Chapter Six

James: That voice... Was that... ?

Liam: Crap. Charlotte didn't make it to the hideout in time.

Ryan: Don't worry about her, James. She won't rat us out. Actually, if anything, it's good that she got left behind. She can buy us some time while we get out of here!

Liam: Right. And since she's still in uniform, it'll look like she just came to investigate. She knows the drill.

James: Hmm... Do you guys really trust Charlotte that much? Because she seems kind of suspicious to me.

Ryan: I know you dont like her, James, but... This isn't the time for jealousy.

James: Jealousy?! This is a matter of life and death! What if she rats us out?!

Ryan: Trust us, James. We've known her longer than you. She's trained to handle situations like this.

Liam: Anyway, this is a good chance for us to get out here while Charlotte distracts them. Ryan, can you tell where she's leading the intruders?

Ryan presses his ear to the vents.

Ryan: It sounds like they're headed towards the bedroom.

Liam: Good. It's far enough from the kitchen, so we should aim to leave that way.

James: Um, won't it be even more dangerous if we all leave at the same time? What if they catch us? Then  we'll all be goners!

Liam: He has a point. We should escape one by one, or at least in pairs. I'll guide Noah so we can escape out the back. James, you and Ryan head to the cars through the kitchen.

Ryan: Roger! James, you go first, and I'll cover you. When you exit the kitchen, hide behind the giant bush by the door and wait for me.

James: O-Okay...

With my heartbeat pounding in my ears, I follow instructions and slide through the vent.

(I'm not a detective or secret agent.... What am I doing?!)

As I exit the kitchen, I can hear Charlotte's voice drift down the halls. I exit, hide behind the bush, and listen through the window.

Charlotte: They must've taken off on foot, officer. The cars are outside, but there's nobody around.

(Officer? Who is she talking to exactly?)

Officer: Well you're an officer too, aren't you? Can't you inspect the vehicles and figure out their identities?

Charlotte: I already checked, the vehicles are unregistered.

(Well, Charlotte hasn't ratted us out yet. I hope the guys are right in trusting her.)

Officer: Well then, I'm going out to look myself. Maybe you overlooked something.

(Dammit, this is no good! If they get to the cars before we do... I hope Charlotte really can stall them.)

Ryan: There you are.

James: AH!

He quickly wraps an arm around me and covers my mouth.

Ryan: Shh! Do you want them to find us?! Come on, were going to make a break for my car. Charlotte is still keeping them busy. I estimate we have about a minute to get inside the car and drive away. You ready?

(What? But what about the others?)

James: I, um... Where are the others?

Ryan: They'll figure it out. They've got Liam. We're going to hop in my car and speed away from here, okay?

My heart is racing. His hand is still over my mouth. What do I do?

James: B-But shouldn't we wait for the others?!

Ryan: Don't worry about them. They'll figure it out. But we have to go now. You're the one they can't see! The doors are already open, so when I say go, get in the backseat and lay low. Ready... GO!

I clumsily run to the car and do as I'm told. Seconds later, the from door swings open, and Ryan jumps in.

Ryan: Ah, shit!

He curses as he angrily pounds the steering wheel. I'm not used to seeing him angry.

James: What is it?!

Ryan: The key! I don't have the car key! I gave it to Liam earlier!

James: Oh no. Well, we better figure something out soon! Someone's coming our way!

Out the window, a masked figure runs our way at full speed.

(It's the intruder!)

James: Ryan, do something! It's the intruder!

The intruder slaps a hand on the police vehicle parked in front of us. He turns and heads toward the car. Before we can escape, he burst through the passenger door.

James: Oh no, were goners!

Intruder: Relax, dimwit. It's me.

James: Oh, thank God it's you! You almost gave me a heart attack!

Liam: At least you'd be quiet then! Here's the key, Ryan. Now go! They're coming!

Ryan steps into the gas and pulls away at full speed. I look at the rearview mirror. A figure runs out the front door of the hideout, stopping on the porch as we speed off.

James: Was that—

Liam: Officer Robinson. I almost had a run-in with him. Why the hell is he even here?! The original intruders must've informed him! At least Charlotte should be able to persuade him more easily. He trusts her. Anyway, let's get out of here!

James: But wait! Wheres Noah?!

In all the excitement, I realize my friend never made it out.

Liam: Don't worry, he's safe. We're going to pick him up now.

James: Oh... Thank goodness.

Liam: It was too dangerous for both of us leave out the front door. I only had one mask, and the police were there. I sent him running out the back towards the park while I distracted the cops. We're gonna swing by there and pick him up now.

Ryan makes a sharp turn and head towards a familiar park. Noah is sitting on a bench.

Liam: Noah, hop in!

Liam calls out as he reaches behind and throws the back door open.

Noah: I thought you guys would never come!

He throws himself in the car as we speed off again.

James: Noah! Are you okay?!

Ryan: Uh-oh... Save the niceties for  later. Looks like we have company.

Liam: What the— how?! We left before anyone could get into the cop car!

In the rearview mirror, we see a cop car approaching in the distance. Ryan hits the gas again, and we fly down the road.

Liam: Get onto the freeway! We can pick up speed and lose them at one of the exits!

Ryan: Roger!

Liam: Buckle up, guys. This is gonna be nasty.

Even while buckled, I'm tossed around the back of the car. We should've lost them, but somehow they appear on our tail again.

Ryan: Dammit! How?! I'll take the backstreets! Nobody knows those roads like I do.

Liam: How do they keep finding us?! Ryan, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

They look at each other nervously.

Noah: Um, I think one of us is bugged...

Noah says what everyone was thinking but nobody wanted to say. Liam turns on a GPS device that shows a vehicle heading towards us.

James: What? You bugged them too?

Liam: Right before I hopped in, I stuck a tracker to their car. It's definitely them following us.

(Oh, that must be why he slapped their car before he got in. Good thinking, Liam!)

Liam: Quick! Everyone take off your jackets and toss 'em out the window! That's the easiest way to stick a bug!

We all do as he says and throw our jackets out the window. But Liam's device show the car still on our trails.

James: Oh, come on! You made me throw my jacket for nothing?! They're still on us!

Liam: Forget about your stupid jacket! The bug must be somewhere else!

Noah: Um, I hope you're not gonna make us strip now...

Liam: That was my next plan.

James: Wait!

Not wanting to take off my clothes in a car full of dudes (even though I'm a dude myself), I suddenly remember.

James: Ryan! Do you have your phone?

Ryan: Yeah, it's in my pocket.

I quickly reach into his pocket and pull it out as he continues driving. Without a word, I fling it out the window.

Ryan: What the— Are you crazy, man?! That was the only contact device I had!

Liam: Well, looks like you better get a new one... Because that one was bugged. The cops are off are trails now.

In shock, Ryan pulls to a screeching halt behind a building.

Ryan: What... ? It was my phone?

I can hear everyone's hearts pounding now. Nobody says a word.

Liam: Anyway, we're here.

Nobody says a word the rest of the night. I can't stop thinking about what just happened. Liam sits on a chair, peering out the window, looking grim.

(He's awfully quiet for a guy who nearly got us all killed.)

Liam: I'm sorry, James.

James: Huh?

(Is he apologizing for almost killing me?)

James: Liam, how could you even think a simple apology would suffice? You almost got me killed today! Do you really think I'd let you off the hook that easily?

Liam: Listen to yourself, James! Do you really think you're the only one whose life is in danger? We were all in danger today! And I, who shouldn't even give a rat's ass about some dumb little office work... I'm here everyday risking my life for you! Just to prove you're innocent! How ungrateful can you be?!

James: Ah...

I choke on my own words. He's right. I feel terrible now.

(He's right. All of them are here because of me. It's not his fault the cops found our hideout. He did everything he could to protect us... And even more to help us get away safely.)

James: Ah... Liam, I'm sorry. I was too harsh...

Liam: Save it.

He gets up and walks out the room. I feel horrible for lashing out at him like that. I sit alone for a while in the chair he was just in. I should wait a while to let us both cool off. After a while, I head to the living room. Liam is there buried in work again. It seems he's back to normal.

(Ryan and Noah must be asleep in their own rooms already. I should head to my own room and get some sleep.)

Liam: There's one thing I don't understand...

James: Huh?

(Is he talking to me?)

Liam: Why was Officer Robinson there? The original intruders we saw on the video looked like cops... But they were to lean and agile to have been him. So the question is... Who were the young cops who originally broke in? And why did they get Officer Robinson involved?

James: Um...

(I was wondering the same thing.)

James: What if the original intruders weren't really cops, though? What if they wore those uniforms just to throw us off?

Liam: Well then, why was Ryan the one who was bugged? Only another cop could've had access to him. He's the one who's gone to the office most recently. He's always been loyal as my assistant. And I've never had reason to doubt him before, but after tonight...

He turns to me.

Liam: James, what do you think about Ryan?

James: I don't suspect Ryan at all. I think he's innocent. After all, he's the one who drove us out of that whole mess. Actually, if anything, I think Ryan is being played for a fool himself.

Liam: What do you mean?

I hesitate to respond. Not sure if I should say what I'm thinking, I stay silent. Just then, Ryan comes into the room.

Ryan: By who, James? Who do you think is using me?

James: Um...

Embarrassed that he heard our conversation, I turn red. Now I have no choice but to say what I'm thinking.

Liam: Yeah, James. I'm curious to know who you think is behind this.

Ryan: Also, how did you know to check my phone earlier? Have you been suspecting me all this time? Something tells me you know more than you're telling us.

I sigh.

James: Fine, I'll tell you. But don't get mad. The reason I knew your phone was bugged, Ryan, is because... That's the phone that Charlotte gave you.