“Mum! Dad!”

⚠️ Warning:

Abuse, death by car crash. If any of this triggers you please skip the rest of the chapter after the notice.

After tiredly cycling my way home, I staggered my way into my house, opening and shutting the door lazily. I leant up against the door and slouched, my body struggling to keep my weight up. I trudged my way through the house, placed my guitar near the entrance of my room and flopped onto my bed. I let the comfort of my sheets take over me and I snuggled into them. Before I could go to sleep though, I heard the freak of the front door and a shuffle in the doorway. I slide my way, a little annoyed as I was so close to sleeping. I peer around the corner of the room into the hallway, eyes struggling to stay open, and see a figure. Then I realised that the so called 'figure' was my mum who had come home from work.

*Skip if triggered*

"Hiro, i'm home. How was school?" My mum says as she struggles to take her shoes off. I come out of my hiding place and walk down the hallway to where she is at the doorway and hold out my hand, offering to take her stuff from arm and put it away for her.

"It was fine. Everyone was nice and I've joined a club." I say with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Well you don't seem very happy about it." My mum replies, concerned.

"Well, I didn't really want to tell you but I may or may not be in debt with that club because I broke a really expensive china set and I have to pay it back by being a host." I say quickly.

My mum stares at me in shock and then shakes her head to get out of shock.

"You, what!?" She says angrily.

"Don't worry I'll pay it back by myself. You don't need to do anything. I was thinking about joining a club anyway so this makes it easier for me." I say hurriedly.

"Well if that's what you want then I'll leave you to it, just make sure to tell me if anything else happens alright?" My mum says worriedly.

"Ok." I nod towards her.

"Anyway let's have some dinner shall we!" My mum shouts.

"Yeah!" I say enthusiastically.

I make my way back to my bedroom really quickly to take of my wig and makeup and change into some comfy clothes. I make my way to the kitchen where my mum is humming to herself and begin to help her get the ingredients out the fridge and the pans out the cupboard. I recognise the song as dad's favorite and hum along with her. When we finish the song, we stand and smile at each other contently.

I then see that the pot that mum has is burning the food.

"Don't worry mum, i'll cook. You can sit down." I say hurriedly as I take over the pot and turn down the heat.

"I don't know what I would do without you Hiro." My mum says as she makes her way to the table.

I laugh and put in the rest of the ingredients into the pot while mixing it together.

After a while, everything was cooked and I dished up the meal onto the plates.

"Thanks Hiro!" My mum says as I place her and my plate onto the table.

"No problem, now let's dig in!" I shout.

"Thank you for the food!" My mum and I say simultaneously as we clap our hands together. We then begin our meal, enjoying every bite while talking more about each other's day.

After a really tasty meal, I excused myself from the table and made my way back to my bedroom. I once again slumped onto my bed face first and rolled over so my back was against the bed. I stared up at the ceiling, replaying the events that happened today. I can't believe that all happened in one day. If everyday is like this, I don't know if i'll make it through. As I was thinking this, I started nodding off and eventually fell asleep.


"Hiro baby, Mummy and I are going for a night out tonight. It's our anniversary today so we're going out for a meal. Your uncle is going to look after you so be good."

"No Daddy I don't like Uncle! He hurts me! He doesn't like me!"

"Now, now Hiro, I know that's not true. You just want Mummy and I to stay home."

"No I'm telling the truth. Please you have to believe me!"

"Hiro! That's enough. Now your Uncle just pulled up so we're gonna get going now alright. Be a good boy for uncle and we'll see you tomorrow."

I hear the faint talk of my parents and my uncle chatting and I stand and I begin to feel my body shake. That sinister smile crept towards me as I saw my parents go off into the shadow.

"Now then, what should we play today Hiro?"

He begins what he calls 'playtime'. This involves hitting me, doing sexual things to me and saying things like "why did you have to be my brother?", "why do you have a child that looks like that bitch?" and "I loved you!" repeatedly. I knew he was talking about my dad, just by the way he soften his tone after he see what he's done. But he comes back again to repeat the whole process. It gets worse and worse every time.

"Oh my god, brother why did you have this thing. Why couldn't you love me?"

When I see an opening, I ran down the hallway towards the door and wretch it open, desperate to escape. I open the door just as he was about to grab me and I run. He trips over the ledge of the doorframe and I hear a thump on the floor. I don't turn back and I run and run and don't stop. Before I knew it, I was in a random street. I feel a cold water drop down from the sky followed by many others after, so I hide behind a set of stairs in an alleyway and sit down, catching my breath. I sit there for what feels like 20 minutes, before I decide that I should start making my way to one of my friends houses for the night.

I suddenly hear a screech. I look to the side that I heard it from and there on the side of the road was a car that had collided with a street lamp. The wet, slippery floor had made it so the driver had lost control. I then realise what car it looks like. That's Mum and Dad's car! I hurriedly sprint over to where the car was and on closer inspection I see that the lamp post had completely gone through the drivers side of the car. Dads side! And Mum looked like she hit her head! Panic starts to take over me as I scream for people to call an ambulance. I then hear the faint voice of my mum through the broken windscreen window.

"Hiro, I'm sorry that Dad and I didn't believe you. I love you." I then don't hear anything else from her mouth. The sirens wring through my head and that's all I can hear.

"Mum! Dad!"