“I’m Fukashi.”

Today was another day of school. The same happened. I woke up late, which I really need to sort out because one of these days i'm not going to wake up at all. I rushed out of the door and and hopped onto my bike, pedaling as fast as my legs could pedal. I greeted Mrs Minori once again as I rushed to my classroom. I manage to once again get there before the teacher. The twins were smirking and Haruhi was giving a disapproving but apologetic look, obviously a bit annoyed at my tardiness. I rush to my desk which stood between them and had managed to sit down before the teacher opened the door. Lessons dragged on, and lunch went really quickly. It eventually reached the end of the day and at this point, I didn't even attempt to escape the grasp of the twins. I just accepted it.

"Why aren't you struggling?" The tangerine haired boys ask in unison.

"It's more effort." I reply, slouching.

"At least it makes it easier for us..." one of the twins say.

"and now we can be more rough on you." the other says while smirking.

I blush slightly at this comment but shake it off when I realized that we have reached the club room. The large doors open slowly and rose petals fall down as we walk through. All the other hosts were waiting on the other side, dressed in tropical garments.

"What is this?" I question, confused at what has replaced the club room. It feels as though I have just teleported from a school to a jungle in the course of 5 seconds. I stare in amazement at what has appeared before me. There were large trees and vines all around the room and a like pond area right next to the several picnic blankets that were scattered around, presumably for all the different hosts.

"Now you've got to make a decision Hiro-chan. Do you want to share the fact that you are a boy to the guests or prefer to keep it secret?" Kyoya Informed me.

"I only dress up as a girl because I feel more comfortable that way, but I don't mind telling them." I reply more confidently.

"Ok then! Let's get you into your clothing for the day. Well join you in changing!" The ginger twins remarked. At this, I begin to think about the things they could do and I become a mess.

"N-n-noo, I-i don't want to go in with you!" I say while blushing madly.

"Oh don't worry Hiro- chan....it'll just make things easier if we go in at the same time."

They then begin to drag me into the changing room, while also taking the outfits that Kyoya held out for them.

"Mummy, the twins have taken Hiro-chan! They're gonna do dreadful things to him!" I hear Tamaki whine to I presume Kyoya based on the club rankings. I turn around to see the twins doing that well known face. They then begin to strip me of my clothing, which made me blush and I tried to cover myself over, to which the twins grabbed both of my arms and held them back, admiring my body. I try to pull out of their grasp but they had a firm grip.

"C-can you let go of me please?" I ask, nervously. They quickly realise what they are doing and look away quickly, a red tint to their faces.

"C-can I have my clothes please?" I question them as I was beginning to feel a little cold. In response, Hikaru held out the clothes that I was supposed to be wearing, still looking away. I briskly take it from his hand and shuffle to another part of the changing room. I then try and quickly put on the clothes, but I end up getting tangled in the amount of holes there are. I struggle my way out and eventually squirm my way out. I readjust the clothes and find the correct holes for the correct places. I look over to where the twins originally stood and realise they have already left. I compose myself and make my way out of the changing room. I see Tamaki- Senpai standing outside there.

After finding out that i'm actually a boy, Tamaki- senpai has been acting weird. He's been avoiding me. He would occasionally glance at me, a red tint to his face, but as soon as I looked in his direction, he would sharply turn away. This made me a little depressed, as I missed talking to my Senpai.

He once again turned away and it hurt. I don't want him ignoring me. I feel something on my face so I reach up and touch it. It was wet. Was I crying?

"What's up Hiro-chan?" One twin asks.

"Yeah you've been staring off for a while now." The other twin continues.

They turn me around and see that I am crying. I realise that they are looking at me so I shake out of my trance and hide me face, but at that point, it was too late.

Their facial expressions softened as they saw this and they hugged me tightly. Meanwhile, Tamaki glanced over and saw that I was crying as well. He immediately changed his facial expression to an apologetic one and ran over to me. All of a sudden, I was released from the twins' grasp and eloped into Tamaki-senpai's. I was still crying at this point, so he whispered reassuring words into my ear. I held onto him tightly as he did this and buried my head into his neck.

"Y-you're s-so m-mean Senpai!" I stammered out to him.

"I know Hiro-chan. I was a bit surprised that's all. I'm sorry! Y'know, let me make it up to you! You can have lots of cake and fancy tuna! That sound good?" Tamaki says quickly.

My mind immediately goes elsewhere, picturing that fancy tuna on my tongue and cake to help cleanse the palette. I drool at my imagination and shake out of my trance.

"O-of course I-I forgive you. J-just don't do that again. Y-you s-scared me!" I say, stammering.

I feel Tamaki squeeze me tighter and squeal.

"You're so cuuute!" I blush a little at this comment and lean more into his embrace, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Looks like someone has a crush." The twins teased.

Before I could say anything back, Tamaki already began.

"Y-yeah maybe I do!" Tamaki stuttered. This shocked me and I removed myself from his shoulder and looked up at him, eyes wide. Did I hear that right? This isn't a dream is it?

As I look at him in disbelief, he looks down at me and begins to blush furiously. This causes me to start blushing as his blushing answered my questions.

"A-anyway! The girls and boys are waiting outside for us." Tamaki suddenly removes his grasp from me and rushes over to the doors, opening them dramatically. He then presents his usual act and I slap myself to remove myself from my trance. The girls and boys come rushing in and immediately stop. They then glance over in my direction and I was really confused. I blush a bit and tilt my head to show this.

"Omg, you look so cute!" One girl squeals.

"Hiro-chan's a boy? He's still so pretty!" A boy fawns.

"He's prettier than me!" Another girl complains. When I heard this, I changed to her direction. I walked over to her and grabbed her chin, pulling her head to face mine.

"Now you know that's not true. No one can come above your beauty!" I say smoothly. The girl blushes in my hand and is bright red. I just realise what i've done and I pull my hand away. I blushed harder than the girl. My right eye was hurting slightly. I felt it twinge. Tamaki once again pulled me into an embrace and begun swinging me around. My face was smushed against his chest. Questions were running through my mind as he did this. What did I just do? Why is my eye hurting? Tamaki released me from hold and looked me in my face.

"My Hiro-chan's growing up!" He exclaimed.

Your Hiro-chan? I mean I wouldn't mind being yours. What am I thinking? Shake it off. He probably doesn't mean it like that.

I walk over to my designated spot for the day and see my usual appointments. These are the same people that saw me on my first day.

"Are you going to sing for us again Hiro-chan?"

"I'd like to hear another song!"

"Oh-um sure."

(Alec Benjamin~ Must have been the wind)

I heard a glass shatter on the wall in the apartment above mine

At first I thought that I was dreamin'

But then I heard the voice of a girl

And it sounded like she'd been cryin'

Now I'm too worried to be sleepin'

So I took the elevator to the second floor

Walked down the hall and then I knocked upon her door

She opened up and I asked about the things I've been hearing

She said, "I think your ears are playing tricks on you"

Sweater zipped up to her chin

"Thanks for caring, sir, that's nice of you

But I have to go back in

Wish I could tell you about the noise

But I didn't hear a thing"

She said, "It must have been the wind, must have been the wind

Must have been the wind, it must have been the wind"

She said, "It must have been the wind, must have been the wind

Must have been the wind, it must have been the wind"

So I was layin' on the floor of my room

Cold concrete on my back

No, I just couldn't shake the feeling

I didn't want to intrude 'cause I knew that I didn't have all the facts

But I couldn't bear the thought of leavin' her

So I took the elevator to the second floor

Walked down the hall and then I knocked upon her door

She opened up and I asked about the things I've been hearing

She said, "I think your ears are playing tricks on you"

Sweater zipped up to her chin

"Thanks for caring, sir, that's nice of you

But I have to go back in

Wish I could tell you about the noise

But I didn't hear a thing"

She said, "It must have been the wind, must have been the wind

Must have been the wind, it must have been the wind"

She said, "It must have been the wind, must have been the wind

Must have been the wind, it must have been the wind"

Aim my boombox at the roof, I'm playing "Lean on Me"

Just so that she knows that she can lean on me

And when she hears the words, I hope she knows she'll be okay

Aim my boombox at the roof, I'm playing "Lean on Me"

Just so that she knows that she can lean on me

And when she hears the words, I know exactly what I'll say

Promise I'm not playing tricks on you

You're always welcome to come in

You could stay here for an hour or two

If you ever need a friend

We can talk about the noise, when you're ready, but 'til then

I'll say, "It must have been the wind, must have been the wind

Must have been the wind, it must have been the wind"

I'll say, "It must have been the wind, must have been the wind

Must have been the wind, it must have been the wind"

Once I finish strumming my dads guitar, I look up and all I could see were faces of amazement. I blush and hide my face with my hair further.

"Your voice is so beautiful Hiro-chan!" I blush further with this remark and look over to where Tamaki-senpai was. He stared at me, a light pink shade to his cheeks and smiled. I smiled back. We were broken out of our stares when the twins came over.

"Sorry to break you out of your trance..." One twin started.

"...but we have some guests to entertain!" The other twin finished.

I turn around to see my guests confused, head tilted to one side, as if they are trying to assess the situation.

"L-lets continue with our chat shall we?" I question to my guests.

"I think it's time for the hosts to switch clients." A woman says behind me. She then grabs my chin.

"Konako Kasugazaki, you're even cuter than I expected. From now on you are my new favourite host." I look at her in shock.

*Time skip*

Tamaki-senpai was sitting at a table eating some instant ramen and looking depressed.

"See Princes Konako has a tendency to change her favourite aka the never the same boy twice disease." Kyoya informs us.

"So before she chose you Hiro-chan, she was with Tamaki-san." Honey- senpai continues.

I felt a little twinge in my chest to find out that. Was I not good enough for him? Did he like her more? I lowered my head as I thought of this. All of a sudden, Tamaki- senpai brings out a picture of me as a girl.

"Why couldn't you stay looking like this!" This hurt me a little more.

"U-uh I-I can if you want me-" I was cut off by Haruhi.

"No Hiro-chan! You shouldn't change just because people want you to!"

I felt myself loose consciousness.

*Tamaki's p.o.v*

Hiro-chan lowers his head for a second and shoots up.

"Hey! Don't piss me off! How about you check yourself before you tell others to change!" Hiro-chan said. But this wasn't Hiro-chan. They raised their head and showed their eyes. They illuminated aqua and magenta and stared right at me.

"Wh-Who are you?" I ask sputtering.

"I'm Fukashi. Remember that!" They shouted.

Suddenly, he bowed his head again.

"S-sorry. Did I fall asleep?" Hiro-chan asks, looking really confused.

*Hiro-chai's p.o.v*

I felt like I was there, but I wasn't. I felt like I was saying things but I wasn't. It was really weird. Wait. Maybe I have another personality. I've never thought about it before. I mean who would? I'll ask my mum about it later.

"S-sorry. Did I fall asleep?" I ask, looking confused.

"Y-yeah are you tired?" Tamaki asks, concerned.

"I-I want to go home. I'm tired. Is that alright?"  I question rubbing my eyes.

"A-alright. See you tomorrow." Tamaki replies. I make my normal routine of going home, thinking about what happened today. Did I have another personality?