“Wait! Hiro-chan’s a boy?”

I wake up to hear my alarm and tears running down my face. Sweat covers my whole as it drips onto my now damp bedsheets. Groaning, I sit up, glancing at the time and turn my alarm off. Then, I swivel my legs so that my feet are dangling just centimeters away from the warm, comfy carpet. I push my body out of bed and drag my feet as I make my way towards the bathroom. Struggling to find the light switch, I feel around for what feels like forever and finally I find it. I press the switch and squint at the light that now illuminated in the room. I head over to the sink and lean on it. My eyes wander to the mirror where I see my bloodshot eyes staring back at me. Leaning down to the sink, I turn the tap on and soak my face until I feel refreshed. After that, I dried my face off with a towel and then trudge my way back into my room. My clothes are all hung up in my wardrobe neatly organised so it is easier for me to pick out my clothes. Even then, I still take a while.

After finally deciding what to wear, I make my way through the hallway to the kitchen to see eggs on toast covered over with a message beside it.

It says

"I've already left for work. I hope this is up to your standards~ Love Mum"

I smile at what I just read and glanced over to the breakfast she had prepared. The toast was burnt and the yolk was stray on the plate, but I still grab a knife and dig in.

After eating and brushing my teeth, I look at the time and see that I had 20 minutes to get to school. Not again! I hurriedly grab my bag with my books and make my way down the hallway towards the door. I open the door harshly and then slam it once i'm outside. I then jab my key inside of it then turn it. I wiggle the key out of the key hole and run over to my bike that was leaning outside in the car park where the bike railing is. I'm sorry door! I then unlock the chain that was sound my bike, wheel it over to the bicycle lane, swing my leg over, sit on the seat and start to pedal.

I eventually make it to school with 3 minutes to spare and briskly walk to my lesson. I pass Mrs Minori's office and hear a shout come from there.

"Nearly late again Hiro!" She says while laughing.

"Sorry Mrs Minori!" I shout back at her.

"Hurry up and get to class!" She pesters.

"I will!" I say as I begin to make my way to my classroom. I got there with one minute to spare and I look in the classroom to see that the teacher wasn't there yet. I then look behind me and see the teacher appear around the corner. I quickly slip into the classroom before they can see me and rush over to my desk next to Haruhi and I think Hikaru was his name.

"That was close." Hikaru whispered into my ear. I squeak at the sudden breath that goes into my ear and turn red when everyone looks at me. I turn to shout at him but the teacher walks through the door at that moment. I glare and him while he's smirking, still with pink cheeks.

"Now let's get this lesson started!" The teacher announces.

"Are you alright Hiro-chan?" Haruhi whispers to me.

"Y-yeah, for now" I reply in a hush voice.

The lessons went on for what felt like ages and finally the bell rang to signal break time. I walk around the school to try and get a feel of the school when I look out of the window. I begin to run to the pond that currently held my stuff, when I run past the girl that got annoyed yesterday. I slowed down and stopped.

"I guess it's nice having Tamaki fawning over you. It's useless though. You're always going to be a second class citizen." I continue running after she says this and begin digging around in the pool for my wallet. I hear a splash behind me and turn around to see Tamaki- senpai.

"Tamaki-senpai w-what are you doing?"

"Helping you look. How did your bag get into the pond anyway?" He questions while still searching.

"I-it must have fallen out the window somehow."

We continue looking for my wallet together and eventually Tamaki finds it.

"Here it is." He starts heading towards me.

"Now don't lose it again." He says while hitting me in the head lightly with it.

"T-thank you." I say while turning a shade of pink.

We head back to lessons after drying off. Another two lessons pass by and now it's time for lunch. The money still hasn't dried from this morning so I can't really use it.

"Do you not have any money for lunch Hiro-chan?" Haruhi asked quietly.

"Y-yeah. I was in such a rush this morning that I forgot it." I reply, a little embarrassed.

I see the other hosts ears perk up when I say this and all of a sudden they're swarming me with different meals.

Tamaki- senpai brought over a plate of fancy tuna.

Mori- senpai and Honey- senpai brought over cake.

The twins brought over a roast dinner.

And Kyoya looked a little shocked at how the food was so suddenly in front of me. I look in amazement at everything there, but then shake myself out of my trance.

"I-I couldn't possibly h-have these. They're your lunches." I say while still shocked.

"Nonsense take your pick. This is some lovely tuna!" Tamaki- senpai says as he waves the dish in front of me.

"Well, I do like cake..." Immediately after I said that Tamaki-senpai goes into his sad corner and starts growing mushrooms.

I start to feel bad. I look over at him again after receiving a plate of cake and make my way over to him.

"Tamaki- senpai, c-can I-I try the tuna please?" I ask, nervously.

Suddenly, he turns around and pick me up abruptly. He begins twirling around while saying "That was so cute! Of course my princess can try the tuna!"

I blush at this and squeeze my arm out of his grasp. I lightly poke him on the shoulder and he stops spinning.

"C-can y-you put me down please?" I say, still blushing pink. Tamaki finally realise what he's doing and releases me from his grasp. He places me back on the floor and glances away. Is that a red tint on his face? I blush even more at this.

"Ohhh~ looks like someone has a crush." The twins teased. I blush while Tamaki stammers

"S-shut up!"

It goes silent for a second and then Tamaki continues after clearing his throat.

"Anyway, lets get you that fancy tuna! Haruhi do you want some?" I look over to see Haruhi drooling. She shakes out of her trance and nods.

When I return to the table, the fancy tuna is laid out for Haruhi and I. Haruhi had already nearly eaten it and I hadn't even started it.

I begin to eat it and my face lights up at how good it is. I begin to eat it quickly, while still savouring every bite. I then feel multiple eyes staring at me and look up to see that all the host club members are watching me intently while I eat. I blush and say a quick "I'm s-sorry!" I was so embarrassed.

"As long as you enjoyed it Hiro-chan!" Tamaki-senpai says joyfully.

"T-thank you for the meal!" I stutter out.

"Awww Hiro-chan's so cute." Says the twins at the same time. Finally another bell rang signalling the end of lunch and I hurry out of the club room to hide my face which is currently a blushing mess. How was I cute? Would they still think I'm cute if they found out I am a boy? These thoughts were running through my mind as I made my way back to the classroom. I then remembered that the twins are in my class. Well great! As soon as they appear through the door I turn away and look out the window, avoiding all eye contact. I can see their smirks out of the corner of my eye. I have to sit through another 2 hours with them. Oh no.

The bell rang one last time to signal the end of the school day and automatically I grabbed my still damp stuff and shoved it into my bag. I begin to make my way out of the door when I feel two arms wrap underneath my armpits and drag me. Not this again. It took them about 5 seconds to reach the destination of the host club and a minute late, Haruhi appears through the door.

"You *gasp* need *pant* to stop *pant* doing that." Haruhi struggles to say.

"This is your first official full day-!" One twin states

"-So we've all decided that you'll serve guests without help today!" the other twin finishes.

"R-really! A-a-already!" I say in shock. All I get back is nods.

"Let's let the girls and boys in shall we!" Tamaki announces. Immediately after the doors open and in come flooding the guests.

"Ayanokoji has requested you today Hiro- chan." States Kyoya- senpai. I was a little confused as to why she requested me but hey, it gets me one step closer to getting the amount of customers I need.

"It's a shame that your bag fell out of the window and into the pond today. I don't know what I would've done if that had happened to me.." Why did she request me when it's obvious she doesn't like me.

"..But you went too far bothering Tamaki-sama. It was only for that cheap bag, right? Don't think that he loves you. Tamaki-sama is taking good care of you because your family background is new to him. Maybe all those weird things are happening because you are tagging along Tamaki-sama without thinking...?

"I understand now. You're jealous of me." I retaliate. This stunned her and all of a sudden the table tips over and I fall over and land on top of her.

"Please help me, she just assaulted me!"

As soon as she says this, I feel water poured on top of me and look up to see the twins holding jugs that originally held the water.

"My,my what a shame. You're the one who through her bag into the pond aren't you. That is not very ladylike of you. Even though you are a pretty girl, you are no longer welcome as a guest of the host club." As soon as he finished what he is saying, Ayanokoji gets up and runs out of the room while shouting "Idiot Tamaki!"

"Now, now, what should we do with you Hiro-chan. I know! You're quota has been raised to 1000 requests!" Tamaki exclaims.

"1-1-1000." I stutter in disbelief. I sigh and slouch, unable to take in what is happening.

"Right, now lets get you out of that wet uniform shall we!" Tamaki suggests. I look down and see that my clothes are soaked through and blush.

"The changing rooms are in the back. I'll bring you a clean uniform in a moment." Kyoya informs me.

I nod and make my way to the changing rooms. I open the curtain and head inside. A few moments later, the twins come in holding a bag. I thank them for it, but then they stay in the changing room.

"Uh-umm c-can you please get out?" I ask, embarrassed. I begin to push them out, a little harder than what I meant to and they both look at each other like they've realised something. I close the curtain behind them and begin to strip myself of the wet clothing. This was a bit of a struggle as it stuck to my skin. I looked in the bag I was provided and saw that it was the male uniform. I mean it's better than nothing. The wig I was wearing was also wet and already starting to come off so I took that off as well. While I was mid- changing, I heard the curtain move again, but before I could say anything, Tamaki was already walking in.

"Here Hiro-chan, i've got a towel for you." His eyes were looking down at this point and then he looked up. He saw the state I was in and I hurriedly pushed him out.

"G-g-get out!" I scream while blushing.

After I'm done changing, I open the curtain and everyone was still mocking Tamaki. They then look over and see me.

"Wait! Hiro-chan's a boy?"Tamaki exclaims, surprised.

"Biologically speaking yeah, but it doesn't matter if I'm a boy or a girl. It's what's on the inside that counts right?" I say while smiling.

"By the way Tamaki-senpai, I thought you were pretty cool earlier!" I say while looking at Tamaki.

All of a sudden, Tamaki- senpai starts blushing a deep shade of red and hides his face, which cause me to do the same.

"I'm beginning to see a new love blooming." Kyoya snidely remarks.

I blush an even darker shade of red, if that's even possible.