I will live life to the fullest!

Alright lets get stuff straight. First of all grammar sucks, would appreciate if you guys help out and give constructive criticism and not bitch. Second if you are only going to bitch then get the fuck out I guess cause there's no reason for you to be here if you're only going to bitch. And third I hope you enjoy.






(Scene change)


'Ah! My head. Where am I? And why is everything so big?'I thought to myself while looking around but contrary to my thoughts it's not that the things around me got bigger, it's that I got a smaller! A baby to be precise and when I noticed this I started to freak out a bit.

'Hey Kurama, are you there partner?'I said in my thoughts to Kurama to which I hope he was here with me.

'Yeah kit, I'm here.'He said to me making me internally sigh in relief.

'*sigh*Good. But do you have any idea why I'm in a baby's body?'I asked him hoping he had an idea.

'No I don't know why, but I now this only happened after you died and lost to Kaguya.'He said solemnly making me remember what happened and remember all the people I failed who died and making me cry.

'Hey kit, that's not your fault. What happened, happened, leave the past behind you, who knows. Maybe this is your new chance at life.'He said to me in my mind making me slowly stop crying.

'Thanks Kurama, I needed that. Also, maybe you're right, maybe this is a new chance for me and you. I'm going to live my life to the fullest and be happy, believe it!'I declared in my mind.

'Now there's the kit I know. Now I should probably tell you a few things I found out. First of all there are no Chakra signatures around us even though I can feel life around us, and that includes you as well.'He said shocking me since no one is supposed to be able to survive without Chakra.

'Hey partner. I have an idea and I may be wrong but hear me out. I think we may be in another world.'Kurama said completely freaking me out since not only there's no Chakra which is supposed to be something people can't survive without, I'm also in a baby's body, supposedly in another world, but it can also make sense since there are people surviving without it but bringing me out my thoughts a woman walks through the door in the room I'm in and I can feel maternal love from her since I can sense emotions from Kurama.

[Ah! Poor thing. Are you hungry my baby? Don't worry here you go.]She said while grabbing me and then exposed one of her boobs and shoved in my mouth and before I could protest I could feel the hunger in me so I don't while a certain dumb fox is laughing at my expense.

(4 Years Later)

It's been 4 years since I woke up in a baby's body and in this time I've come to love my parents, Grisha and Carla Yaeger. While I still love my old Father and Mother, Kushina and Minato, it doesn't mean I'll reject these new ones either. I've also learned of beings called Titans who are supposed to be Humanity's mortal enemies, but we are apparently protected by a 50 meter tall wall. I've also become friends with a kid named Armin.{Don't remember when they became friends but with Naruto's friendly personality it shouldn't be hard for him to make any.} Today is my birthday and Kurama decided to make my Chakra network today since he can forcefully make them for me and he's remembered it from how many times he's sensed a persons Chakra.{Just go with it since it sorta makes sense and do you expect to him to remember a bodies chakra network.}

'Alright kitr, you ready?'He asked me and I just mentally nod and give him control since I will most likely scream of pain since making an entire network in a body of someone probably isn't comfortable to say the least.

(2 Hours Later)

'Wow that hurt, and my body is still sore.'I thought to myself and just decided to sleep since it was an annoying process to say the least.

(2 Years Later)

In these two years since I got my Chakra network I've started training and I've always dodged the question since it might freak them out but I decided today that if I really do trust them, I should tell them the truth about me, Kurama, and my past life.

[Mom, Dad, I have something I want to tell you.]I said to them nervously hoping they don't see me as a monster since I'm also going to tell them about Kurama.

[Ok sweety. Tell us what you want to talk about.]She said in her ever loving voice to which my Dad also gestured to tell them.

[Well you guys have been wondering why I've been training all this time, right?]I said to them and they just nodded their head.

[So it's because of something I have called Chakra which allows me to do all sorts of amazing things.]I said to them and they just looked at me confused about what I'm talking about.

[Well can you show us what this Chakra is. Or an example of what it can do?]My dad asked me and I just nodded and jumped on the roof sticking to it through my Chakra and both my parents had looks of surprise on their face.

[Wait son, how are you doing this? Is this from Chakra?]He asked me and I just nodded and proceeded to tell them about my past world and the life I went through and Kurama and came to how I failed all the people from my past making me to start to cry because even though I should live my new life to the fullest, I can't help but remember all the people who I failed and are probably dead and my parents started to hug me surprising me.

[Sh, Sh. It's ok now son, no one will blame you for what you failing. You tried your best didn't you? And maybe they're all like you, got a new life instead of having to live through the pain of their last one.]My Mom said trying to sooth me and after a while I stopped.

[Wait, so you don't think I'm a freak. Or scared of me?]I asked them fearfully since that was how people would normally think of me when I was younger, even if they accepted me in the end.

[Of course not son. You will always be our Eren Yaeger to us, our son.]My Dad said to me and I can feel the love from them as well.

[And if anything I wanna give those villagers a piece of my mind for treating my son as they did.]He Dad followed up lightening the mood up and making us laugh.

[But can we meet this Kurama of yours though?]My dad asked me.

[Yeah sure, but he's a bit of tsundere so don't take things he says to heart.]I said with a nod and I heard him Kurama yelling in my mind at me and hand over control to him and you can tell from my eyes becoming red and slit pupils.

[Damn kit. Who does he think he is slandering my name. Hmph!]He said in a haughty tone.

[Oh so you're the kit's new parents. Ya lucky you accepted him or I would've forcefully took over and killed ya where you stand. Remember this, hurt him, and you die where you stand.]He said making my parents slightly scared and then he hands the wheel back to me.

[Hey don't listen to him, it's just empty threats cause he knows if he hurts you guys it'll make me said.]I said with a cheeky smile.

(3 Years Later)


[Her name's Mikasa?]I asked my Dad. Right now I'm with my dad and visiting a family.

[Yes, and she's just about your age, so try to get along, okay?]My dad said to me.

[Yeah sure thing, we'll be friends in no time.]I said with a smile and my Dad just smiles back at me.

{hmm. That's weird. Are they not home?]My Dad asked himself and knocked harder but after not getting an answer decides to open the door on his own and can feel he's shocked.

[Hey Dad, whats wrong?]I asked him but he just ignores me and walks in and then I can see past him since he was blocking the door view before but then I see two dead bodies inside.

[Damn it. Can you feel the girl around here?]He asked me and I just shook my head but then start spreading my sensory abilities and feel two adults in a house and a kid inside with one adult in the woods but just ignore him.

[Hey Dad! I can feel two people and a kid in a nearby shed. I think they're there.]I said to him and he just nods.

[I need to alert the military police about this. Try to get her back, I know you're strong enough. Go!]He said to me and I just nod and start going towards the life signatures.

I knocked the door and then attach myself to the ceiling and create a shadow clone in my place and once he opens the door I chop him in the back of his neck while enhancing it with Chakra which knocks him out and create a rasengan in my right hand and run at the second guy slamming it into him knocking him out as well.

[You people don't deserve to live but killing also goes against my morals so you're lucky.]I said to them and then walk over to the girl who I assume

[Hey are you, ok?]I asked her and she shyly nods.

[Ok good. My name is Eren Yaeger, son of Grisha Yaeger and Carla Yaeger. I assume you know my Dad?]I asked her and she nods again.

Ok good. My Dad will come with other people soon.]And she nods again.

[What happened to the third one?]She asked me and I just widened my eyes in surprise and jump to the side but get stabbed anyway by the guy.

[Shit!*cough*cough*]'Damnit, he caught me off guard!'I thought to myself but recover and make a rasengan in my hand and slamed it into him knocking him out as well and take out the knife from my stomach. I then notice Mikasa going through a torment of emotions and settle on one of protection. Specifically for me which confuses me but then notice my wound already healed from the stab.

[Are you ok?]She said frantically to me and I only smile in response and show my wound healed.

[I heal fast so I'm fine.]I said with my smile.

(Later That Night)

[I'm proud of you son. You did a good thing today saving her.]My Dad praised me which I received with a smile.

[Mikasa. Remember me? We met a few times when you were just a tiny little thing.]My Dad said to her.

[Yes Dr.Yaeger. So, um-- soory can you just tell me how to go home? It's cold. I'm tired. There's really nowhere else for me to go.]She said so I walk up to her and wrap her in my scarf since she was cold.

[Don't worry. You can keep it. You should be warm now.]I said to her with a smile.

[I think so.]She said burying her face in the scarf.

[Mikasa. How would you feel about coming to live with us?]My Dad asked her.

[What?]She asked in confusion.

[I can't even imagine what you've been through. But I do know you need your share of rest.]My Dad continued to say.

[Come on, whats the problem? It'll be fun, and you can be my friend!]I said to her with a smile and grab her arm to bring her with us and she started crying.

[Yeah, ok.]She said back and then we go home.

(1 Year Later)

It's been a year since I've saved Mikasa and 10 since coming in this world and I told her and Armin about my past since I trust them and Armin is smart enough to not go blabbering off and Mikasa is also smart and loyal enough to me to not tell people and I'm sleeping right now but feel somebody trying to wake me up so I do.

[Mikasa. Hey.]I said to her with a smile.

[We should get back.]She said and I just nod and we start walking back home with our firewood and when we get to the wall we see a familiar face.

[Hey Mr. Hannes. Ugh! You smell like a Tavern!]I said to him after smelling him and the other people with him start to laugh and remark to that.

[You kids care for a swig?]He asked me.

[Sorry but we're under-age, and aren't you supposed to be on duty?]I asked him.

[Yup! Watchin' the ol' gate we are. Thirsty work playin' sentry. Pinochle only goes so far to chase of he boredom. Li'l nip now and then keeps us all in our courage for a spell. Perks of being a guard, eh?]He said to me.

[How do you expect to fight if you're so loose?]I asked him.

Huh? Now why on earth would I have to fight?]He asked me.

[Why do you think? What would happen if one day they broke through the wall?]I asked him again.

[Eren. Kid. Please. Calm down.]He said and I just sigh in defeat and walk past him towards my home.

[Hey. Where you going?]He asked me but I just stay silent and continue walking home.

[Eren. You should really let the scout regiment thing go.]Mikasa said to me.

[Mikasa. You already know how strong I am, so why shouldn't I? I want to see the outside world again, it's been too long. And I want you and Armin there beside me.]I said to her with a smile and she just blushes and bury's her head in her scarf and then the bell starts to ring indicating the Scouts are back from their mission.

[Come on MIkasa, they're back and I want to get a good view of them.]I said and then grab her hand and start to run at a normal speed towards the Scouts dragging MIkasa behind me. When we arrive I can feel a solemn feeling from the people around and a lot of negative ones from the Scouts specifically. And then I see that a lot of people are injured and then an old lady stops them asking for her son and all they gave her was a hand and she starts clinging to it for dear life and start breaking down and asked if her sons death meant something and the man rejects it and starts breaking down with guilt. Me and Mikasa the start to head back home and then she starts talking.

[So. Are you still determined to become one of them? The Scouts?]She asked me and I just give my usual smile to her.

[Come on Mikasa. When have you ever seen me give up?]I asked her and she just sighs in defeat and we continue to walk home in silence.

[Hey we're home.]I call out to my Mom and Dad.

[Welcome back kids.]My mom said to us and we walk over to a crate and dump the firewood inside it.

[Wow. Somebody worked hard to keep us in fuel for the next several days.]She said to me and I just smile in response and then we start eating.

[Hey. Where you off to, Dad? Some patients?]I asked him after noticing him packing stuff.

[Yes. Some folks in the interior. I should be back in a week or so.]My Dad replied to me.

[So um, Eren's thinking about joining the scouts.]Mikasa said to our parents making my mom and Dad gasp in surprise.

[Get that ridiculous thought out of your head this instant, young man!]My Mom said walking to me and grabbing my shoulders.

[No son of mine is going to be fodder! Do I make myself absolutely clear?]My Mom said making me sigh in annoyance.

[Come on Mom. You know what I can do and that I'm strong enough, so why can't I join?]I asked her.

[It's a nightmare Eren. The outside. You really have no idea.]My Dad said to me.

[Yeah I get it but I wanna be free again and see the outside world again. I'm not dumb, I know it's ugly out there, I know I can die anywhere. But we can't give up on it. Cause otherwise things will never change, and this nightmare will never end. And lives will continue to be meaninglessly lost.]I said to him.

[I see... Excuse me. I'll be late for the ferry.]He said and started to stand up.

[Eren. Behave while I'm gone and I'll tell you what I've been doing in the cellar. Agreed?]He asked me and my eyes shined since he's never told me what he's been doing down there.

[Sure thing Dad! I'll behave, believe it!]I said giving him a smile and a thumbs up and he just smiles back in response.

I then start roaming around the neighborhood and come upon 3 kids bullying Armin again.

[Hey! Back off!]I yell at them and when they see me they get scared and start to run and I stop in front of Armin.

[Hey, where'd they get you, Armin?]I asked him and give him my hand to help him up.

[I'm fine. Thanks.]He said and grabbed my hand and got up.

[Good.]I said to him with a smile.

[So why they start beating you?]I asked Armin.

[Oh they just heard me rattling on about how mankind's future lay beyond the walls. Doubt they understood half of it, but still.]

[Come on Armin, don't be down. They're idiots anyway, but why it got to be this way? Why can't people just dream?]I asked myself.

[The walls are a powerful idea. We've survived hundred years because of them. No one's keen on tempting fate. I may not agree with that sentiment, but I can see where they're coming from. It's human nature Eren. WHen's all said and done, the government's policies are a reflection of our fear.]He said and I couldn't help but agree with him since he's right.

[It's sad. What most people are willing to settle for in exchange for some fleeting security, you know? And make no mistake, it absolutely is fleeting. The walls can't hold forever. Only a matter of time.]Armin said and then out of nowhere lightning strikes outside the wall and knocks people off there feet and me Mikasa and Armin around.

[What was that?]Armin asked us.

[I dunno.]I replied back and then we walk into a clearing to see what happened and see a hand on the wall of pure muscle.

[No! That's impossible! That walls 50 meters high!]Armin said and my eyes widen in shock.

[Oh god. It's a titan! Oh no! Mom!]