“A ball?”

Today was another day of school. I struggled to get that much sleep last night. After I passed out from exhaustion, I awoke 3 hours because I had a nightmare. It was about that damn bastard. I trudged my way sleepily through my house. This time I woke up early, so I had plenty of time to have a proper breakfast and make a lunch as well.

I made my way to the bathroom, feet sliding on the ground as I did so.I held my hand over my face as I yawned and turned the tap on at the ink with my other hand. I turned it on too hard that it splashed up in my face and woke me up more slightly. I groaned at the fact my pyjamas were now wet and undressed. I chucked my moist clothes into the basket and walked back to my bedroom. Picking up my uniform, I lay it on my bed and take the hangers off. I slip on my uniform and adjust it so it was comfortable. It was cold today, so I decide to grab a hoodie as well. I slip that on under my blazer pull out the hood.

I head to the kitchen to begin making breakfast. Mum shouldn't have left yet, so let's make her breakfast and lunch for the day. I grab some eggs and begin to make an omelette. I then get some rice, cook the rice and then mix it with some onions. I grab some hotdogs out the fridge and pop them in the microwave. I boil up the kettle and add some instant coffee to two cups. Once the hotdogs are finished, I begin chopping them into little octopus shapes. There were also some eggs left so I decided to make some egg rolls. I grabbed 2 bento boxes and placed the rice, hotdogs and egg rolls in them. I then placed the omelettes onto 2 plates and wrote on them with ketchup. On my mum's I wrote "Work hard!" and on mine I began to write my name, but it somehow came out as "Tamaki". I tried to rub it off but of course my mum walks into the kitchen just as I was about to do this.

"Wow. This looks good. Bet you think that Tamaki looks tastier though." She says while looking at my omelette. I blush a deep shade of red and shove her food in her hands.

"Just eat." I say still blushing but a little annoyed.

"Sometimes I cant tell if it's you or Fukashi." You both have some similar qualities." My mum states.

"I-is that right?" I ask a little amazed.

"Yeah. Anyway! Let's eat!" My mum says while clapping her hand together. Don't worry she put her food down on the table first. I sat down at the table and begin to eat. I hum in approval and begin to eat faster.

"Are you planning to confess to Tamaki today?" I begin choking when she says this and hurriedly grab my glass of water and gulp it down.

"W-what?" I sputter.

"You said so yesterday." Did I say that aloud last night? I blush a deep shade of red. At that moment, I get a phone call and see it's and unknown number. I hesitate a bit but decide to press the answer button.

"Hiro-chan! You better be ready for today! We've got a lot planned for you!" I recognised the voice as Tamaki-senpai's.

"H-how did you get my number?" I question shocked.

"I'm just so amazing!" He replies.

"He got it from Kyoya." I hear someone faintly say in the background.

"Is Hikaru with you?" I question.

"Oh everyone's already at the club room. We're preparing!" Tamaki says in excitement.

"You're so mean to have not invited Hiro-chan!" Honey- senpai says.

"N-no I was going to invite him now." Tamaki says a little flustered.

I laugh a little at this.

"Ahhh you're so cute! If you were here I would be spinning you around right now!" I blush a little at this comment.

"Anyway! Get here as soon as possible my little prince!" I was a little shocked at this nickname but shake it off.

"S-sure. I'll get going now. I'll be roughly 20. minutes. See you!" I reply.

"See you!" Tamaki exclaims and everyone says this in the background.

I hang up and place my phone in my pocket.

"You're so cute. You best get going now though. Thank you for my lunch!" My mum remarks. I push myself up from the table and place my plate in the sink.

"Can you wash this for me please?" I ask my mum.

"Sure. Repayment for lunch." I smile at her and then rush to grab my bag and guitar. I hurriedly open the door and close it behind me. I pull my bike forward and begin pedalling.

*Time skip 20 minutes later*

I make it to school and it feels weird getting here so early. Walking through the entrance, I notice that even Mrs Minori isn't even here yet. Weaving in and out of the halls, I eventually make it to the club room and open the large doors.

"You're finally here Hiro-chan!" Tamaki exclaims while running towards me. I felt myself dissociating and not in my body anymore.

Fukashi's p.o.v

He's not laying a single finger on Hiro-chan anymore. I step to the side to avoid Tamaki's leap and I heard a thud.

"Ow-w. That hurt. Why did you avoid me Hiro-chan?" Tamaki says whilst rubbing his head and groaning.

"I'm not Hiro. I'm Fukashi. Also, it hurts him when you constantly jump on him." I retort.

"You're so mean Fukashi!" He says while pouting.

"I'm just protecting him!" I say while my cheeks turn pink. Wait, why am I blushing. Damn you Hiro! Why do you want to take over now?

"Don't you dare hurt Hiro." I faintly say as I begin to feel myself dissociate.

*Hiro- chan's p.o.v*

I managed to take over my body again and see Tamaki staring at me in shock.

"Oh please say it's you again Hiro-chan!" He says while pulling me into a hug. He suddenly pulls away, clearly remembering what Fukashi has just said to him. I was a little disappointed at this. I hug him back.

"Just a little longer." I murmur. I felt Tamaki tense up but I didn't care. He was so warm and I was still tired. He began to relax and hug me back.

"Sorry to ruin your moment, but we have to get ready for the party." I hear Kyoya state. I pull my head away from his chest and glare at Kyoya, which did not faze him at all. I sigh and look up at Tamaki. I realise that he had been looking at me the whole time and I begin to blush. He begins blushing as well and we are both blushing messes. I push him back and begin to straighten my clothes.

"Uh-hum. W-what's this about a party?" I say while clearing my throat.

"Yeah. I'm interested as well." Haruhi joins in. She looks over to me and winks at me, to which I smile and blush slightly.

"Once a year, we hold a party for all our guests in which they can dance with any of the host members for the whole night." Kyoya tells us.

The whole night? Will I be able to last that long?

"So my little prince and daughter, you must master learning the waltz in one week! But, Hiro-chan you must learn both male and female roles!" Tamaki states.

"W-why both?" I ask.

"Because the guests that you have are both male and female." He says.

"I guess that makes sense." I say unenthusiastically.

"So it's basically like a ball." Haruhi says.

"Yes! Exactly!" Tamaki replies.

Throughout my time learning, I was taught by Princess Kanako. She helped me learn the male role. I stumbled a bit from time. At one point, I fell over and landed on top of her.

I-i'm so sorry. Are you alright?" I ask, concerned.

"Don't worry." Princess Kanako replies softly. I feel a dark aura come from Tamaki when this happens and it's a little scary. We practice a little more and I begin to get the hang of it. I eventually have gotten the male role down and can move onto the female role. We decide to rest a bit afterwards and I bring Princess Kanako some tea.

"Thank you so much for helping me." I say gratefully while pouring her tea.

"It was no problem at all. By the way Kyoya, is this tea set new isn't it? It's Genori." She says while admiring the teacup.

"You have a keen eye mademoiselle. In fact we just received them yesterday. We decided that it was about time for the host club to upgrade its tea sets." Kyoya says.

"I see. What a pretty colour." She says while gently holding the cup in her hand.

"You must really be into tableware." Haruhi states as she walks up to the table.

"Huh. Not really. I mean no. Whatever gave you that idea!" She says while getting flustered. She obviously knows a lot about tableware, so why lie.

A boy walks into the club room holding a box and Kyoya walks over to him.

"Hello. I'm here to deliver the new tea sets you ordered." The boy says.

"Ahh yes. Thank you very much Suzushima. Every item that you have chosen for us has been extremely popular with the ladies. I'm quite impressed." Kyoya compliments him.

"Well that's good to hear." The boy replies.

I walk over to where they're standing.

"S-so do you sell tea sets?" I ask.

"No I'm just a regular student." He replies.

"Oh Hiro your so funny. Well I don't blame you. He doesn't exactly look like an heir to a first class company." Kanako says, still looking a little uncomfortable.

First-class company?

Kanako turns away and Suzushima and Kyoya keep talking. He then leaves and soon after Kanako leaves as well.

"Do they know each other?" I ask, a little concerned for Kanako.

"Yes they were childhood friends." Kyoya states. I wonder what happened between them. Wait, does Kanako like him? That explains it.

The next day I begin to learn how to dance in the female role. It was easier as I had already picked up some of the moves by watching Kanako beforehand. Hikaru was the one leading me this time. The dark aura around Tamaki grew bigger. Now you might be wondering, why isn't Tamaki teaching me? Well that's because every time I dance with him, I dissociate and Fukashi beats him up. I didn't want to hurt him anymore, so we tried it with Hikaru and Fukashi was fine.

"Fukashi's so mean." Tamaki says while pouting.

"I'll try to dance with you on the night, ok?" I say, looking at Tamaki. He immediately brightens up and little flowers appear all around his head.

*Time skip to the ball*

Tonight is the night that I show everything i've learnt. Hopefully I get to dance with Tamaki as well.

Fukashi, please let me dance with Tamaki just once ok? I wrote on a piece of paper.

I feel myself dissociate.

*Fukashi's p.o.v*

I feel myself become the host and look down to see a piece of paper and a pen.

"Fukashi, please let me dance with Tamaki just once ok?" I read.

"Tch stupid. Fine. But if he tries anything else i'm taking over."

I look around and see Tamaki coming over running a readying for a hug.

I dissociate and let Hiro-chan be the host again.

*Hiro's p.o.v*

I take over again and look down at where I originally kept the paper. I read what Fukashi and squeeze my fist in celebration. I hadn't read the last bit that he said so I read it. "Watch out!" As soon as I read this, I feel Tamaki jump onto me and hug me.

"Are you ready Hiro-chan?" He asks while holding me tightly.

"Y-yeah!" I respond. We make our way to the room that we were going to get changed in. The ballroom was beautiful. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, sparkling. Ribbons were hung up all around the room and there were part tables with food stacked as high as it could go. For the first part of the ball, I danced with as many of my female guests as possible and soon my feet began to get tired. But! There were still things I needed to do!

We had already made plans. We had decided to help Kanako and Haruhi and I are "confessing". This requires Haruhi and I to dress up like girls. Once we arrive, the twins immediately pull us in to the room and start putting our make up and wigs on. Haruhi and I get changed in separate rooms. I blush as I look at what has been prepared for me. It's a long, black dress with a floral pattern on the front. I slip into the dress and wait a little bit. The plan was that Haruhi would meet Suzushima first to discuss whether or not he will accept her confession, obviously not, and then I will come in a few minutes later and discuss my "love" for him. We are hoping that this will give us enough time for Kanako to see this.

And this how exactly the plan went. Suzushima rejected the both of us and Kanako appeared at the entrance of the doorway soon after. She began to cry and ran away and he went running after her. While they were doing this, we would get changed. Haruhi changed back into her outfit and I changed my outfit and wig, but I still was a girl. We rushed back to the hall and saw that everyone was outside. As we made our way through the large crowd of people, the light moved to highlight Kanako and Suzushima.

"The queen of the night is Kanako and you're prize is a kiss from me." Tamaki announced. I was a little jealous of this, but that was soon wiped away when the twins announce that it would be taken over by Haruhi.

"You don't think this is Haruhi's first kiss do you?" Honey-senpai questions.

At this, Tamaki ran trying to stop Haruhi. He slipped over and pushed me down as well. I felt myself nudge someone and a second latter I opened my eyes. There on top of me was Tamaki and his lips were connected to mine. I opened my eyes wide in shock and his opened wider. I began to blush, but held his head down and started to kiss him more. He started to kiss back and it turned really heated. However me were interrupted by a "uh-hum" and we pulled away from each other.

"Sorry for interrupting your moment, but please remember where you are right now." I hear Kyoya say. I look around and notice that all the guests were still around us. Some looked a little sad and disappointed, while others were bright red and blood gushing out their nose. I blush a deep shade of red and cover my face. I feel someone's presence next to my ear.

"We'll continue this later." Tamaki says in a deep, husky voice. This was completely different to his high energetic voice and it sent shivers down my spine. All I could do was nod as he started getting up. He dusted himself off and held out his hand for me to grab. I do so, also dusting myself off and look around. I see Haruhi behind me, still a little shocked, but smiling.

"Guess you're not the only one who got their first kiss." I laugh at this and send my apologies. But with this, the night has only just begun.