It Begins

(5 Month's and 1 Week Later)

It's been 6 month's since I confronted Annie about what I heard when I followed her but I noticed that she has started to like me which made me confused on what I should do and we told Armin and Mikasa about her and Mikasa then became guarded against her which makes sense but she's slowly lowered it against her. But I've also got stuck wondering on how I could use Chakra in Titan form since it essentially appears out of thin air so if I morph a Chakra system in it which would take to long it would be gone next time I transformed so I've been thinking of a way before someone interrupted my thoughts.

'Oy kit, did you really forget about our KCM?'Kurama asked me which made me feel like a idiot.

'Yes, yes I did apparently. Thanks Kurama.'I thanked him mentally and bit my hand summoning my Titan.

'Alright. Let's see if this works.'I said to myself and went KCM which surrounded my body in the Titan and the Titan itself making clothes of Chakra which also covered my skin and hair and the colors were yellow and orange on the cloak outside and pure black in the inner layer that looked like they were on fire and the cloak which had seeming burn holes with it's collar put up with commas on the collar, with black a black circle with a black ring around it that has a black line going under the armpit to the opposite side of where it started on each shoulder and black line going diagonally into the cloak with a black line going down from the shoulder to the wrists of the cloak. Also a jumpsuit underneath with a black circle on the stomach with a black ring around it and the top part of the jump suit being black except where the sipper should be is and commas bellow around the collar of the jumpsuit and the leg part of it had the same color of the cloak outer side but with a black line from the upper side of the jumpsuit coming down all the way till the top side of the foot where a black dot is and and wrap a black line around the sides of my foot on each side of my legs. With a black line going the skin of my forearm till it reaches a black dot on the back side of my palm where a black line wraps around my hand on the sides to a black dot on my palm while I had seeming horns of Chakra on my head and where my old whiskers used to be were black lines which seemed to be like war face paint.{A/N:I think I described it alright, (probably not) but whatever just search up Naruto Kurama Mode if anything.}

'I really am dumb, with this I technically summon Chakra out of thin air which forces the Titan body to create Chakra coils immediately empowering the Titan body even more so now Chakra can become useful in the Titan body... Oh! Mikasa and Armin are coming.'I thought to myself after sensing Mikasa and Armin and when they see me they have looks of complete surprise.

[Eren! Can you come out and explain, what is that?!]He said referring to my KCM and I get out the Titan body and turn off KCM making the Titan body steam and wither away slowly.

[Hey Armin and Mikasa, what brings you here?]I asked them since they were busy with their own training.

[I think we found our affinity's, but are you going to explain what that was or?]He said to me.

[Ah, yeah. That was my Kurama Chakra Mode which I forgot about, just think of it sage mode but instead of nature Chakra it's Kurama's Chakra that's supplying me.]I said.

[Well Armin, you said something about figuring out your Chakra nature's?]I asked him and he and Mikasa nodded and each grabbed a leaf and put Chakra into it making it crumple and soggy respectively.

[Great! Good job guys! Now I'll teach you hand-signs and which element they are used for specifically.]I said and showed them the meaning of each hand sign like Tiger is needed for any fire style and examples of jutsus I remember and for them try to replicate like Sasuke's Chidori for Armin.

(1 Year Later)

[Do you have heart?]The Commander yelled out, right now we are at the graduating ceremony with the top 10 at the front which consists of me, Mikasa, Armin, Annie, Reiner, Berthodlt, Jean, Marco, Conny and Sasha from one to 10. In this time both Armin and MIkasa have been able to make their own jutsu and Armin has been able to replicate Sasuke's and Kakashi's Chidori and it's variants and Armin has also been able to make lightning armor but it burns his own skin since he hasn't mastered it yet and Mikasa is basically the next Tobirama, but in this world, and they've added their own elements to Rasengan as well. Mikasa's is my Rasenshuriken basically but water and when it explodes it sends massive waves of water everywhere so it can also help Mikasa use water style easier and for Armin, his disappears and reappears while thrown and it may not be practical against Pure Titans it could be for people and Titan shifters. I've also been teaching them fuinjutsu on the side and Mikasa is better at it than Armin but Armin is able to have a more in depth knowledge of it from his intellect which is probably the greatest of of all of us.

[Those eligible fro the MP's has already been named. The rest of you look, this is the top of your class.]He said to us finishing his speech and then we went for a feast that they give us for graduating.

[You guys are really going to turn your backs on the MP's for the Scouts?]Thomas asked me, Mikasa, Annie, and Armin. At first in Annie, Reiner, and Berthodlt's original plan it was so Annie goes to MP's with Reiner and Berthodlt for Scouts but Annie was able to convince them so Reiner goes MP's instead.

[Why in the world would you do that? You're in the top 10.]Marco followed up.

[C'mon guys. You know that the Scouts was always my goal, as for MIkasa, Annie, and Armin, they can speak for themselves. And besides, with all the training I put in to kill Titans it would be a disappointment to be posted somewhere I would never see any.]I said with a confident smile to which they can only sigh in defeat since they know when I put my mind to something I won't stop till that thing is achieved. I then walked out and sat on some stairs further down outside from the eating hall we were in and stared at the stars. After a few minutes Armin, MIkasa, and Annie joined me and we all sat in comfortable silence side by side before we had to go to sleep.

(The Next Morning)

[Heads up! The main unit of the Scout Regiment is back!]A civilian said announcing the arrival of the Scouts while more of them cheered them and most had stoic looks but not one of sadness but just to show their seriousness.

[Wow. We're going 5 years without an incident. It feels like a good omen.]Hanna said behind me.

[Check out the cannon upgrades to, the site alone ought to be enough to scare em' off.]Franz added behind me.

[Hey, hey. Lookie here.]Someone said to my right and turned to them and recognized him.

[Hey Mr. Hannes.]I said to him with a smile.

[Word on the street's they you graduate yesterday, top of your class. Got to say not bad kid, but it's either you've grown up or standards have plummeted.]He said with a grin.

[Yeah like you should be talking, the corps of engineers keep their new chief in the drink?]I asked teasingly.

[Watch it.]Hannes said with an irritated tone and flicked my forehead to which I could only grumble about old men and drinking and went to get my assignment which was working and cleaning the cannons while mentally preparing myself for when Berthodlt would show up since Annie already told us when they told her last night, but Connie says something that surprises me.

[What do you mean you're joining the Scouts? What happened to the MP's? That was your whole thing!]I said to him since I know he joined to go to MP's and make his village proud.

[Don't worry about it. A guy's allowed to change his mind, okay?]Connie answered me.

[I think what you said yesterday lit a fire under him.]Mina said behind me and I could see Connie getting flustered.

[Ain't nobody talking to you!]Connie said to her but then Thomas came.

[Take it easy. It's not like you're the only one.]Thomas said hinting that he wants to join the Scouts too.

[And what Eren said was true too, what was all that training for if we don't even get to kill one Titan?]Thomas said with a laugh.

[Can you guys keep a secret?]Sasha asked us from behind out of nowhere so we turned to her and I see her drooling slightly while hiding something in her uniform and then I realized what it was which made me sigh in disappointment.

[Cause I totally just helped myself to the officer's pantry.]She said confirming my guess and rattling everyone there since she can be charged for that.

[What is wrong with you? They can throw you're but in the clink for that!]Marco said to her.

[What isn't wrong with her?]Connie asked rhetorically.

[It'll be fine. I'm willing to share. Oh, can you imagine the sandwiches!]She said with a dreamy expression and ragged breathing from thinking about the meat she got.

[Put it back!]Connie said to her.

[Yeah! Do yuo have any idea how rare meat's been after the Titans took wall Maria?]MIna asked her.

[Um, li'l bit. Yeah. Just look at it this way, pretty soon, we'll take back all the room we need for livestock.]She said while putting it in one off the crates for the cannons with a confident tone.

[I would really like a slice please!]Marco said after taking in a breath of air.

[Hey if he gets one so do I! Just so you know.]Connie said in a bit of a timid tone.

[Me, too! I'm in on it, too!]Mina said to her as well.

[Come on, don't just stand there. If they see us slacking off, we're in for it.]Samuel said.

[See you guys at lunch time.]Mina said then walked away with everyone else to their own cannons. I then started to work on the cannons again but realized I wasn't paying attention and spread out my sensing ability and sensed someone at the other side of the wall and before I could react lighting struck where that person was revealing the Colossal Titan, looming over us.