Chapter Five

Somehow, those guys managed to bug out the hideout. We definitely have to get out of here fast. Suddenly, Ryan's phone rings.

Ryan: It's a text message from Charlotte! She says she just got a new lead from the school about my brother. Says we should go and speak to the principal ASAP.

Liam: Really? Now? It's already after six.

Ryan: He should still be there. There's after school activities.

James: What school is it?

Ryan: Middletown City Highschool. It's not too far from here.

Noah: Wait, Middletown high? No way... That's where Mia worked as an assistant teacher.

Liam: Huh. Then that makes even more sense. I'm beginning to see a connection. However, we really gotta get out of here before the intruders come back.

Ryan: I agree, but I also think it's important to check all leads as soon as possible. You never know when we might lose the chance. Right, James? What do you think we should do?

James: I think we should go to the school first. We might be able to find some information the police may have overlooked... Or are hiding. We can always head to the new hideout directly from there.

Noah: Good point. If we bring everything with us, we wont have to come back.

Ryan: We don't even have to all go to the school. We can split up.

Liam: So it's settled. Someone should go to the school. I think you should go, Ryan. After all, he's your brother. Take James with you.

Ryan: Got it.

Liam: I'll stay behind with Noah and gather up everything we need. Then we'll pick up Charlotte and you guys on the way to the new hideout.

James: Charlotte too?

Liam: Yeah, apparently she has some important stuff she needs to give us in person.

Ryan: Okay, sounds fair. I'll go to the school in my car. Swing by when you're ready, and we'll go to the new place together.

Liam: Done.

After we got outside of the hideout. Noah went to Liam's car and Ryan lead me to his.

James: So what did the latest report from Charlotte say?

Ryan: As I suspected, it seems my little brother had gotten involved with some gang. I already knew he was a delinquent. However, the reason it's so upsetting... Is because just months ago, after getting involved in a big fight, he swore to clean up his act. We really thought he was doing well... But I guess he was just pretending all along.

James: Exactly what kind of gang activity did he get involved in? And how does any of this involve Mia?

Ryan: That's the thing. We don't know much about the gang. They're really secretive. But I do know one thing: my little brother had a grudge against one of the teachers there. There's a high chance that teacher was Mia. She worked with his grade.

James: A grudge?

Ryan: We're here.

He gets out of the car, ignoring my question. His face is stiff and tense.

(Poor Ryan. This case must be really difficult for him. I can't imagine having to investigate my own family member.)

As he pulls his hands out of his pocket, his wallet slips out.

Ryan: Ah!

A couple of small photos scattered around it. Flustered, Ryan bends down to pick up the photos. I decide not to touch them.

Ryan: Ah, sorry. I'm such a klutz!

He grabs the photos and shoves them back in his wallet. Catching a glimpse of them, I see the smiling face of a child and a photo of a woman.

(Why is he trying to hide those photos?)

Ryan: Just some old family photos, nothing important.

He laughs in response, as if hearing my thoughts.

Ryan: Anyway, let's hurry to the school.

He shoves the wallet back into his pocket and walks off toward the building. We stand in the school yard deciding where to begin. At one side stands a group of students about the brother's age. At the other are a couple of young teachers.

Ryan: Well now, let's see... We're supposed to look for the principal. But maybe someone else here knows something.

James: I think we should ask the teachers. After all, if they worked together, they probably know more about her personal life.

Ryan: Good point. I'm sure at least one of them would've been a friend.

Suddenly, I hear the group of students laughing.

(Are they looking at us?)

James: One second thought... Maybe we should ask the students first. Students love gossip. They might've heard something we don't know.

We approach the students and ask about Ryan's brother about Mia.

Female Student: Ugh, she was such a bitch! Walking around like she was better than everyone!

Male Student: You're just jealous 'cuz your ex had a crush on her!

The boys snort and laugh at the girls, who glare back at them.

James: A crush?

Male Student: Yeah. Ms. Mia was kinda hot, so a lot of the guys liked her. That made some people jealous.

Female Student: Ugh. I can't believe you all call her by her first name! Us girls preferred to call her "Ms. Yalden the Bitch!"

They burst out laughing and stick their tongues out of the boys.

Ryan: I see. So the boys liked her and the girls didn't.

Female Student: Well, except for that one boy, Robert something-or-other. He hated her.

Ryan: Robert?

He whispers to me.

Female Student: Yeah, he said something about Ms. Bitch overlooking the bullies because they were more popular than him. He said she played favourites and was unfair.

Ryan: Bullies?

Male Student: Yeah. He's a bit of a nerd, so he got picked on by the older, more popular kids. But Ms. Mia never punished the bullies for their actions.

Ryan: I see. Thank you for the information. Anything else?

One girl starts chuckling and grins slyly.

Female Student: Rumour has it she worked as a stripper at night!

Female Student 2: Not a stripper, dummy! She worked at a hostess club. You know, entertaining rich, dirty old men. That slut!

They all start laughing.

(Stripper? Hostess club?)

Ryan: Okay, that's quite enough. Thank you for your help.

He says curtly. He signals for me that it's time to go. I hear them laughing as we walk away.

James: Huh... That was odd. I guess she wasn't very popular with alot of students. But did your brother really hate her? And was he really bullied?

Ryan: I know he had some trouble in school, but I didn't know he was being bullied. Maybe if I would've paid more attention, this wouldn't have happened...

Just then, a voice startles us from behind.

Voice: You're here investigating that teachers death, right?

We spin around to face a stern, middle-aged man.

Man: I'm Gabriel Ma, the principal of this school. Thank you for all your hard work, detective. I was informed by Ms. Scott that you'd be here today.

Ryan: And thank you for your cooperation. Is there anything you can tell us about Ms. Yalden?

He strokes his chin.

Principal Ma: Well, I wish I could, but Ms. Yalden was pretty quiet. Kept to herself. I know some other officers came by the other day, but I wasn't here then. I'm sure they've gathered more information than I can.

Ryan glances at me.

Ryan: I apologize, sir, but those officers work on a different department. I haven't seen their findings yet. Would you mind telling us anything you think you can add?

Principal Ma: Well, I don't know much about her personal life. But she seemed like a well-mannered, quiet woman. Never caused any problems, always did her work well. However, I'm always in my office, so I never see what goes on in the classroom. Perhaps I can connect you to someone who knew her more personally?

I look at Ryan hopefully. Maybe this was the new information we were supposed to get. He scribbles a phone number on a slip of paper and hands it to Ryan.

Principal Ma: Ms. Madison Hayes, another assistant teacher here. She was the closest person to Ms. Yalden that we know of. She can probably tell you more than I can regarding Ms. Yalden. She's already gone for the day, but perhaps you can call her.

Ryan: I see. Thank you very much. Lastly, this is unrelated, but can you tell me anything about a student here? Robert Thompson?

Principal Ma: Ah... That kid, eh? He sure was a handful.

He shakes his head.

Principal Ma: Come to think of it, Ms. Yalden complained about him once too. Said he liked to start fights and then blame the other kids. Apparently he was upset at her one day when she wouldn't suspend the kids he blamed. He threatened her and said something about a gang, but she didn't believe him. After all, we know the backgrounds of each and every student here. Turns out that kid is from a police family, so there's no way he'd be involved in a gang. He seems a bit rebellious, but otherwise harmless. He hasn't come to school since then, so I think he must be feeling guilty about what he said.

Ryan: Okay. Thank you very much, Mr. Ma.

We say are farewell greetings and go to the parking lot.

Ryan: Figures. He used our father's police background as an excuse to appear innocent.

A voice interrupts as we approach the car.

Charlotte: Hey! What the hell are you doing with Ryan, boy?! You ain't no detective!

Ryan: Charlotte!

(Oh no, not her again...)

Liam: Calm down, woman.

Charlotte marches up to me and Ryan. Behind her are Liam and Noah.

Ryan: It's fine, Charlotte. He was helping me collect information.

Charlotte: The hell he is! I'll take over from here, boy!

She pushes me aside as she strides up Ryan. I accidentally crash backwards into Noah.

James: Ah! Sorry!

He catches me.

Noah: What a bitch. Are you okay?

James: I'm fine...

Charlotte: Anyway, here. This is for you.

I look back at her as she shoves something in Ryan's hand. It's an older model of a cellphone.

Charlotte: This is a protected phone. From now on, only use this in regards to the case. You never know when someone might be trying to listen in.

Ryan: Got it.

Charlotte: And another thing...

Noah: What's that girls problem anyway?

Noah whispers to me.

James: Maybe it's that time of the month.

Liam: Hey, you two, talk in the car. We have to hurry.

Liam interrupts and glares at Noah.

Liam: This guy left his evidence notes in the hideout. Now we have to run back and grab them before moving to the new place. Ryan and Charlotte will meet us there.

I glance back at Ryan, who shrugs, still being chewed out by Charlotte. Liam shoves us both into the back seat of his car.

Noah: So, um... What did you find out?

I tell him about what the students and principal said. His eyes start to tear up at the mention of the hostess club rumour.

Noah: But why? I don't understand. A hostess club? Was she having an affair with one of the clients? Wasn't I good enough for her? Why did she want to hurt me?

He cries silently as tears stream down his cheeks. I look sadly at Noah. I hate having to tell him such horrible things, but he had to know the truth.

(Poor Noah. This must be such a shock to him.)

He just sighs and stares out the window. It's a quiet drive back to the hideout. When we arrive, Ryan's car is already there. We got stuck in traffic along the way, taking an extra ten minutes. Ryan and Charlotte are standing outside.

Charlotte: What took you guys so long?! Will you hurry up? You know this guys could come back any second!

Liam: Hate to say it, but the annoying assistant is right. Noah, can you hurry up and grab whatever it is you left?

Noah: Okay, okay!

Noah runs into the hideout. Charlotte storms up to Liam.

Charlotte: Listen, Mr. Detective Guy! I heard what you just said about me! You want annoying? I'll show you annoying!

Liam ignores her as she goes off on a rant. Instead, his ears perk up as if hearing something else.

Charlotte: And another thing—

Liam: God, will you shut up?!

Charlotte's mouth drops, speechless at his retort.

Liam: Listen. Do you guys hear cars coming?

Ryan: Oh no. Guys... Look!

He points into the hill in the distance. Three black cars are fast approaching our way.

Liam: It's them! Let's go!

James: But Noah is still inside!

Liam: Too bad! Get in the car!

James: But he has all the evidence!


With that, we all run inside, Liam yelling at the top of his lungs.

Liam: Noah, what's taking so long? The cops who broke in are back!

Ryan: It's too late! They're coming up our block! We have to go in!

Running in, they push me inside.

Liam: Everyone, hide! Now!

James: Hide?! Where?!

Without answering, they split up and leave me behind.

James: Guys!

I hear car doors slam outside.

(Dammit! If they don't hurry, they're gonna find me!)

James: Liam, wait for me!

I follow him upstairs despite his lack of response. Almost losing sight of him, I spot his foot disappearing in to an air vent near the ceiling.

James: Huh. A secret passage?

I climb into the table and stretch my arms up.

(Oh no... I'm too short! I can't reach!)

James: Liam, help me!

I call out, jumping up and down on the table. I hear voices outside.

(Oh no, they're here! They're gonna see me!)

Just then, an arm reaches out from the vent and grabs my outstretched wrist.

Liam: Stop being so damn noisy. Do you want them to hear you?

With one strong tug, he pulls me up the vent. Just then, I hear the front door slam open.

(Phew. I'm safe...)

Liam: Now be quiet and follow me. We're going to the attic.

I do as he says and find myself tumbling into a dark room.

(This must be the attic...)

Coming to my senses, I look around and see everyone else is already here. Noah must have come first when he heard the cars.

Liam: Welcome to the secret hideout within the hideout. They'll never find us here.

Noah: It's a good thing you told me about this place the other day. Otherwise I would've been screwed.

James: But the cars are still outside. Won't they know where here? They'll keep looking until they find us.

Ryan: Don't worry about the cars. The license plates are fake, and they're not registered in our name, so we're safe.

Liam: True, but James does have a point. There's a chance the cops won't leave till they find us... Or they might install some kind of surveillance. We'll need some kind of distraction so we can get away.

James: Hey, wait a second... Wheres Charlotte?

Looking around again, I realize everyone made it... Except Charlotte. Just then, I hear a voice drifting through the vent from downstairs.

Voice: That's right, officers. It seems the suspects enter the building just a moment ago. Which means they must still be here.

(Oh no. I can't beleive it... That's Charlotte's voice.)