The Academy

'Finally today I start the academy.' I can't wait to have someone teach me more about how to use chakra because just watching the show in my past life didn't make me an expert.'

I then walk out of my apartment and start walking towards the academy. And eventually, I reach the academy and see a bunch of parents dropping off their kids also and I then walk in and see that some kids are already there and I go and take a seat at an empty table in the back corner of the class and eventually some more kids eventually come in and a boy with a dog who I recognize as Kiba sits on one side of me and another boy I recognize as Sasuke sits on the other side of me and suddenly I feel death glares from multiple directions aimed at me so I look around and see that basically, every girl in class is staring at me.

'I forgot that every girl in class loved Sasuke and since he sat by me now they all will hate me. just great.'

Then a teacher who I don't recognize comes into the class.

'I thought Iruka was the academy teacher for Naruto's class? I guess he had a different one before him.

"Hello class, my name is Fujino Akio but you will all call me Akio Sensi, Now let's go straight into introductions starting with you. Say your name and one thing you like."

She then points at the people in the first row and people start their introductions and I recognize some of them and then it is time for me to go.

"My name is Senju Amaya and I like umm Dango."

After I introduce myself Sasuke does his introduction and we begin class but sadly we begin with math.

'Uhhh I forgot they taught more than just ninja stuff here, this is going to get boring if it's math made for elementary schoolers.'

The teacher then hands out paper to everyone and gives us questions to answer and I answer them easily and I also notice that Kiba cheated off me and I then look at Sasuke's paper and notice he has all of his answers right.

'Well, he definitely is smart for his age.'

We then go through some more subjects that you would learn at a normal school and the only one that was useful was Japanese class because I am still learning it until finally, the teacher starts to teach us about chakra although I still already knew some of it and then the teacher says that all of the girls have to go to a kunoichi class.

'Oh yea I forgot about kunoichi class and since I am a girl in this life I also have to go to it.'

We then get lead to a new teacher and she introduces herself as Yui sensei and tells us about what we will learn in the class and then she leads us to a flower garden.

"Ok now for the first class I want you to all pick out your favorite flower and write one thing about it that you like."

'Really that's what we are spending this time on picking our favorite flower.'

I then walk around the garden and look at the flowers and notice that most of the girls still glare at me and avoid me.

'Are they still mad that Sasuke sat next to me? It's not like it's my fault I sat there first.'

I then spend around 10 minutes looking at the flowers.

'I guess I will just pick a random one since I don't care that much about this project.'

I then walk up to a small flower that has small white and blue petals.

'Whats should I write? What's something a normal small girl would write?'

I then just write that I think it's pretty and that I like the colors and I give the teacher the paper and then I stand there waiting for the rest of the class to finish and after another 25 minutes the rest of the kids turn in their papers.

'Finally how long does it to find a flower, like god damn.'

We then get released from class and I go home.

'I hope we eventually start learning things that I don't know.'

I then hang out in my apartment for the rest of the day.