The Wall is Breached!

[Mikasa let's go! Armin! Go get your grandfather and leave for the ferry's to wall Rose NOW!]I yell at him bringing him out his thoughts and princess carry MIkasa and body flicker towards home at max speed. We then arrive in front of my house and I run in.

[Oh sweetie. Do you know whats going o-]She started saying but I cut her off and grab her arm and start dragging her out.

[We need to go NOW Mom! There's a titan taller than the wall and-*BOOM!*]Cutting me off there's a loud explosion and run out the house to see what it is and see the wall gate broken in the distance and then see a boulder coming towards our house.

[NO!]I yelled out and create a Bigball Rasengan while pulling on Kurama's Chakra and immediately jump at the Boulder destroying it saving my mom and Mikasa who were inside. I then run back inside.

[We need to go now! We can't wait any longer or else they won't let you on with us.]I say to my mom and she nods so I make a Shadow clone that princess carries my Mom while I do to Mikasa and flicker past wall Maria next to the ferry's and immediately guide us all to the ferry's and we board all together and while moving to wall Rose another explosion goes off and the wall for wall Maria is broken by a seeming armored titan.

(6 Month's Later)

Right now my Dad brought me and my Mom out to the forest for some reason.

[Hey Dad, why we out here?]I asked him but I can feel guilt for some reason from him.

[Eren I need to see your arm.]He said to me while taking out a syringe and I just nod to him and roll up my sleeve.

[Carla. Whatever you see and whatever he does don't blame him because it's my fault. Eren, remember I will always love you. Now you can't forget the key! It's the truth to everything! Remember the key! One day you'll understand! Carla get back! Kurama, after he wakes up tell him everything that's happened.]He said which confused me of why he's telling my Mom to get back and Kurama to tell me of what happens after, after what, and why will I forget? But then I feel myself blanking and not long after knocked out and then I remember waking up in steam all in my sight and my Mom hugging me before I knock out again.

(Next Day)

'Ah! My head. Hey Kurama what happened?'I asked him since everything is fuzzy for me.

'Kit. Are you sure you want to know?'He asked me which confused me of why he sounded so sad but I just mentally nodded anyway.

'You see. After injecting you with that fluid from the syringe you turned into a titan and ate your father but you transformed back before you could hurt anyone else.'He said completely shocking me and putting me into denial.

'No. There's no way, right? That's crazy talk, you sure you're okay? I mean, there's no way people can turn into titans and even if they could why would he make me one? It doesn't make sense, nothing does.'Bringing me out my thoughts my Mom walk in the storage warehouse? I'm in.

[Hey Mom where's Dad? For some odd reason Kurama thinks I turned into a titan and ate him. I mean he's lying right?]I asked her and she starts tearing up and hugs me.

[I'm sorry my boy, but you did turn into a titan and ate your father. He willingly gave himself to you for some reason, but I don't blame you, how could I? Titans aren't supposed to be intelligent. You didn't know what you were doing, you couldn't think. I don't blame you son, I still love you.]She said to me and I start to cry as well since I technically killed my own Dad but then remember his words "Eren, remember I will always love you".

'Dad. I'm sorry I ate you, I know you had your reasons to make me a titan, but I didn't want to lose a parent again. You know my past so you know that I'd rather live with my parents than have them die but I will respect your decision because, I love you too.'Then after a while I stopped crying so we walked out and there was a crowd of people outside. When I walked out I was hugged by Mikasa immediately.

[Are you ok Eren?]She asked me and I can feel her worry pouring off her.

[Hey Eren, are you fine because your Mom came with your past out body last night.]Armin asked as well.

[Yeah, yeah I'm fine. If anything I'm the strongest here so you really expect me to get killed off that easy?]I said to them with a smile like usual.

[Oh yeah. My grandpa got extra by saying he had kids.]Armin said to us passing us some bread.

[Oh Armin. Tell him I said thanks for that.]My Mom said to him with a smile. Then some soldiers started to remark about how we should eat for the titans and was about to beat him up but my Mom told me not to. A few days later, refugees was put to plough the waste lands as a last ditch effort to raise food. But with how cold things were nothing grew. Then in the following year 846, the refugees old enough to serve the military were tasked with reclaiming wall Maria. I replaced my Mom with a shadow clone and put a simple genjutsu that people don't notice her and did the same with Armin's grandpa after telling him about me since I know he wouldn't tell anyone. Of the 250,000 sent, 20% of the surviving population, not even 200 of them made it back. While it did nothing to the titans their sacrifice at least lessened the effects of famine within the interior.

Right now we're all in a warehouse just sitting around.

[Guys. I want to sign for the Cadets next year.]I said resolutely getting gasps of surprise.

[I'm with you.]Armin said and I tried to stop him but he cut me off.

[I will go. If it weren't for you Eren, my grandpa would probably be dead right now, and I want to be strong like you to change things.]Armin said resolutely.

[So do I.]Mikasa also said.

[Damnit c'mon! I'm not trying to drag you two in, I don't want to be the reason for your death.]I said to them because I'm strong enough to not die if I go all out but I don't want my friends to die pointlessly.

[Then help us.]Mikasa said confusing me.

[Help us be strong. Give us this Chakra network you have.]She said and Armin agreed with her so I looked towards the old man and Mom.

[Come on help me out here! You're really telling me you don't have a problem with this?]I said to them and the old man shook his head while my Mom spoke.

[No I don't have anything to say because I know you will always protect those two and if you give them a Chakra network it just put my mind at ease.]My Mom said making me sigh in defeat.

[Alright, alright. But let me tell you the amount of pain you will feel is extreme because I'm going to make an entirely new network in your body, or Kurama will actually. And then after that will come the tortu*cough*cough* I mean training. Definitely training.]'I think Kurama is influencing me more and more by the day.'And then for the next year after giving them their Chakra networks it was on training the two until it was like hell on earth since they need to catch up and ever since I got my Chakra network I've been practicing my Fuinjutsu and now I'm skilled enough to use my Father's Flying Thunder God Jutsu and already put Hiraishin rings on everybody and I notice I've also started to love Mikasa as a woman but I don't know how to tell her since I can feel she loves me but I think it's only as family so I'm worried it might break our friendship. I've also found out how I turn into a titan and already mastered that form, but right now is the first day of boot camp and right now the Commandant is laying into people but there was one funny one in specific who I think I will be good friends with, Sasha Braus. Right now I'm in the mess hall with people bugging me about something that affected a lot of people negatively.

[Alright, alright fine. I saw the Colossal titan and the armored one so thats all your getting from me.]I said and walked out of there, while I do like talking with friends and making them it's annoying to do that while eating but didn't forget to get bread for that Sasha girl and notice Mikasa coming to follow me but something stopped her and then she caught up.

[Hey Mikasa, what held you up?]I asked her.

[Oh. It was just a guy complimenting my hair.]She answered me.

[He's not wrong, it really is beautiful.]I said to her and she just blushes and buries her face in her scarf. I then walk her to her cabin and say bye to her and then I notice the Sasha girl lying down so I start walking to her but then she jumps at me and to another girl that was coming this way and grabbed the bread straight out our hands.

[Could it be? It's bread!]She exclaimed.

[Sorry there isn't more but thats all I could take.]The blond girl said to Sasha.

[Hey there. I thought you would be tired after running so brought you bread to but didn't think someone else would've. Hey, my names Eren Yaeger, what's your names?]I asked them with a smile.

[You! Your gods aren't you? Glory unto you!]She said grabbing us by the shoulder.

[Hey. Just what are you people up to?]Someone said to the side suddenly.

[Well uh. She's been running all day without any food or water.]The blond said.

[Yeah! So I just thought I should help her out. And she seemed fun to hang out with so this is a good way to become her friend.]I said to her with a smile.

[I see. So you guys were trying to be "nice", huh?]She said and then Sasha collapsed in the blondes lap after finishing the bread .

[Yeah! You two can also be my friends to if you want.]I said with my smile still.

[Yeah, no. But whats the point of breaking the rules for potato girl? That mindless act of kindness gets you absolutely nowhere.]She said to which I was going to respond but cut me off to help her take her to her cabin.

[Uh, sorry. I would help but I don't think guys can go inside the girls cabins and whats wrong with having more friends? Some people like having a lot of them.]I finish saying while walking off but not before flashing a smile at them one last time. The next morning we woke up having to do an aptitude test and I was able to hold it for a few seconds each time but my balance disappears each time every time.

[What is your major malfunction Yaeger? Straighten yourself up!]He yelled at me but I just unclipped myself and landed kneeling and took off my belt.

[Sir I think it's damaged.]I said while handing the belt to him because as ninjas we were supposed to be inherently do few things and balancing was one of them so not being able to balance in this shouldn't be possible.

[Huh. You're right. I guess the quarter master didn't notice this broken clasp. Might have to visit the supply depot and crack a few skulls. Wagner! Give him your belt.]He said which surprised everyone making them all whisper among themselves since I was able to balance in a broken waist belt even if it was only a few seconds. But I also felt a disappointment and guilt from him which confused me.

[Huh! Ah yes sir!]He said and gave me his belt and when I did it again I had complete balance this time and when came dinner all the people came to congratulate me and talk to me and after I told Armin and Mikasa to follow me and we flickered away until we were around 10 km away.

[Um. Why are we so far Eren?]Armin asked me.

[Because of what I'm about to tell you and when you see me don't freak out, ok?]I said to them and they nod so I bit my hand and turned into a titan and Armin freaked out but Mikasa calmed him down and after I got out the titan body and it started to steam and dissipate.

[So Eren, you're telling me you can turn into a titan?!]Armin asked me to which I just nod.

[Yeah and I only figured it out and mastered recently.]I said to him and he just nods.

[Hey Armin can you go ahead? I need to talk to Mikasa about something.]I said to him and he nods and flickers away and then it's just me and Mikasa.

[So Mikasa remember when Mom told you Dad left?]I asked her and she nods.

[Yeah that was a lie. What happened is-]And I proceeded to tell her about the night I ate my own Dad.

[It's ok if you think of me as a monster Mikasa. I mean I probably would too.]I said looking down rejectingly but what surprised me is that I didn't feel Mikasa feel hate or disgust but the same as before if not more and she brought me into a hug.

[No Eren. I could never see you as a monster no matter what you do.]She said reassuringly and I hugged her bag and I don't know what came over me but I kissed her and I immediately tried to pull back after finding myself doing that but Mikasa stopped me from pulling back. After she let me go I immediately said.

[I'm sorry Mikasa I don't know what came over me, but I need to tell you this now I can't keep it to myself anymore. I love you Mikasa, not as a sister but as a woman. I'm sorry for putting this on you and it's ok if you don't fe-]But I got caught off by another kiss by Mikasa where I can feel her love for me but not as a brother but as a man.

[I love you too Eren.]She said to me after breaking the kiss and I just smiled at her.

[So. Mikasa Ackerman, would you give me the honor of being your boyfriend?]I said to her and she just giggled and nodded and we kissed again but this time with our tongues intertwined with each other and after a while we went back to camp and walked her to her cabin and kissed her goodbye to which a girl saw and by the next morning everyone knew of our relationship.


(A/N: Alright I believe that was a decent scene, probably not but eh. Satisfactory enough for me, thanks for reading and if you don't mind drop some power stones,(when I get those privileges)}