Chapter 12

I've now been going to the academy for some time and our class has gone through multiple teachers because of Naruto's constant pranks and today is the day we finally get the one I recognize from the story, Iruka Umino.

"Hello class, I will be your new Homeroom teacher and my name is Umino Iruka."

He then tells us to go outside to the training grounds.

"Now instead of just introducing yourselves, I want you to demonstrate your Jutsu skills."

'Hmm, our Jutsu skills. I have gotten pretty good at the academy basic jutsus and I have been practicing a few other Jutsu in my free time because a few months ago I wanted to learn what chakra natures I have so I used chakra paper and learned I have water and earth chakra natures and I remember having two chakra natures right away is rare but I forget is having earth and water chakra natures is rare or not because it has been so long since I watched the show.

"So, we'll try a basic clone Jutsu."

'That should be easy enough.'

"First up, Uchiha Sasuke."

most of the girls then start cheering Sasuke on and Sasuke walks out in front of everyone to do the Jutsu.

"You always act so smug and I can't stand it! Brag after you prove yourself."

"I intend to."

'Those two can both be so annoying.'

Then a clone appears feet away by a tree behind Naruto.

"Well Done."

And most of the girls start swooning over Sasuke again and Naruto suddenly charges at the clone to hit it but the clone disappears and Naruto face plants into a tree.

'What an idiot.'

And most of the kids laugh at Naruto's fail.

"Ok next up Senju Amaya."

And I walk up and do the clone Justus and 3 clones appear.

"Wow, Amaya-chan you can make three clones already. Very impressive."

I then go back to where I was standing before and notice I was getting a glare from a certain Uchiha and some of the girls.

Sasuke and I don't really have a good relationship because in most classes I usually do better than him and because I am the top student in our class he tries to beat me in every different subject but since I already know stuff like math I automatically have an advantage over him in all normal classes and in the Ninja classes its more on and off with who is doing better but I still usually am at the top so he usually is jealous. And some of the other girls get mad at me when I do better than their precious Sasuke. So sadly I am not the most popular in class. I have tried to talk to Hinata but she ends up stuttering so much that I can't even understand what she is saying and I have tried talking to Shikamaru but he just says troublesome women and goes to sleep and the only person that I can kinda say is my friend is Kiba. We don't hang out much or anything but sometimes in class we sit next to each other and he lets me pet Akamaru.

And eventually, the other kids show off their clone Jutsu and we go back into the classroom and finish the rest of our classes and I make my way home.

'Ok when I get home I am grabbing my stuff and going out to train.'

And once I start walking home I see a blonde brat not to far in front of me and he is steaming with anger.

"Stupid Uchiha, why do all the girls love him, he is just a jerk and tomorrow I will destroy him in class."

'Maybe if he actually payed attention in class he could beat him.'

I then go home and grab my stuff and head out to train in the forest.

'Lets see. I will start out with some push-ups and sit-ups and then do some kunai practice and then I will practice some of my jutsu.'

I then start my workout and do 75 push ups and 50 sit ups and then move onto my kunai practice and after I start my jutus pracice.

I then do the hand signs dragon, tiger, hare and shoot out a blast of water that has enough strength to knock over someone.

'Water style: Raging Waves.'

I then practice this jutsu for awhile trying to make it hit with more force until I decide to take a break but when I sit down to take a drink of water I hear someone in the bushes nearby.

"Dragon, tiger hare."

I then hear someone making a blowing noise.

"Why didn't it work."

'Is that Naruto? What is he doing?'

I then get up and walk towards the bushes where I heard the talking.

'Crap did she hear me?'

I then walk tords the bushes and see a blonde boy hiding there.

"Naruto what are you doing?"

"Oh hey Amaya-chan I didn't know you were here."

I then get a angered face because I know he is lying.

"Tell me the truth."

"Fine fine, I was trying to see your Jutsu so I can use it on the Uchiha idiot."

'Oh that's what he is doing. I thought he was going to prank me again.'

"Ok then, as long as your not trying to be annoying you can stay."

"Then can you show me your jutsu again."

"Umm I guess I can show you but I don't think you will be able to do it unless your chakra nature is water."

'And if my memory is correct then I think naruto had wind type chakra.'

I then do the hand signs again and shoot a blast of water out of my mouth at a tree and then watch as Naruto tries to do the same but fails and then I show him again and he fails.

"You know your a really bad teacher."

Anger then takes over my face

"Who said I was teaching you?! I was just showing the jutsu you brat! Have you considered the fact that you just can't do it."

Naruto then gets scared and runs away.

'Little punk.'

I then decide to pack up my training supplies and I head back into town.

'All that training made me hungry.'

I decide to go get a few Dango and head home for the rest of the day.