Finally, a win

[That's enough.]A man said from behind him while stopping his arm.

[You should really do something about your nervous disposition, Captain Woerman.]And then he let go of his arm showing Commander Pyxis.

[C-Commander Pyxis.]Woerman said in surprise seeing him.

[Can you not see this soldier's heartfelt salute? I've only just arrived, but I'm quite aware of our situation. Gather our reinforcements. I think we could at least do these young soldiers the favor of hearing them out. We then went on the wall with Commander Pyxis.

[Nope. Not any of you. Eaten by a Titan wouldn't be so bad, if it was a sexy lady one.]He said which made me think of Annie wondering where she is right now. I then told him about the cellar in my old house and how it should hold the answers to everything since I don't have proof for anything I know of so I may just be viewed as crazy and without value.

[That's that. So visiting this cellar should clear everything up?]He asked.

[Yes, sir. I think it would.]I replied to him.

[For the moment, there is no way to validate all of the claims you've made. For now, I'll just catalogue them all up here.]He said while pointing at hid head.

[With that said, I can usually tell the difference between the unctuous and sincere, which is why I personally guarantee your safety. You mentioned a plan to harness this so called "Titan Transformation" and then utilize your power to save humanity, so do you think you could retake the city? Do you believe it could work? Or were you grasping at straws to save your life?]He asked me.

[No, sir. I have confidence in this working.]I said to him resolutely.

[I have a plan where I use my strength as a Titan, to lift the giant boulder and use it to block off the wrecked gate. I wanted to show everyone how my ability can be used.]I followed up. He then takes a drink off his wine.{ It's the little metal flask he carries around.}

[Ahhh. What do you say, Cadet Yaeger? Willing to plug up that hole, son?]He asked me and i smiled at him and saluted.

[Yes, sir! I'll do it! I swear!]I said to him and he smiled back.

[You have the heart of a lion.]He said and walked the the edge of the wall.

[Staff officers, hup! We have a plan to flesh out!]He yelled to them from above and then once they came up he walked to us.

[Look sharp, soldiers. The fate of mankind rests on your shoulders.]He said and then he told the soldiers next to him to give out news of the new plan while they brought me ODM gear and I started walking with Pyxis on the wall.

[It's thought by many that before the Titans held sway, mankind consisted of scores of different races, different creeds, all scratching and biting at each other for blood. It's not difficult to believe that second part. Some wise man or other is reputed to have said, though understand I'm paraphrasing here, that humanity required an enemy greater than itself just itself to survive. What do you suppose he could've meant?]He asked me finishing what he had to say. When he said this it reminded me of my past life when all the nations banded together to fight one threat, of Kaguya.

[He meant... he meant that if humanity ever wanted to work together, we'd have to have an enemy not one person could face alone if we wanted to work together. But look at us here, bearing down on each other when we should all be focused on the Titans, but I get it to, they're scared, scared of dying. It's only natural they are afraid, but if we don't pull it together soon, Titans won't be the reason of our destruction.]I finished saying my thoughts.

[Precisely right, nice to see you're almost as twisted and cynical as me.]He said with a laugh.

[no, sir. I just merely see the truth.]I replied back. We then passed by Hannes and he was gonna say hello to me but I just signified for him to get back to work and the look on his face was priceless making me snicker a bit.

[Care for a swig?]Pyxis asked me while holding out his wine flask.

[uh, yes sir.]'Not like it will do much to me.'I finished in my head since my Chakra network will probably get rid of most of the effects before it has a chance to affect me. But I didn't count for the taste since I felt like spitting it out but swallowed it anyway making me feel weird. We then arrive above the gate for Pyxis to give his speech but I notice a lot of turmoil down below.

[Hey, I read reports and it said there were multiple of you and that you could harness blue balls with high destructive power, mind explaining?]He asked me.

[Yeah, it's another one of my powers, but I think we should save a full explanation for after we retake the wall.]I said to him giving him an answer. I also noticed Mikasa and Armin a little behind us

He then proceeded with giving a speech, and he said that I was made from science to the soldiers, when he said that I noticed looks of disbelief and some started to walk away but before things escalated to a slaughter, Pyxis gave them his blessing to leave. After he did that I noticed some of them started to come back but not all of them but he continued with his speech and then I remember we're 50 meters high, how are they supposed to hear us?{The wall is 50 meters tall or 164 feet or 4998.72 centimeters high for the different people out there.}

After his speech he spoke with his captains and spoke to them about the plan and gave them their position and assignments.

[Ackerman, Arlelt. I want you on the squad that'll provide Yaeger with backup. We'll need your skills. Hop to. Let's get this started.]Ian said, the squad leader for my protection. We then started running on the wall towards the boulder.

[Let's get this straight right now. Whatever you are, all I care about is you getting that rock in place. Can we count on you?]He asked me while we're running.

[Yes, sir! I won't let you down.]I answered.

[I'm gonna say what we're all thinking here. The fact that the fate of mankind depends on a little brat like you doesn't make me hopeful.]One of the the Captains said.

[All of you, stop it, right now! We're about to be in range of the boulder! I'm not seeing any Titans nearby. The decoy strategy must be doing the trick.]Ian stated.

[Something I want you to be aware of, Yaeger. Make no mistake, more than a few of our comrades are going to die trying to pull this off. Their blood's on your hands. I'm talking friends. Captains. Lieutenants. Peons. Yes, they are soldiers. They are prepared to die. But remember, everyone one of them is a flesh and blood person. Everyone of them have dreams. Hopes. Fears. Everyone of them has a name. Alyosha. Dominic. Fine. Isabel. Ludwig. Martina. Guido. Hans. They're not pawns. They're people. Some of them have been living together like family since their Cadet years. This may well be the end of them. Whole family's snuffed out in a moment. Whatever you think your mission is, Yaeger, your first and foremost concern today is making sure their deaths mean something. Whatever happens, you keep that lodged in your mind. Take everything that comes with deadly seriousness.]Rico finished saying her part.

[I know, don't worry, you can count on me.]I said with a smile but with a seriousness to it that you can tell and I notice a little smile of approval.

[This is the place! Let's do it!]Ian said and we jumped off the wall into the city except for Rico who stood on the wall and shot off a green signal flare for the commencement of the mission. When we get to the boulder I stop on one of the buildings next to it.

[Shadow clone Jutsu!]I yelled out and a hundred clones with chunin level Chakra each, I pulled on Kurama's Chakra a bit to too make them and redirected it to the clones.

[Alright everyone, do whatever you can to help out from saving people to killing Titans!]I ordered them.

[Aye, aye. boss!]They all answer at the same time and dispersed in different directions. I then bit my hand and transformed into a Titan. I then picked up the boulder and started walking yo the breach but my body starts smoking all over from what I assume it's regenerating from the damage all the pressure is doing to my body but I keep on walking anyway, and just like that, 20 minutes later, I plug up the wall. Then Rico fires a yellow flare in the air, signifying humanity's first win, in history.


Short chapter and not much action but I rather end it on a sweet note than another cliff and I thought, why not here? But next chapter day after tomorrow or the one after that so see you then!✌️