“I’m a hostess?”

*Hiro-chan's p.o.v*

Once these people called the host club announced that I would be a hostess, I was staring at them in complete shock.

I still don't get the fact that they can't even tell I'm a boy.

"I'm a hostess?" I ask in disbelief.

"H-how l-long will I be doing i-it for?" I question as I start trembling.

"For a long, long time."

When I hear those words, I start running out the room. I ran all the way through the corridors and run past Mrs Minori's office. I had managed to make it outside, but it's not far enough, so I ran around the side of the school to make sure no one found me. I saw a bush and hid behind it. I kept walking down along it until I realised it was a maze. One of my worst fears is getting lost. As I tried to find my way back out, I hid into a corner and cried. I hate getting lost. I was hugging myself and rocking back and forth when I heard the host club. "Where could she be?" One person says.

"I saw her running out here"

"Let's split up!"

I whimpered and they stopped talking. They heard me. I heard running and the whole host club saw me. I didn't want to cause more trouble for my mum though so I kept running until I got to the centre of the maze. I don't want this. I don't want to lose her as well because of me. I don't want to live with my uncle.

I let out another whimper.

"D-don't h-hurt m-me p-please"

I say in a begging tone.

My past experiences have not been the best for me. When my mum and dad use to go out for dinners, my uncle took care of me. He use to torture me because he loved my dad and no one knew it but me. He use to try and kill me out of frustration that I was made through my Dad and my Mum.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry"

That is why I have the fear of getting lost. When I was running away from my uncle, I got lost in the streets and was alone for the night. I heard footsteps come around the corner and I cower underneath the table that stood in the centre. I wrap myself into a ball and cover the sides of my face.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I flinched at this.

"Come on Hiro-chan get up, you don't need to be afraid." A soothing voice told me.

As soon as I heard this voice, I realised that I wasn't alone anymore. I leapt up from the ground and hugged the person with the voice.

I held them tighter and tighter and didn't let go.

"Uh-umm Hiro-chan" The voice says.

I finally look up and see a tall, dark haired boy looking away blushing slightly.

"Oh-uh I'm sorry." I say as I fumble backwards. I stagger over the step and felt myself falling backwards. But then it stopped. I open my eyes to see that he had his arm around my back and had his face close to mine.

I blush bright red and stumbled on my words.

"uh-umm thank you...."


"T-thank y-you Kyoya"

The rest of the host club come around the corners and so does Haruhi.

"You've found her Kyoya! But what happened?"

The tall blonde haired boy says.

I remember what position we are in and blush profusely.

"I simply made it so that she would not sustain a bad enough injury to not repay her debt."

I was kind of disappointed by this response and looked down at the floor.

"Now that we've found you my little princess, let us head back to the club room. The blonde boy says while twirling.

I suppose it would be better for me to pay off the debt rather than my mum, but I wanted to focus on my music. No! I made this mess so it's my responsibility to clean it up.

"O-okay, l-lets go back." I say hesitantly.

We make our way back the same way I ran and there again I stood in the club room.

"I-I'm sorry but who are you?" I ask.

"I was going to ask the same thing." says Haruhi.

"We are the Ouran High School Host Club!" The boys all say in unison.

"That's Kyoya- The cool type." I nod and blush at him.

"That's Honey-senpai- The boy-lolita type". He points to the little boy holding a bunny and eating cake.

"That's Mori-senpai- The silent type". He points to the person helping Honey- Senpai with the cake.

"Hikaru and Kaoru- The Devilish Twins". He points to the two ginger haired twins.

"And me- Tamaki- The princely type"

Haruhi and I stand in shock about what just occurred.

"Now which type do you prefer, Miss Honour Student?" Tamaki says as he grabs my chin and pulls it towards him. I blush and look away.

"None" I say quietly, pouting.

"What was that?" Tamaki asks again.

"I said none!" I shout, flustered.

"But there will be plenty of time for you to find your type, same for you Mr Honour student, as you will be needing to pay off that debt."

"Speaking of that, we have to decide both of your types, Hiro and Haruhi." Tamaki says pointing at his chin.

"Well, Hiro got in for her musical talents and Haruhi for his smarts and natural talents." Kyoya states.

"Ok, i've got it. Hiro will be the musical type and Haruhi will be the natural type. How does that sound?" Everyone agrees while Haruhi and I stand there.

"Well there's no point in standing around, let's get to entertaining our guests!" Tamaki wails.

As soon as he said that, the doors rushed open and in came girls and boys. It was too much for me. There were too many people.

I start to tear up.

"Don't be sad Hiro-chan, here you can have some of my cake!" Honey-senpai states.

"I mean I do like cake." I say grumpily. Honey-senpai looks at me differently, but then turns away to lead me to a table.

Honey-senpai also asks Haruhi and she says yes so she is also dragged along.

As we are eating our cakes, I am suddenly grabbed by Tamaki and he begins to whirl me around. I begin to feel sick.

"Mori- Senpai! Help me!" I suddenly feel larger hands under my armpits and I am no longer spinning around. Rather, my feet were just dangling above the floor. I look at Mori-senpai and he had the same look that Honey- senpai made earlier.

"T-thanks Mori-senpai" I say while blushing slightly. He nods back.

"You didn't have to go that far Mori-Senpai." Tamika sulks.

"There are guests waiting for you Hiro and Haruhi." Kyoya states.

I don't know what I'm doing though. What do I do? What do I say? I walk over to the location where the boys and girls are waiting and sit down.

"T-thank f-for w-wanting t-to talk t-to me t-today." I say stuttering.

They all begin to squeal.

" Hiro-chan, I hear you like to play music." One of the girls say.

"O-oh u-umm my dad taught me." I say a little sadly.

"Do you think he can teach me?" A boy asks.

"H-he c-can't. H-he's n-not here a-a-anymore." I swallow the lump that is forming in my throat and wipe away the tears forming in my eyes. Damn.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset." The boy says quickly and sympathetically.

"B-but I-I did l-learn a lot f-from h-him though" I say, smiling slightly.

"Do you think you can show us?" Another girl asks.

"I-I-I c-can s-sing if you want." I say nervously.

"Yes please." All of the guests around me say in unison.

*random song*

When I finished the song a single tear ran down my cheek and I opened my eyes. I noticed that everyone in the club room was staring at me. I immediately felt embarrassed and looked down.

"Oh my god! Who knew my little princess was also a little angel!" Tamaki squeals as he picks me up again.

I then hear a small "uh-humm" in the background and realise that one of Tamaki's guests is the culprit. I look over and they're giving me the death glare. I immediately look away and ask Tamaki if he could let me go, to which he complied to eventually.

As the evening went on, I talked to my guests more and more and looked over to Haruhi to see she was doing a good job as well.

Finally, club hours were over and everyone got to leave, which I was very pleased about. Now I can finally go home and rest. I say goodbye to my guests and goodbye to the club members. I walk out of the school and head towards my bike. I immediately put in my earphones and start singing to the song. I hop on my bike and cycle home.