I realise she is really nice.

"W-what class?" I ask.

"Oh uhh 1-a." She responds.

"Me too!" I respond excitedly.

"Great! What's your name by the way?"

"O-ohh I'm s-sorry. I-I haven't i-introduced my-yself y-et. I'm Kokoa Hiro, but you can call me Hiro-chan!" I say while bowing and blushing.

"No that's fine Hiro-chan, I haven't introduced myself yet either. I'm Haruhi Fujioka."

"N-nice to m-meet you."

"We better head to class. You wouldn't happen to know where that is do you?" She asks, a little concerned.

"Oh-h um yeah, I got a map of the school so we can go off of that."

"Great!" she says in relief.

"You're a boy right?" Haruhi says.

"You're a girl right?" I say.

We look at each other and laugh.

"We said that in perfect unison" she says as she sniggers.

"Haha yeah" I say back while wiping a tear from my eye.

Before we realised it, we had found the class which was on the first floor and Haruhi knocks on the door.

"Come in"

"Hello" Haruhi says.

"H-h-hello" I was so embarrassed.

"Everyone, these are our new students.Why don't you introduce yourselves?" The teacher says as they motion Haruhi and I to stand at the front of the class.

"I'm Haruhi Fujioka."

"O-ok. U-um I'm Kokoa Hiro. I-i love music and cake. I hope everyone will t-take g-good care of m-me" I think I said too much.

"Soooo kawaii" I hear some girls squeal.

"Wow she really is cute" I hear a boy say.

I blush harder and hide my face.

"Now, now class that's enough. Hiro, Haruhi if one of you would please sit next to the window and the other next to Hikaru.

She points over to a ginger haired boy with a small smirk. I head to my seat next to the boy named Hikaru and hear a whisper from behind me.

"Do you think we should show her our host club?"

"We should after class" another voice whispered back.

As if on cue, the bell rang signalling lunch time.

As soon as is set a foot out the door, I am instantly blinded and tied up. Someone had also put tape on my mouth. I try to scream but it's no use. Two arms kept dragging me away from my original spot. I hear Haruhi running after me trying to get them to stop.

They stop dragging me and I heard a sound of a door opening. Oh no, I'm going to be put in a closet then no one will ever find me. Then, it turned light again as realised I could see and the tape was taken off of my mouth.

As two pairs of hands were proceeding to untie me, I stared in shock as I saw a group of boys in front of me. Haruhi has managed to catch up and leans over to catch her breath.

"Are you *pant* okay *gasp* Hiro-chan?"

I stay silent.

Then I lost it when the two pairs of hands finally released me of my restraints. I ran up to the person who I assumed would be Hikaru, and jumped on his back. I begin to repeatedly slap his back before I felt someone peeling me off of him. I turned around angrily with a pout to see a tall guy that was very quiet.

Once I am put back down, I step back in embarrassment at what I just did. I begin to go into a blushing mess and fumble around trying to apologise.

"I-i-i'm-" But before I could actually say the word 'sorry' I bump into a random podium that held a teacup set. Haruhi and I reach out to grab it but miss it by an inch. Suddenly, a crash echoed through the room and I stood in disbelief at the shattered china that was on the floor.

"That was going to start an auction at 8 million yen."

Said the twins.

"Our little princess has to pay off her debt somehow"A blonde haired boy says as he prances around me.

"I'm sure Haruhi will help out as well" chimed in a small boy.

"As of today you are a hostess and host!" All the hosts say in unison.

I stood there with my mouth open. Why is this happening to me? I'm sorry Haruhi. Dad help me get through this please.