Chapter 11

I am currently walking to class on the second day of school when I am confronted by a group of girls from my class led by a blonde girl I recognize as Ino.

"Umm do you guys need something?"

"You and your weird eyes better stay away from our Sasuke-Kun today."

Some of the other girls then nod in agreement to Ino's demand.

"It's not like I wanted to sit next to him, I was their first so take it up with your precious Sasuke about it and my eyes aren't that weird."

"Just stay away from him."

She then walks away with her gang.

'I forgot how annoying a lot of the girls in my class are except Hinata because of how shy she is but she does have that weird obsession with Naruto although I don't know what she sees in the blonde brat.'

I then walk into class and sit at a table that has two people I don't recognize sitting at it and I look around the class and notice a blonde brat and our teacher is missing.

I then hear someone getting scolded outside the classroom.

'Naruto must have pranked the teacher. He really will do anything for attention.'

Eventually, the teacher comes into the classroom and I notice Naruto has to stay in the hallway as punishment.

We then start class and it is just as easy and boring as yesterday's classes.

'Finally, I can go home and do some actual training.'

I then go home and grab my kunai and grab my sword and look at it.

'It's so small compared to me now, I should probably get a new one soon.'

I then walk out of my apartment and head to the spot in the forest where I usually train.

When I get to my training ground I practice my aim with a kunai and I can usually hit 6/10 of them on the bullseye.

After practicing my aim for awhile I take out my sword and practice swinging it until I get tired.

'Uhh, I am bored. What should I do now?'

'I guess I will walk around town.'

I then go back to my apartment and drop off my sword and kunai and head back out into the streets of Konoha.

'Hmm, I can get food, or since I have a little extra money I can go shopping for something.'

My stomach then makes the decision to growl.

'Food it is. I kinda want to go to the ramen shop again.'

I then walk in the direction of Ichiraku Ramen and sit down.

"Oh aren't you the little miss from awhile ago, What will you be having today."

"Umm, can I get what you gave me last time?"

"Sure coming right up."

I then watch as the man starts to cook when someone else comes into the small shop.

"Oh hey Iruka, what do you want today."

"I will get a Miso Pork Ramen."

I then stare at the new customer.

'I forgot Iruka also comes here a lot. I don't think I have ever seen him in this life besides at the academy orientation.'

Iruka then notices my staring and looks at me and smiles and I look away in embarrassment for staring at him.

'I am pretty sure that girl is a new student at the academy. So what is she doing here all by herself?'

I then get served my ramen and I dig in and once I finish I get out my small wallet.

"Umm, so Teuchi-San how much will it be for the Ramen."

"Oh, no need Iruka offered to pay for your ramen."

I then look over at Iruka who just got served his ramen and I bow.

"Thank you Iruka-san."

"Oh, it's not a big deal. I can't let little girls buy their own food now can I."

I then thank him again and head back to my house and notice my door is slightly open.

'What the?'

I then slowly walk in and hear someone talking.

"Dammit, she is all out of Ramen."

I then get to my kitchen and see a blonde-haired boy going through my cabinets.

"Naruto get the hell out of my apartment!!"

"Crap she is back."

I then approach him with a very angry face and he runs away.

'Stupid brat, now I have to clean the mess he made.'

I then clean my kitchen and take a shower and hang out in my apartment for the rest of the day.