Chapter 14

Once we get to the roof we sit next to each other and Kakashi stands a few feet in front of us.

"Let's see, first off let me have you guys introduce yourselves."

"What should we say?"

"Say stuff like your interests, dislikes, and goals for the future and hobbies."

"Ok but you introduce yourself first."

"Me? Ok, my name is Hatake Kakashi. I don't feel like telling you guys about my likes and dislikes. I've never really thought about my future dream and as for my hobbies, I have many."

"You barely told us anything except your name!"

"next is you guys. Let's start with you."

He then points at Naruto.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I like instant ramen but what I like even more is the ramen from Ichiraku that Iruka Sensei treats me to. I dislike the three minutes you have to wait after pouring hot water in the instant ramen. My hobbies are eating and comparing different ramens. And my future dream is to become the best Hokage! So that people will acknowledge me."

"Okay, next."

'I guess it's my turn.'

"My name is Senju Amaya. I like Dango and ramen. I dislike people who steal my food and introverted emo's. My hobbies consist of practicing my Ninjutsu and Kinjutsu and reading. And I don't really know what my future dream is."

'Hmm, what is my dream for the future. Do I really not have one.'

'Ok, she seems more normal compared to the blonde.'

"Ok and next."

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I have a lot of dislikes but no likes in particular. And I don't feel like summing up my ambition as just a dream but I do have an ambition. The ambition to restore my clan and without fail kill a certain man."

And everyone is left there staring at the Uchiha.

'freaking emo.'

'He doesn't mean me, does he?'

'I knew it.'

"Good! The three of you are very distinctive and interesting! We'll have a mission tomorrow!"

"Yes, sir! what kind of mission."

"A survival exercise."

'Yep just like in the show.'

"Survival exercise? Why are we doing more training I thought it was a mission?"

"This isn't normal training."

"Then what type of training is it."

"hehe if I tell you I know you'll grow disenchanted."


"Of the 27 graduates, only nine will be recognized as Genin Ninjas and the other 18 will be sent back to the academy. In other words, this exercise is an extremely difficult test with a failure rate of 66% or higher."

I remain unfazed and Sasuke stays gloomy but naruto gets a look of shock on his face.

"See you got disenchanted."

"That's crazy! To have suffered so much! Then what was the graduation test for?"

"Oh that, it was just to select those who have potential of becoming Genin."


"Well, that's the way it is. I'll be determining if you pass or fail. bring your complete set of Ninja tools. We meet at five in the morning."

'Really five in the morning.'

"Okay, you're dismissed. Oh, and you should skip breakfast or you'll throw up."

Kakashi then disappears and I get up and leave.

'Hmm, I know the breakfast part is a lie. This test should be easy, I already know we just have to show off teamwork to pass.'

I then head home and prepare for the test tomorrow.

Next day

I woke up at 6 am got dressed and ate breakfast and headed out to the training ground.

'I know Kakashi will be late so there is no point in waking up so early.'

Once I get there I see a very tired naruto and a normal looking Sasuke.

"Good morning."

"There you are Amaya-chan. Your late you were supposed to be here at 5."

"So it doesn't matter sensei isn't here yet anyway."

I then sit down and pull out a book I brought because I knew we would be here a while. nd eventually he appears and I look up from my book.

"Hi, Folks. Good Morning."

And naruto jumps up in rage.

"Your late!!!'

"Well, a black cat crossed my path you see."

But Naruto doesn't buy his excuse and glares at him. And Kakashi walks over two a timer.

"Okay, it's set for 12:00! Today's assignment is to take these bells away from me by noon. Those who can't won't get lunch. And they will be tied to the log and I will eat right in front of you."

"But there are only two bells."

"There are only two so at the very least, one of you will have to go the logs. That person will be disqualified for failing the mission and will be sent back to the academy. It might be one person at the very least but it could be all of you. You can use any means to get the bell and fight as if you want to kill me. Ok, when I give the signal you can start."

"Ok guys let's attack him together."

'Since I know the way to pass is teamwork I just have to get these two to work with me.'

But sadly I am ignored and naruto is already charging at Kakashi with a kunai in hand.

'No that idiot.'

But he gets stopped easily by kakashi.

"Don't be so hasty, I haven't said start yet. But that's fine at least you came at me with the intent to kill."

I pull out my sword ready to fight.

'Ok now I just need them to work together with me.'

"Ok now ready, Start."

"Naruto, Sasuke let's make a plan to attack."

But I am ignored again and Naruto and Sasuke runoff.

'Morons they are only thinking about getting the bells for themselves.'

And I then decide to hide in a tree and wait.

'Hmm, the blonde seems to attack before thinking, The Uchiha is staying quiet and Amaya is trying to form a plan with them. Maybe if Amaya can get them to work together they will pass.'

naruto is the first to act and charges Kakashi.

'I will let him get beat up a little and hopefully, he realizes we need to work together and if everything fails we can just do the stupid sharing food thing in the end.'

And then Kakashi pulls out an orange book.

'uhh, he has to read porn now of all times.'

And Naruto continues his charge and tries to hit Kakashi but he blocks all of the hits and appears behind naruto.

"Leaf Village Secret Ultimate Taijutsu!"

And Kakashi slams his fingers into Naruto's bottom and sends him flying through the air into a lake.

"One Thousand Years of Death!"

'Maybe now Naruto will realize we have to work together.'

Suddenly two shurikens come flying out of the lake naruto fell in and go towards Kakashi but Kakashi ends up catching them on his finger. And naruto comes crawling out of the water. And then a bunch of naruto comes flying out of the water and charge at Kakashi.

'Shadow clones.'

But then a naruto grabs Kakashi from behind and holds him still. And the rest of the naruto's grab him while one prepares a punch.

But instead of hitting Kakashi, he hits one of the naruto's. And all the naruto's start to argue. And eventually, the clones disappear leaving a beat-up naruto standing there.

'What an idiot.'

Naruto then sees a bell on the ground by a tree and goes over to it.

'And now he is about to fall for a trap.'

And when he goes to grab it a rope grabs his ankle and lifts him up leaving him dangling there upside down.

"I should strike now and get him away from naruto so I could get naruto to stop being an idiot and to make a plan with me.'

I open up my pouch and grab three kunai and throw them at Kakashi and I see some kunai and shuriken coming from another direction also.

'Oh is Sasuke also attacking?'

And then all of the kunai and shuriken hit Kakashi but then a log appears in Kakashi's place.

'Dammit, he substituted again. I hope that got him away from Naruto.'

I jump out of my tree and sneak my way towards where naruto is.

'It looks like he is going after Sasuke.'

Once I get to naruto I look up at him.

"You want help down?"

"of course I do do you think I like hanging here."

I then grab a shuriken and throw it at the rope, cutting it and making naruto fall on his head.

"Owwww! Couldn't you have let me down slowly?"

"Forget about that, Now let's work together to get the bells."

"What no, I don't need your help. I can do it by myself because I will become the Hokage!"

He then quickly runs off.

'You have got to be kidding. I save him and he runs off and says he doesn't want to work together. I guess we will have to do the food thing. '

'Unless Sasuke wants to work together but he probably won't.'

I then run off in search of Kakashi. And when I find him he is standing there reading his book and I jump down in front of him.

'Crap did he get Sasuke?'

"Hello Amaya-chan."

I grab some kunai and throw them at him but he easily dodges.

'Hmm earlier she was trying to make a plan with the other two which would then make them pass but it seems they ignored her and she gave up on them.'

'Might as well fight if the others don't want to work with me.'

I do the hand signs Dragon, Tiger, Hare

'Water style: Raging waves Jutsu.'

A strong stream of water comes flying out of my mouth and goes towards Kakashi but he jumps out of the way and the waves hit a small nearby tree knocking it down.

"Gonna have to do better than that Amaya-Chan>"

'If I want to get a bell I have to get closer. I wish he would stop readi- wait I know what to do.'

I then charge at him and pull out my sword but instead of swinging it at him, I aim for the book and Kakashi notices as my sword is one inch away from cutting the book in half he quickly turns to protect it leaving the bells wide open and I reach out to grab one.

'Dammit she is about to grab one, I shouldn't underestimate her.'

And the moment my pointer finger touches one of the bells Kakashi disappears leaving a log.

'Dammit, he substituted. I was about to get one.'

he then reappears two feet behind me.

"Close but not close enough."

I put my sword away and turn around and throw three shurikens at Kakashi and then I quickly put do another Jutsu.

'Earth style: Earth column spears.'

And while Kakashi is in the middle of dodging the shuriken three spikes made out of rick come out of the ground at his feet.

'From the ground.'

And Kakashi gets out a kunai and blocks the shuriken and manages to jump out of the way of the rock spikes.

But after he dodges the spikes he goes underground.

'What the.'

and I suddenly feel something grabbing my legs and I get pulled underground leaving only my head outside.

I look up and see a man staring down at me.

"Sorry, Amaya-chan but I got a blond to catch."

he then disappears and I look around and see another head sticking out of the ground 20 feet away.

'Dammit I was caught and so was Sasuke.'

We then stare at each other for a second and start to dig out and by the time we get out a bell can be heard from a little distance away.

'Dammit the times up, I guess I use plan B.'

And we go and meet up with a Naruto who is tied down to the log and Sasuke and I each have a bento box in front of us.

"by the way guys about this exercise, there is no need for you to go back to the academy."

Naruto and Sasuke then get a confused look on their faces but their faces quickly change to happiness.

"Then, then! That means the three of us..."

"Are getting dropped from the program."

Naruto and Sasuke's face go back to a look of confusion.

"Dropped from the program? do you mean we have to quit being Ninja? We may have not gotten the bells but why do we have to quit?!"

"Because you are all squirts who don't have the qualifications to become Ninja."

Sasuke then charges at Kakashi ready to attack him when Kakashi stops him and pins him to the ground.

'I am saying you're squirts. Do you think being a Ninja is easy? Huh? Why do you think you do this exercise in teams?

"what do you mean?"

"Put simply, it's as if you guys have no understanding of the answer to this test."


"yes. the answer that determines passing or failing this test."

Naruto just sits there confused.

'Wow, these two really can't guess teamwork.'

"man, are you guys are brainless or what? Don't you get the meaning of a three-man squad? "

"Jeez! What about three people to a squad?!"

" teamwork!"

"Like working together?"

"Exactly. But it's too late even if you realize that now. You might've been able to get the bells if you listened to Amaya-chan when she said that you should work together and make a plan but you two ignored her causing you all to fail. But I changed my mind and I will give you one more chance to get the bell. But it will be a much harsher battle to take the bell. Those who want to take the test can eat lunch but don't give Naruto any."


"It's punishment for breaking the rules and attempting to eat by yourself. If someone lets him eat that person will be disqualified right then and there. I make the rules here, got it?!"

Kakashi then walks away leaving Just me, Sasuke, and Naruto alone.

'Now time for plan B, give naruto food.'

"I'm okay with not eating lunch! No sweat at all!"

His stomach then growls again and shut him up.

And I look up at the sad Naruto and Sasuke and I both have the idea to give him food and we both offer up our bento Box.


We then look at each other for a second and then back at naruto.

"What? Are you guys sure? What about Kakashi sensei?"

"It's fine. There is no sign of him right now and I don't want you to become a burden to us."


I pick up some food with my chopsticks and offer it to naruto and he eats it when suddenly a puff of smoke appears in front of us.

'Please work, Please work.'

"you three!!! defied the rules so that means you know what's coming."

Kakashi then does some hand signs and a storm starts.

'So dramatic, can he just say we passed already.'

"do you three have something to say?"



"But! But you said that."

"We're a three-man squad right?"

"That's right, that's right, that's right."

"The three of you are one, eh... You Pass!"

'Finally, he is done,'


"You pass."


"You guys are the first. Up until now, it was always just dunces who would meekly listen to what I said. A ninja must see through deception. In the Ninja world, those who break rules and codes are branded as garbage but those who don't cherish their friends are garbage worse than that.

We all then start to get excited that we finally passed.

"That's it for the exercise, everyone passes! team seven starts their missions tomorrow."

"Yes, sir!"

"I did it! I'm a Ninja!'

"Let's go home."

We then walk away leaving a yelling naruto.