On Trial

As I was getting out the Titan I noticed two Titans going to grab me but as I was gonna get out the way and kill them they get cut down before they can and a man lands on their fallen body.

[Pay attention kiddos. This is the part where you explain to me exactly what it is I'm looking at.]The man said but there was one distinguishing thing about him, his cloak. It was the cloak of the survey corps, with the wings of freedom on its back. After sealing up the whole the Trost cleanup mission had began where the Garrison regiment and Scout regiment worked together to kill the remaining Titans. Few lives were lost thanks to my clones and how quickly we sealed the wall. Because of how few we lost the higher brass thought we deserved a celebration but we still had a funeral for the few who died. After we celebrated though, I was sent to a cell to have a trial of whether I get executed or not, though lot's of soldiers were against this from how many lives I saved and I'm the reason we got Trost back. Then Commander Erwin along with Captain Levi came and visited me.

[Hello Eren, we were granted permission to see you only just now. Now why don't you tell me about that key and home.]He said while pointing at the key on my neck.

[Specifically the good doctor's cellar back in Shinganshina. Pretty big secret in there, right? About the Titans?]Erwin asked me.

[I think so, that's what Dad said anyway.]I said thoughtfully remembering all the good times I had with my Dad.

[Must suck having your Dad MIA while knowing nothing at the same time. Unless, of course, that's just a cover story.]Levi said with an accusing look at me.

[Enough. We've been over this already, he has no reason to lie. And that's all we know. How 'bout you shed a little light on things for me by telling us your intentions.]Erwin said.

[And what you mean by that?]I asked him.

[Here's the lay of the land, my friend. If we want to pay your Dad's cellar a visit, we have to venture back into Shinganshina. Sealing the breach there as we did in Trost would be the smart way to about it, don't you think? Naturally we'll need your special powers. Anyway you slice it, a Titans deciding our fate.It's been conjectured that the colossal and the armored Titan are more or less the same as you. It's why I ask your intentions. They could be the key to turning the tide forever. You could save us.]Erwin finished his part.

[C'mon, it's an easy question. So answer it. What the hell is it you want to do?]Levi urged as well.

[I want to become a member of the scouts and kill every Titan.]I said giving one of my goals but not all and notice a glint of recognition in Levi's eyes.

[Huh. Well played... Alright, then. I'll take responsibility for him. Let the higher-up's know what's going on.]He said while walking to the bars of my cell and grabbing them.

[Not that I implicitly trust him, of course. It's more a matter of me trusting myself to deal with him. Kill him, if I have to. The big wigs aren't likely to raise a stink. My record more than speaks for itself, I'm pretty sure. Good news, Yaeger. You're now officially a member of the Scouts.]He said. In my head I laughed from him thinking he could handle me since at most from pure strength and speed he'd be able to fight a Chunin but if you add Jutsu he'd die. They then left and a long time later, at least to me I heard footsteps outside my cell and then a woman came against the cell bars staring at me intensely before she had a lighthearted smile.

[So then, you're Eren? Are you well? How're things? I'm really sorry you've been waiting so long. But here's you chance to finally get out. One thing. You'll have to put these on for me, okay?]She said while taking out handcuffs to which I agreed and we started walking somewhere.

[My name is Zoe Hange. I'm a section commander for the Scouts. This is a fellow commander in the Scouts, Miche Zacharius.]She introduced herself and the guy sniffing me.

[Oh. Don't mind him. He makes a habit of giving new people a thorough sniff. Tends to laugh through his nose a bit.]She explained after noticing him sniffing me and after he was done he gave a smile smile and a look of approval.

[But I don't think he intends it to be derisive. Quirk aside, he is a skilled section commander. Oh, poo! Sorry. I've just been prattling on with the small talk, and now we're here! Well, I'm sure it's fine. It's probably better if I don't explain, anyway.]She said but I didn't reply while two Mp's who were following grab me and push me through the door we arrived at.

[It might seem callous, but remember... we've all put our faith in you, Eren. Best of luck.]She said while the door closes. When I look in the room it's a courthouse so I'm assuming my trial was going to begin. I'm then put on my knees in the middle of the courthouse and they put a pole? Into the ground where there's a space in the middle of the pole that is supposed to keep me stuck there. I then notice all three regiments and Mikasa and Armin are in the stands as well from what I assume is for witnesses, along with my Mom. Then an old man walks in and sits in the Jury's seat.

[All right. Shall we begin?]He asked. I noticed that he was Premier Zachary, the head of all the three regiments.

[Your name is Eren Yaeger. And as a soldier, and as a soldier you have sworn to give up your life when called to, for the good of the people. Is that correct?]He asked me.

[Yes.]I answered.

[As an enlisted soldier during the time of war, military doctrine demands your tribunal be held as a court martial. As commander of our armed forces, this matter is left to my discretion. Thus, I will decide whether you live or die. Any objections?]He asked me again.

[No, sir.]I replied but laughed in my head since I can feel my Hiraishin seals nearby most likely due to Mikasa and Armin.

[Your astuteness is appreciated. Let us proceed. As expected, covering up your existence has proven quite fruitless. Ans unless we publicly disclose your existence one way or another, we risk the outbreak of widespread civil unrest. A choice must be made. And the regiment that takes custody of you will determine your fate. The Military Police... or the Scout regiment? To begin. The Military Police will now present their case.]He finished saying.

[Thank you. My name is Nile Dawk. I am commander of the Military Police. Our recommendation, following a thorough examination of his physiology, subject Eren Yeager should be disposed of immediately. We acknowledge that Yaeger's ability played a part in turning back the latest Titan excursion. However, how has been stated, his mere existence is creating a swell of rebellious sentiment. For the greater good, after we have gathered all that we can from him, we would see him made a fallen warrior of humanity.]He concluded.

[Unacceptable! This verminous fiend has defiled the mighty Wall...]And continued with his rambling.

'Oh. Another deranged Trump supporter.'I thought to myself before wondering who's Trump.

'Wall cultists, five years ago they were nobody's. But ever since the walls fell they actually got some clout, though how is beyond me.'I thought to myself and noticed he stopped.

[And now I'd like to hear the Scout regiment's proposed plan.]Zachary said and turned to the Scouts.

[Yes sir. As the commander of the Survey Corp, I, Erwin Smith, propose the following. Let Eren join our ranks. Reinstate him as a full member of the Scouts, and we will utilize his Titan ability to retake Wall Maria. That is all.]He concluded.

[Hm? Is that it?]Zachary asked.

[Yes. With his assistance, sir, I'm certain we can reclaim Wall Maria. Ergo, I believe our top priority is perfectly clear.]Erwin answered.

[Quite bold. Assuming you were given clearance, where do you plan to launch this operation from? Commander Pyxis. The wall in Trost district has been completely sealed, is that correct?]He asked Pyxis.

[Yes. I doubt its gates will ever open again.]Pyxis answered.

[We'll depart from Calanath district, to the east. From there, we'll make for Shinganshina. A new route can be established as we proceed.]Erwin explained but a merchant started complaining before Levi shut him up.

[Squealing louder won't help your case, pig. While we're bolstering our defenses, do you think the Titans are going to stand idly by? And when you say "we can't afford", do you speak for anyone other than your fat merchant friends? Do you pigs even realize that most of our people are struggling to survive off what little land we have left?]Levi asked.

[I'm simply saying that sealing the gates is the only guaranteed protection we've got!]The merchant replied before the wall cultist started "preaching" and "damning" before Zachary stopped them.

[Order! I ask that you save your personal sentiments for a more appropriate venue. Now then Mr. Yaeger, I have a question for you. As a soldier, you have made a solemn pledge to answer humanity's call. Can you still serve by controlling your Titan ability?]He asked me.

[Yes, sir.]I said.

[Oh? Is that so? Well all reports state that you can control this ability. I have made my decision to give Eren to the Scouts unless there's something else?]He asked.

[Yes, sir. From our own internal investigation, we were led to something. Mikasa when young was orphaned and brought in by the Yaeger's, but how it happened, is a most shocking discovery. Eren Yaeger, at the tender age of nine, dealt with three adult kidnappers by knocking them unconscious without remorse. Granted, this was done in self-defense. All the same, one can't help but question the violent nature of the act. Knowing all of this, should we really invest in him? Money, manpower. Perhaps even the very fate of us all?]He said which riled up a lot of the people who want to push their own agendas off of me.

[Maybe his Mom is one along with her! I bet they're not human either! Dissect them to just to be safe!]One merchant said while pointing at Mikasa, pissing me off that they thought they were a Titan, but then I started to chuckle. Before it turned into full blown laughter surprising everyone.

[You really are, spineless, idiotic pigs.]I said and notice Levi about to kick me but I just open my mouth to him, revealing my bitten tongue.

[Sorry Levi, but that's not happening.]I said referring tp him kicking me.

[Now, why don't you all shut up. LIKE THE WORTHLESS SHIT's YOU ARE!]I yelled at them.

[Now*snap*]A snap resounded as I broke the handcuffs and stood up and noticed the MP's aiming at me before they shot but I flickered on the wall behind Zachary standing horizontally.

[Now listen everyone. The key for me to turn into a Titan is to be injured along with a will, so if I turned into a Titan here, even if you can deal with me, Levi. Everyone else here will most likely die.]I said and it made everyone freeze.

[Now, I could easily run away but I won't, why? Because I'm a soldier, I took an oath to serve humanity. Now as we have seen, I can turn into a Titan, correct? So we can assume that the Colossal and Armored can do the same. Now, what doesn't say that there aren't more out there? There could be 1 more, or thousands! Now if there are two against us, what doesn't mean that there are more with them who will attack us as well? What would be stopping possibly hundreds of Titan shifters to attack us?]I asked giving them the full picture of things while also saluting.

[Now, that you have the full picture, what stopped them from breaking through wall Rose? They could've easily done it and we would all be having a war amongst ourselves and be destroyed from the inside out, but they didn't. We can obviously see that they don't want us dead, nonono. What they want, is attention, or more specifically, the attention of someone. You can compare this to a baby crying somewhat, when they cry they are obviously seeking the attention of their parent for something. But now that baby is two of them and it's a 15 Meter with armor and an estimated 60 meter which can break through our gates like paper, the worst part is that they have intelligence.]I continued on.

[You see, you need me and my abilities if you ever want to find out the truth, the truth that's in the cellar of my house in Shingashina. But if you ever want to get back in Wall Rose, you. need. me.]I finished saying.

[Sir. I have a proposition.]Erwin said.

[Proceed.]Zachary complied but I can feel his nervousness.

[There's still too much we don't know. And no doubt, his danger will be ever present. As such I suggest that we put our faith in Eren. He said it himself, he could run away easily and also easily kill us all, but he decided to stay and show us the bigger picture of things. I say we make a recon mission outside of the wall.]Erwin said showing everyone my intentions of not wanting to harm them.

[And Yaeger will join you in this excursion?]Zachary asked.

[Yes sir. Then you can look upon the mission results yourself. And if it proves fruitful... Eren will have proven his dedication to mankind.]Erwin answered.

[Eren Yaeger will be closely supervised?]Zachary asked.

[Yes, sir.]Erwin answered again.

[Then I have made my decision. Eren will go to the custody of the Scouts.]He concluded the trial.


Hope you guys are satisfied with the chapter! I had to think about the trial part for a good half an hour and I thought this would best capture Eren right now. He will still be the light-hearted Naruto we know and love, but he will also be smart and decisive about things and will go to any lengths for his family and friends.

P.S- Start dropping stones on Sunday please so we can get some clout lmao, but seriously it would make me super happy if this story actually got a lot more viewers and finish top 200 in powerstones by next Sunday.

P.S.S- Hope you enjoyed! From one Bored_Anime_Lover, to another, see you next chapter! Btw 2427 words for this chapter without this section for those wondering.