Chapter 13

Today is the day of the graduation test and I am currently getting dressed. My outfit consists of a white short-sleeved kimono that goes down to my thighs a little above my knees with a strange netting material underneath. My kimono is held together by a blue sash and I also have blue arm sleeves. And when I am using them my sword is held onto my back by the sash and my kunai and shuriken are in a pouch that goes on my thigh. And my shoes are knee-high shinobi sandals.

I then look in the mirror to see if everything looks right and looking back is a 12-year-old girl. She has white hair that reaches down to her back, one brown eye and one green eye and she is around 4'8 and has a small chest that isn't very noticeable under her clothes.

'Ok now that I am done with getting dressed time to head to the academy.'

I then leave my apartment and head towards the academy and go to my class and take a seat and look around the class and see that some kids look really excited about the test and some are really nervous.

'I can't remember that well but I think the graduation test is supposed to be the one of the academy basic Jutsu so I should pass the test easily.'

Once Iruka got to class he explains that the graduation test will be on the clone Jutsu and it will be held in a different classroom and he then starts to call people to go to the next classroom over and eventually my name gets called.

'Ok that good if it just a clone Jutsu I can pass this easily.'

I then walk to the testing classroom and with Iruka and he sits at a table with Mizuki and I stand in front of the table.

"Ok, Amaya-chan you can begin."

I then bring my hands together and make 9 clones of myself that appear around the room.

"Nice job Amaya-chan you pass."

'That's Amaya-chan for you she is most defiantly the smartest in class and the only one who comes close to her in Jutsu skill is Sasuke. She will defiantly become a great Kunoichi.'

Iruka then hands me one of the Konoha headbands and I put it around my neck like a neckless because I don't think I look that good with a headband on my forehead and I meet with the rest of the students outside of the academy and everyone is excited about passing and I look over at the swing and see a sad-looking Naruto.

'It's his fault for failing he didn't pay attention in class and I even offered to help him with Jutsu and studying a few times and he would either turn me down or mess around the whole time I tried to help him so I gave up. and I know he will pass tonight after stealing that scroll so it doesn't matter that much.'

And I then went home happy that I graduated.

'As a reward for graduating I should get myself some Dango.'

I then head home to grab my wallet and go to the Dango shop.

'Mmm Dango will always be one of my favorite foods. I could eat this for every meal.'

I then finish off the rest of my Dango and head home and plop down on my bed.

'I wonder who my sensei and teammates will be? I know it will be different than the Tv show because in the Tv show I never existed and unlike in the anime Shino isn't here. I don't know why though because he was at the academy before but one day he just stopped coming and I forgot Shino's past so I don't really know what could have happened.'

I then hang out in my apartment for the rest of the day.

Next day

I wake up and start to get dressed again.

'Now I am getting kinda nervous. I hope my teammates aren't any of the really annoying kids and I hope they aren't useless.'

I then look in my mirror to see if everything looks good and I head out to the academy to learn who is on my Genin team. And once I get to my class I take a seat in the back and wait for Iruka to come and announce the teams.

And I take a look around and see a blonde boy arguing with Shikamaru.

'So he did end up passing like in the anime.'

Sakura and Ino then come through the door panting heavily. And sakura then rushes over to Sasuke and Ino follows and they argue over who is going to sit next to Sasuke.

'Stupid fangirls. They will argue over anything if it has anything to do with Sasuke.'

And then more fangirls start to walk up and argue with them.

I then watch as naruto jumps onto the table and gets right into Sasuke's face.

'Oh yea I remember this.'

"Naruto don't glare at Sasuke-Kun!"

Then a kid sitting close to naruto's and Sasuke's stare down bumps into naruto and Naruto falls towards Sasuke and they end up kissing.

'That's what he gets for being annoying.'

And then all the arguing fangirls freeze and start to look confused but that confusion quickly fades away and gets replaced by a face of extreme anger.

Naruto and Sasuke then both pull out of the accidental kiss and start to cough and gag.

And all the fangirls now furious at naruto for seizing Sasuke's first kiss go and beat him up. And shortly after Iruka comes in.

"As of today, you all have become full-fledged Ninjas. However, you're still Genin. The tough part's still to come! From here on, you'll be in a squad of three and carry out your missions under your Jonin teachers.

I then hear Ino start talking to Sakura again.

"I wonder who's going to be grouped with Sasuke?"

"I don't know."

'Jesus lord can they shut up about Sasuke.'

"Now the teams are..."

He then starts to list off some of the teams that don't ever get shown in the Anime.

"Now then the next squad is squad seven and this team will have Uzumaki Naruto, Senju Amaya, and Uchiha Sasuke."

After hearing the team I will be on I freeze.

'You have got to be kidding. I have naruto. I am fine with Sasuke, he doesn't really like me but he is pretty strong compared to the other students. But Naruto! Why did I have to replace Sakura?'

"Squad eight is Hyuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, and Harano Sakura."

'But I want to be on a team with Sasuke. Why does the weird eye girl get to be with him.'

"Squad ten is Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, and Akimichi Choji."

'So squad ten is the same as the anime but instead of Sakura on squad 7 it's me and instead of Shino on squad eight it's Sakura.'

"That's all of the squads."

"Iruka Sensei why am I a perfect student on the same team as the weaklings Amaya and Sasuke?"

"Amaya-chan and Sasuke are the best students in the class so to balance out their team we had to pair the worst with them and the worst is you Naruto."

Most of the kids then start laughing at Naruto.

'Naruto is such an idiot. can he just shut up and sit down.'

"Just don't get in my way you loser"

"What did you just say?!"

"Wanna fight loser?"

"I am not a loser!"

'Why couldn't I have different teammates?'

Iruka then ignores naruto and Sasukes arguing and continues.

"In the afternoon, you will be introduced to your Jonin Teachers. You're dismissed until then."

We then leave the class and I go and sit in a tree and get out some onigiri that I packed and start to eat and I watch as Sakura comes out of the building.

"Sasuke-Kun, I thought to celebrate becoming Genin we could eat lunch together."

But Sasuke doesn't respond and instead, Naruto appears behind her.

"Hey Sakura, I thought that we could eat lunch together to celebrate becoming Genin."

"Why would I eat with you?!"

"Well um to celebrate."

"Your annoying."

And then Sakura walks away. And tries to find Sasuke.

'Well, she is right about that Naruto can be annoying.'

And I then sit there for a while and continue eating my lunch.

Kakashi and Hiruzen POV

"So this is Naruto's room."

"yes, sadly he doesn't know how to keep a clean house."

Kakashi then grabs the old carton of milk on the table.

'If anyone drinks any of this they would be on the toilet all day.'

"Senju Amaya's apartment is right next door we should also check it out since she is on your squad."

Kakashi then nods and they leave Naruto's room and goes to Amaya's.

'She defiantly is cleaner than Naruto.'

He then walks over to her swords and sees a small sword that looks like it is made for a small child and a more normal size sword.

'So she uses kenjutsu.'

He then looks around a little more and eventually leaves.

Amaya POV

The break finally ended and now I am back in the classroom waiting for our sensei to show up.

'Since I am on a team with Sasuke and Naruto I probably also have Kakashi as my sensei so wonder our sensei hasn't shown up.

"Naruto can you act more patient our sensei will be here eventually."

'Why is it that only our sensei is extremely late? The other sensei have gotten their teams already and Iruka Sensei also left."

Naruto then starts to put an eraser between the door and the wall so that it would fall on Kakashi's head.

'I forgot he did this.'

"This is what they deserve for being late."

"A Jonin wouldn't get caught by such a weak trap."Sasuke>

We then sit there in silence waiting for our new sensei to show up and eventually we hear someone opening the door and the eraser falls directly on their head and Naruto starts laughing.

"I got him, I got him."

'How can the child of prophecy be so annoying.'

Kakashi then looks and scans over each of us.

"How can I put this? As for first impressions of you guys? Well, I hate you."

'Of course, he does.'

he then leads us to the roof for introductions.