Chapter Seven

Ryan stands staring at me, jaw agape. His expression shifts from shock to rage.

Ryan: What are you trying to say, James?! Do you really think my own assistant would frame me?!

James: Well, I'm not ruling out the possibility!

Ryan: I know you guys don't get along, but that's a heavy accusation to make! She's been risking herself  to help us this whole time. You don't really think she'd betray us, do you?

Liam: Well, if the shoe fits...

Ryan: Not you too, Liam.

Liam: Were detectives, Ryan. Now's not the time to think with your feelings. The fact of the matter is, your phone was bugged. And it's the one that Charlotte gave you.

Noah: Everything about that sounds fishy.

Ryan: Look, I know Charlotte gave me the phone... But she got it from the police department in the first place. It could've been anyone else. Charlotte probably didn't even know!

Liam: Regardless of who planted the bug... Our lives were in danger because of it! We have to take action. James, what do you think?

James: I agree! I never trusted her, and that's why. I think Charlotte should be fired.

Ryan: Fired? But we don't have proof it was her!

James: Then fired for reckless endangerment!

Liam: James's right. Even she wasn't the one who planted the bug... She gave you the faulty device. She should've checked beforehand! We can't tolerate careless assistants. The fact of the matter is, what she did was irresponsible. Anyone who works for us has to follow protocol. Everything that enters our possession must be throughout checked! She didn't check the phone for bugs... And you didn't check it when you accepted it! I should fire both of you!

Ryan: Do you hear yourself? I went through hell to save all of us today! And Charlotte stayed behind to buy us time! Officer Robinson was there! She covered for us! But you still suspect us!

Liam: Did she really, cover for us? How do we know she wasn't giving us away?

Ryan: You're all just paranoid!

He turns away in a huff and storms to his room. Liam turns to me.

Liam: And you. Take off your clothes.

James: WHAT?!

I freeze in shock.

(What is he saying? He wants me to strip?!)

Liam: Your clothes, dummy. Take 'em off and throw them away.

James: You perv! How dare you ask me to strip!

He holds up a shopping bag in my face.

Liam: Trust me. It's not for my entertainment. I have no interest in seeing you naked. But we don't know what else might be bugged. Throw out those clothes and put on these.

James: What? No way! This is my favourite brand! It's expensive! And how do I know you don't just want me to strip?!

Liam: Just shut up and look in the bag.

Irritated, I peek inside. It's a brand-new version of the same outfit I am wearing.

James: Oh...

(Now I feel bad for yelling at him.)

Liam: See? Now go change. Your room is that one right there.

I go into the room he points and change my outfit. When I come out, he approaches me.

Liam: See? That wasn't so bad. Anyway, I'm sorry about how reckless Ryan has been. I almost fired him, but I think I'll give him another chance. Right now, I'm more suspicious about the girl. Hmm...

He turns away and goes back to his room, stuck on that thought. The next morning, Ryan doesn't stop apologizing to us. He even made us breakfast. We all sit together and discuss our plans.

Ryan: I'm sorry I wasn't more careful. I swear I'll be more cautious from now on. I'll talk to Charlotte too. But we have to keep investigating. I'm worried about my brother, so I think we should go back to the school.

Noah: I'm coming too! I need to know why Mia cheated on me.

Liam: Well, I guess it's settled. You guys go. I'll continue working here.

On that note. The three of us head to the school.

Principal Ma: Thank you for coming back today. This is Madison Hayes, another teacher here.

Madison: Nice to meet you, detectives. I was Mia's best friend... And I also taught Roberts class. We both did. I understand you want to know more about Mia... And also the boy.

We all sit down, and Ryan leads the conversation.

Ryan: Yes. We're investigating Mia's death and Robert's whereabouts. There was a rumour about Robert being involved in a gang. And then, he disappeared right after the murder, making him a suspect. Do you know anything about this?

She hesitates and then takes a deep breath.

Madison: Robert... Wasn't a very popular student. He had... Problems. He was bullied. He started skipping school. Still, I don't think he was in a gang. He wouldn't hurt a fly.

Ryan: How did the rumour start?

Madison: Well, one day, he ratted out the bullies to Mia. But she didn't believe him. He got upset when she wouldn't punish the bullies. But the next day, the accused bullies were all found beat up. Someone attacked them in a park, and they were hospitalized.

Ryan: What?! Attacked?! Robert couldn't do that! If he could barely stand up for himself to a single bully... How is he capable attacking a group?

Madison: Exactly. That's when the rumour started. The kids started saying he got some gang to beat them up.

Noah: What about Mia? Why didn't Robert and the other students like her? Wasn't she a good teacher?

I nudge him, reminding him not to get too emotional.

Madison: Well yes, but she also had her own personal problems. Those problems caused some rumours among the students.

James: Personal problems? Was she really a stripper?

Everyone looks at me, shocked by my blunt question.

James: I mean... I heard a rumour.

Madison: I guess I can see why people would say that... But no. She wasn't. The rumour started when a student coming home late from cram school saw her. She was entering a hostess club, all dressed up.

Noah: She was a hostess?!

Madison: Supposedly. She didn't tell me that much. But she did tell me she took on an extra part-time job.

Noah: But why would she need an extra job?

Madison: I know she was also engaged. I think she was saving for her wedding. So it's possible she became a hostess to make more money.

Noah looks like he's fighting back tears. Ryan changes the subject.

Ryan: And Robert? Was he in on this rumour about Mia?

Madison: I can't say so sure. He didn't really talk to the other students. He had only one friend, but he wasn't from our school. But he seemed to influence Robert alot.

Ryan: I see. Okay. I think that's all we need for today. Thank you for talking to us. May we contact you again?

Madison: Absolutely. Despite any rumours, Mia was a good friend. I hope you can solve this and get justice for her.

With that, we all shook hands and parted ways. We walk back to the parking lot.

James: We need to hurry back and tell Liam our findings. Shall we go?

Ryan: Actually, I have a meeting with Charlotte after this. You guys go back without me.

Noah: What? A meeting with the traitor?

Ryan: She's not a traitor, okay? I have to tell her about the phone bug. And warn her about our future security issues.

James: Hmm...

I don't like the idea of Ryan meeting up with her after what she did.

Ryan: There she is now. Charlotte!

She runs over to Ryan, completely ignoring me.

Charlotte: I'm so sorry about yesterday! I tried to keep you out of trouble when the officers came. Officer Robinson is persistent, though...

Ryan: It's fine, we'll discuss it. Are we ready to go?

Charlotte glares at me now.

Charlotte: Don't tell me he's coming too? Listen, boy, I'm on to you...

James: What?!

Noah steps Infront of me, seeing my discomfort.

Noah: Don't worry your pretty little head about James. He won't crash your party. We have a date.

James: ?!

He puts his arm around me and winks slyly.

Noah: Right, James?

(A date?! Is he trying to help me out?)

James: Huh?

Without thinking, I pull away.

(Oops. I know Noah is trying to cover for me. I should play along.)

Charlotte: Hmph. Some date. He doesn't seem to like you.

She sneers. Noah looks at me and gently pats my back.

Noah: Oh. Sorry, James, I forgot. I know you don't like to be romantic in public. I respect that. It's okay. We can be more romantic when we're in private. He winks. I blush but stay silent.

(I have to play along).

Charlotte: Oh, barf. Fine. Whatever. As long as your not after Ryan, I don't care what you do. Come on, Ryan. Let's go.

Thy both walk away. Ryan looks back and winks, indicating that he caught on to our plan. Noah and I high-five.

James: Um, anyway... Thanks for covering me.

Noah: You're welcome. I just can't stand girls like that. And your my friend. I don't like to see her bully you. Anyway, what do you think they're talking about?

James: I don't know. I'm a little suspicious. I think Ryan trusts her easily. I know she's a close friend, but still...

Noah: Right? He should be more discerning. You thinking what I'm thinking?

He grins. My eyes widen, surprised.

James: You mean...

Noah: Yup, we're following them! Let's go!

We get into the car and trail behind Charlotte's vehicle.

Noah: I guess Ryan wanted to make sure to talk in a public place. It'll look less suspicious, but I hope they're careful what they talk about.

Ryan and Charlotte sit at an outdoor table with some coffee. It's beside a short wall decorated with plants. A few steps load to a path decorated with flower bushes. We crouch behind the short wall. Luckily, the plants cover our head.

Charlotte: I'm really sorry. I swear I didn't know it was bugged.

Ryan: Don't worry. I know you wouldn't do something like that. We'll figure it out who's really behind it. But anyway, I need to tell you what I learned about Robert...

Ryan fills Charlotte in on our meeting with Madison.

(I guess if she's a family friend, she knows his brother too.)

Charlotte: I can't believe that. A gang? He was troubled, but he wouldn't hurt a fly! Still, he did change alot after I broke up with my ex. My ex and I may have had problems... But Robert looked up to him as a father figure. And he was an officer, so he was still a good influence.

(So Charlotte's ex was a cop and friends with the brother? If Robert was good friends with a cop, it's unlikely he was in a gang. I wonder if he's the friend Madison mentioned?)

Ryan: I know you were worried about him too. So I had to let you know.

Charlotte: Thank you for trusting me, Ryan. I'm glad you still beleive in me.

(Charlotte is so different around him. She clearly cared about Ryan's brother. She actually seems... Nice?)

Just then, my phone starts ringing.

James: Ah!

Noah: ?!

How could I forget to put it on silent?! I fumble frantically to get it out of my bag. It's Liam calling.

(Oh! I forgot to tell him we'd be staying out longer!)

Ryan: Huh? Is there someone behind there?

(Oh no! Ryan heard it!)

James: Noah!

I whisper through gritted teeth.

James: We have to run. They'll see us!

We get up to run behind the bushes. As I do, the phone slips out and lands under the table.

James: Ah!

Before I can pick it up, Noah grabs me and drags me into the bushes. We make it into hiding just time. Peeping out, we see Ryan stand up and peek over the wall. The phone is still ringing under the table.

Ryan: Huh? Nobody's here.

Getting up, he follows the sound of the phone.

(I'm screwed...)

Charlotte: What is it?

Ryan: Oh, nothing. Looks like someone lost their phone here.

Charlotte: I can bring it back to the police department and find the owner.

(No! Not her!)

Ryan studies the ringing phone. It finally stops ringing.

Ryan: Nah, don't worry about it. I'll take care of it. It's probably just some teenagers phone. They're so careless.

Charlotte: Ah, okay! Less work for me!

She laughs it off and grabs her bag.

Charlotte: Anyway, I have to go. You're coming with me, right?

Ryan: Actually...

He looks off thoughtfully.

Ryan: I'm sorry, Charlotte. You don't have to wait for me today. I have some personal errands to run.

Charlotte: Aww, you're no fun!

She pouts. They say their farewell greetings, and Charlotte heads to the parking lot. Ryan just stands there looking at the phone.

Noah: What is he thinking?

Suddenly, Ryan turns his head toward our hiding spot.

James: Uh-oh! He's looking this way!

Noah: There's no way he knows we're here, right?

Just as Noah says that, Ryan begins to walk slowly.

(Oh crap... He's headed right this way!