The Colossal kicked open the wall like last time and from the air pressure of the steam that it released from its body and sent all the cannons and gear off the wall along with everyone there too.
[Shit! That's hot!]I exclaim to myself after feeling the steam it released. Me along with the rest used our ODM gear to attach to the wall.
[Samuel!]Mina yelled getting our attention to seeing Samuel knocked out falling and then Sasha goes to him and uses her ODM gear to attach to his thigh to save him and the wall at the same time, saving Samuel.
[Try not to move!]She yelled at him while he groaned in pain.
[Damn it, he got the wall. I got to stay on my guard.]I say to myself.
[Oh god no. Not again! They're gonna get. They're gonna get in. They're gonna get in!]Connie yelled out having a mental breakdown.
[Shit! C'mon people, this do or die! We let Trost fall and take wall Rose to or we stop them here!]I yell out at them trying to encourage them since they had looks of despair on their face. I then use my ODM gear to get on the wall again.
[Hey! It's been a long time Colossal Titan, or should I say Berthodlt.]I said with a grin in a low voice. He then uses his huge hand and swipes of the top of the wall taking the few cannons left on top. He then tries to grab me but I use my ODM gear to get on the top side of his arm and start running at him at a "normal speed" for me so he tries to shake me off but I use my ODM to try to cut his nape while enhancing my blades with wind Chakra but as I got close he uses his steam to blow me back but I'm able to hang on but notice he disappeared like the first time he broke the wall so I get back on the wall but make shadow clones without anyone noticing to take care of my mom and Armin's grandfather.
[Eren where'd he go? Did you take him out or he get away?]Thomas asked me.
[He got away, disappeared like 5 years ago.]I said to him.
[Look alive!]A voice said startling us but noticed it was an elite so we saluted since he's technically our superior.
[Colossal Titan response squad is in effect. I expexr you to take part! Report to HQ! If you got close to the damn thing, we need details!]He said.
[Sir! We pray the advance team will be victorious!]Connie said while they passed us.
[Out of the frying pan into the fire, Cadets! Time to put your training to work!]An Elite in HQ started to give a speech to encourage us while we restocked our gas and checked our gear.
[I want everyone split into four squadrons, as practiced. All squadrons are responsible for supply running, message relay, and enemy combat under the command of the Garrison Regiment! The intercept squadron will be taking the vanguard. Cadets will be taking the middle guard led by the support squad. Rear guard will go to the elites. I expect you all to man your posts knowing the advance team has been wiped out. That's right; the outer gate is history. The Titans are in. This means the Armored Titan is likely to reappear. If and when it does, the inner gate will also be history.]He said and people started to talk among themselves in disbelief.
[Right! Those in the vanguard, be ready !he whole area is well nigh saturated. Your mission is a very simple one: Defend the wall until the evacuation is done! Now, be aware, all of you, that desertion is punishable by execution! If it comes to it, lay down your lives! Dismissed!]He said finishing his speech.
[Sir!]We all exclaimed while saluting and went to our positions.
[Move it!]Jean said after we bumped into each other.
[You okay?]I asked him since I feel he is panicking while trying to keep a calm demeanor.
[What kinda question is that? We're all about to be Titan chow. You expect me to sing you a happy little song?]He said while grabbing my jacket.
[You're loving this, aren't you, you little psycho? Of course you are! Your whole life aspiration is to be eaten! I was one day shy of getting shipped off to the MP's.]He said.
[Damn it, Jean! Get it together man!]I said and slammed him into the pillar behind him.
[We trained for this! What was the last three years for? We survived, and not everyone can say that. We made it through the last three years while most ran or were thrown out! Some people actually died but not us! What's one more day? The MP will be there for you tomorrow, just one more day.]I said and walked off noticing him feel calmer. I then spot MIkasa and walk over to her.
[Mikasa, I know you can handle yourself just fine but I also want you to use the Hiraishin if anything happens, ok?]I said while hugging her and her lying in the crook of neck and feel her give a nod.
[Yaeger, you've been assigned to the rear guard on special orders. Let's get moving.]A soldier came and said to me and walked away without waiting for my answer.
[Alright Mikasa, got to go, see ya later!]I said to her and gave her a quick peck ran away with a smile waving at her and feel jealousy and envious towards us which I'm normally used to but this one is more prominent and look at the direction of it and see Annie a bit away which made me frown thinking of what I'm going to do with her but shake my head of these thoughts.
(A little Later)
[Someone wanna tell me why this son of a bitch is ignoring us?]
[It's an abnormal, stop trying to figure it out.]A soldier replied.
[He's too fast! There's no way we'll overtake him before he reaches the gate.]
[Just stay on him.]Another soldier said but I stared at the Titan with a grin and caught up to it and sliced the nape while I landed on top of it in front of a crowd of people but noticed them not going in for some reason but then notice a huge wagon blocking the gate.
[Um, why are you blocking the gate?]I asked him but he seemed to ignore my question.
[Couldn't have asked for better timing! Force these useless morons to push my wagon! I'll pay you handsomely!]He said which made me have a look of disbelief.
[Are you being serious right now?! Soldier's are back there dying, sacrificing themselves for you, all because you're taking too long.]I said with utter disbelief at this man.
[Yeah, that's their job! You expect me to shed a tear for fulfilling the duties they signed up for? They're supposed to be willing to lay down their lives! Don't get all high handed on me just cause you finally got to earn your keep after all these damn years!]He said which made me snap remembering all the people who will die in this world and the ones I failed in my last. I appeared in front of him while subconsciously releasing pressure to him specifically while also pulling on Kurama's chakra subconsciously as well in response to my anger which makes the pressure stronger and the whiskers on my face more pronounced while getting slit pupils with red irises making me more intimidating and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
[You can't do this! One word from me and your court-martialed! Understand?!]He said while sweating profusely from my pressure.
[That word gonna come from the grave? Either move this damn cart or you won't see the light of day, understood?]I said in a low tone but he heard it clearly.
[Yes.]He said meekly.
[UNDERSTOOD?!]I yell at him this time.
[Yes! Just please, let me go.]He said and I did but here some whispers about being a demon and noticed my changed features so I calmed down and changed back while also making a small genjutsu on their memory so they think that my features were normal and never changed and they pulled the wagon out after so everyone went past the gate but then notice two people still here.
[Your amazing sir!]The little kid said.
[You've saved our lives sir. We are all in your debt.]The woman who I assume is the mother said and bowed her head a little. I just did a salute while giving my signature smile and walked away. After all the civilians went through I said to the team leader that I'm gonna help the vanguard withdraw and started to go with my ODM gear. Passing by people I noticed them standing around cluelessly which confused me since they should be withdrawing right now. I then come across Mikasa and Armin with a bunch of other squads and walk up to them.
[Hey guys, didn't you get the retreat order?]I asked them.
[We did but we're all almost out of gas and we don't want to leave the other's to fend for themselves and we also have wounded to.]Armin said giving me a basic rundown of what's going on.
'Shit! Do I expose my powers now? I can save so many people but it will also get me unnecessary attention and the higher-ups could find me a threat...Screw it! I'm not letting people die in front of me!'I think to myself.
[Armin, MIkasa, Annie. It's time. Shadowclone Jutsu!]I say while crossing my fingers and 10 other me appear behind me surprising everyone and stunning Armin, MIkasa and Annie from me revealing myself so soon.
[Alright! Half of you get the injured over the wall and the rest distract any Titans away from us or eliminate them if necessary.]I ordered my clones.
[Aye, aye, Boss!]They all said and immediately got to work.
[Marco! If we eliminate or bypass the Titans at HQ, we can refuel our gear and get over the wall, right?]I said startling him.
[Uh, yeah! But there are too many Titans.]He said and I grinned.
[Don't worry, that's all I need.]I said and walked in front of everyone.
[Alright everyone! I know you have questions but if you want to get out of this alive follow me and don't worry about any Titans! My clones can handle them! Now let's get moving people!]I said with my usual smile and jumped off the roof and used my ODM gear to move forward while Armin, MIkasa and Annie were first to move bringing them out their stupor and one by one started following me. If it was anyone else who said those words they wouldn't move probably but since they're all cadets they know me and hold respect for me so they followed me. Ahead of me I see my clones killing or distracting Titans but notice them all busy so they can't get any stragglers so I make 10 more and tell them their job but to help any other soldiers they find without gas to which they get to work.
[Eren! You really came through for us man, big time!]Marco said catching up to me.
[Don't shrug it off, I'm serious. We're alive because of you! You make a great leader!]He said which made me smile.
[Thanks Marco! But it still isn't over so concentrate and don't waste too much gas.]I advised him. After that we got close to HQ but there are no safe spots to land so I go through the window and the others followed suit. I look to my left and see two soldiers shivering under a desk.
[Guys, were you with the supply team?]I asked him.
[Yeah.]The guy said meekly. I then grab him by his jacket and bring him up in the air.
[What the hell happened?! You guys were supposed to supply us with gas, but because of your cowardice! Good people died out there! All because you couldn't do your job!]I yell at him because even if I wanted to save everyone I can't and from memories of my clones when inspecting the some body's their gear was out of gas so you can guess what they died from.
[Eren! calm down.]Armin said grabbing my shoulder while MIkasa grabbed my arm and shook her head saying I should stop and I just click my tongue and let him go dropping him on the floor.
[The Titans were coming at us from every angle! They overran the supply room, okay?]The girl said going to his side with tears in her eyes. I then sense my instincts flare up warning me off danger so I warn everybody.
[Guy's get down!]I yell out and they do and then a wall gets blown in and it kicks up dust and once it settled it showed the face of two Titans and when everyone was about to freak out they get blasted to the side and then it showed one of my clones zoom past it.
'Damn! Maybe I should go Titan... screw it I'll deal with problems later.'I thought to myself and go and jump out the hole.
[Eren! Where are you go---ing?]He said the last part slowly from surprise of seeing me bite my hand and lightning seemingly strikes me and I turn into a Titan.
'*sigh* Time to beat some Titan ass I guess.'I think to myself and then stomp on the nape of the two 15 meter Titans from before who were still on the ground, killing them. I then dodge a 15 meter from behind and kick him in his back sending him away while landing over a 7 meter and 5 meter. I then punch another 15 and bite out it's nape while stomping on two 5 meters killing them to.
(3rd POV)
Back with the Cadets they start planning on how to kill the Titans inside the HQ.
[With him rampaging out there they won't get in so we got to clear out the building of Titans while we can.]Jean said.
[Don't worry about Jean, we got it.]Mikasa said walking past him and jumping done to where the gas is stored while Armin followed him.
[What the hell are they doing?! Do they have a death wish!]Jean said to no one in particular.
With Mikasa and Armin they're on the support beams right now but then they both cross their fingers and then 3 Armin's and two Mikasa clones pop up, each for one of the seven Titans inside. They then each went over a Titan but at an angle where they could see the nape and then they all went through hand seals.
[Lightning style: Chidori: Sharp Spear!]The Armin's announce their Jutsu sending a lightning spear through each of their targets napes, killing them.
[Water style: Water bullet!]The Mikasa's announced simultaneously as soon as the Armin's killing their own Titans too. This all happened under 3 minutes and then they go back up to the rest after refueling their gear.
[We're done.]Mikasa said startling the Cadets since they she appeared along with Armin suddenly. They then poof showing they were just a clone so the Cadets go down and start getting more energetic seeing that they can get over the wall and be safe, seeing a chance, a light in this darkness of the day so far. While they had faith in Eren they also didn't think he was god who could do everything cause while they could see he was strong no one is invincible, at least to them. Once they got out they see Eren in his Titan form still, still fighting off Titans and they all know it was him since they saw him transform but they see parts of his skin missing showing that he's been taking damage to but it's nothing serious either, just from the occasional 5 meter biting him while distracted. A few minutes later there are no more Titans left.
(Back to Eren POV)
After I see there are no more Titans I get on my knees and put my arms on the ground and stop controlling my Titan making the nape open up letting me out. I then feel two people helping me out and see it's Mikasa and Armin.
[Thanks guy's.]I say with a smile to them and they nod their head in acknowledgment.
[I'm good now, let's get over the wall.]I said to them and they let me go and we go over the wall. But once me, Mikasa and Armin go over the wall and on the ground we get surrounded by a bunch of soldiers.
[Cadets! Eren Yaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlelt! The three of you have jointly committed a high act of treason! Whether or not a swift execution is the result depends on you! Any attempt to move from where you stand now, anything I deem the least bit suspicious, will be met with cannon fire. Do not test me. Answer carefully. Eren Yaeger. What exactly are you? Human? Or Titan?]He said and I stepped forward making them tense up.
[I, am a soldier! And I have dedicated my heart to the Humanity's prosperity, sir! I would be proud to lay down my life for such a cause! I am not a threat to you, I am an ally! I'm willing to use my powers for humanity's future! I believe if put to proper use, my powers can be the reason why we prosper!]I said to him and the rest of the soldiers making them lower their guard a bit.
[Lies! How don't we know you could be a Titan in disguise! Speaking the same language as us, trying to deceive us! I won't allow this to happen!]He said hysterically.
[Sir! You saw the reports of dozens of soldiers all saying how they saw me fighting the Titans, but that also means they saw me get swarmed as well. This goes to show that I am not a foe of humanity but an ally! They see me the same as you do, prey! No matter how you look at it that is an irrefutable fact! As long as I may live, I will advocate my strategic value!]i finished saying.
[Sir. His words make sense. Maybe their worth conside-]
[Silence!]He said while bringing up his hand, but as he brought it down, someone caught his hand from behind.
[That's enough.]
Hey guy's, been a minute. OMG I'm alive?! I know, it's crazy right? Sorry for basically ghosting you guys but I'm back and hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
P.S-New one will come tomorrow or next day, see you then!
P.S.S-3167 words without this.