
I'm just going to give warning that some of the information I give about Dissociative Identity Disorder may not be true. This is what I've learned from lots of people with it and everyone with this disorder has different personalities. So please do not come at me. However, if there is anymore information that you know, I would love to know as well. Thank you! Now on with the chapter!

As soon as I arrived home, I rushed indoors. I knew today that my mum was coming home early so that gave me more of a chance to talk about what happened today. My mum was sitting on the chair sipping some coffee as she looked up at me from her book. I was panting from cycling so quickly.

"Mum, can I ask you a question?" I ask hurriedly.

"You just did!" She replies smirking.

"I'm serious! Something weird happened to me today." I reply, a little bit annoyed.

"It's not those boys from the host club is it?" She asks, turning her smirk into a face of concern.

"No! Well, yes a bit. Anyway, I felt like I fainted and someone else took over my body, but I could still see what was happening!" I stated.

"Wait, have you heard of DID?" My mum asks.

"DID?" I ask, confused.

"Dissociative Identity Disorder. I've actually wondered this for a while now. Sometimes, you turn into a completely different person and then when you turn back to yourself, you forget what you did." My mum informs me.

"W-what?" I ask in disbelief.

"It's partially my fault that you have it. It normally forms when something traumatic happens in your childhood. It's because your brain isn't fully developed so it creates multiple personalities to protect you." I stare at her in shock.

"It's not your fault! It's that man's fault. And that on top of Dad dying." I cringe at the thought of him.

"It is. If we hadn't left you with him, none of this would have ever happened." She says shaking her head.

"Exactly! I would never have met the host club. I would never have met Tamaki!" I shout at her. I then blush a deep red after I realise what i've said.

"Ohhhh, who's Tamaki?" My mum asks smirking.

"Uh-uh he's just someone who's part of the host club." I state while stuttering.

"Oh ok 'just someone who's part of the host club'." My mum says as she returns to reading her book and sipping her coffee.

I groan and head to my room. I place my guitar in its normal spot and flop onto my bed face first. I roll over onto my back and smack my face, trying to remove the redness that still lays on my cheeks. I grab my pillow and hug it, curling up in the process. Do I like Tamaki? I mean he's a doofus. Why would I like him? Wait! Does he like me? I blush harder and bury my head further into my pillow. Tomorrow's the day! I'm gonna confess my feelings! I shoot up from my bed. But wait, how am I going to do it? Maybe I should wait a little longer. I groan again and flop back onto my bed backwards and look at the ceiling. I should probably change my clothes. I push myself up from my bed again and head to the bathroom. I reach into the shower and turn it on to warm it up. I begin to take off my uniform and throw it into the basket. Once completely unclothed, I step into the shower, sighing once I feel the warm water run down my body. I grab my shampoo and lather it in. I then rinse that out and grab the body wash and run it all over my. body. After i'm satisfied, I step onto the bath mat and grab my towel. I dry myself off and look at the mirror. I stare at my eyes, seeing that my eyes have grown brighter in colour. Strange. I grab some clean clothes and put them onto my body. I head through the house to the kitchen to get started on dinner.

"Does fish sound alright for tonight?" I ask my mum,

"Yes perfect!" My mum replies, drooling.

"I'm so glad to have you!" My mum says lovingly.

"Love you mum." I say looking at her. She looks a bit shocked that I said this.

"Love you too Hiro!" She responds.

After sitting to another delicious meal, I sit down with my mum.

"Do you like Tamaki?" My mum suddenly questions me.

"W-what?" I retort.

I felt myself get pulled from my body and someone trying to take over my body.

*Hiro's mum's p.o.v.*

I see his head lower and presume that it is him dissociating.

"Hi Fukashi. Are you going to answer my question?" I ask with a soft voice.

"Tch, He pisses me off. Do you know what he said today?" He asks angrily.

"What did he say?" I ask concerned.

"He told Hiro to return to being a girl!" He states.

"I think Tamaki was just a bit confused with himself. He did think Hiro was a girl, so after that he must be questioning his sexual identity." I say softly.

"Y-yeah but it was mean the way he said it." Fukashi replies.

"Thank you for protecting Hiro." I say with gratitude.

"Ah it's no problem. It's my job. Otherwise Hiro-chan would be a complete mess." I hear him chuckle while he says this.

I smile in return.

"I feel Hiro-chan returning." Fukashi says.

"See you later then Fukashi." I say nodding my head towards him.

"Who's Fukashi?" Oops. How do I tell him?

"Uh-uhm. Fukashi's your alter." I stare.

"My alter?" Hiro-chan asks, tilting his head in confusion.

"Yeah. He's the personality that takes over your body."

*Hiro's p.o.v."

My alter? Does that mean my mum has known about this for a while. Is that why i'm so forgetful?

"So, he is with me all the time?" I ask.

"He keeps you safe for me." My mother replies.

"Woah. That's cool." I say bright eyed.

"I think it's time for you to go to bed Hiro. You've had a long day." My mum commands.

"Oh-ok goodnight." I say surprised.

I get up from the seat and head to my room.

I sit on my bed, head in my hands and sigh. Why didn't she tell me about this? I felt myself doze off and lay down. I rested my head on my pillow and fell into a deep sleep.

Sorry for the shorter chapter. I just wanted to focus on Hiro-chan and Fukashi. Thank you for reading!